Chapter 241

"Hou Fangyu?" Mao Xiang smiled and said, "Brother Wuheng, guess what."

"I guess?" Yan Yingyuan thought for a while and said, "I'm here to be a lobbyist, to persuade you to surrender as a slave, isn't it?"

Mao Xiang looked at Yan Yingyuan with surprised eyes, and said, "Brother Juheng, you are too powerful, I guessed it all."

Yan Yingyuan smiled and said: "It's actually very easy to guess. Listen to my analysis. First of all, Hou Fangyu's entry into the city at this time is extremely suspicious. Jiannu just retreated in front of the army, and he entered the city with his back foot. How could it be such a coincidence? What about the second one? Before Jiannu went south, Guide Mansion was just blocked and the per capita farmland was per capita. Then, Hou Fangyu and you are classmates and friends of the Imperial College, and they are both leaders of Fushe. When I left Shanyang, I often spoke bad words to the Holy One, so I dare to assert that he must have come to be a lobbyist for Jiannu, and most of their Hou family has taken refuge in Jiannu."

Mao Xiang was stunned when he heard the words: "Brother Juheng, after your analysis, it seems that it is not difficult to guess Hou Fangyu's intention."

"It's not difficult to guess." Yan Yingyuan smiled, and said, "There are many things in this world, as long as you study hard and add some evidence, it is not difficult to see the truth."

"Taught." Mao Xiang bowed to the ground, "Hou Fangyu really came to be a lobbyist, and this thief has indeed taken refuge in Jiannu."

After a short pause, he continued: "If it weren't for the old friendship, I really wanted to arrest him directly, but even so, I also sent someone to spy on him to see if he would find other people in the city. people."

After pondering for a moment, Yan Yingyuan said, "I guess he's here to look for you."

"Just looking for me?" Mao Xiang frowned and said, "You mean he came here just for me?"

Yan Yingyuan said: "Whether Hou Fangyu came here specially for you is actually very easy to tell. If he still comes to you, it means that my guess is true. Then you can just pretend to be false."

"False and false?" Maoxiang said, "Brother Juheng, don't always say half a sentence and leave half a sentence."

Yan Yingyuan said: "I heard people say that when the old slave first raised his army in Liaodong, he especially liked to learn the separation strategy used by the Three Kingdoms. The slave chief Huang Taiji even used the separation strategy to the extreme. It can be seen that the tradition of building slaves is useful."

Mao Xiang suddenly said: "So you guess, Hou Fangyu is here to drive a wedge between you and me?"

"Nine times out of ten." Yan Yingyuan hit the knot hard, and then continued, "If Hou Fangyu is really ordered by the commander of Jiannu to come to separate you and me, this is a good opportunity to do whatever he can."

Mao Xiang said awe-inspiringly, "You mean Jianu hasn't given up yet?"

"It's normal for Jiannu not to give up." Yan Yingyuan said, "Before I always felt that something was wrong, and I always felt that Jiannu should not retreat so easily, but now I have figured it out. It turned out that I wanted to give us a divorce, hehehe , since he wants to divorce, then we will use the scheme to give him a countermeasure."

Mao Xiang was also in high spirits now, and asked, "Brother Wu Heng, what should I do?"

"You don't have to do anything." Yan Yingyuan said, "Just wait for Hou Fangyu to come to you."

After a pause, he continued: "Then no matter what Hou Fangyu says, you don't agree to him, but don't say it completely to death, leave him a little thought, just hang him like this, hang him for half a month."

"Understood." Mao Xiang said, "I'm good at this."

That's how Dong Xiaowan managed to catch up.


In the room of Guide Guild Hall, Hou Fangyu and Fan Chengmo had a fierce quarrel. Of course, although the quarrel was fierce, both of them kept the volume of their voices to a minimum, so as not to be heard.

Hou Fangyu: "Mao Pijiang has become a fool, and he won't listen to what he says now, so don't waste our efforts, let's go back and report to the prince."

Fan Chengmo: "You didn't listen to what I said just now, did you? Do you know that if you return without success, what kind of punishment will be waiting for you and me?"

Hou Fangyu: "I can only accept any punishment."

Fan Chengmo: "What if they were treated as livestock and beaten to death?"

Hou Fangyu: "Fan Chengmo, don't lie to me, the prince won't do that."

Fan Chengmo: "Hou Fangyu, have you been with him for a few days? Our Fan family has surrendered to the Qing Dynasty since the forty-sixth year of Wanli, and it has been more than [-] years. I, Fan Chengmo, was covered with a white flag on the day I was born, so Do you think I know Prince Yu better, or you know him better? Listen to my advice, this matter must be done."

"But..." Hou Fangyu frowned.

"No but." Fan Chengmo repeated again, "It must be done."

"Okay." Hou Fangyu said helplessly, "I'll find him tomorrow."

"When we meet tomorrow, you need to use your brains." Fan Chengmo said, "Don't go up and tell the whole story. How can you be so open-minded in trying to separate things? Do you have to understand step by step? And don't worry."

After a pause, he complained again: "Really, I have to teach you these things."

"Okay, I got it." Hou Fangyu said unhappily, "Step by step."

Fan Chengmo hummed and said, "It's getting late, let's go to bed quickly."

Immediately, Fan Chengmo blew out the oil lamp, and the light in the room dimmed.

However, after only a moment, Hou Fangyu's suppressed roar sounded in the room: "Hey, where are you going to touch it? What do you want to do, a bitch? Let me go, um..."


The next day, Hou Fangyu found Maoxiang again.

Seeing Hou Fangyu coming to the door, Mao Xiang was secretly happy, but on the surface he said with a dark face: "Hou Fangyu, do you still dare to come? Are you not afraid that I will report you to Yan Yingyuan?"

Hearing Maoxiang call Yan Yingyuan's name directly, Hou Fangyu was overjoyed.

From Mao Xiang's tone, it seems that the relationship between the two is not harmonious?
At that moment Hou Fangyu said with a smile: "You won't, because you are Mao Pijiang, the whole of Nanjing, no, who in the whole of Southern Zhili doesn't know that Mao Pijiang is the most respected scholar?"

"Don't use your high hat to run me down." Mao Xiang said, "I am no longer the Mao Pijiang I used to be."

"Yes, I understand, you are now a scholar of Prince Qin." Hou Fangyu said, "But a scholar of Prince Qin is also a scholar, you can't even deny your old friends, you say so."

Mao Xiang asked back, "May I ask which country you are a scholar from?"

Hou Fangyu said: "What you are talking about is of course a scholar of the Ming Dynasty."

Maoxiang said: "The scholars of the Ming Dynasty actually acted as lobbyists for Jiannu?"

"Brother Pijiang, we don't talk about this today, we only talk about poetry and romance." Hou Fangyu changed the topic, "Even if you and my brothers really belong to two countries from now on, we can still become close friends, as there were in ancient times. There are precedents, such as Yang Hu and Lu Kang in the Three Kingdoms period?"

The expression on Mao Xiang's face finally eased.

"That's what you said, only talking about poetry and romance."

"I said it, only talking about poetry, only about Fengyue."

The two talked about a few lines of poetry first, Hou Fangyu pretended to be casual and asked: "Brother Pijiang, how is Yan Yingyuan's poetry writing? Is this person half as good as you?"

"Him?" Mao Xiang said sarcastically, "He's just a rough literate man."

"Roughly proficient in writing and ink? It's not enough." Hou Fangyu said, "I heard that he was born in Juren."

"He is a martial arts examiner." Mao Xiang said, "Because he failed many times in the exams, so the martial arts exams that he took the second exam, his fame is just a freshman, no different from you and me."

"Hi." Hou Fangyu clapped his hands, "So it's from Wu Ju."

Mao Xiang waved his hand and said, "This man is extremely vulgar, let's not talk about him."

"Okay, don't talk." Hou Fangyu was overjoyed when he heard this.

It seems that there is a door, the relationship between Maoxiang and Yan Yingyuan is not unharmonious, but very unharmonious. In this case, it will be much easier to separate the two, but there is no rush.

Anyway, Prince Yu's army will not return so soon.

So he has plenty of time to implement the alienation plan.


On this day, Duoduo had just led a bannerman from Jiala to ransack the Dongtai Saltworks.

After retreating from Shanyang, Duoduo immediately divided the [-] army into [-] groups, and the troops went straight to the banks of the Yellow River (Huaihe River), towns and salt fields by the sea.

There are only two purposes of this trip, to grab salt, and then to raise food.

To Duoduo's disappointment, there was not much grain, but a lot of high-quality Huai salt.

Looking at the white salt that filled hundreds of carriages, Duoduo finally showed a long-lost smile on his face, because the carts were loaded with silver instead of salt.

The salt was transported back to Beijing, where it could be exchanged for silver.

If it is handed over to Fan Yongdou and the others, it can be sold at a higher price when transported to the Mongolian grasslands. The Huai salt alone can almost make up for the loss in the battle of Sanyang. Of course, the lost banners cannot be replenished. Banners are no better than leeks , leeks can grow quickly after cutting, but Qi Ding died in battle, and he has to wait for the children to grow up to make up for it.

He Luohui, who was accompanying him, was also very happy, but at the same time, he also had some regrets: "I just didn't grab a few coats, master, do you want to go to the south to have a look? It seems that you will enter the territory of Yangzhou Prefecture not far south."

Doduo was also a little moved, but after pondering for a moment, he said, "Let's forget it."

A single Shanyang City has already beaten them to the bone, and Yangzhou City is said to be stronger than Shanyang City. How many people have to die in battle to take it down?I'm afraid that not all of them will be able to win if they die in battle.

Therefore, it is better not to go deep into the Yangzhou government easily.

After all, it is already the end of April, and the weather is getting warmer.

And the biggest feature of Nanzhili is the vertical and horizontal rivers.

If after they go deep into Yangzhou, all the rivers thaw out, and then they fail to raise boats in time, it will really be called "every day should not be done", and the land will not work.

Thinking of this, Duoduo said again: "He Luohui, you immediately send out flying cavalry, let people from all walks of life bring supplies, and rush to Liulingtai Town, twenty miles east of Shanyang, to gather."

"Hey!" He Luohui respectfully agreed.

Soon, dozens of flying riders scattered away.

After receiving Duduo's military order, the other nineteen groups of people who had been scattered before gathered in Liu Lingtai with the looted people, livestock and supplies.

At this time, Hou Fangyu's instigation against Mao Xiang has also entered the final stage.

After nearly half a month of foreshadowing and testing, Hou Fangyu decided to show his hole card.

(End of this chapter)

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