
Chapter 107 Wu Daoling and the Crazy Monster Beast Clan

Chapter 107 Wudaoling and the Crazy Monster Beast Clan
Continue to expand the territory, continue the ruthless killing like a storm, the thick smell of blood surrounds me, the screams rise and fall like waves, I dance with the violent sword energy from time to time, and the rows of big trees are neatly shaken by the sword energy. Cut off, only the bare trunk remained, and the fallen tree pressed on the corpses of the monster beasts.

As our merciless slaying of monsters and beasts covered the fallen trees again, even though our soldiers fell at any time, this is the momentum of killing!

I finally saw the near-desperate fear of the monsters and beasts. At the same time, more and more monsters and beasts gathered. This is desperate despair!
The five thousand soldiers finally boarded the four leaders, many soldiers fell down, and many soldiers tried their best to make up for it. The wailing sound resounded throughout the left side of the four leaders. At this time, most of the monsters and beasts went to the left move closer.

Seeing that the time had come and the right side was empty, Haizhu issued an order to climb to the top. Our soldiers rushed up to the right side like a wave. Although they resisted tenaciously, they were completely submerged by our side. It didn't take long for the right side to be covered by our army. Seize the favorable terrain and start moving to the middle to compete for the terrain.

Seeing that it was wrong, the army of monsters and beasts quickly moved closer to the right. The pressure on the left side was not reduced due to the influx of too many monsters and beasts. My body was already covered with the blood of monsters and beasts, or my own blood. The whole body was red, and the monsters and beasts kept pressing us in piles. After half an hour, only half of the [-] soldiers on the left could fight.

Seeing the huge pressure on the left side, Hai Zhu dispatched additional reinforcements to replenish quickly, and pretended to attack the mountain from the middle.It has to be said that Hai Zhu commanded quite well. Seeing that the middle road was about to be broken through, it attracted a large part of the monster beast army to gather in the middle road.

The monsters and beasts dispatched forces to resist, and the situation between the enemy and us changed in an instant, and I only needed this moment. At this time, the pressure on the left side dropped sharply. With the addition of reinforcements, the monsters and beasts began to flee, and the left side gradually Advance the battle line to the middle of Sidaoling, and squeeze the right side to the middle at the same time, forming a pincer attack to completely squeeze the monsters and beasts into the middle.

The howling sound continued, ghosts crying and wolves howling, this is the cry of beasts!The monsters and beasts are in a mess!
As time went by, there were signs of a large-scale rout in the middle of the Monster Beast Clan. Many Monster Beast Clans fled towards Wudaoling. The battle lasted for more than three hours. To be in the blood and mud, never to get up again, extremely tragic!
When the four territories were completely occupied, the army of monsters and beasts had already fled to the direction of Wudaoling. I didn't stop, so I led the soldiers to take advantage of the victory and pursue them. The defenders of Wudaoling saw the flood of human troops attacking, and they didn't dare to fight. , a little resistance and then scattered and fled, Wudaoling was quickly occupied by our army.

In this battle, we paid the price of more than 7000 casualties. When the monsters and beasts were squeezed into the middle, the casualties were extremely heavy. More than 1 corpses lay on the ground, and many escaped with injuries.

Wudaoling quickly built a deer village. Wudaoling is extremely wide and flat, which is very suitable for camping.

The closer to the Dao Pass, the crazier the Monster Beast Clan will be. After this battle, the soldiers are quite exhausted. Hai Zhu saw it, so why not himself? After discussing with me, he immediately ordered all the departments to rest. The soldiers who participated in the battle were in charge of guarding, and it was already evening.

Hai Zhu looked towards Liudao Ridge and frowned, "Shan Lang, there may be another fierce battle tonight!"

For an old fritter like me who has fought countless times, I don't care too much. I smiled and said to Hai Zhu, "Soldiers come to set the beasts on fire! Just be prepared! Minimize the casualties!"

The meeting is always the key to solving the problem. After exchanging opinions with the generals and reaching a consensus, the ministries ordered to cut down the big trees within [-] meters in front of the formation, move them forward as much as possible and erect the trunks horizontally to form a barrier, and lay thick branches within [-] meters in front of the formation. And pour oil on fire.At the same time, dig trenches and bury fire oil in front of the formation and in the distance, so that the entire front of the formation forms an inverted concave shape!

Respond to the enemy with fire!

Most of the soldiers have already entered a state of deep sleep, and the monsters and beasts will definitely attack after midnight, but we don't know that there are more than [-] soldiers on our side who did not participate in the battle during the day, or did not catch up with the battle, and with the previous According to the arrangement, Haizhu and I can sleep peacefully first.

After passing Qidaoling is Daoguan City, how could the Monster Beast Clan not pay attention to it?What should come will come, and it will be tonight.

The monsters and beasts also cooperated. At midnight, there was movement. The signal came from the secret whistle, and Hai Zhu and I hurriedly got up.

According to the information, the monsters and beasts are coming from the direction of Liudaoling in mighty force. Our army is not in a panic, and has done everything that needs to be done, just waiting to enter the pit.

The monsters and beasts never expected that although our troops had rested, there were more than 2 soldiers waiting for the incoming enemy in high spirits.

The night was like dead silence, and the time passed by every minute and every second. Finally, a horn pierced through the silence.

The dense army of monsters and beasts rushed over from Liudao Ridge and the left and right sides.

I saw that the army of the monsters and beasts in the fire oil array was basically saturated, so I ordered the catapult to ignite the fire oil that had been buried far away. , desperately trying to escape.

The army of monsters and beasts in the formation was quickly submerged in the fire, and they were in a dilemma. Even if they rushed to the front of the formation, they were assassinated by our spearmen.

The fire did not affect the surrounding woods, because there was a long enough distance, countless people were burned and burned to death, and the archers attacked from a long distance. The army of monsters and beasts gathered outside the fire field, so there was no need to aim, as long as the range was enough, Also suffered heavy losses.

Realizing that they were caught in the trap, the monster beast clan retreated in an orderly manner.It seems that they are bound to win.

Two hours later, the fire gradually extinguished.

The soldiers who fought during the day have also awakened. At this time, all our troops have entered the position, waiting for the enemy's second attack. The crazier the monsters' attacks, the more confident the monsters' army is about future battles.Judging from the current fighting situation, the Monster Beast Clan will do their best to stop us from advancing.

The smell of hair and charred corpses was everywhere in front of the battle, and the smell of charred, the open flames were no longer there, and the monster beast clan launched a second attack.

Our [-] soldiers are ready to fight!

The army of monsters and beasts stepped on the unburned coals and launched a strong attack. Arrows from both sides rained down like rain. Our side had long been prepared with long shields to protect the body. The outskirts of Luzhai just came in.

Facing the crazy attack of the monster army, the soldiers of our army were full of fighting spirit and shouted loudly instantly. Tens of thousands of soldiers built the Great Wall with swords and guns in an orderly manner.

Fight to the death against the monsters and beasts!It's really amazing, the first 200 meters of our barracks are full of corpses of monsters and beasts!We also have losses.

The battle lasted for three full hours. Although facing the enemy's frenzied attack, the morale of our soldiers was unprecedentedly high. This is the confidence and killing spirit brought by the winning streak.

The enemy troops may have been strictly ordered to rush forward one after another, but there is no way to fight. The main general and all the lieutenants died in battle, which is quite heroic!
In this battle, the monster beast army paid the price for its recklessness, and more than [-] corpses lay on the ground.

Although we have casualties!But the wounded soldiers are the main ones, but there are thousands of people!

(End of this chapter)

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