Chapter 163

In Beijing Imperial Father Regent Palace.

"Now let's talk about the military rations." Dorgon said, "The grain harvest in Liaodong has not been good these years. After the occupation of Beizhi, although some were looted, there were not many."

"Currently, the total amount of public grain for all the banners is more than 90 shi."

"This time the East and West armies attacked at the same time, with a total force of 16."

"Such a large-scale expedition can be described as an unprecedented event since the founding of the Qing Dynasty."

"However, as the number of troops dispatched increases, the consumption of food and grass will also increase sharply. With 16 troops, plus more than [-] livestock such as war horses, mules, donkeys, etc., the daily consumption of people eating horses and chewing is a huge amount."

"Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to expect the Eight Banners public treasury to provide all the food and grass."

After a pause, Dorgon said again: "This king only provides you with 30 shi of military rations and a corresponding amount of fodder, which is probably enough for you to last for half a year."

"If the war is not over for more than half a year,"

"Then the food and grass needed for the follow-up can only be raised by yourself."

[Note: One of the reasons for Yangzhou Ten Days, Jiading Three Massacres, and Qing soldiers Tuchuan was also to raise food]

Hearing Dorgon's words, Duduo, Azige, Tan Tai and other Eight Banners nobles were not only not angry, but happy, because raising food by themselves means they can slaughter and plunder wantonly.

This is the traditional craft of their Eight Banners disciples.

Azige said with a smile: "Don't worry, old fourteen, food and grass are by no means a problem. Just relying on the steel knives and big bows in the hands of our Eight Banners athletes, are we afraid that we won't be able to raise food? It's just a joke."

The rest of the Eight Banners nobles agreed one after another, and the atmosphere was extremely warm.

Obviously, the Eight Banners nobles present are all keen to do this kind of thing.

Dorgon nodded and said, "Then you can go back and prepare."


At this time, I was traveling in Xuzhou.

Du Yinxi had already left, but Jin Xuan didn't follow him this time.

Jiannu was about to go south, and it was impossible for Jin Xuan's three thousand cavalry to go out with Du Yinxi, but had to return to the frontal battlefield to prepare for the battle with Jiannu.

Chongzhen took Jin Xuan back to the hall again.

At the same time, he asked Jin Xuan again: "Jin Qing, the training of the cavalry has not fallen, has it?"

"No." Jin Xuan said, "In the past three months, I have not relaxed the training of the cavalry for a single moment."

After a pause, Jin Xuan said confidently again: "When I first joined the army three months ago, I didn't dare to speak big words, but now I can pat my chest and assure the Holy Majesty that if the same number of cavalry is fighting, no matter it is Jiannu's Eight Banners iron cavalry is still the light cavalry of the Mongolian tribes in Mobei, and the three thousand elite cavalry of the minister are not afraid."

After the Battle of Xiazhen, Jin Xuan selected another [-] veterans.

So now, the cavalry under Jin Xuan's command has returned to the number of [-].

Jin Xuan's three thousand elite cavalry and Hu Guozhu's eight hundred barbarians are both cavalry, and they are the most well-equipped.

After the last victory in Xiazhen, the Ming army captured a large number of horses and armors, so the weapons and equipment of these two cavalry have been greatly strengthened, and they are no longer inferior to Jiannu white armor soldiers.

Among them, Hu Guozhu's [-] barbarians have triple armor per capita, chain mail, cotton armor and the outermost layer of iron armor. In addition to waist knives, horn bows and long-handled broadswords, Chongzhen also added three-eyed blunderbusses. It can be said that they are armed to the teeth, even the white armored soldiers who are facing Jiannu can fight.

Of course, most of the time Yi Ding will not wear triple armor.

Only in extreme circumstances would Yi Ding wear triple armor on the battlefield.

Because when wearing triple armor, the endurance of the horse will be greatly reduced, and it will not be able to fight for a long time.

To put it bluntly, when wearing triple armor, the eight hundred barbarians became real heavy cavalry.

Heavy cavalry like this only charge once, and the distance generally does not exceed a kilometer.

In addition, eight hundred Yiding had so many weapons and armor, so in addition to war horses, they were also equipped with pack horses.

Jin Xuan's [-] fine cavalry only had two layers of armor, the inner layer of chain mail and the outer layer of cotton armor. The weapons were waist knives, long-handled broadswords and Lumi guns. There were no bows and arrows and no pack horses.

From this, we can see the different uses given by Chongzhen to these two cavalry.

Hu Guozhu's [-] barbarians tend to be heavy cavalry, while Jin Xuan's [-] fine cavalry are more inclined to dragoon cavalry, and can also be used as light cavalry to charge directly when necessary.

"Good!" Chongzhen was overjoyed after hearing this.

"When I have time, I must personally inspect it."

"The soldiers have been looking forward to this day for a long time." Jin Xuanxi said, "Or today is it?"

"Not today." Chongzhen waved his hand and said, "Today I still have to rush to collect grain, and the more than [-] mu of corn, the more than [-] mu of sweet potatoes, and the more than [-] mu of potatoes should also be harvested."


At this time, in the magistrate's yamen in Shanyang.

Fan Zhongjie handed over a roster to Mao Xiang and Yan Yingyuan.

"This is a total of 3 township braves recruited by Shanyang County in the past month or so. According to the regulations stipulated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a township brave should support one liter of rice a day, and a total of four thousand shi of rice. Strange."

"Except for the four thousand shi rice, there are still [-] shi rice in the treasury."

After finishing speaking, Fan Zhongjie handed over another account book.

"Now that you two are here, the roster and account book will be handed over to you."

Mao Xiang took over the roster and account book, and then looked back at Yan Yingyuan, feeling the heavy responsibility.

Because from this moment on, the 3 township braves in Shanyang County were handed over to them.

If the 3 Xiangyongs cannot form combat power after a month, leading to the collapse of the Huanghuai defense line, the two of them will become sinners of the Ming Dynasty, and then they will really have no face to see Jiangdong's elders.

But Yan Yingyuan asked Fan Zhongjie: "Dare to ask Fu Zun, are there really 3 brave men?"

Yan Yingyuan didn't quite believe it, but Shanyang County could really recruit 3 brave men.

After all, the civil servants and military generals of the Ming Dynasty have always been unreliable in their work, so it is likely that they are just making false reports and pretending to be paid.

"No wonder you two didn't believe it." Fan Zhongjie didn't feel offended, but said with a smile, "At the beginning, my government didn't believe it either. You need to know that the total population of many small counties in my Ming Dynasty was only 5 to 3. Although the county is a densely populated county with only [-] registered citizens, it is unbelievable that [-] persons can apply for Xiangyong."

Speaking of this meal, Fan Zhongjie said again: "However, there are indeed 3 adults in this county who have applied for Xiangyong. , in short, if there is a false report, even if it is only one person missing, the government is willing to lead the army!"

Fan Zhongjie's words were extremely harsh.

Yan Yingyuan was immediately in awe, because the person he admired most in his life was this kind of person.

At that moment Yan Yingyuan cupped his hands and said: "Don't blame the majesty, this is my duty, and I didn't intend to offend the majesty of the majesty."

"Little friend is serious." Fan Zhongjie said with a faint smile, "They are all serving for the Holy One, and they are all doing errands for the Ming court. You should be more careful. This government will not be so stingy."

Mao Xiang asked again: "Dare to ask brother, where is San Wan Xiangyong now?"

"It's stationed at Liu Lingtai." Fan Zhongjie said, "The Dianshi of Shanyang County and the two commanders of Dahewei are leading some of the most basic parade drills."

"That's it, brother, let's leave now." After Mao Xiang finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Yan Yingyuan then said to Fan Zhongjie: "Your Majesty, I have labor to keep the [-] shi and rice for the time being. I will send someone to take it away after I have settled down with Brother Pijiang."

"It's easy to say." Fan Zhongjie readily agreed.

"Farewell." Yan Yingyuan bowed again and turned to leave.

When he got out of the government office, Mao Xiang said worriedly: "Brother Huheng, there are 3 township braves, just you and me, but we need to make them into an army within a month. How difficult it is."

"It's really difficult." Yan Yingyuan nodded seriously.

Then he shook his head again: "But it's actually not that difficult."

"Huh?" Maoxiang said pleasantly, "Brother Wuheng already has a plan in mind?"

"Yeah." Yan Yingyuan didn't show any pretense, nodded and said, "It's absolutely impossible for the two of us to train 3 Xiangyong into an army within a month."

"So we have to find a group of helpers first."

"There are 3 township braves. I don't believe that few of them are literate."

"Even if there are only [-] literate children among them, you and I will have [-] more helpers."

"In this way, you and I only need to be responsible for training these three hundred boys, and then each boy is responsible for training one hundred township warriors, and 3 township warriors can be trained into an army in a short period of time."

"Wonderful, wonderful!" Mao Xiang exclaimed with bright eyes.

"Brother Boheng, you are really good, why didn't I think of it?"

"Such insignificant things are not worth mentioning." Yan Yingyuan waved his hands with a smile, and then said, "The most important thing is to mobilize the civilians to build the gun platform, and we need to rely on Brother Pijiang for this matter."

"It's easy to talk about." Mao Xiang said with a smile.

"Although Shanyang is not Rugao, my Mao family has many family friends here."

"So it doesn't matter whether you send people or money and food. After all, building the blunderbuss platform and building the Huanghuai defense line is also to protect Shanyang County, to protect Huai'an Mansion, and even more to protect the Ming Dynasty!"

Soon, the two arrived at Liu Lingtai, twenty miles northeast of Fucheng.

Still far away, they heard bursts of shouts of killing, and then a huge military camp appeared in front of the two of them.

I saw thousands of thatched huts set up on an empty river beach, and on the river beach next to these thatched huts, Xiangyong in various costumes was practicing.

The "weapons" held in the hands of the township warriors are also varied.

If it were someone else, seeing such a scene would only make them feel speechless.

But when Yan Yingyuan and Mao Xiang saw this scene, they instantly felt a rush of blood rushing to their foreheads.

From this moment on, the two of them are the courageous coaches of these thirty thousand towns. Once Jiannu invades, they will lead the thirty thousand towns to resist bravely.

At about the same time, the other sixteen scholars also received their respective heroes.

In the nine counties of Huai'an Prefecture, a total of 20 township braves were recruited this time.

In the next period of time, Yan Yingyuan, Mao Xiang and other 20 scholars will train the [-] townspeople, trying to organize them into an army in the shortest possible time.

(End of this chapter)

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