Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 250 249. False bodyguards, real bodyguards

Chapter 250 249. False bodyguards, real bodyguards

"Group 1 is ready to attack, please instruct!"

"Two groups have arrived at the designated location!"

"Group 3 is ready!"

"...Attack the goal!" Captain Chu shouted into the walkie-talkie.


Windows were shattered and doors were thrown open.

When he put down the walkie-talkie, Team Chu knew that he had taken it.

It went so smoothly that he felt a little depressed.

He had never handled a case that made him feel so aggrieved.

Liu Ju, the immediate boss, asked Chen Ya to "cooperate" with them in handling the case, which he thought was a burden at first.

Originally it was "cooperation", but in the end he wanted to be ahead of them every step of the way.

When they just had a clue, they did not rely on the police's clues at all, and started from scratch to find out the number, identity, route, and location of the kidnappers.

In the past, when Captain Chu pressed the walkie-talkie, he was very excited, but today, he was like watching a replay of a football game, and he couldn't get excited at all.

The result is already doomed.

Before they got out of the car, they even told them the weapon configuration of the kidnappers.

"Ju Liu, Ju Liu, what kind of monster do you know..." Team Chu smiled wryly.

He was playing with the walkie-talkie in his hand, and suddenly an idea popped up.

If this guy can stay in the police force, how much will the efficiency of solving crimes be improved each year?


Chen Ya was sitting in the car, and his mobile phone was still on speakerphone.

After a long time, a soft female voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Xiaoying, has the operation already begun?"

"Yes." Chen Ya replied.


There was a faint sigh from the girl over there, just like her name, soft and lukewarm, it sounded as gentle as a summer night with a gentle breeze.

"I have to explain what happened just now," Xia You said, "When a person just wakes up, it's always easy to say things that don't make sense, just like being drunk, you should know."

"I know." Chen Ya said, "I understand this feeling."

"So it was drunk talk just now."

The girl's voice carried a sense of warmth and fumigation, and the suppressed whisper in her throat was more beautiful than any other words, more seductive and seductive:
"Then let me say something again while I'm drunk. Our level of telepathy has increased again. This time the record is 2:16. How can we break it next time?"

"I'm afraid I need to top up the level of telepathy, but," Chen Ya said, "Little Y, I must remind you that although all the police officers on my side have gone to attack, it's not that no one is left behind."


Soon, the other side hung up the phone.

The policewoman sitting opposite Chen Ya looked at him with a strange expression.

Judging from the voice, the age difference between the girl just now and the one in front of me is probably a bit big.

Such feelings are protected by law, but not necessarily blessed by ethics.The policewoman wanted to tell him this.

Chen Ya accepted the suspicious gaze calmly.

2 minutes 16 seconds 83, from Xia You answering the phone to locating all the kidnappers' identity information and locking the address.

It sounds a bit unbelievable, but in fact it is not difficult to wear it.

The kidnappers had been on the spot for a long time, just for the opportunity of Qi Yunche to go out alone. Although there was no camera in the location where they were squatting, there must be one around.

Lock the blind spots of the nearby cameras, screen the communication sending and receiving frequency within the time period, and then screen the fixed contacts, together with the number of the messenger behind the kidnapper's mobile phone belt, all are extracted.

Then use the empty information packet to hack into their mobile phone, get the location, and everything is done.

Not legal, but works.

The reason why it was able to be completed in such a short period of time was because he and Xia You developed a program for this purpose.

You only need to input the specified data, let the program run by itself, and generate it in a fool-like way with one click.

Ask why this software was developed... because, similar things have happened before.


"The hostages have been found! The hostages are safe!"

"Securing the hostages, search the remaining area!"

"Roger that!"

When Qi Yunche was discovered, he was still eating roasted sweet potatoes, his ears and fingers were red from the cold, and he was shivering in the corner of the wall.

The girl's hair was a little messy, and the white air she breathed was entangled with the steam of roasted sweet potatoes. Through the smoke, her skin was so white that it was somewhat transparent, looking like a morning dew during the frost period.

Other than that, she hasn't changed much from before, and she even eats quite deliciously.

The policemen rushed into the room and put a thick army green padded jacket on Qi Yunche's body. In the commotion, Qi Yunche was surrounded by the dilapidated house and got into the emergency vehicle before he could figure out the situation.

Before getting into the car, she heard the screams from the kidnappers in the next room.

"How did you guys find me? Haven't you called yet? Is the case handling efficiency so high now?"

She didn't get a response, but was pushed into the car, she turned around, and was surprised to see Chen Ya sitting in the car.

This person was wearing a slim windbreaker at this time, with the laptop on his knees, his expression was meticulous, and the faint blue light of the laptop was shining on his face.

The light is dim.As the saying goes, if you look at a beautiful woman under the light, the same goes for a handsome guy.With the dim light of the laptop, Chen Ya looked like a halo around his body.

As soon as Qi Yunche sat down beside him, she shouted excitedly:

"Chen Ya, let me tell you, I was kidnapped just now! Those people put a bag on my head, and I was brought here in a daze. I said it was cold, and they threw me a toast. Give me sweet potatoes, and I will..."

She rambled about halfway through her big adventure, and rolled her eyes, only to realize that there was a more important question that she didn't ask:

"Why are you here?"

"Come to buy roasted sweet potatoes."

Qi Yunche glanced at the half-eaten sweet potato in his hand, and stretched out his hand to pass it over: "Here, fifty cents each."

"It's too expensive, so don't buy it." Chen Ya lowered his head and continued to operate something on the computer.

"Do you want it for nothing?" The girl tightened her coat.

Eating roasted sweet potatoes is originally a relatively large need to keep warm. After arriving in the car, it gradually warms up, but the roasted sweet potatoes have cooled down, so it is no longer needed.

"It's okay to pay for nothing."

Chen Ya casually took the roasted sweet potato from her hand, and immediately put it in his mouth.

Seeing him just put his leftovers into his mouth, Qi Yunche blushed fiercely, but he didn't dare to speak, after all, he handed it to him.

After typing a string of characters on the keyboard, Chen Ya came back to his senses and looked at her: "Why do you have roasted sweet potatoes?"

"I asked the kidnappers for it."

"The kidnapper bought you roasted sweet potatoes?"

"Oh, they baked it themselves," Qi Yunche blushed again, "I told them that I was going to freeze to death, and if I didn't get the price, they impatiently threw the baked sweet potatoes to me. I have been tied up once before, and I have been tied up with experience, by the way, I told you before, right?"

Chen Ya was surprised: "You are really courageous."

"I'm still talking to them. I said my family just bought a house and I don't have any cash. They made a mistake in tying me up. I tried to cheat them with some information, but everyone ignored me." Qi Yunche tilted his head and looked at Chen with a smile. Ya, "Am I brave?"

"Not only brave, but also a little foolhardy." Chen Ya said, "If you don't get money, you may be killed. Fortunately, these people didn't come here for money."

Qi Yunche was so frightened that she gasped. Chen Ya said so realistically just now that she almost thought that she was dead. She rubbed her chest and found that she was not dead, so she was relieved.

"Wait, you said, they are not asking for money? What are they asking for?"

Chen Ya smiled without saying a word.

The car door was opened again, and Captain Chu climbed up the car, panting, "It's done, all the suspects have been arrested, and none slipped through the net."

"Good job." Chen Ya boasted.

Captain Chu smiled proudly, but then he couldn't laugh anymore.

It seems that there is nothing to be proud of.

Qi Yunche felt this subtle emotion, and she quickly glanced between the two of them.

"So, so, so," the girl stomped her feet in small steps, anxiously, "Chen Ya, why are you here?"

"Here's to eat the roasted sweet potatoes." Chen Ya put the sweet potatoes in his mouth again, and said after eating, "It's cold."

Qi Yunche grabbed the sweet potato in his hand, put it in his arms together with his hand, and said with a smile, "Then I'll warm you up."

It feels soft and warm to the touch.This move was a bit too intimate, only couples would do it, the girl's action was done in front of Captain Chu, it was so bold, Chen Ya raised his eyebrows fiercely.

Qi Yunche intentionally held his big gentle hand in his soft palm with a smile all over his face.

Girls always have a good impression of boys who appear in front of them in times of crisis.

No matter how much this boy did to her rescue operation, even if he was just a soy saucer, with such a handsome young man sitting beside her, how could she not be indifferent?
It was the policewoman sitting across from the two of them, looking at them with strange eyes, as if hesitating to speak.

Qi Yunche couldn't understand her eyes.

Chen Ya didn't say anything, but turned to Captain Chu beside him and said, "Give me the cell phone of their leader."

Captain Chu pouted outward, and soon, a mobile phone in an evidence sealing bag was delivered to Chen Ya.

Chen Ya raised his hand, took the mobile phone, and got rid of Qi Yunche's embrace so naturally.

Qi Yunche looked on in surprise.It wasn't that he was surprised that Chen Ya broke free from her hand, but that Captain Chu actually listened to him?
Chen Ya operated through the phone for a while, looked through the message records in the phone, and then found a string of numbers in the few call records in the phone, smiled slightly, and dialed them.

The phone was connected, and a voice came over there: "What's the matter, didn't I tell you not to contact me again?"

Chen Ya lowered his voice and said, "The man has been arrested, when will Mr. Zuo send the money?"

The opposite party lost his voice: "How do you know Mr. Zuo..."

Halfway through the conversation, the man realized something and hung up the phone directly. A monotonous "beep" busy tone came from the other end of the phone.

Chen Ya laughed mockingly.

"Hmph, Zuo Wenzong keeps making small moves, do you think I don't know?"

"Zuo Wenzong?" Qi Yunche was taken aback, and whispered the name again from the side.

Zuo Wenzong, the president of Taimei Group, a star-level entrepreneur.

No one in China does not know this name.

The computers produced by his group cover almost 70.00% of the domestic market, and its tentacles extend to various fields such as takeaway, life, online shopping, logistics, etc. It is a giant company.

Chen Ya threw the phone back to Captain Chu, and said, "There is a direction for the trial."

Captain Chu frowned: "There is not enough evidence, I'm afraid..."

"Haha, I didn't expect you to punish him with the law. How could you be his opponent?" Chen Ya looked relaxed, but the light in his eyes slowly cooled down.

Chu team was a little unconvinced, but he couldn't say anything to refute, and finally he only sighed.

He rushed forward and said: "You can go first, and send the person back first."

The vehicle started slowly, and Qi Yunche only felt the cat's claws scratching his heart, his curiosity swelled and he was about to explode.

What happened to Zuo Wenzong?What happened to Chen Ya?

Why did Chen Ya appear here?
Is it...

A thought suddenly popped up in the girl's mind, is there a possibility: Chen Ya is the real bodyguard?
Is it possible that the guy who followed me every day was just a cover, and this mysterious Chen Ya was the real bodyguard my father invited?

How else to explain that he is sitting here?
And those police officers still listen to him so much!
...Chen Ya had been chatting with someone on his notebook, but Qi Yunche couldn't understand, and he didn't dare to ask. Soon, the group returned to the police station.

Chen Ya got out of the car first, and saw Qi's father and Qi's mother standing outside in the cold wind, looking forward to it. After Qi Yunche got out of the car, Qi's mother rushed forward with a "beep" and pushed Chen Ya aside. , Holding her daughter's headache and crying.

Qi Shiyan stepped forward and stood in front of Chen Ya. After seeing that his daughter was unharmed, he suddenly bowed heavily to Chen Ya three times in silence.

"Chen...Mr. Chen, you have worked hard, thank you, thank you..."

Qi's mother turned her head and gave her husband a look, and said fiercely: "What are you thanking him for? You have to thank Captain Chu!"

Qi Shiyan frowned, but what Qi's mother said was good to thank Captain Qi. He turned to look at the melancholy Captain Chu, and said:

"Thank you."

Captain Chu didn't know why he looked melancholy, and said slowly: "You shouldn't thank me, you are right to thank Mr. Chen, he has contributed a lot to this action, I just carried out his idea."

Qi Yunche finally broke free from his mother's arms, turned his head with bright eyes and asked, "Really? Is it due to Chen Ya?"

Captain Chu pointed to his face: "Guess why I'm so depressed? I thought it was a big case, and I was going to make a big contribution, but I didn't do anything, and the case was solved. Now it's like living in a dream. You say I Depressed or not?"

Qi Shiyan didn't understand what was causing his depression at all, so Team Chu had no choice but to take a few puffs of cigarettes, turned around, and handed over the scene to Chen Ya.

"It's not important to thank you or not. For important things, come here, Qi Shiyan, and I'll tell you."

Chen Ya dragged Qi Shiyan away, leaving Qi Yunche, mother and daughter staring at each other.

For a moment, Qi's mother lost her temper, and this Chen Ya was more or less the same.

But recalling what Team Chu said just now... Could it be that he really knows something?
"Yun Che!" Not far away, Lu Qingxuan also ran over and hugged her in his arms, tears streaming down like short strings of beads.

"Why are you crying?" Qi Yunche was completely confused and wanted to laugh.

Lu Qingxuan wiped away her tears: "I'm really worried about you."

"Don't worry," Qi Yunche held Lu Qingxuan's hand, smiling as sweetly as a roasted sweet potato, "I was kidnapped this time, nothing happened, I even ate roasted sweet potatoes, and even held Chen Ya's hand. "

Qi Yunche took Lu Qingxuan's hand, clasped his fingers together, lifted it up, dangling in the air, with dimples on his face: "His hands are so big, and his fingers are so long."

"Ah?" Lu Qingxuan's tone suddenly turned cold, and her tears stopped in an instant.

 Recommend a huge book, "Global Cards: I Created an Oriental Mythical Card Group", card making flow, in a world where myths disappear, the protagonist creates a Chinese mythological card group, to attack the dimensionality reduction of other worlds, the quality is guaranteed, link Below↓↓↓


(End of this chapter)

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