
Chapter 48 The Ringtone of Another World

Chapter 48 The Ringtone of Another World
An hour later, Zhizi finished school, and I picked her up outside the door. Zhizi chattered non-stop along the way. Seeing Zhizi's happy face, I let out a long sigh of relief, childhood should be like this!
Seeing me coming back, Zhou Fangyu led the child to play, Chen Tong came over and said, "Langzi, do you know how much you got in today?" I laughed, "You only know the money, how much?"

Chen Tong stretched out three fingers, "[-]?" Chen Tong continued, "That doesn't include the night!"

To be honest, I am still a little excited, Liu Yishao, Master Liu is really good!I put my arms around Chen Tong, "Thank you brother!"

Chen Tong said, "This will give you a sense of accomplishment! The guests are still queuing up at night, but there are fewer guest rooms!" I nodded and said, "In addition to the current house, build another three floors on the homestead, can there be fifteen more rooms? !"

Chen Tong thought for a while, "It's probably too much! How about we have a meeting to discuss it at night?" I nodded and said yes!

It was busy until ten o'clock, and the guests were still singing happily. I invited everyone to have a meeting together. Hu Xian'er suggested that instead of building a house, the part of the homestead should be enlarged directly with the previous expansion model.

Chen Tong also agreed. If it is made into three floors, then according to the current scale, at least twelve rooms can be expanded. Because of the proximity, once the courtyard is opened up, it will become a whole, and the plan will be finalized soon.

Chen Tong had to wait for the last batch of guests to leave, Xiao Xiao insisted on staying with him until the end, I told Chen Tong not to work too hard, would you like me and Xiao Qiao instead?Chen Tong insisted, saying that Xiaoxiao was there, he was very relaxed, and told us to go back quickly, but in the end we didn't insist anymore!

Early in the morning, I found Hu Xian'er and told Teacher Xia Ling about studying the inscription. Hu Xian'er said that it might also be numbers and coordinates, and said that I would study it carefully when Xiao Qiao and I came back.

Hu Xian'er called Xiao Qiao over and explained some things to her, while I waited outside, Chen Tong saw me and said to me, "Langzi! Zhou Fangyu may have to go back to work, do you want to find a front desk manager!"

I said, "Can you keep Zhou Fangyu and set aside the shares? It's work everywhere. You work hard by yourself. You have to have someone to help you!"

So we came to Zhou Fangyu, just when she came out, we chatted about the direction of the "classmate boy", she is still very optimistic about the future, I said I hope she stays, she said that she had considered it before, and the company urged her She went back, and she had no choice.

I told Chen Tong that if the teenagers of my classmates continue to grow, they must be inseparable from a few like-minded people. It is better to stay here and start a business together. She said that she would go back and discuss it with her family.

After a while, Xiao Qiao came downstairs, "Brother Shanlang, pack it up!"

Xiao Qiao and I said goodbye to everyone. Chen Tong sent us to Xicheng Airport. Along the way, Xiao Qiao was very happy and sang folk songs to us. Seeing Xiao Qiao's excited appearance, we couldn't help dancing.

Three hours later, we arrived in Banna. Xiao Qiao brought a lot of things to my grandma. We simply rented a car and drove there. It took three and a half hours to drive to Xiao Qiao’s grandma’s house. It’s not too far from my base. Far.

Xiao Qiao leaned on my shoulder, "Brother Shanlang! It's like a dream!"

I asked why, Xiao Qiao said, "I have parents! I also picked up a husband!"

I laughed, "It's just that I picked up a fairy-like wife! When we come to our house, my mother won't want me anymore!"

Xiao Qiao kissed me on the face, "Who told you to be disobedient! Mommy is always worried!"

I scratched her nose "If I'm obedient, I won't be able to touch you!"

Xiao Qiao pouted, "Yes! That's right! Anyway, no matter where you are, I will follow you from now on!"

I stroked her hair, "Daughter-in-law, I am very happy!"

A few hours later we arrived at the village where Xiao Qiao grew up. The car could drive to the gate, and Lao Li was already waiting there. Xiao Qiao saw grandma from a distance and waved excitedly.

As soon as the car stopped, Xiao Qiao jumped out of the car and hugged grandma, laughing and jumping, grandma couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear. When she saw me coming down, grandma was going to drag us into the house, and Xiao Qiao chattered to grandma. Speaking, I can not understand a word.

Lao Li and I exchanged pleasantries for a while, and took the things prepared by Xiao Qiao from the car. We went into the house. After a while, the village chief and uncle Xiao Qiao also came. She was very warm and simple, and everyone came over to congratulate her, and Xiao Qiao was busy greeting the guests.

I walked around with Lao Li and Uncle Xiao Qiao, the village head, and we haven’t been here for a long time. In fact, they knew about me and Xiao Qiao when we went to Shenzhen City!
They were also mentally prepared, the village chief said to follow the customs of the village, and Lao Li told me, it's time to test you!I know that has to drink non-stop!Lao Li told me to rest assured, and secretly told me that he would make arrangements!

In the next few days, I drank every day. Fortunately, Lao Li was there, and he changed his position. Lao Li got drunk a few times, Xiao Qiao and I were fine, the customs here are like this, the villagers are simple and natural, and it is finally over after a few days!I also let out a long sigh of relief, finally relaxed.

The next morning, the three of us went to the base, and more importantly, we had to help my mother-in-law and Hu Xian'er get some things. We must have been exhausted before changing.

I discussed with Lao Li, whether it is necessary to gradually transform this place into an orchard, and leave a small part of the previous plants. Lao Li thinks it is feasible, and the fruits can be planted quickly, and can also do something for the villagers. I asked Lao Li to implement it quickly. ,money is not a problem!

It was already noon when we arrived at Hu Xian'er's ten miles away, and we finished packing up according to Hu Xian'er's instructions, and then we went back to Moye Cave to help my mother-in-law put away the things.

Looking around at the place where I used to stay, I was deeply touched, sighed, and said to Lao Li, if I have time, I will come here often, don't be a worm!
Lao Li agreed, and when he returned to the base, Lao Li asked me for advice on some of the problems he encountered in cultivation, and I answered them one by one.

We stayed at the base for another day, discussing with Lao Li about changing production. Before leaving, I asked Xiao Qiao to take out a wad of money and hand it to Lao Li for inspection purposes!So we turned back to the stockade and said goodbye to my grandmother and the village head.

When we arrived in Decheng District, we carefully wrapped the things that mother-in-law Hu Xianer wanted and sent them to Xicheng by SF Express!

Since we booked the air ticket for the next day, we came to Gaozhuang for a visit. Gaozhuang was very beautiful at night. Tourists from all over the world flocked in, but it was crowded with people. There were all kinds of goods. Xiao Qiao was very interested in accessories and happily led me to run. come and go.

Unconsciously, we came to the Shwedagon Pagoda. We found a chair and sat down inside. Xiao Qiao snuggled up to my shoulder, playing with the accessories happily, like a child!I watched the Shwedagon Pagoda carefully.

"Brother Shanlang! Listen!" Xiao Qiao said to me.

A very clear ringtone is far away and near, the ringtone is pure and clean, and it can surround my ears. I am surprised where the ringtone comes from. Listening to the ringtone feels like my body and mind can be purified. I put my arms around Xiaoqiao and closed my eyes to listen.

"Benefactor!" Xiao Qiao and I opened our eyes.

The ringing of the bell also stopped suddenly, but I saw a gray-clothed monk standing in front of him, "Almsgiver, did you hear the ringing?" I nodded in agreement.

The monk said, "Do you know that the ringtone is only heard by you two?"

I wondered, "Really?"

The monk nodded and said, "Please see"

As we spoke, we took out the rattle and shook it, but the crowd did not respond, but we heard it very pleasantly. Xiao Qiao and I shouted amazing!

The monk said, "I ring the bell here every day, and finally I get two people who listen to the bell!"

The monk then smiled and said, "This is the ringtone from another world. If you two want to find me in the future! Please find Fayun under the Taxi bodhi tree!"

Say goodbye with a smile on your face!Seeing Xiao Qiao's bewildered face, I kissed her lightly on the face.

She came back to her senses and put her arms around my arm and said quietly, "Shan Lang! Where is the other world?"

(End of this chapter)

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