Chapter 372.
"What? The internal information of Beichen's project? Tell me more clearly, who are you?"

One day, Cai Zhenyi was sitting in his office when he suddenly received a strange call.

The person on the other end of the phone said that he had the internal information of the project Beichen was developing and was willing to sell it to him.

Cai Zhenyi was dumbfounded on the spot.

Good guy, I've heard of planting commercial spies in hostile companies, and hostile companies directly package their own content and sell it?
How long has Beichen Company been established?Has the interior been corrupted to this point?
Even a big company like Donghuang Seven Stars is only greedy for money, so they won't sell company information everywhere.

While Cai Zhenyi was in a daze, he couldn't help gloating.

However, looking at the fun is the fun, he still decided to reject the other party's proposal.

The reason is simple, how would he know what the other party would offer to sell?
What should I do if I buy a pile of garbage?
And this kind of transaction has certain risks.

What if this is a game made by the other party?
I bought it with my own money, and after they got the evidence later, they sued me.

Then it's not worth the loss.

And what's more, Beichen?what?
Now that your own project team relies on the technology of Donghuang Seven Stars, the financial resources and channels of the bead factory, what kind of thing are you, Beichen, to compete with me on the same stage?

Before that, he paid attention to Beichen because Beichen released the very popular pilot PV.

The technical prowess shown in that PV at that time did create a little tension for Donghuang Seven Stars.

Afterwards, though, he wasn't worried at all.

At that time, he had a discussion with a group of senior executives of Donghuang Seven Stars and the technical core.

Based on everyone's opinions, they came to the conclusion that——

This is a common PV fraud routine.

Just kidding, with Beichen's qualifications, can they achieve the effect on the PV?

Taking a step back, even if they can make this effect, can they achieve this effect on a mobile phone?

Taking a step back, even if they can realize it on a mobile phone, what kind of mobile phone must it be?How much share can it occupy in the market?

Therefore, they discussed and reached the unanimous conclusion that it was fraud.

You have to ask why you are so sure, because they did it themselves.

So Cai Zhenyi made a decision on the spot, and his own side will immediately publish a pv, and he must do his part to grab the limelight back.

The pv produced by their family has used more technology and hard work, and it is cooler than Beichen's. It looks very tall, but in fact it has no content and is very empty.

But this trick worked, because of their PV, the Pearl Factory immediately came to their door and asked for cooperation.

After climbing up to the Pearl Factory, Cai Zhenyi seldom paid attention to Beichen, a competitor.

Unexpectedly, the other party suddenly appeared at this time.

"Sorry, I'm not interested." After Cai Zhenyi finished speaking, he was about to hang up the phone.

The man on the other side sounded anxious.

"Don't rush to refuse. If you don't trust me, let me take a video to prove it to you, okay? My side is really genuine, really!"

Cai Zhenyi had no interest at first, but when the words came to his lips, he changed his mind and said again in a strange way:

"Okay, send me two first, for a sample, and I'll take a look."

He added that person's WeChat account with his trumpet, and immediately sent several small videos and ten pictures, and the WeChat account kept ringing "beep beep beep".

The content of the video seems to be secretly shot with a mobile phone at the work station, and the picture shakes badly, but at least it can prove that he is indeed at Beichen Company.

Followed by a few pictures sent over, the content is very rich.

Cai Zhenyi scanned the content of the picture, and immediately called the other party, but it took a long time for the other party to answer.

"Hey, Mr. Cai, have you changed your mind?"

"Are you already preparing for the test?" Cai Zhenyi said in a serious tone.

The inner ghost was a little nervous: "Yes, we are talking about speeding up the progress."

Cai Zhenyi was greatly shocked, the development speed of Beichen was much faster than he imagined.

At this stage, the field of mobile games is still a blue ocean. When it has not reached a certain level, everyone is fighting against time.

As long as you seize the market one step earlier and gather players, the game will be able to enjoy the soup.

Players are loyal to a game, and they have invested a lot of time and emotion. If they are diverted to their own game, the cost of customer acquisition will increase a lot.

Therefore, this time Cai Zhenyi is still fighting the time difference, pursuing a quick decision.

Beichen is a start-up company, and the time when the current development team was formally established was actually later than that of our own company.

Normally speaking, their development progress should be slower than their own. They have already started preparing for a test before their own? ?
If the other party has this kind of development speed and a little bit of quality, they can make a lot of money.

Cai Zhenyi asked on the phone: "Do you have the data of the beta test? How is the performance of the data?"

The inner ghost is not that stupid. Knowing that this is the most important information, he immediately said:
"Mine includes all kinds of data of beta testing, operation market, payment data, and statistical data of reader questionnaires. Hey, you can see how the data is performing after reading it."

Cai Zhenyi thought for a while and said, "Let me think about it first, you keep the phone open."

After all, he hung up the phone first, and immediately asked the secretary to come to his office.

Soon, Cai Zhenyi's studio executives gathered in his office.

"I have received an important piece of information. There is an insider in Beichen Company who sent me some information about the other party's projects." Cai Zhenyi said seriously to everyone, "The other party intends to sell us these internal materials. I want to hear Listen to your opinions."

He showed the pictures sent to him by the inner ghost to everyone, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

After reading those contents, everyone expressed their opinions one after another, and there was a mess for a while.

"Calm down," Cai Zhenyi patted the table, "I'll ask you two questions, first of all, is it necessary to buy these materials back? If so, how much budget is appropriate?"

Everyone was chattering again. According to their opinions, if you buy it, you must buy it back.

The information shown in these pictures is equivalent to all the engineering documents of a project from its birth to its development until now.
In terms of its value, even if it only counts the investment in it, it is at least hundreds of thousands.

And it also includes packaging and testing data.Doing market research is the most expensive. If you can know the market data of similar competing products in advance, it is equivalent to helping your company avoid lightning, and how much money will you save?
You only need to spend some money to get this kind of thing back, why not do it?
They are not short of money.

So buy it is definitely a buy.As for how much it will cost, everyone is divided on this issue.

Some say that the price is 8 yuan, and some say that it is [-] yuan.

Everyone talked and discussed, and finally came to the conclusion:
First bid 7 yuan, the other party will definitely raise the price, and then slowly grind it down, the bottom line price is 8 yuan.

After the discussion here, Cai Zhenyi called the ghost again and quoted his price.

"7, buy all the resources in your hand, pay with one hand and deliver with one hand."

The inner ghost immediately said: "Deal!"

Cai Zhenyi was taken aback for a moment.

Is it that easy to close the deal?
He is already ready to go back and forth for more than a dozen rounds and bargain carefully!
And the inner ghost hung up the phone, already in a state of sluggishness, and pinched his thighs a few times to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

What kind of fairy deal is this?What kind of fairy buyer is this?
Seventy-eight thousand?
Did something go wrong? !

Now, he is a little suspicious of whether he sold Zhang Weiqiang at a loss.

Hey, why can't there be more competitors?
That night, he met with Cai Zhenyi. Both sides were strictly guarded, wearing two or three layers of masks, and completed the transaction in a small dark corner.

Both sides feel that they have made a lot of money.

After Cai Zhenyi got the hard drive back to the company, he immediately convened a meeting with the heads of various departments in the studio to discuss the materials leaked by the ghosts in Beichen Company overnight.

Each department spoke separately, and it was very lively for a while. After a whole night, Cai Zhenyi woke up the next morning, feeling full of confidence and strength.

There is already a smooth road ahead of me.

After overnight research by the Donghuang Seven Stars team, they came to a simple conclusion about Beichen's project.

That is, mentally handicapped.

Too mentally retarded.

Such a big team made this kind of thing.

Those in the know know that they are a large-scale development of a team of [-] people. Those who don't know that they think that there are only three people working in their company.

With such outrageous products for playing house with children, with such outrageous copywriting, outrageous modeling, and outrageous character design, this company can do it now.

Cai Zhenyi doubts whether the employees of this company have been brainwashed, and have no sensitivity to their future prospects.

Anyone with a little bit of skill would have already run away when they saw this level of project management.

However, I heard that Beichen Company can't recruit high-achieving students from prestigious schools, and basically they all graduated from ordinary schools.

This makes sense.

Cai Zhenyi formed his own logical closed loop in his mind.

However, what made him most happy was that at Beichen's level, the sealing and testing could produce a very good data.

Instead of feeling angry, he felt happy.

Because the data of this kind of thing is so good, it is enough to show the tolerance of the market. Then when our Donghuang Seven Stars game is produced, won't another new century hegemony be born?
Among all the problems, the only thing to worry about is the speed of the other party's development.

According to the development schedule in the other party's profile, he adjusted the development progress of the studio.

Be sure to rush to the public beta at the same time as your opponent, and step on Beichen's game face to face!
However, the strange thing is that since that day, their projects have often had inexplicable vicious bugs.

Some bugs are hidden very deeply, like mosquitoes in the dark, waiting for an opportunity, and running out to give someone a bite at the most unexpected time.

Later, the studio recruited a few more programmers to debug, and the hair loss rate of those people was significantly faster than others.Then they all kind of gave up.

Of course, Cai Zhenyi did not connect this matter with the information retrieved from the inner ghost.

Cai Zhenyi, who was full of ambition, had already opened the champagne in his heart, but what he didn't know was that the Beichen Company on the other side of the capital, Chen Ya and others had the same reaction as him.

On Chen Ya's computer, there are all the files of the projects under development in Cai Zhenyi's studio, which can be seen at a glance.

After Luan Qingying, Shi Chuandong and others browsed the content of their project, Qiqi gasped.

However, this shock was reversed.

"I thought Donghuang Seven Stars were very strong, so that's it?" Shi Chuandong pushed his glasses and said.

"We still can't underestimate the enemy," Luan Qingying was more mature and cautious, "They are still in the early stages of development, and it can't be said that this is a finished product."

"But this idea is very backward," Shi Chuandong said, "Their engine is not suitable for open world on mobile phones, and it will be very unsmooth."

"There is also a problem with the overall game idea," Ge Zhang said, "It's like an mmo online game, but it's also covered in a two-dimensional skin, so it's very mixed."

"Be confident," Chen Ya said, "What they do is just not good. Don't think that the Donghuang Seven Stars must be strong. They are completely amateurs in the second game."

Luan Qingying breathed a sigh of relief, patted her chest and said, "I almost doubted ourselves."

"Don't doubt yourself, just follow the established path. It's only a matter of time before our game succeeds," Chen Ya said. "The problem now is that we can officially close the net and catch fish for that inner ghost."

Luan Qingying nodded, and said, "All the surveillance evidence and document collection evidence have been prepared, and the interpretation of our confidentiality agreement has also been drafted, and he can be sued at any time."

Ge Zhang asked: "If we close the net now, will the buyer have doubts?"

"That's why you have to be a little bit annoyed," Chen Ya said with a smile, "Which one of you is better at acting? Act out and get angry, make a short video, and find a way to get in Cai Zhenyi's and Zhang Weiqiang's circle."

Luan Qingying showed a stunned expression: "Let them think that we have leaked important business secrets, and they will believe in the information they got, right?"

"Moreover, we have to be prepared to sue the lawyers' letters from both Zhang Weiqiang's and Cai Zhenyi's studios," Chen Ya said, "It's just a lawyer's letter warning, but not to sue, but we must find a way to make things worse."

Luan Qingying was puzzled: "We still have evidence, right? If we sue, we might win..."

"Their roots are too deep to win. Even if they win, it will be very troublesome." Chen Ya's smile gradually became sinister. The more money you have, the more you lose and the more miserable you die."

Shi Chuandong couldn't help shivering.

So insidious.scared.

Luan Qingying said, "It makes sense, I learned it."

Shi Chuandong looked at him in surprise.

Luan Qingying said: "I'm good at acting. When I was in school, I belonged to the drama club. I'll go."

"Well, let's go."

After receiving the order, Luan Qingying rumpled her hair on the spot, rushed out of the office, stood in front of the ghost, and overturned everything on the ghost's desk.

"What a good thing you did!"

With a smile on his face, Chen Ya took out his mobile phone while watching the excitement, and started taking pictures beside him.

There is conclusive evidence to catch the thief and take the dirt, not to mention that this inner ghost has also profited from the company's internal information.

According to the confidentiality agreement, the company's loss caused by this "commercial secret leak" reached more than one million yuan (in fact, there was no loss at all).

Even if the worker’s disadvantaged status is taken into consideration and a reduction is made as appropriate, the “insider” will compensate the company about 80 yuan after confiscating the illegal income.

Neither Zhang Weiqiang nor Cai Zhenyi would help him with the money.

And if this happened, he would be completely stink in the game industry, and no company would want him.

As for Zhang Weiqiang's promise to let him join the Hubei factory, it is even more nonsense.

Isn't this kind of tainted person joining the E factory, is it equivalent to the E factory admitting that it has stolen commercial secrets?

Poor inner ghost, with the status of a college graduate, has lost her glorious job and everything, and may have to rely on moving bricks to pay off her debts in the future.

It can be said that his one-handed operation ruined his life.


(End of this chapter)

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