Chapter 275.

"A very strong identity? What kind of identity? An outstanding student who learns piano from Lang Lang?" Committee member Gao said, "No matter how hard his identity is, this time Grandpa Lu's birthday, he can only attend as a child of the Lu family and sit with people from other aristocratic families. Together, isn't it a random arrangement?"

Before Lu Qingxuan could speak, Commissioner Gao added:

"What's more, if you want to say that your status is strong, your father, your second uncle, are your status hard? They can only be the filial sons of the old lady Lu when they come back. How can they still sit at the entrepreneur's table? No matter how hard Chen Ya is, , can still be tougher than your father and your second uncle? Is it unreasonable?"

Gao Jinliang was a little displeased.

He thought that Lu Qingxuan, like some other Lu family children, saw the decline of the head of the Lu family, so he used the matter of ranking to knock on the grandma.

It's no wonder he thought too much, a similar thing happened not long ago.

Yesterday, the Lu family just held a small meeting within the family, and at the meeting, several assets of the Lu family were dealt with.

It may be that some people were dissatisfied with the result of the treatment, so Lu Yuanhu's daughter showed her embarrassment to everyone on the spot.

She even said openly: "If there is nothing to do with my family, then this meeting will be called our family in the future. My family's business is not very compatible with other businesses in the clan."

As soon as these words came out, Grandma's face turned pale on the spot. Lu Ningna was meek and blushed for a long time, unable to speak. It was Gao Jinliang who reprimanded her severely immediately. I don't know if Lu Shuying listened.

Since yesterday's meeting, Grandma Tai has always looked gloomy, asking what's wrong and not answering, until this afternoon, her energy is slightly better.

The reason why they reacted so strongly was because Lu Shuying's words just hit the most fearful part of their hearts.

The reason why the Lu family was prosperous in the past, and the younger generations were twisted together, was all due to holding the huge enterprise of Aihua in their hands. Lu Yuanlong sat in the house and kept his word. Whatever he arranged was what he arranged.

Ever since Lu Yuanlong was arrested and put in a cell, and the family lost Aihua Company, the family has not been as harmonious as before, and there are discordant noises everywhere.

It can be said that even if the two brothers Lu Yuanhu and Lu Yuanbao leave the Lu family from now on, it will not have any impact on their careers.

In fact, their behavior is close to breaking up.

And once the family is really separated, the Lu family will really fall from a top wealthy family to a low-level family and become the laughing stock of the elite circles in the capital.

In Gao Jinliang's view, Lu Qingxuan's behavior was a dangerous signal.She can put herself and Chen Ya on the table of the family outside today, so she can't even think about what she wants to do tomorrow.

Lu Qingxuan was misunderstood for no reason by the high committee member, and felt a little bit annoyed.Bingxue, who is smart, naturally knew that Commissioner Gao had misunderstood her, but she couldn't explain it, but she felt like she was trying to cover it up.

Fortunately, Grandma Tai said at this time: "I don't think there is anything wrong with letting them sit at that table. Both of them are considered talents of our Lu family. Go to that table and chat with a few guests. Chatting, so that the distinguished guests will not be bored."

Gao Jinliang looked at the old lady: "But..."

"It's nothing to worry about. I understand Lu Qingxuan's character. She is competitive and refuses to admit defeat, but she has always been towards the Lu family and wants the Lu family well. She will not intentionally harm the Lu family."

The old lady spoke in a soft voice, which moved Lu Qingxuan, her eyes were moist, and she said softly:

"Grandma, don't get me wrong, I don't have to sit in another family, my surname is Lu! But, I couldn't coordinate the seats of all parties before, so I just put Chen Ya here, just like what Grandma said , let him accompany the guests."

Grandma laughed and said, "But Qingxuan, you still have to change your order."

Lu Qingxuan knew for a long time that the position she set would definitely have to be changed, so she humbly said: "Well, it's okay, you tell me, I will remember."

"Before I tell you how to change it, let me tell you some good news or bad news." Grandma Tai said with a smile.

"What?" Lu Qingxuan raised her face curiously.

"The president of Yunshan Group, Gu Yuqing, also offered to come to the old man's birthday banquet!"

Hearing this news, both Lu Qingxuan and Committee Member Gao froze at the same time.

Gao Jinliang hurriedly asked: "Grandma, when did this news come out? Why didn't I know?"

Grandma Tai smiled and said: "I also just received the news this afternoon, and I haven't had time to tell others. You two are the first to know."

Gao Jinliang was in a trance for a while, and then he realized, no wonder her old man was in such a bad mood before, but inexplicably got better in the afternoon.

Lu Qingxuan was still in shock.

After the shock passed, her first emotion...was anger.

"Gu Yuqing...why did she come? Why did she come? She was the main culprit for annexing Aihua, grandma, why did you invite her..."

Seeing the smile on Grandma Tai's face, she gradually became puzzled. After a change of mind, she suddenly understood why Grandma Tai was not angry.

"She asked to come here on her own initiative, that is to say... is she trying to ease the relationship between the Gu and Lu families?"

Mrs. Yu shook her head with a smile and said, "I don't know."

"Then you are..."

"I don't know what she means by coming, and I don't need to know," Mrs. Yu said, "but her coming is a signal. Not only is it a signal to us, it is also a signal to other families."

Mrs. Yu went on to say: "Grandpa's birthday, the Gu family will come here under such circumstances, let Gu Yuqing personally come over as a representative, in the eyes of other families, it is respect for Mrs. Lu, and it is also an endorsement for our Lu family. The four great families, Xia, Gu, Lu, and Qin, are tied together after all, and it is not so easy for other Wu families and Wang families to go further."

Lu Qingxuan finally figured it out, showing off his face a little, but then frowned again, and said:
"However, if she, Gu Yuqing, came here not to congratulate her, but to show off her taunts, what should we do? I've heard that Gu Yuqing acts recklessly and willfully, so she might not be able to do such a thing."

Old lady Yu smiled coldly and said: "If she comes to make trouble, let her make trouble. My old man is just old, not dead. He has so many old subordinates all over the world. If she, Gu Yuqing, dares to make trouble at the birthday banquet , prepare to be attacked by a crowd the next day!"

The more Lu Qingxuan thought about it, the more excited she became, she nodded repeatedly and said, "It seems that this is really a good thing."

When Mrs. Yu heard her say "a great thing", she seemed to have thought of something. She frowned slightly, but she didn't say anything. After all, she lowered her brows and said:

"However, this will trouble you to readjust the seat and arrange Gu Yuqing in. Look, where is it arranged for her?"

Lu Qingxuan knew that the old lady was testing herself, so she looked down at the ticket in her hand.

This is indeed a problem.

The table for the birthday banquet was a round table, there was no square table. Originally, Xia Zhijian and his wife sat side by side with Qin Yunchu at the top of the table, with Xia Zhijian and his wife on the right and Qin Yunchu on the left.Xia You sat on Qin Yunchu's left, separated from Xia Zhijian and his wife.

The Xia and Qin families had a higher status than other families, so their representatives had to sit at the top. This was one of the reasons for this arrangement.

In addition, table etiquette respects the right, Xia Zhijian is older than Qin Yunchu, so he sits on the right, and Qin Yunchu is on the left; in order to avoid suspicion, let Qin Yunchu separate Xia You and Xia Zhijian, so that there will be no competition The question of who is more respectable.

But if Gu Yuqing came, it would be completely different.

Xia, Gu, and Qin, the three families used to be the four big families, with equal status, basically on an equal footing.

If they are ranked in order, there are Xia Gu Lu Qin, Xia Gu Qin Lu and other ways to rank them. Regardless of which one, the Xia family is number one, slightly higher than other families.

But since the Gu family annexed Aihua Company, the old order has been disturbed to pieces, so it's hard to say what the current status is.

There are five seats in three families, and there is always one person who wants to sit in the honorable seat.

So, which family can take this honorable position?

Allowing any family to sit in the middle position is basically equivalent to presenting the Lu family's own understanding of the new order.

It can be said that Lu Qingxuan's current ranking is basically equivalent to the new status order of the three families that the Lu family considers on official occasions.

Hundreds of pairs of eyes stared at the birthday banquet, and any arrangement of the Lu family would definitely cause long-term debate among the upper circles.

Thinking of this, a drop of sweat dripped from the tip of Lu Qingxuan's nose, and the hand holding the pen was a little wet.

"Grandma, it's really a bit... difficult to sort out."

Lu Qingxuan smiled awkwardly, shook her head, expressing that she was powerless, looked up, but saw the smiling face of Mrs. Yu.

"Qingxuan, you are a smart boy, and you are the smartest in our generation."

After saying this sentence without context, the old lady took the pen and added two names and crossed out two names on the guest list.

The two names that were added, one was "Lu Ningna" and the other was "Gu Yuqing", while "Xia Zhijian" and "Fang Bai" were crossed out and added to the head seats at the next table.

On the original table, Lu Ningna firmly occupied the main seat, while Xia, Gu, and Qin were on the two sides.

After seeing this arrangement, Lu Qingxuan showed a look of sudden realization.

"Grandma, why didn't I think of it just now, so there is such a solution."

Old Madam Yu smiled and said, "It's not that you didn't expect it, it's that only I can arrange it like this. How could you even ask Ning Na to come here."

There is a lot of care in the changes made by the old lady.

Originally, this table was full of guests from first-class families, but she transferred Xia Zhijian and his wife away. This table meant "a seat for juniors from upper-class families". ".

Because these people in the seat are not married.

In addition, it was Grandpa Lu's birthday banquet that day, the Lu family was the host, and the others were guests. It was reasonable for the host's family to sit in the honorable position, so Lu Ningna sat in the middle.

Moreover, it is reasonable for Lu Ningna, as the leading figure among the juniors of the Lu family, to be the legal successor of the Lu family in the future, to sit at this table.

After reading it several times, Lu Qingxuan couldn't help admiring it.Such an arrangement is simply too reasonable.

Hardly anyone could fault it.

The old lady tapped the pen in the air, and suddenly said: "Yes, there are more."

Then, she added two more strokes to the guest list, separated the two names of Lu Qingxuan and Chen Ya that had been pasted together, and moved one to the left of the table and the other to the right.

The three members of the Lu family formed a triangle and evenly cut the table into thirds.

The old lady said: "Just trouble you two juniors, talk to the guests more that day, don't let the distinguished guests get bored."

Gao Jinliang watched the old lady's operation and nodded slightly.

The old lady's hands are very clever, and her position is extremely high, which makes him feel ashamed.

At first when Lu Qingxuan came with the guest list, he thought that Lu Qingxuan was here to help Chen Ya and himself seek treatment and status in the Lu family. Judging from her behavior later, it seemed that she had been wronged, because her expression was not like fake.

However, the grandma stands higher, regardless of whether you have ulterior motives or not, I will get things done with you first, make things beautiful, and discuss other family matters behind closed doors.

After showing off, Chen Ya and Lu Qingxuan were arranged to sit at the table immediately afterward. What's the reason for this?
On this table, there are a group of top juniors from the four great families, it can be said that the stars are shining.

Bringing the two of you to the table is obviously to let Lu Qingxuan and Chen Ya show their faces on a big occasion.

Don't you want status and treatment?Here you go.Whether you want it or not, but I'm not afraid to give it.

Why not let Lu Shuying and Lu Qiming sit on the table?Why only order a daughter from Lu Yuanbao's family and a stepson from a side branch family?
The meaning is to show other juniors that the Lu family will never begrudge opportunities for talented and meritorious children.

For people like Lu Shuying, who thought of splitting up when they saw that the master's house had nothing left, it was a kind of beating; for other children of the master's family who were playful and casual, it was also a kind of spur.

Moreover, after arranging the seats in this way, I don't know how many children will be jealous of Chen Ya, and will be jealous of him, and there will definitely be many who will stab him in the future.

As long as he can overcome this hurdle and understand the good intentions of the Lu family, he will definitely be a great help to the Lu family in the future.

Lu Qingxuan also wanted to understand a little bit of the old lady's intentions, grabbed the order list, and whispered:

"Grandma, if this is the arrangement, wouldn't Ning Na's original seat be vacant? Chen Ya and I can sit in other seats."

The old lady smiled and said, "Why? You insist on sitting together, why are you on such a good relationship?"

"Ah, ah? No, no..." Lu Qingxuan shook her head quickly, "I just... no, it has nothing to do with him."

The old lady waved her hand: "Okay, okay, it's getting darker and darker, my old lady is getting older, and I came from your age, and I know it very well in my heart. By the way, when it comes to you and Chen Ya, I have another task for you."

Lu Qingxuan's expression immediately became serious: "What mission?"



After more than ten minutes, Lu Qingxuan returned to her car.

After confirming that the car door was closed, the windows were closed, and there was no one around, Lu Qingxuan looked straight ahead, took a deep breath, and slammed her head hard against the steering wheel.

"Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah—"

The car horn blew several times in short bursts before it stopped, and the double flashers at the front and rear of the car were turned on, one on and one on.

Lu Qingxuan sat in the car panting, holding the steering wheel with both hands, disheveled hair, and a red mark on her forehead.

It's so embarrassing.What a shame today.

No matter how you go now, everyone has misunderstood that it has something to do with Chen Ya?What a shame!
Lu Qingxuan asked herself: Could it be that I really like Chen Ya?

But I don't like him!
Fortunately, these were just their conjectures, and they didn't say anything in front of Chen Ya.

I really don't know, if this rumor reaches Chen Ya's own ears, what expression that guy will have.

Thinking of what if Chen Ya heard them say that he had a crush on him... Thinking of this, Lu Qingxuan felt itchy in her heart, as if being scratched by a kitten's paw, and couldn't help shivering.

This rumor must not go out.

Then, looking in the rearview mirror, he sorted out his image and touched up his makeup.

There is no way to cover the red mark on the forehead for the time being, so it can only let it disappear naturally.

After that, she called Chen Ya.

"Hey, where are you, I have something to see you."

"...Don't talk nonsense, report the address directly."

After finishing speaking, she started the car, pumped the gas, and went straight to her destination.

... After a while, Lu Qingxuan found Chen Ya in a flower shop.

"What's the matter, I'm in a hurry..."

Before Chen Ya finished speaking, Lu Qingxuan reached out and slapped a piece of paper on his chest.

"A surprise for you."


"You'll know just by looking at it."

Lu Qingxuan took his hand off his hard chest, and the red paper floated into Chen Ya's hand, and Chen Ya took a look:
"what is this?"

"The seating chart at the old man's birthday banquet, where do you sit?"

Chen Ya glanced over and saw——

On his table, sat: Qin Yunchu, Gu Yuqing, Xia You, Lu Ningna, Lu Qingxuan...

Good guy.

What kind of birthday banquet is this?
This is clearly a meeting of a group of women!
(End of this chapter)

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