Chapter 13

end of June.

"The Unknown" completed all the scenes, only two or three sets of aerial shots, and a scene that Fang Ziheng and Song Yi needed to make up.

The production crew was divided into two. Wen Muye took the prop team and rented a few heaters to take advantage of the sunny and sunny weather to find the location of the pilot.

Fang Ziheng brought another group of people to a clean and elegant suburb with a beautiful environment outside Yudu City.

This part did not exist in the original play, but Fang Ziheng added it on purpose.

The purpose is to plump up the line between Gao Xiang and Ma Yiyi, increase the scenes of the two appearing on stage, and pave the way for their good relationship.

In the original plot, Gao Xiang's character calls for help in order to save his father. There is a cause and effect, and there is no problem.

But he didn't rush out to help Ma Yiyi, so he seemed to be nosy.

Why are you!

Therefore, Fang Ziheng deliberately increased the interaction and camera shots between the two, so that Gao Xiang stood up for Ma Yiyi with reason.

In the new script, Gao Xiang and Ma Yiyi are childhood sweethearts. The two have played together since they were young, and they usually go out for outings together.

Usually Gao Xiang is with Ma Yiyi, because of Ma Yiyi's family, she is often bored and in a bad mood.

There is no program for middle school students to relax, and it is just right to go out for an outing.

The outing was in the suburbs of Yudu City, and this was the place the two of them accidentally found after taking the wrong bus.

After coming and going, the suburbs became a place for the two to relax.

However, if the relationship between the two is good, it is good, but they have not broken through the relationship between men and women, which belongs to the state of not being full of lovers.

In the hearts of the two, they both have a good impression of each other, they encourage each other, agree to study hard, and get admitted to the same university.

The soul of "The Unknown Man" is Ma Yiyi's father, Ma Xianyong,
In one, the main job of the students is to study, fall in love and so on, and they are talking about it when they are older.

On the outskirts of Yudu.

Fang Ziheng and Song Yi were shivering in the cold wind wearing summer school uniforms and a coat.

The little girl's face turned pale, probably from the cold.

Fang Ziheng beckoned someone to bring a thermos: "Hurry up and drink some hot ginger soup, it will be fine after a while."


The little girl took the thermos, unscrewed the lid and took a sip.

The shooting equipment is not ready yet, Fang Ziheng has nothing to say: "After filming, do you return to the emperor or stay and play for two days."

"Go back to the imperial capital first, there is still a lot of homework left in school."

Song Yi sipped hot ginger soup, frowned and said, she received a call from her classmates a few days ago, saying that they were starting to prepare homework at the end of the semester, and asked her when she would go back.

"What about you, what are you going to do when you go back?"

"Go back and rest for two days, and I'm still busy with post-editing."

Fang Ziheng smiled lightly, and didn't care if the little girl changed her name.

The little girl used to call him Dao Fang and director, but one day she suddenly changed her address and called you and me.

He didn't know why, but he could only worry about the familiarity between the two sides and the closer distance.

"When I return to God, I will come and play with you when I have time."

"Well, come and call me, and I'll take you to eat delicious food."

Song Yi hummed lightly, and looked at Fang Ziheng with a sweet smile.

When it comes to food, the little girl is in high spirits.

"Director, get ready!"

Just when the eyes of the two met and their eyes were shining, the crew members waved their hands in this direction, destroying the friendly atmosphere completely with a loud voice.

"Know it!"

"Start work!"

"If we can't finish filming today, no one is allowed to go back!"

Fang Zi rolled his eyes angrily, and stared hard at the unobtrusive staff member.

Song Yi pursed her lips and laughed, her clear eyes showed a trace of teasing, it was the first time that Fang Ziheng had such a humorous side.

"Everyone is in your place!"

"Scene [-], the first time in the seventh scene!"


The scene is played on the board, and the camera lens is close.

Fang Ziheng and Song Yi took off their coats and walked side by side on a dirt road facing the sun.

On both sides of the dirt road are green trees, green mountains and green waters, singing birds and fragrant flowers.

In the distance, high-rise buildings stand between the sky and the earth, like dreams and illusions.

Farther away, the rising and falling mountains are connected together, like a long dragon, trying to break free from the shackles of the earth, flying across the sky.

The camera moves from far to near, and two tiny figures appear in the camera.

Fang Ziheng put his hands in his trouser pockets, looked ahead, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing confidence.

Song Yi strolled on the dirt road, opening her hands to feel the beauty of nature for a while, kicking the stones under her feet for a while, relaxing with all her body and mind, letting go of her worries about her family and dissatisfaction with her father.

The two stopped and walked, talking about happy topics.

Suddenly, Fang Ziheng pointed to the front, and in the camera, there was a small high slope 200 meters ahead.

"Yiyi, didn't you say that you have good sports performance and are a good runner?"

"Today, let's compete to see who will get to that hillside first."

"Okay, the loser treats the guest to eat skewers!"

Song Yi smiled and agreed, kicking her legs and swinging her arms, eager to try.

Under the camera, the two were getting ready to start, and Ma Yiyi took advantage of Gao Xiang's inattention to suddenly attack him, grabbed him by the neck, and quickly put him to the ground.


With a loud cry, she swung her long legs and rushed forward cheerfully.

"Oh, Ma Yiyi, how dare you play tricks"

"Wait for me, don't let me catch you!"

Fang Ziheng stared blankly, got up from the ground cursingly, and slapped the dust on his body while chasing after the beautiful figure in front of him.

The two young figures ran further and further away, and the girl's laughter came from afar.

The girl's laughter is youthful and lively, cute and moving, carefree.

There are a total of three episodes in such an interactive plot, and the time is not long, each episode is 2 to [-] minutes.

There are two memories of Gao Xiang, recalling scenes of him playing with Ma Yiyi.

This scene is connected with Ma Yiyi being in a bad mood after being beaten by his father at school, and the two met to go to the suburbs to relax.

The role is not difficult, just pass it twice!

After filming this segment, all the scenes were completed, and we just waited for Wen Muye's aerial photography to be done.

In this era, aerial photography still has certain difficulties.

The best way, of course, is to use a drone to carry a camera to shoot, but drones are expensive, and low-cost crews seldom hire them.

Most small crews use hot air balloons, and ask professionals to carry the machine and fly to high altitudes to shoot shots.

After receiving a call from Wen Muye, Fang Ziheng ran to the front of the monitor, picked up the small speaker and yelled loudly into the blue sky: "I announce that "The Unknown" is finished!"

"'s done!"

"Ha ha."

"Finally finished!"

All the crew members jumped up and down, followed suit, put their hands around their mouths in the shape of a trumpet, and shouted loudly towards the sky that it was over.

The little girl was a little embarrassed at first, but when she saw everyone like this, she also ran to a few female staff members and joined the shouting army.

"Let's pack up and go back to the hotel!"

"At night, we won't go home until we're drunk!"

"Don't get drunk, don't go home."

"Long live the director!"

At night, in the hotel lobby.

Fang Ziheng was wearing a neat suit, holding a glass of wine, and said excitedly to the crew: "Fang is making a film for the first time, thank you for your love and help, this glass of wine, I will do it first, thank you everyone!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Ziheng raised his head and drank the two taels of white wine in the cup in one gulp.

"Director Fang is being polite. We should thank you. You gave us the chance to get together."

"Yes, Director Fang, this is you!"

"Director Fang, we love you, you will definitely become a famous director!"

Several staff gave thumbs up excitedly, praising Fang Ziheng's performance in the past two months.

Not to be outdone, the leading actors raised their wine glasses to pay tribute to Fang Ziheng.

In the past two months, Fang Ziheng, who was young and just graduated from university, brought them too many surprises and admiration.

Script editing, director directing, photography control, role interpretation, everything is perfectly reflected in Fang Ziheng.

Professional, talented and young, he is simply a rising star in Chinese movies.

Everyone is not a fool. After ignoring the initial doubts and filters, Fang Ziheng's performance won the respect of all colleagues in the crew.

Even, several executive directors and film crews secretly contacted the producer Lin Feifei to inquire about the situation of Hengyu Media, and wanted to take advantage of the familiar Dongfeng to join in.

Just like in the previous life, Ning Hao's "Crazy Stone" turned out to be a leading young director.

Xu Zheng's "People on the Journey" soared into the sky and went higher and higher out of control.

In this life, many people in the crew have participated in these two movies.

"Crazy Stone" is a success, and "On the Journey" is about to be released, and everyone is optimistic about it.

The "Nobody" led by Fang Ziheng also made everyone in the crew look forward to it.

This movie is expected to be a hit!
Fang Ziheng is younger than Ning Hao and more talented than Xu Zheng.

Although they belong to the behind-the-scenes team, as long as the movie is successful, they have a share of the credit, and they are proud of it.

In the hotel lobby, there were five tables full of people.

The big guys were in high spirits, smiling all over their faces, chatting about interesting things that happened on the set.

After drinking for three rounds, someone came to toast, Fang Ziheng would not refuse anyone who came, and everyone who came would chat for a few words and lightly clink glasses.

But he kept an eye out for it. Except for the first glass of two taels of white wine, it was replaced with beer afterwards.

Others saw it as if they didn't notice it. After all, he was a director and had certain privileges at the wine table.

"Director Fang Fang, I offer you a toast!"

Song Yi was full, imitating others who came over with a glass of red wine, and clinked glasses with him with a blushing pretty face.

"Forget about this cup, let's drink together, don't follow suit in the future."

Fang Ziheng asked her to sit down, picked up the wine glass and drank it down, and whispered: "Little girl, please eat honestly and drink less wine."

"I know, this is my second drink tonight!" The little girl snorted softly, annoyed at his carelessness.

Except for everyone toasting together at the banquet just now, she didn't drink much, and she came to toast because she really wanted to congratulate Fang Ziheng.

The little girl could hear Fang Ziheng's concern for her, and knew that he was thinking of herself.

The crew is so complicated, maybe there is a bastard with bad intentions, a young and beautiful girl, it's really dangerous to drink too much.

Song Yi has heard many things in school, and she is not stupid and innocent.

The beautiful eyes moved slightly, and the little girl's eyes fell on Fang Ziheng's calm and composed face.

He is quite handsome!
Song Yifang's heart trembled, and she quickly brought the red wine glass to her lips to cover up her restlessness.

(End of this chapter)

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