Chapter 72
The next day, the crew moved to a residential building.

There are three scenes to be filmed today, one where Baoqiang and Qin Feng search for clues and come to Siqi and Sinuo's house.

When Qin Feng came alone, Siqi cooked a bowl of noodles for her, and then met 'adoptive father Li'.

In the last scene, Siqi takes sleeping pills, Sinuo cries for help, Baoqiang and Qin Feng arrive in time, and Qin Feng carries his sister Siqi downstairs.

The three scenes are not long, and the main purpose of the play is to explain clearly the reason for the murder in Songpa Workshop.

Outside the set, Fang Ziheng and Baoqiang are putting on makeup.

Two sisters, Liu Qianqian and Zhang Zifeng, one changed into a high school uniform, and the other wore a primary school uniform.

After the young lady put on the school uniform, she seemed to be a different person in an instant, becoming a beautiful school belle.

The upper part of her body is a sleeveless white shirt, the neckline is tightly closed, and the chest is propped up, almost the size of a palm.

Underneath it is a light blue knee-length skirt, with long hair reaching to the waist, a tall figure, a pair of long white legs like two jade pillars, standing straight and round on the ground, full of youthful and moving breath.

Fang Ziheng glanced at it twice, and secretly thought that the girl was taller, so she was really attractive.

The young lady is 1.7 meters tall, so she is suitable for acting with anyone. When meeting an actor who is 1.8 meters tall, she should step on a pair of high heels that are [-] to [-] centimeters.

If you meet a short actor, even the high heels are saved, and a pair of flat shoes can be done directly.

After changing into her school uniform, Liu Qianqian wandered around the set for two times. Seeing that it was not done yet, she walked over briskly and said with a smile, "Director, I heard we're finishing filming soon?"

"It's almost time. After filming today's scenes, there is one more big scene and three small scenes."

The big drama is chasing the scene, and it is also the finale.

Three small scenes, one confessing that Siqi is a replacement member of the Q organization, and the scene of uncovering the mask.

The other two scenes are suspenseful introductions, and the prelude to the second part is not strictly speaking the plot of the first part.

Fang Ziheng looked at the young lady up and down, and finally his eyes fell on her waist, and said: "Qiqian, I heard that you want to change your style and try to follow the route of urban young women?"

"Well, there are too few costume dramas on the market now, and if there are scripts, they are still bad movies. I don't want to act."

Liu Qianqian found a stool and sat sideways, avoiding Fang Ziheng's gaze.

She didn't know that turning sideways could better show her figure.

The corner of Fang Ziheng's mouth turned up, and without breaking Miss Sister's mind, he smiled lightly: "Would you like me to give you some advice? I'm a director with a good eye."

"Okay, any suggestions?"

Liu Qianqian waved her small hand, and said quite proudly that she also wanted to hear the director's opinion.

Especially Fang Ziheng in front of her, who is about the same age as her, should have more constructive opinions.

Fang Ziheng pondered for two seconds, met the young lady's curious eyes, and said, "Since you want to follow the route of urban women, you have to do a good job in body management."

"Body management?"

Girl, I'm tall and handsome, and I don't look fat at all. What kind of figure do I manage!
The young lady blinked her eyes, and then her heart moved, and she stared at Fang Ziheng fiercely.

The eyes are straight, like sharp knives.

Could this person be fooling her!

It's such a small look again, I don't know who I learned it from.

Fang Ziheng waved his hand in front of her eyes, and said angrily, "Body management doesn't just refer to gaining weight."

"Then what else?"

"That's too much!"

"You often practice dancing, let me ask you, do you know what is vest line, 4A paper waist, collarbone raising small fish?"

With a faint smile on Fang Ziheng's face, he quickly stated the three major standards for verifying the good figure of a woman on the Internet in later generations.

"I know the vest line, I have it!"

Liu Qianqian patted her flat belly to show that she didn't like talking, and then asked: "Director Fang, what new term is the 4A paper you are talking about with a small waist, and small fish raised on the collarbone? Do you use 4A paper on the waist for comparison? ?”

As she said that, she swiped her hands and compared the width of a 4A paper, which was right with her thin waist.

Not to mention, with this gesture, the approximate waist circumference of the young lady was measured in an instant, and it looked really not as wide as a 4A paper.

"That's about it."

Fang Ziheng suppressed a smile and nodded, his eyes moved up to the young lady's chest, and said: "In addition to the three points just mentioned, there are two other essential standards for urban female youths."

"Which two points, what standard?"

"It's boobs"

Just as Fang Ziheng was about to speak, he was suddenly interrupted by the makeup artist behind him.

"Director Fang, the makeup is done!"

The make-up artist patted him on the shoulder, and there was a bit of humor in her words, obviously seeing that he was fooling Miss Sister.

"Cough cough..."

"Sissy, film the movie first, and I'll explain it to you later."

Fang Ziheng was not annoyed that the girl was exposed, he got up and patted his butt, and walked slowly towards the stairs.

According to the plot, he and Baoqiang will first appear in the coffee shop opposite the residential building, and then go upstairs and knock on the door.

Liu Qianqian pinched her waist with both hands, and stared at Fang Ziheng's back without anger.

She has keen ears and just heard a word.

chest what?
In just a moment, she understood.

What Fang Ziheng didn't finish was talking about her small breasts.

How dare you say that this girl has small breasts!
It's true that my uncle can bear it, but my aunt can't bear it either.

Girls care about face the most, big, medium and small breasts are more about dignity.

This guy definitely did it on purpose, and made suggestions in a roundabout way, with the purpose of hurting her figure and her small breasts.

The young lady gritted her silver teeth and recalled the chat just now, her fair cheeks were puffed up and closed, and the steamed bun face appeared, which was extraordinarily attractive.

"Every group is ready!"

"Everyone is in your place!"

"Number 60, seven games, one first take, let's start!"

The loudspeaker sounded, and the noisy studio fell silent.

Fang Ziheng and Bao Qiang put on the costumes of the Tang detective duo, came out of the coffee shop, and walked quickly to the residential building across the street.

dong dong dong.
The wooden boards were opened, and Si Nuo's young body appeared in the mirror, revealing a small pancake face.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Look for"

Qin Feng looked friendly, stuttering and searching.

Tang Ren couldn't stand it anymore, pushed him away, and smiled with his golden teeth showing: "Little sister, are you at home alone?"

"And my sister."

"Your sister?"

Qin Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then said happily: "Little sister, can you ask your sister to come out?"

"Okay, wait a minute."

Snow nodded, and closed the door with a 'bang'.

At the end of the scene, Qin Feng and Tang Ren looked at each other, thinking that the case had found a new direction.

Si Nuo's sister should be able to provide them with some clues.


"Okay, good, change to another group!"

Wen Muye yelled to stop in time, and took the walkie-talkie to let the people in the room get ready.

This part of the scene before entering the door was not difficult. The crew worked together for more than two months, and Fang Ziheng and Bao Qiang cooperated quite tacitly.

There was no pause, and the filming continued quickly.

Si Nuo opened the door again and invited Qin Feng and Tang Ren into the room.


Siqi, played by Liu Qianqian, came out of the bedroom, dressed in a high school uniform, pure and beautiful, with a refined charm, which instantly blurred the eyes of the Tang Tan duo.

Qin Feng took a step forward, then stammered again: "You... hello, my name is Qin Feng, and his name is Tang."

Tang Ren gave him a disgusted look, and secretly scolded him for stuttering when he saw a beautiful girl.

He took a step sideways, followed the camera and stood in front of the TV cabinet, licking his face and smiling, "Hello, Miss, are the elders in your family at home?"

Tang Ren asked this on purpose. Sinuo had already said before that there were only her and her sister at home.

In terms of cunning, Tang Ren beat Qin Feng by a large margin.

Qin Feng was silent, breathing lightly, observing Siqi carefully.

This tall and slender sister was cold and indifferent, her eyes were calm, and she didn't seem to be surprised or worried about him and Tang Ren's arrival.

"You two, please take a seat."

Siqi pointed at the two small horses on the floor, and said in a calm tone: "My father has gone to work and will be back very late. What's the matter?"

When dealing with strangers with Chinese faces, Siqi did not show any affinity, but instead showed a three-point alienation and vigilance.

Siqi is not her younger sister, Sinuo, she is a second grade student in high school, she is 16 years old this year.

The environment in southern Tainan is not safe. She and her younger sister are at home alone, so it is normal to maintain due vigilance.

On the contrary, it was the younger sister, Sinuo, who showed her naive side at this time. She was talented and intelligent, and she knew what to do when she saw her sister's expression.

Sinuo walked to the side, poured two glasses of water, handed them to Qin Feng and Tang Ren obediently, squinted his eyes and asked crisply: "My name is Sinuo, this is my sister Siqi, what do you call it?"

"Hi sister Sinuo, my name is Tang Ren, and this is my cousin Qin Feng!"

Tang Ren took the water glass, gulped it down in one gulp, and said with a full belch.

Two sisters, one sings bad face and the other sings red face.

As soon as the Tang detective duo entered the house, they were taken advantage of by them.

(End of this chapter)

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