Chapter 37 037. Love is an Instinct

Gao Xiaobai smiled.

Very tolerant smile.

"Teacher Yu, I know that there have been a lot of reasons on the Internet saying that García Borges might be from Huaguo, right? Let me just say, it's impossible."

Yu Hua asked him in the blink of an eye, "Why is that impossible?"

Gao Xiaobai shook his fan with a calm expression:
"On the Internet, there are two reasons why he may be from Huaguo. The first is that his novels are published in Chinese first, followed by other languages. The second is that he has never shown his face in public. No award."

He went on to say: "However, after careful analysis, we know that these few are not tenable at all."

Yu Hua pretended to be listening attentively.

"Publishing the Chinese version first can only show that he has a deep Chinese plot. In fact, his Western version is more delicate and smooth in terms of writing style. The Nobel Prize in Literature is also based on Western, not Chinese."

"In addition, there are too many writers who don't show their faces. What about Hemingway Faulkner and Haruki Kawabata, they are all gods and dragons, and they didn't go to accept the award. This doesn't explain anything."

Gao Xiaobai spoke to the camera: "Besides, maybe you don't know very well, let me give you some popular science, García Borges, how high is his status in Latin America."

"In many of his novels, including "One Hundred Years of Solitude", there is a place called Macondo. According to the content in the book, it is speculated that this should be a certain seaside village in Colombia."

"But in Colombia, there is no place called Macondo, only some places that are very similar."

"In order to compete for the name of orthodox Macondo, many villages changed their names one after another. Overnight, there were three more Macondos in Colombia."

"These places are called 'where the story of One Hundred Years of Solitude takes place' or even 'the hometown of García Borges', just to prove that they are the real Macondo."

“Another village took out huge debts and spent huge sums of money to build a full-length García Borges statue.”

"According to the previous income of this village, this statue needs 50 years of financial income from the whole village to pay off."

"As a result, after the statue was built, the village's tourism industry exploded, and all debts were paid off in just 5 years, and it is still booming."

"Of course, since García Borges was never seen in public, that statue was imaginary, carved in the image of the sculptor."

Ju Xing covered his mouth: "Oh my god, Mr. Gao, what you said is so funny."

Gao Xiaobai said seriously: "It's completely true, there is no trace of fabrication. I went to Colombia in my early years and saw that statue with my own eyes."

"Most of the people who travel to Macondo go there with a pilgrimage mentality. Among them, there are many Americans. There are many souvenirs hanging on the roadside, such as gypsy magnets, and post-it notes for insomnia. They cost 5 dollars a piece. The pieces are selling well."

Jupiter asked: "Do Americans love García Borges?"

Gao Xiaobai said: "Americans especially like it. In the United States, if a rich person does not have a book by García Borges in his home, he is like an upstart. NewMoney looks down on him."

He smiled again and said, "Hasn't South America always been regarded as the backyard of Americans? But in the case of García Borges, culture has been imported in reverse."

Jupiter smiled: "Lao Mei also has today."

Gao Xiaobai waved his fan and said, "This is only the influence in Colombia, and the influence is even greater in other places!"

"Actually, the Argentines believed that García Borges belonged to them, that he was Argentine."

"Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, has a National Museum of Argentina."

"There are all the literature, art, history, and cultural relics of Argentina up to now...all the essence is gathered here."

"In the eyes of Argentines, this museum symbolizes their country and nation, and is their pride and beacon."

"And at the entrance of this museum, there are two and a half sculptures."

"The one on the left is Jose Hernandez, a well-known poet in Argentina. In analogy, it can be compared to Li Bai in Argentina."

"The one on the right is Domingo Faustino Sarmiento. He is the first civilian president in the history of Argentina. He is deeply loved by Argentines and he is also a writer."

"There is no statue standing in the middle, only an empty stone pier, on which there is only one name engraved—Garcia Borges."

"It's empty because García Borges never showed his face."

"Although he never stated his nationality, his words are like a natural boiling in the blood of Argentines."

"Argentines firmly believe that he is Argentine!"

"Once García Borges officially shows his face, they will put his head among the greatest poets and most famous presidents in the history of Argentina, and let him stand there forever."

When Gao Xiaobai said this, everyone who watched the show listened.Liu Ruyan also listened.

Everyone had different thoughts in their hearts, only Liu Ruyan was in a daze, recalling the past.

Chen Ya said that love is an instinct, but creation is not.

This is a quote from Love in the Time of Cholera.

In the book, the original words of that sentence are:
"Love is an instinct, either born or never."

If he really believed that, if he really believed that love was an instinct that could not be learned, why did he say, "We practice each other"?

Unlike the others, Ruyan Liu immediately believed that Garcia Borges was Chen Ya.

"Love in the Time of Cholera" was written by him.

It makes her proud.

It also made her feel distressed, bored, and want to cry.

Gao Xiaobai continued to say:

"In addition, there is another country, Chile."

"Chile is a country that once experienced a large-scale movement against dictatorship."

"And that year, García Borges's Autumn of the Patriarch happened to be published in Chile."

"This book is about resistance to dictatorship, and almost all Chileans believe that it is in solidarity with Chile's resistance movement."

"That year, many workers took to the streets, holding the book "The Autumn of the Patriarch" in their hands, and sat in silence."

"The book became the spiritual totem of the resistance movement, and García Borges became the spiritual teacher of the Chileans."

"In addition, in South America, there is a leader who highly respects García Borges."

"That leader's name is Castro."

After talking about this, Gao Xiaobai took a sip of water and said:

"I have said so much, on the one hand, to tell everyone that this person's status in the hearts of Latin Americans is just like Li Bai's status in our hearts."

"On the other hand, it is also to illustrate that this person's works are deeply rooted in the blood and soil of Latin Americans. He cannot be from other places."

"Because of literature, if you don't live in that environment, you can't write something that resonates."

"Ms. Yu Hua must have experienced this. The "Dead" and "Zhao Dayong's Blood Donation" written by Mr. Yu Hua must not be written by people from other countries."

After hearing this, Yu Hua nodded quietly, and then said, "So you think García Borges is from Latin America."

Gao Xiaobai nodded: "That's right."

Yu Hua added: "Then, why does his award certificate appear in Huaguo?"

Gao Xiaobai said firmly, "It's a fake."

"I don't think it's a forgery," Yu Hua shook her head. "Why don't we identify whether this is a genuine certificate or a forgery?"

Gao Xiaobai poked his head over: "How to identify?"

"We invite the most authoritative people in Huaguo to judge," Yu Hua said, "Teacher Mo Yu, his words are always convincing, right?"

 This chapter is a big chapter, the number of words exceeds the limit, don't say I am short!Thanks!
  Thanks to ptik1786913 for the many, many rewards!Thanks!

  Thanks to the book friend [Kan Dagou Stick] for the reward of 500 points!
  Thanks to [Xiao Er Lai Hu Jiu] [Qing Feng Yong Hao Yue] [Book Friends 20210306165725903] for the reward! ~
  Interestingly, in reality, Márquez and Castro are good friends, while Borges is quite critical of Castro.

  The new book list has already ranked 67th~ Liangliang wants to enter the top ten, and I hope everyone will support me~~
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(End of this chapter)

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