Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 390 Chapter 387 Coming of Age Ceremony

"I know, it's not like I can't see it." Gu Yuqing replied softly.

She has always been very self-aware of her appearance, so she will not hypocritically pretend to be modest.

Today, she is here to bomb the scene, and if no one is looking at her, it will make her feel very strange.

There are not many people in the world who can maintain a normal heart towards her like Chen Ya.

A man with neat hair and a neat suit walked towards them and greeted them very politely:
"Hi Miss Gu, I'm Xiao Yaming from Zhiweixuan. I've heard that Miss Gu is the number one beauty in Beijing. It's a great honor to see her today."

Gu Yuqing responded lightly: "Hello."

Xiao Yaming handed over the business card, and wanted to say something, but several people squeezed up next to him, shouting at Gu Yuqing one after another:
"Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. Ms. Gu deserves to be crowned in the capital. I belong to Boten..."

"Miss Gu, we met once in Gaoshan before, do you remember me? My name is..."

"Miss Gu, Miss Gu, I rushed over as soon as I saw you. Tonight is really a good night, what do you think?"

Soon, a group of noisy males gathered around Gu Yuqing, and surrounded her tightly.

These people came here to build relationships, either because they wanted to get acquainted with Gaoshan Capital to work for them, or they hoped to develop a relationship with her, and they all hoped that she would favor them.

For Gu Yuqing, this kind of scene was just a small scene, she kept a slight smile on her face, and seemed to concentrate on listening to them, but in fact, no one paid attention to them seriously.

She stood with her long straight legs crossed, the crystals on her high heels shone under the light of the night light, and her tall figure stood out from a group of men.

Wu Qiutong stood aside, fanning around with a folding fan in his hand, and couldn't help but feel jealous of this best friend.

This best friend has been popular since she was a child, not only because of her appearance, but also because of her inexplicable attractiveness.

Gu Yuqing is moody and has a perverse personality, but it is this kind of personality that makes people want to please her and cannot stop.

Sometimes Wu Qiutong wonders if this guy is a succubus, and why he is so charming.

"Get out of the way! Good dog out of the way!"

A rude roar of a motorcycle sounded behind everyone. They turned their heads and saw a young guy with a flamboyant haircut, riding a flamboyant motorcycle, just coming in through the gate.

This boy looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, but he had an unruly expression on his face.

Dare to be so arrogant on this occasion, either the young man doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, or he has a sky-high background behind him.

And he was both.

His name is Ye Xianzhi.If you are a person who has been in the upper class of the capital for a long time, you should be particularly sensitive to this name.His great-grandfather was indeed a man of heaven to these people, and his background was frighteningly large.

If he is one of the main guests of this banquet, then the people around Gu Yuqing are all secondary guests.

Hearing Ye Xianzhi chasing them away, these people quickly dodged away, fearing that they would be slow, only Gu Yuqing was still standing there.

Gu Yuqing squinted at him and said, "Ye Xianzhi, what are you doing?"

Ye Xianzhi, who was holding a helmet on the locomotive, took a closer look, became polite in an instant, and said with a smile:
"So it's Sister Yuqing, please excuse me, I have to drive in."

"Don't be joking," Gu Yuqing said sternly, "Who told you to drive the car in?"

Ye Xianzhi looked puzzled: "What kind of car is my car, should I be parked by the side of the road?"

"Why can't you park on the side of the road? What kind of manor is this?" Gu Yuqing said, "If this is my house, you can come in as you like, but this is Jiang Xinhai's. If you crush the lawn, who is to blame?"

Ye Xianzhi had no choice but to say with a bitter face: "I said it earlier, I would have known that I would not ride the bike over..."

"Don't let you ride a bicycle, don't you want to yell on the spot?" Gu Yuqing threw down a sentence, and then took Wu Qiutong's hand, "Let's go, sister."

For others, Ye Xianzhi can't be offended, but Gu Yuqing is not used to him.When Ye Xianzhi was a little kid, she had beaten her several times, which had left a psychological shadow on the child, so now that she is older, she is still afraid of her.

But Ye Xianzhi was not useless, at least he helped her drive away those people.

The two good sisters walked arm in arm, across the neatly manicured lawn.

Gu Yuqing's steps were elegant, under the long skirt with high slits, her long white legs were faintly revealed from time to time, her soft waist swayed, and she was full of amorous feelings.

When passing by, people on the side of the road couldn't help staring at her, watching her all the way, with greedy eyes flashing vaguely.

Wu Qiutong next to him leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Did you find out?"

"What did you find?"

"So far, we have seen no one here with a net worth of less than 5 million."

Gu Yuqing was surprised and said, "You know a lot of people."

Wu Qiutong became proud: "That's right, I can't do anything else, I'm still good at recognizing people."

But after that, she became worried again: "What should I do? I feel that I am under a lot of pressure standing here, will I be underestimated?"

Gu Yuqing smiled and said: "You use tens of thousands of cosmetics, do you still need to feel inferior?"

"But I'm a poor ghost, and my deposit is only seven figures."

While the two were talking, Wu Qiutong suddenly thought of something and asked, "By the way, what happened to your previous investment?"

Gu Yuqing said, "It's okay."

"How much is it okay?"

"Anyway, it's paid back." Gu Yuqing said, "I don't care too much about it, just leave it there and wait for the dividends."

Wu Qiutong asked: "By the way, what kind of game is that kid Chen Ya playing?"

"It's called "Original Demon"."

Hearing this name, Wu Qiutong's eyes lit up, and said, "The Original Demon belongs to their company? Awesome, sister!"

"Have you heard of it?" Gu Yuqing turned to look at her.

"I've not only heard of it, but I also play it. I'm level 55." Wu Qiutong said proudly, "I'll show you my pass."

As she said that, she was about to take out her mobile phone, Gu Yuqing pushed her away in disgust: "Don't look at it, don't look at it."

Wu Qiutong showed off her failure, and then asked cautiously: "How is the operation of "Original Demon"? Can it beat "Other Rivers and Lakes"?"

Gu Yuqing was a little surprised and asked, "Who did you hear that from?"

"I read what was said on the Internet." Wu Qiutong explained carefully, "They said that the water in "Different Rivers and Lakes" exploded."

Gu Yuqing said: "It's only been a few days since the server of "Other Rivers and Lakes"? You have to know that "Original Demon" has set a record for the first day of revenue for mobile games!"

Although Gu Yuqing said that she didn't pay attention to the flow of the game, but when she heard someone questioned and slandered "Original Demon", she immediately started to help refute it just like her own children were questioned.

Wu Qiutong said: "I know! That is to say, the server launch of "Different Rivers and Lakes" is said to be a very explosive statistic, and it has refreshed the record of "Original Demon"."

Gu Yuqing had nothing to say, but she didn't feel very convinced.

Wu Qiutong added: "Recently, the flow of mobile games has been refreshed one after another, and the concept of A-share mobile games has been soaring. There are also authoritative media in China, which gave Cai Zhenyi an exclusive interview."

Gu Yuqing finally said out loud, "The garbage game "Other Rivers and Lakes" is also worthy of breaking the record of "Original Demon"? I don't believe it."

"That's right!" Wu Qiutong stomped her feet, "I'm also an OP. I don't believe that "Different Rivers and Lakes" can make so much money after its word-of-mouth explosion, but some news on the Internet seems to be true."

After a pause, she said angrily again: "If it is said that "Different Rivers and Lakes" can explode with flowing water, then it may really be that the spring of mobile games has come, and it also shows that flowing water is not linked to the quality of the game."

Gu Yuqing frowned.

She was inexplicably upset.

The source of the news mentioned by Wu Qiutong actually came from the verbal battle between fans of "Original Demon" and "Different Rivers and Lakes" on the Internet.

The styles of the two games are very different, and the audience is completely different, but the most violent conflict broke out between these two games.

The cause was the announcement before the opening of "Different Rivers and Lakes", and it was too serious to touch "Original Demon".

When the PVs were released on both sides before, the old players of Donghuang Seven Stars blew up the PV, but after it landed, they found out that it was the same. Many players of "Different Rivers and Lakes" felt ashamed.

However, "Original Demon" was announced to pull the hips, but it won the card with a huge amount of water when it opened the server. Many "Original Demon" players directly blew it up, which made the "Yijianghu" players who "fallen into the altar" quite unhappy .

So the two sides started working.

The most recent rhythm point is because a player of "Different Rivers and Lakes" posted a comparison chart of the first day of the two games. In the picture, the flowing water tulle of "Different Rivers and Lakes" surpassed "Original Demon".

It was only after Wu Qiutong saw this rhythm that he worried about whether there would be a problem with the flow of "Original Demon".

She also believed in the announcement of "Different Rivers and Lakes" and fell into the trap. As a result, on the day of the server opening, she was so angry with the bug and the stiff feel that she deleted the game on the spot.

If a game of the quality of "Different Rivers and Lakes" overtakes the running water, she will be sick for a long time.

The two chatted all the way and walked inside.

The exterior of Jiang Xinhai's manor refers to the design of northern gardens and incorporates the elements of Jiangnan gardens. It has a wide view from the outside and a grand layout. Walking in, the winding paths lead to seclusion, and it also has a subtle and timeless atmosphere.

Walking through the lawn walk, passing through the eaves, you will arrive at the main stage of the coming-of-age ceremony. Under the moonlight, the artificial lake in the garden is sparkling, and the main stage is also arranged in a fairy-like way.

Gu Yuqing saw her father Gu Zongyan from a distance. At this moment, he was greeting some distinguished guests. Gu Yuqing didn't bother him, but she waited obediently aside.

If you come to this occasion today, if you don't ask or say hello to Gu Zongyan, the old man will think that you are not polite, and you will find fault with him later.

She has a rebellious personality, but she is also a smart person, so naturally she will not touch this bad luck.

Gu Zongyan had always put his career before his family, but today he had a rare change of sex. He hadn't finished greeting the guests when he saw Gu Yuqing waiting by the side, so he actually called her over.

"Yuqing, come say hello to my uncles."

Gu Zongyan smiled, it seemed that he was in a good mood today.

Beside him stood three old men who were about his age, one with cold eyes and introverted eyes, one with extraordinary style, and one with a big smile, but he seemed to see him often on TV.

All in all, these three people are not easy to mess with at first glance, and their status is extraordinary.

"Hello uncle, uncles." Gu Yuqing saluted politely.

The three men looked at her, with their hands behind their backs, and nodded.

It is rare for Gu Zongyan to have a better attitude towards her today. This daughter has put in a lot of effort in dressing up today, and she is more disciplined than before, so she is particularly pleasing to the eye.

In addition, this daughter is quite good, so he has a lot of face in front of everyone.

"Is niece Yuqing interested?" a high-status man asked.

"She didn't even intend to do that." Gu Zongyan answered for her.

The man asked again: "I don't have this plan now, don't I have any plans in the future?"

Before Gu Zongyan could speak, the other man said again: "Sooner or later, we have to make plans, why not start planning now."

Another man said, "If you have plans in this regard, would you like me to help introduce you?"

"Haha." Gu Zongyan said haha, a little embarrassed.

But Gu Yuqing said generously: "I may have plans in the future, but I hope to find it myself, it will be more interesting."

The old man said kindly: "You can't say that. With the help of the elders to select and eliminate, at least a large part of the unqualified ones can be screened out."

Another man said: "This girl can see that she has her own opinions, and it seems that Lao Gu doesn't need to worry about marriage."

Gu Zongyan chuckled, but didn't say anything, and he didn't know how to answer these words.

The man before said: "My niece said so, now you have someone you like?"

Gu Yuqing said generously: "I can't talk about liking, I think this kind of thing should be done slowly, and I can't talk about liking right now."

Gu Zongyan's expression changed, but the man next to him smiled and said, "You're right, take your time."

Gu Zongyan raised his chin at Gu Yuqing and said, "Go and say hello to your sister."

At this time, his complexion was already a little bad. Gu Yuqing knew that this guy had started to be suspicious again, so she muttered in her heart, and said goodbye to several people.

After picking up Wu Qiutong, she went to look for Gu Chengxi again.

At this time, the protagonist of this coming-of-age ceremony is surrounded by the gate of the manor house, surrounded by classmates, Ye Xianzhi is also there.

Ye Xianzhi is one year older than Gu Chengxi, but he is a repeater, so he has a fate with the Gu family, and they are classmates.

Seeing Gu Yuqing approaching, Gu Chengxi immediately stood up holding her skirt, and greeted with a bright smile: "Sister!"

Those students all turned their heads to look at Gu Yuqing, their expressions suddenly became dull.

This image of Gu Yuqing is at the level of a fairy in front of students of this age, and has a coercive effect, regardless of gender.

When Ye Xianzhi saw her, she stuck out her tongue a little.

Gu Yuqing said hello: "Dad asked me to meet you, happy birthday!"

Gu Chengxi smiled and said, "Thank you!"

Today her attire, worthy of the word "dressed up", looks like a princess of some country.

Gu Chengxi looked around for a while, and asked, "Sister, didn't you say you would bring your dance partner over today?"

Wu Qiutong patted her chest aside: "It's me, her wife is me!"

Gu Yuqing pushed her away.

"He's coming late."

Gu Chengxi stretched out his hand and pointed to the distance, and said, "Sister, your friend has already come over, over there."

Gu Yuqing turned her head and looked towards the artificial lake, just in time to see that Cai Zhenyi also turned her head and stared at her sharply. (end of this chapter)

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