Chapter 599 God of War
At the same time, near Dagukou.

Zheng Sen said with some embarrassment: "Your Majesty, why don't you go up? I am your eyes. I can truthfully report everything you see. You don't need to go up to the sky to see everything."

Gao Qiqian also persuaded: "Yes, Long Live Lord, don't go up."

"I just want to see it with my own eyes." Chongzhen waved his hand and said, "Besides, isn't there a cable tied to it, and it's not like the speeding car is actually flying over the battlefield. What are you afraid of?"

Zheng Sen said: "It can only go up ten feet. It is windy today, and no matter how high it is, it may be blown away by the strong wind."

It is not safe to have cables tied to hanging baskets. If the wind is strong, the hemp-woven cables will break. It is not uncommon for such tragedies to happen during Air Force training.

"I listen to you, it's only ten feet." Chongzhen agreed wholeheartedly.

Zheng Sen immediately arranged for the air force to assemble the flying car, and then ignited it into the sky.

A moment later, Speed ​​No. [-] slowly lifted Chongzhen, Zheng Sen, Gao Qiqian and another Guozisheng who had just been assigned to the Air Force to the sky above the battlefield.

As the altitude rises, the field of vision becomes more and more open.

Looking around, I saw that the Ming army had fully deployed.

The four infantry brigades formed four huge solid phalanxes, lined up.

Hu Guozhu's cavalry tower was divided into two parts to protect the two wings of the infantry.


Seeing this scene, Zheng Sen couldn't help his blood boil: "The heroic power of our army is rare in ancient and modern times!"

Chongzhen couldn't help but feel a little bit emotional, it has been five years since he traveled to this world, and there were many difficulties during the time, and after a lot of hard work, he finally got what he is today.

The French army in the Battle of Waterloo was probably nothing more than this, right?
Of course, the Ming army was not the French army, and the Jiannu army on the opposite side was not the Anglo-Russian Oppie-Holsh coalition forces, so it is absolutely impossible for the Ming army to turn the Battle of Dagukou into the Battle of Waterloo.

The final result of the Battle of Dagukou can only be that the Ming army quickly destroyed Jiannu's position.

Regarding this point, Chongzhen still has enough confidence, because there are only about 1 Jiannu on the opposite side, and they are basically the Eight Banners Han Army and the Green Camp. The left and right sides of the door are dominated by Flang machine guns and tiger crouching guns, and the number of Hongyi cannons is very small.

Whether it is military strength, firepower or morale, the two sides are not on the same level at all, and it is difficult to lose this battle.

Jiannu on the opposite side obviously also felt the pressure, so before the Ming army launched an attack, the few Hongyi cannons in the formation began to fire first.

There are about 30 Hongyi cannons of Jiannu, which are deployed in more than 30 gun platforms.

Therefore, the shells fired were also uneven, but the shells fired the farthest were at least two hundred steps away from the artillery positions of the Ming army. This distance was obviously calculated.

At this distance, the artillery group of the Ming army could hit the Jiannu position.

But Jiannu's Hongyi cannons couldn't hit the artillery positions of the Ming army.

After a while, the 540 cannons of the Ming army also began to fire one after another.

There are ten rows in front and back, 54 cannons in each row, and the cannons are fired row by row.

Zheng Sen and the Guozi student who just graduated couldn't help cheering loudly.

Fortunately, there is no censor here, otherwise, I would definitely read a copy of the emperor's disgrace.

However, Chongzhen felt a little regretful in his heart, and it was still a little bit meaningless.

Cannons must be equipped with flower bombs to become the true god of war.

Before there is no explosive bomb, artillery is at best an auxiliary arm on the battlefield.

Before the bombs exploded, it was pure wishful thinking to expect the artillery to defeat the enemy, because the killing rate of the solid iron lumps was really unflattering, that is, the movement and movement looked scary.

This is also the case, the shelling caused very little damage to Jiannu.

Chongzhen raised the telescope, and through the six-fold field of view of the telescope, he could see clearly.

Before the first row of artillery shells from the Ming army fell, Jiannu on the opposite side had already hid behind the wall of the gun platform, or simply hid in the bunker of the gun platform.

Therefore, when the shells of the Ming army fell, pits were smashed one after another on the parapet wall of the Jiannu turret platform, and one after another trenches were plowed on the slope protection in front of the turret platform and the platform inside the turret platform. Yu destroyed one after another the Fran cannon and the Hongyi cannon that were too late to move, but the casualties were very few.

That is to say, looking at the spectacle, the entire camp of Jiannu was beaten up with smoke and dust, and Jiannu who hid in it might still be able to experience the feeling of shaking the ground.

But the actual killing effect is the same.

As long as you don't run around and hide quietly in the shooting blind spot where the shells can't reach, you can survive [-]% of the time.

After all, a solid bullet is not a blooming bullet, and a solid bullet is a point damage. If you are lucky, a ricochet can become a line damage, but a blooming bullet is a surface damage, which explodes a large area.

Hide solid bullets, there are shooting blind spots everywhere.

To avoid bombs, we can only dig anti-bomb holes, and there are not enough trenches.

Thinking of this level, Chongzhen sighed lightly. After this battle is over, it is better to let Gewuke put the hot rolling mill aside. The seamless steel pipe is not in a hurry for the time being. The most urgent thing is to get the flowering bomb out.

But then again, even if there were no flowering ammunition, even if the lethality was limited, for the Eight Banners Han Army and the Green Battalion in front, the mass bombardment of this scale was enough to make them terrified.

This is the cluster bombardment of 6 cannons from 540 artillery brigades!

That is to say, the shelling has not yet ended, so Jiannu has no chance to flee.

As soon as the shelling by the Ming army ends later, the Jiannu in the camp will probably disperse and flee.

The shelling of the artillery group of the Ming army is still going on, and each cannon is firing continuously at a rate of one round per minute, firing iron bullets one after another into Jiannu's camp.

Although far away in the sky thousands of paces away,

The shriek of shells tearing the air can still be heard.


Huang Deheng sat quietly behind the protective wall of the gun platform, without a trace of expression on his face.

From Shanyang to Xuzhou, and then from Gaizhouwei to Dagukou, this dog slave has already experienced hundreds of battles. Although today's shelling is a bit fierce, it is still not enough to make him panic.

Huang Deheng even had the leisure to remind his soldiers.

In any case, he is now a post commander of the Eight Banners Han Army.

Therefore, I have the responsibility and obligation to impart some experience to the Eight Banners Han Army under my command.

"Hide them all for me, don't run around, don't stay away from the parapet if you don't want to die."

"Don't cover your ears so much, it's useless to cover your ears, just open your mouth, just open your mouth."

"Also, don't look at Minggou's red-clothed cannon. It's just looking like a bluff. As long as you don't panic, the possibility of being killed is very small."

While speaking, a shell landed on the platform inside the gun platform.

There was only a bang, and the solid iron bullet plowed a groove in the rammed ground.

"How? See?" Huang Deheng pointed to the groove plowed by the solid iron bullet and said, "As long as you don't get directly hit by Minggou's solid bullet, you won't die."

Before the words fell, there was another bang.

But another solid iron bullet hit the front wall of the gun platform.

Since the field artillery and mountain artillery of the Ming army used parabolic shooting, the shells could pass through the slope protection built by Jiannu on the periphery of the blunderbuss platform from the air, and directly land on the parapet wall or even the inner platform of the blunderbuss platform. The current Hongyi Cannon does not have this function. It does not mean that parabolic shooting cannot be used, but it can only be used randomly.

The parapet wall of the Jiannu gun platform is five feet high, the bottom is eight feet thick, and the top is three feet wide. The whole body is made of rammed clay, and the strength is still very high. It can only leave a pit, and it is impossible to smash the parapet directly, at least in a short period of time.

Huang Deheng smiled, and said again: "How? The parapet wall is very strong, and the red cannon is useless. When they attacked Shanyang and Xuzhou, the Qing soldiers suffered the same loss. Now it's Minggou's turn. "

After hearing Huang Deheng's words, the nearby Eight Banners Han army gradually calmed down.

Looking at the shelling of the Ming army, it seems that it is not as terrible as before.


The Ming army's bombardment of the Jiannu camp lasted for half an hour.

Half an hour later, the Jiannu camp was completely covered by the smoke and dust from the shells.

Seeing that the timing was almost right, Xu Yingwei decisively gave the order to attack. The resounding sound of the bugle and the command of the officers rang out instantly, and one of the infantry brigades immediately approached Jiannu's camp with neat steps. The three infantry brigades and the cavalry town stand remained in place for security.

About a thousand steps away from the Jiannu camp, the attacking infantry brigade began to spread rapidly to the two wings.

The distance between individual soldiers was quickly widened to two steps, and finally formed three wavy skirmish lines. The width of the entire skirmish line even exceeded [-] steps, almost forming a three-sided encirclement of the Jiannu camp.

Jiannu is desperately studying the tactics of the Ming army, but the tactics of the Ming army are still improving rapidly.

Although Chongzhen is a modern person, he also has little knowledge of the tactics of the matchlock and flintlock era. He only knows that the queuing and shooting tactic in the flintlock era is the most effective tactic.

This is by no means stupid, but summed up from countless sacrifices.

But the existence of Chongzhen can speed up the evolution of tactics.

For example, the straggler line used now was summed up after the failure of Gaizhou's offensive last time, and it has been proved in wargame deduction that it can indeed greatly reduce casualties.

Of course, there is a prerequisite for this, that is, both sides participating in the war are firearms troops.

If the opponent is cavalry, then pulling out the skirmish line is killing yourself.

The Ming army opened up the wave-shaped skirmish line, and quickly approached within a thousand steps.

Jiannu on the opposite side saw this, and the Hongyi cannon with the longest range fired first.

(End of this chapter)

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