
Chapter 130 Little Battle at Hidden Snow Mountain

Chapter 130 Little Battle at Hidden Snow Mountain

Judging from the time, Haizhu and Lao Changhai should have met and set off!
We plan to go to Xueyin Mountain first, after all, we haven't been here for a long time.

Soon came to the sky above Xueyin Mountain Village. After strengthening the pass of Xueyin Mountain, I thought it should be peaceful and quiet, but I didn't expect that the direction of the pass was full of gunpowder smoke, not good!An ominous premonition struck.

When I came back last time, there was no abnormality. It has only been about ten days, and there is actually a war here.

Three people and three beasts hurriedly flew towards the pass.

The war is drawing to a close, and the scene in front of me shocked me unceasingly.

There were corpses all over the ground, and blood flowed like a river, mixed with human race, monster beast race and ghost race, which was unprecedentedly tragic.

The two clans of ghosts and ghosts are continuously climbing up from the broken city wall, and the gap has already been filled by corpses. From a distance, two familiar figures can be seen leading the human warriors and the villagers of Xueyin Mountain to fill the gap.

right!This is Xiu He Anger

The battle was in a state of turmoil, and several soldiers holding battle flags stood among the corpses. The battle flags hadn't fallen, but they had already lost their lives.

Xiu had already been stabbed in the body several times, his whole body was stained red with blood, blood bubbles appeared in his mouth, and he staggered, obviously unable to hold on.But he didn't give up.

"Xiu!" I quickly rushed over to pick up Xiu, and took advantage of the momentum to force all the monsters in front of me back.

"Quick!" Hu Xian'er and Xiao Qiao anxiously led the three beasts to quickly run towards the gap, and shouted to everyone, "Retreat first!"

When all the soldiers saw us coming, some soldiers who knew us shouted, "It's Marshal Fox and General Qiao, they're back."

Angrily heard the shout, ran over in a hurry, saw me coming, and fell to the ground with a plop, obviously unable to support it anymore.

I handed Xiuhe Ang to the soldiers led by Ang, "Take good care of them."

He rushed to the monsters.

It's bloody again, and today I'm obsessed with chopping in half!With the sound of 嗤嗤嗤嗤 Cang violently slid across the body, there was no life in the place it passed.

The monster beast clan and the ghost clan were mixed together, and they rushed towards me continuously. Seeing that I am so fierce and have a firm gaze, I am not afraid of death.

Not afraid?Then let you die happily.

Ao Zhan followed me and rushed to the middle of the monsters, roaring, using both mouth and feet, all the monsters were either caught by Ao Zhan or bitten to death, as the wailing continued, the place where Ao Zhan and I passed was like mowing grass They all fell down.

Hu Xian'er and Tian Niu joined in, and Ao and I fought in a horizontal line, and the battle line stretched.Form a confrontation with countless monsters and ghosts.

With the sound of a horn in the enemy's rear, or seeing two people and two beasts on our side, all the monsters laughed ferociously, and began to surround us desperately. This effect is what I want. I communicated with the power of the ground, and the power is flowing I kept following in, "Wan Jian Cruelty" roared wildly with me, and the golden light in my body burst out like ten thousand violent swords, and shot straight at the monsters and beasts.

Sword Qi penetrates the body!There is no living body!
With the sound of the horn, the monsters in the front had no fighting spirit anymore, they surrounded them and fell down in a row like straws, and finally saw the terrified eyes of the monsters. The defeat was ultimately due to the fear in their hearts.

To make the fear worse, you must keep killing!Right now!

Xiao Qiao also joined the battle on a shoulder-to-shoulder ride, and I released the phantom of the dragon at the same time, only to see the phantom transformed into a real image, forming an extremely coercive force, circling and roaring above her head.

As if seeing his ancestors, the monster beast clan and the ghost clan retreated one after another, because at this moment we are monsters and ghosts.We are cruel to them.

After a while, all the monsters were frightened, lost their fighting spirit, stopped insisting, and retreated crying, the chaos was a foregone conclusion.

The uninjured soldiers of all the tribes rushed into the rebellious army, and the knives were like hemp. The monsters were killed and injured countless, and they fled across the board and rolled down the mountain.

withdraw troops!

Looking around at the pass and towers built by the villagers with my own hands, looking at the pass with ruins and the corpses of soldiers everywhere, I felt a dull pain in my heart. Our side suffered heavy losses in this battle.

Anger was not seriously injured. After recovering his physical strength, he led the soldiers to surround me. Everyone was sobbing and knelt down.

I didn't expect Xiu and Fu to appear here.Anger is also a general I single-handedly picked up, and he has a lot of affection for me.

Angrily told me that since I sent people to Qiaocheng last time, the new king's watermark has also attached great importance to it. He and Xiu volunteered to lead 1 soldiers to garrison here.Including the previous villagers, those who were looted by the ghost clan, and the human race who defected, there are nearly 5000 people stationed here.

I thought it was impenetrable, but I didn't expect that a few days ago, the monsters and beasts used trebuchets to attack the wall continuously, and with the continuous rainstorm, a section of the wall collapsed.

The monster beast clan started attacking the day before yesterday.This tiny place has changed hands several times, and the soldiers fought desperately to snatch it, and barely managed to hold it, but the army was seriously downsized.

After investigation, after a few days of fighting, the defenders had lost more than half of their losses, and there were only more than [-] people who could still fight.It can be seen how fierce the battle was, but fortunately, we finally held on.

This place was originally a place where one man guards the gate and ten thousand men cannot open it. It seems that my construction is not strong enough, and I can’t help but blame myself. I carefully looked at a few collapsed places, and I have to rush to repair and reinforce them. After the four thousand soldiers rested a little , Started repair work.

Yes, I'm not afraid of thieves stealing, but I'm afraid of thieves thinking about it, and my heart is full of anger. Before I leave Xueyin Village, I have one more thing to do.

The camps of the Beast Clan and Ghost Clan are not far from here, we need to figure out some tricks to completely deter the enemy.The most effective defense is to attack,,, after discussing with Xiao Qiao and Hu Xian'er, in order not to startle the enemy, he and Ao Zhan flew above the enemy's camp in the middle of the night, and I want to behead them!

Judging from the size of the barracks, there are no more than [-] soldiers and horses.The barracks in the middle of the camp are the largest.

Lizheng's ashes to hide in the pot just came in handy, and at the same time, he turned on the energy field induction and sneaked in!
The enemy barracks was basically silent in the midst of snoring, the sound insulation was not good, the snoring sounded one after another, escaped the patrolling sentries, and soon entered the vicinity of the central tent, and could smell the smell of alcohol in the central tent from a distance, noisy and noisy, from time to time The roar sounded, and I was overjoyed. Obviously, this was a group of high-level people.

At the door, there were more than [-] demons and ghosts standing on both sides, their expressions were extremely unnatural, probably because the scolding in the account was too harsh.

After a while, the situation in the big tent became clear, and the high-level meeting was held. I couldn't help laughing, and I rushed over with lightning speed. It has been charged into the account, and you can sweep it with your sword.

As the high-ranking demons and ghosts reacted, half of the monsters fell down. In the middle of the front, there were generals from the ghost clan and the monster beast clan sitting on the left and right. with me.

I had a smile on my face at this time, I accidentally caught so many big fish with one net. Although I didn't like it, Xueyin Mountain was completely saved.

In the panic, all the monsters finally came to their senses and fled one after another. I blocked the exit with the bloody blue storm. How could I give them time to escape? With the rapid flash of blue lightning, there was no more sound in the tent.

Seeing that the master was wiped out, the rolos turned around and ran away, and I didn't chase after them. Those who ran should run as fast as possible, and it was better to make a sound, such as roaring. As expected, all the rolos shouted while running. , The news of the killing of the general and all the high-ranking officers resounded throughout the valley, and the camp was in chaos.

I cut off the heads of the two lords, dragged the heads and walked out, the monsters saw that the lord's head was in my hands, one after another avoided them, some even turned around and ran away.

He thought to himself, these monsters have no leader, and they will all be scattered tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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