Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 287 286. You also came to see Chen Ya?

Chapter 287 286. You also came to see Chen Ya?
Wang Shaoxian is a high-profile person, well-known to the public, and very good at dancing.

It stands to reason that with his character, he should have made a big fuss long ago, and then disappeared from public view.

But the reason why he hasn't overturned after dancing for so many years is that he knows that anyone who can jump in the face can never be messed with.

He never offended those he could not afford to offend.

Although he didn't know Chen Ya, but just sitting here and listening for a while, he knew that Chen Ya was definitely someone he couldn't afford.

And from his point of view, these people next to him don't have any sensitivity at all, and they are still talking about things like "lover" and "shareholder" here... Is this the point of the problem? ?

Wu Zun opened his eyes and whispered, "Young Master Wang, what do you mean..."

Wang Shaoxian glanced at him, and said with his fingers: "I don't know about this person in your impression, and I don't comment. I just want to say a few points. Look, Qin, Gu, Xia, the four The three families in the aristocratic family all treat him differently, what do you think he should be?"

Wu Zun was silent for a while, then nodded.The logic of Wang Shao's ability to recognize people is simple - people who are more powerful than me praise another person, so how awesome is that person?
Now Chen Hai is not here, if Chen Hai is here, in front of Wang Shao, he must explain to him with a smile:

"Young Master Wang, you are overthinking. Chen Ya is my elder brother. He grew up in the countryside and dropped out of junior high school to work. He may not be as powerful as you think."

The Lu family and Cao Kunguan had acquaintances, but they were all business acquaintances. They had no friendship at first, and they didn't expect him to come over, so they didn't even invite him.

But if you tell him that Chen Ya has already become famous, lives better than him, has a higher status than him, and makes more money than him, then he will not accept it at all.He would rather jump off the 85-story building than accept it.

The next day, he cried with snot and tears pouring down, and wanted to follow his father to the capital. Others only thought he loved his father eagerly, but in fact, the calculations in his heart had already been rattling all night.

This is the national-level director, Cao Kunguan.

After all, for a man who wants to get married, there is obviously less resistance without children.

In the information age, knowledge is power.Especially Yang Changshuo, a scholar who has become a big climate, has long been detached from the ordinary level of power based on money.

"Yes, anyway, I always feel that there is something strange in it!"

"Later, he began to publish papers, and the professors at the school all respected him. Later...he was taken care of by the current female president of Haiya Company. The female president is Japanese, so, has he been to Japan?"

Miao Aoxue was eavesdropping on the people at the table next to him talking about Chen Ya just now, because the voice was not loud, and the hearing was a bit intermittent, but now that Yang Changshuo was sitting beside her, he straightened his back in a jerk.

Because of this, the Lu family rarely interacts with academics.Mrs. Yu did not lie, for a top academic figure like Yang Changshuo to come to the birthday banquet, it is definitely a credit to the Lu family.

Liu Ruying got off her seat, stood beside Yang Changshuo, and said seriously, "Principal Yang, do you also know Chen Ya?"

After all, it was Chen Hai who worked hard and racked his brains to grab the opportunity to come to the capital with his father.

Some people around started whispering.Some members of the Lu family couldn't help puffing out their chests.

"That's all the information we have so far." Liu Ruying nodded, and suddenly said, "Oh, by the way, do you know Pei Hu?"

Not far away, an old man with gray hair and a pale face walked quickly into the hall.

Wu Zun crossed his arms, frowned and thought about it, and said, "Well, I actually thought about it carefully and found that this Chen Ya is really not simple.

"Old Yang, why did you come in such a hurry without notifying me in advance..."

"I came here this time mainly because of an old friend's invitation...By the way, where is Chen Ya?"

"Chen... Ya?" Miao Aoxue was caught off guard by the mention of Chen Ya. On the table next to her, Wang Shao and Wu Zun were having a good discussion. When they heard Chen Ya being mentioned again, they couldn't help it. They all turned their heads.

Before that, she still thought that Old Master Lu could show his stubborn temper again and force Chen Ya to be with her, so Chen Ya had no choice but to marry her...

If Yang Changshuo's sudden visit just now was a surprise to the Lu family, then Cao Kunguan's arrival was a shock to them.


"Doesn't that mean that Mrs. Lu's influence is even more terrifying?"

"You are also here to attend the old man Lu's birthday banquet. Are you familiar with the old man? Do you have a past?"

This table is at the front of the table except for the one from the aristocratic family, and it usually accommodates some of the most closely connected business people and some of the Lu family's children. Now I have to wrong the Lu family's children and adjust the seats.

As long as he wants, he can make a lot of money.And his energy can touch many places that money cannot.

On the side, Grandma Tai and Committee Member Gao also hurried forward to greet her, and the haze caused by Gu Yuqing just now was swept away from Old Madam Yu's face.

Liu Ruying felt her heart beating faster, and Wu Zun was also looking at Wang Shao face to face behind her.

"You and he are..."

When Aihua was still in his hands, the Lu family couldn't handle the director.Aihua Company wanted to stuff his movies with traffic niches, so they had to kneel down to curry favor.

Although Yang Changshuo was old, his body was still strong, and he walked with wind. He passed the main hall all the way, and the people beside him looked at him with a little awe.

When Chen Sheng announced to his family that he was going to work hard in the capital, when Chen Ya fell unconscious at night, he was fascinated by the starlight all night and did not fall asleep for a second.

"Pei Hu used to be Chen Ya's driver."

These are all Wang Shao's knowledge blind spots, and he was dumbfounded when he heard it, and asked: "Then he still has sex with Gu Yuqing? And he became a competitor of Yunshan Group?"

"The Lu family's birthday banquet invited Principal Yang Changshuo to come. It seems that Mrs. Lu's influence is greater than we imagined..."

Cao Kunguan can be regarded as a leader in the literary and art circles, his fortune is quite legendary, and his reputation is quite controversial, but what is not controversial is that his position in the entertainment circle is very important.

It was as if the jigsaw puzzle was gradually being completed, and she seemed to have found, reassembled the broken picture of Chen Ya, and explored the clues to the truth about his time in Beijing University.

"Then why doesn't even his family know about it?" Wang Shao's curiosity was completely mobilized, he put his mobile phone on the table and stopped playing with Internet celebrities, and humbly asked Wu Zun to gossip.

"I know Pei Hu, he is a fierce man. What's wrong with him?" Wang Shao asked.

"According to my current limited understanding, he came to the city to work after graduating from junior high school. Five years ago, he went to the Beijing University Library and worked as a librarian.

After a long time, Wang Shaocai asked with difficulty: "Are you sure that Pei Hu is his driver, not that he is Pei Hu's driver?"

Facing this overly straightforward speech, Miao Aoxue smirked and remained silent for a while, not knowing which direction to answer the words.

Yang Changshuo said briefly, "To be honest, I'm not familiar with it."

As the president of Peking University, Yang Changshuo is very prestigious in the academic circle.His overall impression is that of a fairy-tale, non-angry and majestic temperament.

Hearing Yang Changshuo answering himself, Miao Aoxue replied excitedly: "I am a student of grade 15, and I entered the school in 15. At that time, you were still a professor at Peking University. But you may not remember me very much, because I am from the Department of Chinese Language and Culture. Yes, I haven't attended your class."

Yang Changshuo kept looking around while speaking, and didn't pay much attention to Miao Aoxue, so he asked casually:

With his hands behind his back, Yang Changshuo maintained his usual indifferent expression, and turned his head slightly, "I'm sorry, but I just don't know if the master doesn't welcome you."

"His main identity is a bit embarrassing, his family is a side branch of the Lu family..."

Yang Changshuo thought for a while, and said, "It's really early. Well, I kind of miss that time when I think about it."

At this moment, Mrs. Yu, who was next to her, led another person and came over with difficulty on crutches, still muttering:

Perhaps, his calculations are still doomed to fail after all.

A figure in a gray windbreaker riding an electric donkey flashed past his mind, and he smiled faintly.

In fact, when Gu Yuqing said that they are friends with benefits, her heart has been numb for a long time, and it is still numb now.

The stereotype of "Chen Ya's background is not good" was deeply rooted in Chen Hai's mind.

Now it seems that this hope is getting slimmer.

Because he is afraid.He was afraid that after returning to the village, his father would leave him in the country and not take him back to the capital.

Liu Ruying sighed.

"Director Cao, I didn't expect you to come too. This really makes our place flourish. However, why are you like Mr. Yang, not even saying hello?"

"Old lady, your idiom is wrong. The word Pengpi Shenghui is used to describe my home. This is their restaurant. You said that they are Pengpi. Don't they get angry?" Cao Kunguan said in a very loud voice. big.

Yang Changshuo turned to look at her: "You are?"

After Liu Ruying finished speaking, Wang Shao and Wu Zun were silent.

Another moment of silence.

He would rather never see his mother and sister for the last time, never return to his hometown, and never leave the capital and stay in the countryside.

Wang Shao and Wu Zun chatted one after another, but Liu Ruying was speechless, looking in the direction where Chen Ya left.

Hearing that it was his student, Yang Changshuo's expression softened a little, and he asked, "Are you also a Peking University student? Oh, you are a Peking University graduate. What class are you in?"

Miao Aoxue's voice was pale, and she said, "Uh, I actually know Chen Ya, and he hasn't come yet."

Liu Ruying stood up subconsciously: "Principal Yang..."

This is human nature.

Yang Changshuo's sudden visit made Mrs. Yu a little confused for a while. They didn't reserve many seats in the main hall.

"No, I heard from them that Mr. Yang always comes here uninvited."

Liu Ruying didn't answer, but said: "The last time he called Pei Hu over in front of me, Pei Hu took the initiative to drive for him, and said that he regained the feeling he had before."

Most of the people present were from the Lu family's circle of friends, most of them were from the business world, and they didn't have much contact with the academic world.But don't look at businessmen making a lot of money, but if they associate with scholars, the academic world will look down on them.

Yang Changshuo looked her up and down, feeling that she was inexplicably familiar, and said, "Of course I know him, what's the matter? Do you know where he is?"

Unexpectedly, Cao Kunguan came by himself.

These two choices played a crucial role in his life, and it can be said that they changed the trajectory of his life.

If many years later, when he becomes successful and famous, and sees his brother still farming in the countryside, he will be very generous, tears will fill his eyes, and he will use all his sympathy and affection to support Chen Ya.

Liu Ruying added aloud: "He also opened a company, Jiang Lizhi, who rented the jewels to the Queen of Britain, and she couldn't put it down."

Miao Aoxue was able to chat with Yang Changshuo, her heart was in her throat, and she was frantically looking for something to talk about:

"This life trajectory is very complicated." Wang Shao came back to his senses after a long time, and scratched his head, "That is to say, it took him only 5 years to make a fortune quickly, and his status is extremely high, but his identity is a mystery, right? ?”

Yang Changshuo was taken aback, and then said, "Oh, sorry, you don't know Chen Ya. I thought... oh, forget it, it's nothing."

Later, my father wanted to go back to his hometown to divorce his mother, and wanted to take him with him. He didn't even get in the car, he hugged the legs of the bed at home, and beat and kicked him without letting go.

Gu Yuqing stared at Chen Ya relentlessly, she was not afraid of Mrs. Lu at all, even if Mrs. Lu got mad, she would not be able to tolerate such a result.

"When he was at Peking University, he wrote more than a dozen particularly awesome poems and articles, some of which were particularly popular, but the author himself was unknown.

Looking back, I wanted to find Lu Qingxuan to arrange it, but found that she was not there, and remembered that she was arranged by him to go with Gu Yuqing.In a hurry, she had no choice but to let Yang Changshuo sit next to Miao Aoxue and Li Jiayi.

Yang Changshuo sat down next to Miao Aoxue, and the girl greeted him cautiously: "Principal Yang, long time no see!"

"No matter what, this shows that a lean camel is bigger than a horse! I'm afraid that the saying of the four major families will not change for the time being."

"Why don't you welcome me? If you can come, I feel honored..."

So no matter what, he refused to leave the capital.He is like a lump of mud, even if it is crushed to pieces, it will cover the entire land of the capital, making it impossible for people to pick it up.

"My name is Miao Aoxue, I used to be your student, do you remember?"

Yang Changshuo folded his arms, sighed helplessly, then smiled and said:
"This man is real. He called me over, but he didn't come by himself."

Miao Aoxue was completely scorched by the thunder, and could not utter a single word.

The person who walked in front of Mrs. Yu had a dark face and a strong body, but there were traces of middle age. Nine out of ten people present were familiar with his appearance.

The old lady Yu smiled and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, your arrival has disturbed my old lady's mind, and she can't even use idioms."

Cao Kunguan woke up suddenly, and said, "Hey, you said Mr. Yang just now, which Mr. Yang?"

Mrs. Yu didn't answer either, she just led him to Miao Aoxue's table and said, "Place you next to Mrs. Yang, do you have any objections?"

Cao Kunguan and Yang Changshuo looked at each other, startled.And Yang Changshuo held the cup unhurriedly, squinted at him, and said slowly:
"You also came to look for Chen Ya?"

(End of this chapter)

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