As soon as he opened the original, Mr. Gou had a feeling:
So cool I can't breathe!
This reading speed, this rendering accuracy, this smooth feel, this light!This water!
He didn't realize it when he played it before, but after returning from "Different Rivers and Lakes", he suddenly discovered that the game "Original Demon" is so smooth.

In fact, he doesn't like two-dimensional big-headed dolls. The painting style of "Original Demon" doesn't poke him at all. When he first played "Original Demon", he didn't feel that the open world was particularly well done.

But after playing "Different Rivers and Lakes", he understood!
No matter how good-looking a beauty is, it needs an ugly girl to set off, and Qiuxiang has a bunch of green leaves to show her beauty!

They are all open worlds, and "Alien Rivers and Lakes" can also climb walls, run, jump, and swim.

But the opening of "Different Rivers and Lakes" is completely different from the opening of "Original Demon"!

There is no route planning, no path planning, not even a function to get out of stuck.

It feels like this is just an ordinary MMO online game, but you can crawl and swim in it.

But the map is big and empty, except for towns, there is no hierarchical design, climbing is not encouraged, running the map is not as fast as running.

Since the functions in the game are all in their own right, and there is no interaction, then what is the need for players to run, jump, and climb?

Open and open, the key point is to make players have the desire to explore, but this game is a semi-finished product at best, and only krypton gold content at worst, exploration is useless, and it cannot be opened at all.

To put it bluntly, this is a pseudo-open world!
Mr. Gou's appetite has long been spoiled by various masterpieces. When he played "Original Demon", he didn't think it was too great. He only thought it was really amazing compared to domestic manufacturers.

He has also seen the debates on the Internet recently, and those debates gave him an illusion: domestic games seem to be really good.

As a result, after playing it, it was completely smashed!
Domestic games are still the same, they haven't changed!Beichen is the only one who achieves transcendence!

After complaining in his heart for a long time, Teacher Gou finally calmed down.

In fact, if you think about it calmly, the designers of Donghuang Seven Stars are not all fools.

How could they start making this type of game without even understanding the most basic elements of the open world?

The root cause of this situation in this game may be because - it has too few characters!

"Original Demon" can play many characters at the same time. The skills of each character are very simple, but when combined together, there will be various reactions and possibilities.

But "Different Rivers and Lakes" does not have this design.

"Different Rivers and Lakes" is purely based on various moves.

At the beginning, the various moves the protagonist learns are rubbing moves. You can do combo moves and pick up combos. Teacher Gou even got into it a little bit.

As a result, after the krypton gold system came out, the taste changed.


It was really cool at first, but after a long time, the gameplay became formulaic.

Pull monsters, use golden skills, pull monsters, and then use golden skills.

90.00% of the damage was done by the golden technique, so he didn't need to rub his moves at all.

He was a little sleepy after playing, it was too boring, it might as well be more fun at the beginning.

But it's impossible for him to switch back and use low-level skills to make combos again.Wouldn't it be silly if you don't need the golden skills?

In this mood, Mr. Gou became more and more contradictory.

All in all, this game feels like, at the beginning, the game designer still wanted to make a fun game.

But after finishing it, I saw it, no way, there is no krypton point, so I forcibly added some golden skills and golden weapons...

As soon as these are stuffed inside, the previous complicated action designs are all in vain.

After returning to "Original Demon", Mr. Gou started the main task, and the touch finally returned to normal.

There is no fancy light work, no various skills.

Some only have the simplest and simplest operation, and they are particularly smooth and silky.

Returning to "Original Demon", Mr. Gou discovered that the details of "Original Demon" are so well done, without wearing models, and the movements are natural and not rigid.

On the other hand, "Different Rivers and Lakes" has serious model wear, the characters are too scary, and the running distance and pace are not matched.

In fact, it's not that "Different Rivers and Lakes" is a garbage game. If it came out before "Original Demon", he wouldn't think there was anything, and maybe it would be a lot of money.

But Zhuyu is in front, if he is asked to play this kind of game again, he will not be able to play.

Belonging could have endured the darkness if it had never seen the light.


Thinking back to the torment of playing "Different Rivers and Lakes" just now, Mr. Gou felt vicissitudes all over his body.

Teacher Gou opened the card drawing interface with a vicissitudes of life, stared at the screen for a while, and suddenly uttered a cry:

"This... what is this? So cute!"

In the picture, a little lolita who looks like Little Red Riding Hood is smiling brightly, and Mr. Gou's vicissitudes are instantly cured.

He opened the character preview interface, and when he saw the bouncing little loli, his heart melted immediately.

"What is this? So cute, so cute! I want to slap her!"

At this point, the screen full of bullet screens flashed across:
[What the hell lolicon?disgusting!me too?Oh that's all right. 】

[The lolicon anchor is really hammering, I have already called the police! 】

[The anchor please cherish your live broadcast room, and don't openly estrus in the live broadcast room. 】


Teacher Gou blushed and quibbled: "What lolicon? It's really ugly. Can you call it a lolicon when it comes to raising a daughter?..."

After speaking, he started drooling at the screen again.

"Hey hey, Keli, hey hey..."

It doesn't look like it's fake, but it feels real.

Now the audience in the live broadcast room really began to worry about Mr. Gou's mental state.

"Start drawing! Wait a moment, finish the task before drawing," Gou Teacher said, "Otherwise you will think that I am greedy for the beauty of the little loli."

The barrage began to flash: "Aren't you?"

Teacher Gou paused, and then said: "I'm a bit on the top right now, maybe after completing the task, calm down, I don't want to smoke anymore, and I can save money."

Talking to himself, Teacher Gou clicked on Keli's legendary mission.

30 minutes later……

"Smack it! Smash it! I want to smoke my life!"

"What's on it? If you love her, you have to give her the best, smoke it! Don't regret it! See how often I post it!"

Another 5 minutes later...

"Xiao Bao's bottom is crooked, it's okay, I still have Xingqiong, don't panic..."

Another 5 minutes later...

"Why did the big guarantee give me enough to eat!"

Another 30 minutes later...


Teacher Gou looked at the little red loli on the screen, feeling hopeless.

800 rounds, finally enough for this little lolita.

His money also went with the wind.

Kind of, emptiness.

He had worked so hard today to make a business order for "Different Rivers and Lakes", and he had already been deducted money, but now he has charged it all up.

That is to say, a day wasted.

real.Teacher Gou sat there in a daze.A little empty.

However, all unhappiness essentially stems from different perspectives of thinking.

Mr. Gou thought about it from a different angle, and he suddenly realized that he had suffered for a day, and then used the money from the suffering to get healed from Keli.

Is there anything more cost-effective than this in the world?

No loss!

Teacher Gou cheered up again.

At this moment, Teacher Gou's cell phone rang suddenly.

Pick it up and take a look, the gold master's father.

Teacher Gou didn't know what the other party was going to do, so he connected the phone in a ignorant manner. As soon as he got through, the other party said to him:
"What are you doing? How did you go to play "Original Demon" after taking our business order?"

Teacher Gou wondered, "Sister, my business order is over!"

The staff in charge of docking on the opposite side spoke harshly:

"You can't play the opponent's game immediately after it's over! Do you have any credit?"

No matter how good-tempered Mr. Gou is, he still feels a little pissed off by the other party, so he suppressed his temper and said:
"I made an appointment with you for "Different Rivers and Lakes" for 5 hours. I have already played these 5 hours. Now it is my own time. Do I need to ask you for instructions on what I want to play?"

But the other party said arrogantly: "What's your attitude? You think you're a big name and you're being arrogant, don't you? I will definitely report this matter to your guild!"

Teacher Gou said patiently:
"First, you can sue whatever you want, but I'm a personal anchor, and I haven't joined the guild, so you can't find a place if you want to sue;

"Second, what game I play is my own freedom. I am currently streaming live, and the audience in the live broadcast room can testify to me that I have not violated this list at all;
"Third, I don't want your business order anymore! Just treat it as a waste of time, and I will refund the money to you. Whatever you like, I won't serve you anymore!"

After finishing speaking, Teacher Gou hung up the phone resolutely and collapsed on the chair.

When he answered the phone just now, he was careful, and when he heard the other party slander, he directly turned on the speakerphone, and he made the call in front of the live broadcast room, and the audience in the live broadcast room heard it all.

Although the water friends in his live broadcast room are usually little blacks, when it comes to serious matters, they are always on Teacher Gou's side.

The person who was connected with the funder just now had a really aggressive tone, and no one was uncomfortable listening to it. Many water friends started to spray on the spot.

[To be honest, when Lao Gou was playing that list just now, he felt very bored. Since he broke his face with the other party, he doesn't have to suffer this anger. It's good to just break up. 】

[Teacher Gou calms down, it's okay to offend the benefactor, and there are water friends to support you. 】

"Who's Na Xiaoya sent a huge rocket x 5"

["Different Rivers and Lakes" is absolutely rubbish. There are a bunch of bugs when the server starts. At first glance, it runs away just to make a wave of money. Is this still sentimental?die laughing. 】

[Not much to say about the quality of the game. Everyone has a different definition of a good game, but they bring it up without even fixing the bugs. 】

[Hey, guess why "Different Rivers and Lakes" is in such a hurry?Because the opening server data is rotten, it has already exploded. If you can't beat "Original Demon", you can only catch the little anchor to bully. 】

A long barrage of bullets rolled across the screen, and for a while it was all condemnation of Donghuang Seven Stars, and many people gave gifts.

Teacher Gou was moved by these water friends.

He rubbed his face, sat up and said, "Thank you everyone, I'm fine."

After a pause, he said: "I still want to apologize to everyone. It was indeed a business to play "Different Rivers and Lakes" before. I experienced it myself and brought you a very poor live broadcast experience. I would like to apologize to everyone here. .”

"Everyone has also seen that we broke up with Party A just now. I won't talk about the right and wrong. Anyway, I will refund the money to Party A afterwards, so I can objectively evaluate the wave of "Different Rivers and Lakes"..."

Taking a deep breath, he said, ""Different Rivers and Lakes" is now a semi-finished game, or not even a semi-finished game, please don't play it."

Mr. Gou's true feelings were revealed, which won the audience's touch in the live broadcast room, and the gifts were even more exciting.

There were also aggrieved meddlers who helped to spread the slice of this live broadcast to all major platforms, and as a result, it suddenly became popular.

In Bibo, the topic of "Party A quarreled with the anchor" rose rapidly, and suddenly came to No. 5 in the hot search.

It happened to be the sixth-ranked ""Different Rivers and Lakes" Public Beta".

In Pineapple Pineapple, the video of Mr. Gou being scolded is also on the hot list, and you can find it when you enter the station.

In this wave, not only Teacher Gou became popular, but Donghuang Seven Stars also became completely popular for breaking defense and cursing people.


Chen Ya put down his phone, and said to Luan Qingying: "This time the navy is a bit strong, I can't even tell which ones are the navy and which ones are real."

Luan Qingying said: "Of course, we paid a lot of money this time, and specifically asked them to be smarter and not foolish."

After a pause, he continued: "But there is another reason, and it is indeed that "Different Rivers and Lakes" is done too badly, and it's spot on no matter how dark it is."

Chen Ya said again: "This anchor named Mr. Gou feels very pitiful. Send him some business orders."

Luan Qingying asked: "But Mr. Chen, if we don't give the order, he's playing too. If we give it, doesn't it seem very deliberate?"

Chen Ya raised his eyes to look at him: "Just deliberately, I gave him money to have fun. By the way, it's not just him. Let the marketing department do a research, find a thousand KOLs, and send out the business list."

Luan Qingying felt a little suffocated: "One thousand? We've never invited KOLs before, is it right to engage in so many at once..."

Chen Ya said: "Before we didn't invite them because we didn't have enough funds. Now, we have money!"

After Luan Qingying left, Chen Ya lay down comfortably, feeling good.

Laughing to death, he, Chen Ya, really doesn't care about friends and businessmen's slander, but that doesn't mean he doesn't hold grudges.

He is very vengeful, he was blackmailed by the navy before, and was bribed by the mob, he remembered everything!
This time "Different Rivers and Lakes" has a lot of bugs in its opening server, that's right, he did it!
Before, he hacked into the network of Cai Zhenyi's studio in reverse through some small means, leaving some small surprises.

The original intention was to let the bug slow down their development speed, but Cai Zhenyi was in such a hurry, the bug was not fixed, and the third test was not done, so it went online directly.

Then if this does not give him a big wave, wouldn't he be sorry for such a good opportunity?
As for those people on the Internet who are raving about "Different Rivers and Lakes", of course, they are all found by Chen Ya!

Tit for tat, if you hack me, of course I will hack back.

At most I spend a little more than you do.

It's a pity that Cai Zhenyi spent money to buy the navy, all of which became counter-propaganda;

And the navy that Chen Ya bought, combined with the explosive performance of the server opening of "Different Rivers and Lakes", is so black and so there.

In this wave, "Different Rivers and Lakes" exploded on the spot.

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