Chapter 30

Strange ceiling, strange quilt, strange bed.

This is a room full of masculinity, with a writing desk by the window, a bed behind the desk, and a small closet not far away.

There is a carpet on the floor, a small coffee table on the carpet, and various books and picture albums on the coffee table.

Liu Ruyan lifted the quilt and sat up, only to find that there were only white suspenders left on her body.

She hugged her body and began to panic.

After being frightened for a while, I found that there were no missing parts on my body.

Even the white silk pantyhose was not taken off.

It was also because of this that his waist was so painful that it turned red.

She took off her pantyhose, rolled them up, and dropped them on the floor.

Then she found her clothes.

After getting dressed, I saw a note left on the coffee table: "I have something to go out. Breakfast is in the kitchen. You can leave as you like after eating."

I looked at the clock, it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

Liu Ruyan stretched her waist.

This was the first time she slept in someone else's house, and she didn't expect to sleep soundly.

In the kitchen, she found the sandwich on the counter in the cupboard.

It had eggs and tomato and a slice of bacon, which had gone cold but was still delicious.

After eating, she left the dirty dishes on the dining table and walked around the room.

This is a single apartment. Although the sparrow is small, it has all internal organs. The bedroom and the study are combined into one. The living room is small, but there is a projector, and the shelves are full of various movie discs.

Although this room is small in size, it is well decorated and the furniture looks comfortable. All in all, it is not a place that the poor can afford to live in.

It's wrong to rummage through other people's houses, but Liu Ruyan still couldn't restrain her curiosity. She wanted to know where this strange man's profound knowledge and ability to see through her at a glance came from.

After searching in the room for a while, Liu Ruyan became even more confused.

There are more than a dozen expensive watches in a mess in the glass cabinet. There are suits and work clothes in the closet. There are both writing brushes and special pens for drawing comics on the desk.

In the end, she still kept the bottom line and did not turn on his computer.

Liu Ruyan didn't see the ability to know the novel without reading a few lines. After looking around the house, the only information she got was: he is single.

At this moment, the man opened the door and went home.

Chen Ya, who was carrying a bag of vegetables in his hand, glanced at her, was slightly taken aback, and said, "You haven't left yet?"

Liu Ruyan had long pretended nothing happened and sat on the sofa, looked at him sideways and said:

"I have nowhere to go."

"Go home." Chen Ya said, "Your parents must be looking for you like crazy now."

"Will be beaten to death."

"I won't be beaten to death, it doesn't matter if I'm beaten to death, the main one is not me."

"Can I stay with you temporarily?" Liu Ruyan said with a red face.

Chen Ya looked at her in surprise: "Huh?"

"I will pay the rent." Liu Ruyan said.

"Leaving aside what you pay the rent with, I don't intend to share the rent with anyone."

Liu Ruyan looked at him pitifully.

Chen Ya said: "I declare in advance that the first time I cried was because I was soft-hearted, and it would be useless to cry any more."

"I didn't cry." Liu Ruyan said.

Chen Ya went to the kitchen to organize the refrigerator, and Liu Ruyan followed behind.

"I can share the housework."

Chen Ya laughed angrily: "You share the roasted crispy sausage, you share."

"What is the roasted crispy sausage?"

"It doesn't matter," Chen Ya said, "Leave my house before noon, I won't cook for you."

"I don't know your name yet."

"Chen Ya." Chen Ya said.

"My name is Ruyan Liu." Ruyan Liu said.

After speaking, seeing that Chen Ya didn't respond, Liu Ruyan walked away slowly.

After going out the door, getting off the elevator, and walking out of the community, she found the 24-hour convenience store yesterday.

She went in and asked, "Are you recruiting here?"

The waiter said, "Then you have to tell the store manager."

"Is the store manager there?"

"You wait a moment. Hello sir, it's 13 yuan and 9 yuan in total."

Liu Ruyan sat in front of the table and waited, with her hands under her chin.

Bored, she saw a row of small snacks at the bottom of the shelf, squatted down to pick one up and looked at it, the package said "Sweet Roasted Crispy Sausage".

After noon, the clerk of the convenience store changed shift, and a male clerk came.

It may be that she sat here for too long, and the male clerk looked here frequently.

At 01:30 in the afternoon, there was no one in the store, and the male clerk came over and asked, "Who are you waiting for?"

"Wait for the store manager."

"Waiting for the store manager to do?"

"Want to work here."

"I want to work part-time." The male clerk smiled and glanced at her, "Have you agreed with the store manager?"

"No. I don't know the store manager."

"Who told you to wait for him then?"

"The clerk from before."

The male clerk sat in front of her and said, "The manager came this morning, but he has left now."

"Oh." Liu Ruyan's heart sank.

"I have his phone number, are you sure you want to work here?"

"How much pay?"

"3500, the night shift will be a little more."


Liu Ruyan had no idea about this number.

"Where do you live?" Liu Ruyan asked.

"Go home, my house is right here, I live with my parents." The male clerk blushed.

Liu Ruyan didn't understand why he blushed: "Can I live in the store?"

"No way, we don't include room and board. Where is your home?"

"I don't have a home."

"How could there be no home?"

Liu Ruyan didn't answer. After a long time, the male clerk said:

"Let me ask the store manager for you. There is a small bed for lunch break in the store, but there is no air conditioner."

He ran to make a phone call, and after a while, he came back and said with regret: "The store manager said he is not recruiting people now."

"Oh." Liu Ruyan stood up regretfully, ready to leave.

"Wait a minute," said the male clerk, "my uncle owns a grocery store, and I'll ask him if he's hiring."

"Yes." Liu Ruyan sat down again.

The male clerk made several phone calls, and finally the disappointment on his face became more and more intense.

It wasn't until another female shop assistant came over and asked him coldly if he was still at work, that he regretfully told Liu Ruyan that it might be difficult to find a job.

Before going out, he told Liu Ruyan that there was an Internet cafe nearby, the night package was very cheap, and he would sometimes spend the night there.

Liu Ruyan quickly found the Internet cafe.

Internet cafes are also a wonderful place for her.

This small and narrow space was filled with the sounds of keyboards and mice, and there was a roar from time to time.

Above 2 meters, there is a layer of blue cigarette smoke visible to the naked eye.

Liu Ruyan covered her nose, found an empty seat and sat down, being careful not to touch the table, which was covered with skin flakes and solidified oily smell.

A man quickly sat down next to her, turned on the computer with headphones, and then quickly entered a shooting game, sometimes muttering and sometimes howling angrily.

"Ah pig nose, throw a cigarette to lie to yourself...don't blame others if you are stupid...well, you are right, take a broken sprayer and hit use your pig brain to think about it Do I want to make up the seat?... Ah, you are right, you are right... You save the money to buy an urn for your mother, and you won't shoot your teammates?"

At noon, this man ordered a bowl of boxed lunch and ate it while playing games. The food was cold and the oil on the meat turned white.

I don't know whether it was nausea from eating or playing games, the man got off the plane and left.

Looking at the half bowl of rice he left behind, Liu Ruyan swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Out of human dignity, she didn't pick it up and eat it.

Through observation, she found that there is a profession called network administrator in Internet cafes.

Usually they just sit at the front desk with their legs crossed and don't have to do anything.

It took Liu Ruyan a long time to judge that this profession does not require technical content, so he walked over to talk to a middle-aged man leaning against the front desk, and asked him if there was a network administrator here.

The middle-aged man glanced at her up and down, smiled obscenely, and said, you shouldn't be a network administrator.

ah?Liu Ruyan tilted her head.

The man said, I will recommend you a good seat, and you can earn more money going to nightclubs.

"Oh..." Liu Ruyan said.

The network administrator at the front desk reminded Liu Ruyan that the middle-aged man did not belong to their Internet cafe, but Liu Ruyan still left with the man.

"Do you provide room and board? How much is your monthly salary?" Liu Ruyan asked after her.

The middle-aged man listened amusedly, and said with a smile, "We'll talk about it when we get there."

As soon as the two entered an alley, they were stopped by a person.

Liu Ruyan looked up and saw that it was Chen Ya.

"Where do you want to take my sister?" Chen Ya asked the man with a half-smile on his face.

 Liangliang was writing about her daily life experience. This book was intended to be a small essay, and it was confiscated as it was written...

  It's okay, I will return to Xiaobaiwen in the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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