Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 10 010. Impossible, absolutely impossible

Chapter 10 010. Impossible, absolutely impossible

Before Gu Yuanzhen could feel the impact of these words, He Shiying called out first:


It's okay for others not to know the value of this villa, but it's impossible for He Shiying not to know.

The real estate in this community was developed by her company; the income of every building sold here goes to her company's account.

How could she not know the value of this villa?
In every real estate, the best building is called "The King of Buildings". This unique villa is the king of the kings of buildings.

How long will it take for an ordinary person with a monthly salary of 5 to buy this villa?
If you use calculations, you may come to a funny conclusion of more than 3000 years.

But that's not the case.

It is never. never. buy. not.

The average person would never be able to buy this property.

Chen Ya is not qualified to own this real estate, and it is absolutely impossible to give it away casually!

It must be rented, or used some other means to make Liu Ruyan think that this place belongs to him;
It must be the generosity of others, or the lip service, using various methods to deceive Liu Ruyan, a simple-minded little comrade!
How could a company employee give away the tens of millions of Louwang Zhongwang villas?

Arabian Nights!

So He Shiying blurted out: "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Liu Ruyan tilted her head cutely.

She couldn't understand what He Shiying was excited about.

In her world view, everything Chen Ya does is justified.

He Shiying didn't have time to think about whether she was being polite, so she asked in a hasty tone, "Could it be that he really gave it to you, and your name is also written on the real estate certificate?"

Liu Ruyan blinked her moist eyes, nodded: "Yeah!"

"Can you show me the real estate certificate?"

Qin Yunchu secretly tugged on his best friend's sleeve, but was ignored.

Even if she is reckless today, she still has to ask the bottom line to find out.

Just as Liu Ruyan was about to answer, a woman came out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron, and she smiled when she saw Liu Ruyan.

"Is Ruyan back?"

Liu Ruyan turned her head and walked over, nodded earnestly and said: "I'm back, Aunt Yu, I brought some friends over today, do you mind keeping them for dinner?"

Aunt Yu took Liu Ruyan's hand and said, "Miss Liu, it's a little ridiculous to say that? It's just a matter of a few more pairs of chopsticks. Auntie will only have fun with how many friends you bring home, so why would you mind?"

Liu Ruyan nodded: "Thank you, Auntie."

Aunt Yu greeted Qin Yunchu and the others for a meal, and stuffed a lot of fruit into everyone's hands, full of enthusiasm, and then went into the kitchen to cook.

He Shiying was so disturbed that she couldn't ask what she wanted to question just now, so she could only sit beside Gu Yuanzhen and eat fruit in annoyance.

Qin Yunchu asked softly, "Who is she?"

"She is Xiao Yingying's aunt, she came to help take care of Xiao Yingying." Liu Ruyan said.

"Oh?" Qin Yunchu's beautiful eyes wandered, and he thought about the relationship between his aunt and Chen Ya.

Liu Ruyan sat on the classic sofa and said: "I'm actually not very good at housework, so I can only accompany Yingying. If I can really take care of Yingying's life, I still have to rely on her aunt."

Qin Yunchu also sat down, and comforted: "The importance of being with and taking care of life is equally important, and sometimes even more important."

She glanced at Yingying who was playing by herself in the distant living room, and said:

"Xiao Yingying doesn't have a mother. You can make up for this shortcoming, which is very touching. But Chen Ya, he needs to reflect on it."

Liu Ruyan asked in surprise: "Why does the teacher need to reflect?"

Qin Yunchu raised his eyebrows and said, "Isn't he at fault? As a father, he never stays with his children, and dragged you into the water absurdly, who had nothing to do with him."

She was talking, a little aggrieved, and her voice gradually became louder uncontrollably:

"His skin is thicker than the city wall. Why can he be ashamed to hand over the child to you? He has no name and no division, and he has made a strange sales contract..."

Liu Ruyan gradually realized what she had misunderstood, and stretched out her hand, "That's not the case, teacher..."

Qin Yun became more and more angry as he spoke, and continued to say angrily:
"I must finish. A great writer like you should spend his time on creation. How old is he? Why do you want to control your life? In my opinion, you should resist him! Don't be a slave to PUA anymore! "

After talking, she herself felt a little better, and Liu Ruyan couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"That's not the case, in fact, Yingying..."

At this moment, Xiao Yingying bumped her head into Liu Ruyan's arms, held something in her hand, and stretched it out in front of her:

Liu Ruyan caressed Yingying's little head, and said lovingly, "Want to read the picture book?"

"Yeah!" Yingying nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Qin Yunchu took a closer look and found that what she was holding was a key.

This is a rather thick yellow-brown key with mysterious patterns on it.

Liu Ruyan took the key, turned around and explained to Qin Yunchu: "Yingying is going to play in the teacher's workshop, and I'll explain it to you while we go."

Qin Yunchu became curious about the few words in her words: "Workshop?"

Liu Ruyan stood up, took Yingying's little hand and said: "The teacher bought this house and specially used it to store his work supplies. Many manuscripts from previous creations are stored here."

Qin Yunchu was stunned.

She also thought that Chen Ya's creation was just a character set up by him to deceive Liu Ruyan.

Unexpectedly, he really had a workshop.

Could it be that he is really a creative person?
Thinking of this, Qin Yunchu patted his face.

Yunchu, Yunchu, you have to be sober, otherwise you will be easily PUAed!
Liu Ruyan watched her slap her face with a strange expression.

Qin Yunchu couldn't help but blushed, and said, "Then let's go."

He Shiying and Gu Yuanzhen also stood up and followed behind.

If they don't know Chen Ya's true face, they probably won't be able to sleep tonight.

Chen Ya's workshop is on the second floor. When Liu Ruyan led them upstairs, he said:

"Do you think that Yingying is the teacher's daughter, and the teacher left her for me to raise?"

Qin Yunchu raised his head and asked, "Isn't it?"

He Shiying and Gu Yuanzhen also looked at Liu Ruyan with the same expression, as if they were also asking, "Isn't it?"

Liu Ruyan covered her heart, closed her eyes and said silently: "Teacher, I'm sorry, Ruyan tarnished your image in ignorance."

If you look carefully, you can still see a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

Qin Yunchu stared at her.

Can Chen Ya's image be tarnished?
Isn't he already pitch black?
After exhaling lightly, Liu Ruyan said, "Where do we start? Uh... do you know about the Great Longtian Earthquake?"

"How could you not know?"

When the words "Longtian Earthquake" were mentioned, a shadow was cast on everyone's faces.

As long as you are a Chinese, no one is unaware of the Longtian Earthquake.

This earthquake, known as the National Remembrance, produced a great tragedy.

 Thank you Luohua Mingyue for your reward~
(End of this chapter)

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