"I don't have any specialties other than eating."

"Hahahaha..." Xia Longju laughed loudly and said, "My niece is humorous, too modest is sometimes a kind of arrogance."

Gu Zongyan said: "How can she be modest? She is just talking nonsense. You don't know her, Lao Xia, and you don't know which of the words in her mouth are true."

Xia Longju asked with interest: "Really?"

Just now because of Gu Yuqing, Yi Yangbing was looked down upon by Xia Longju, and he was angry in his heart.

Now that the topic is here, I seized the opportunity and took the opportunity to yin and yang:

"That's right, Miss Gu Yuqing is really dishonest sometimes, and she also hides her relationship status. Hey, didn't the guy who dated you last time come?"

Hearing this, Gu Yuqing's face immediately sank, and Wu Qiutong, who was only thinking about cooking, started to shiver.

He already knew that Yi Yangbing, the cannon, was going to do something bad here. Last time Chen Ya knocked him down at the bar, he has always held grudges to this day.

No, sure enough, revenge started.

Gu Zongyan heard Yi Yangbing say that Gu Yuqing was "dating" and "in love" with the man, and felt extremely piercing, so he turned his head and asked Gu Yuqing:
"There is such a thing? Why didn't you say it?"

Gu Yuqing was a little flustered, but on the surface she still pretended to be disdainful, and said coldly, "Do you trust him?"

Gu Zongyan and Gu Yuqing's biological mother had an agreement that Gu Yuqing could not marry, otherwise the Gu family would kick her out.

It is impossible for the Gu family's foundation to fall into the hands of outsiders, especially since Gu Zongyan now has a son with his remarried partner.

Therefore, for others, marriage and love are ordinary matters, but for Gu Yuqing, it is an extremely serious matter.

Gu Zongyan turned to Yi Yangbing, and asked seriously: "Young man, tell the truth, is what you said just now true? If you spread rumors out of thin air, I won't forgive you."

Yi Yangbing used to be in Jinxi's own territory, but no one dared to talk to him like this, but in front of Gu Zongyan, who was overwhelmed by the superior, Yi Yangbing suddenly panicked.

He stammered and said, "That's the case, I, what do I have to tell lies?"

Seeing Gu Zongyan's serious face, Yi Yangbing continued: "The last time I met her, didn't she just bring a guy with her? I think the two of them are so sweet. She was there at the time."

Saying that, Yi Yangbing pointed his finger at Wu Qiutong.

Wu Qiutong was already trembling, but now she was trembling even more violently.

She has been most afraid of Gu Zongyan since she was a child, but today she fell into the gun for no reason.

Gu Zongyan aimed at Wu Qiutong again, and said in a stern voice, "Really?"

"Abaa?" Wu Qiutong was in a dilemma.

She couldn't betray her best friend, and she didn't dare to make trouble in front of Gu Zongyan, so she could only put on a stupid face, "I'm not, I don't have, I don't know, don't talk nonsense.

Now she hates Yi Yangbing as a cannonball in her heart, this guy is really an annoying and irresponsible person, Gu Yuqing was right to look down on him at the beginning.

Gu Chengxi didn't dare to vent his anger at this time, and stood aside, quietly watching this good show.

Kind of, it's exciting!
She had vaguely guessed that Gu Yuqing had a date before, and Gu Yuqing had also hinted to her that that date might come today.

Girls have an inexplicable intuition about this kind of thing. Recently, she feels that Gu Yuqing is different from before, a bit like falling in love.

She didn't know about the transaction between Gu Zongyan and his ex-wife. From her point of view, it was pure gossip. Now she was looking at it with the mentality of eating melons, and she didn't know the danger behind it.

"Tsk." Gu Yuqing stepped forward to help her girlfriend block the knife.

She shook her face at Gu Zongyan and said, "Everyone is talking about light topics. Why are you so stern? Can you have a better attitude?"

Gu Zongyan realized that he was a bit too much, so he put away his expression, his tone softened a little, and hypocritically said: "Isn't this caring about you?"

Gu Yuqing let out a "hehe" and said, "If you really care, why would you be so ugly in front of so many people just because of a few words from an outsider?"

Gu Zongyan knew he was wrong, so he didn't intend to pursue it on the spot.

He was thinking about how to find a way to keep Gu Yuqing behind and interrogate her.

Gu Yuqing rolled her eyes twice.What Gu Zongyan was thinking, she guessed thoroughly.

She had already planned how to sneak away later, so as not to give Gu Zongyan a chance to interrogate herself.

Just when this topic was repeatedly dismissed by Gu Yuqing and was about to be fooled, Cai Zhenyi suddenly spoke up.

"Brother Yi, is the man you mentioned who has a good relationship with Yuqing a tall and thin man?"

After hearing this, Yi Yangbing turned to look at him in surprise, and said: "Ah, yes, it's probably this tall, have you seen it?"

Cai Zhenyi smiled slightly and said, "It's so tall, does that man look good? Always wear casual clothes?"

Yi Yangbing said: "Well, he is quite handsome."

Even if he didn't want to admit it, the other party was indeed handsome.

Cai Zhenyi nodded and said, "Then it should be him. That person's name is Chen Ya, I've met him before."

Yi Yangbing clapped his hands and said, "Yes! It's called Chen Ya!"

"Chen Ya?"

Gu Zongyan frowned and repeated the name, feeling a little uncomfortable.

As the saying goes, catch the thief and get the dirty, catch the adulterer and catch the double, now the names of the parties have come out, Gu Yuqing, you still say you are not in a relationship?

Hearing that Chen Ya's name was exposed, Gu Yuqing panicked completely.She stared at Cai Zhenyi viciously, but the other party didn't look at her, and continued on his own:

"Because I was very worried that Yuqing would make friends with someone who is not authentic, so I got to know this Chen Ya a little bit through various channels, so I know some things about him."

Gu Yuqing gritted her teeth hard.It seems that this guy has made up his mind to ignore everything and is going to tear himself apart here.

Gu Zongyan turned to Gu Yuqing and said, "What do you say?"

Gu Yuqing didn't answer, but seeing her expression, she already understood everything.

Her confusion was almost written on her face, if it wasn't for the special relationship between Chen Ya and her, she wouldn't be so concerned.

Xia Longju was very interested, sat up straight, and said:

"There is really someone who makes my niece fall in love with? Xiao Cai, since you know this Chen Ya, why don't you tell everyone about it? I'll help check it out."

Cai Zhenyi smiled again.

In the past, if he had been lucky and hoped that he could regain Yuqing by defeating Chen Ya in business, now, this hope was about to be shattered.

But what he can't get, no one else can get it.The heavens have eyes, and now he has given him such a good opportunity to use the power of the Gu family's parents to suppress Chen Ya.

Why should he not take advantage of this opportunity?
What's more, the foreshadowing that was buried for so long before is now the time to use it.

In his hands, he holds an important secret of Chen Ya.

"This Chen Ya is a small boss. Like me, he also belongs to a game company." Cai Zhenyi said.

"Little boss?" Gu Zongyan frowned, and gave Gu Yuqing an unhappy look.

Who is Gu Zongyan, and what boss hasn't seen him?What is Gu Yuqing's identity, why does she need to find a small boss?

Is it bright on the face?

Xia Longju asked with interest: "How old are you?"

"It's not very old," Cai Zhenyi said, "only in his twenties, maybe a little older than Yuqing."

Xia Longju said: "Oh? At such a young age, it's pretty good to be a boss and start a company. What does his family do?"

"This is the problem." Cai Zhenyi said, "Actually, as far as I know, his family is very poor and has little money."

"Huh?" Gu Yuqing looked at Cai Zhenyi.

Gu Yuqing herself didn't know about Chen Ya's family background. She had been with Chen Ya for so long, and she never asked about it, and Chen Ya never said that she didn't know what Chen Ya's family did.

She didn't expect Cai Zhenyi to know all this and investigate so deeply.

"As far as I know, this Chen Ya was born in a small mountain village by the great river in Jiangnan Province, in a single-parent family, and his mother is an ordinary peasant woman."

After Cai Zhenyi finished speaking, Wu Qiutong opened his mouth and his head went into a shutdown state; Gu Chengxi covered his mouth and took a deep breath; Yi Yangbing was stunned when he heard it.

Gu Zongyan's expression became more and more ugly.

Xia Longju's expression was normal, and he asked: "Then he must be very talented in learning to be able to walk out of the mountain village. He must have been admitted to a prestigious school, right? Start a business after graduation?"

The smile on Cai Zhenyi's face could not be concealed more and more. How could he not be excited that the secret weapon he possessed could be used in such a perfect occasion today?
"No, he has no talent in learning." Cai Zhenyi said, "He also didn't get into a prestigious school, but dropped out of school."

Xia Longju smiled and said, "Drop out of university to start a business? It seems that many celebrities in the business world..."

"No," Cai Zhenyi said, "he didn't go to college at all, he dropped out of junior high school!"

Gu Yuqing rubbed her head.

It's finally coming out, and it's coming out in the worst possible light.

Gu Yuqing always knew that Chen Ya was only a junior high school dropout, and he told her himself, but she never took it to heart.

Chen Ya is able to direct top students from various prestigious schools, and he is also able to thrive in the academic world. He said that he graduated from junior high school, and the devil would believe it.

"Wait a minute," Wu Qiutong interrupted Cai Zhenyi from the side, "You're lying! Isn't Chen Ya from Beijing University? How could he drop out of junior high school, drop out of school or something..."

Cai Zhenyi looked at Wu Qiutong calmly, and asked, "How do you know he is from Beijing University?"

Wu Qiutong was dumbfounded, she didn't remember how she knew that Chen Ya was from Beijing University.

Anyway, Chen Ya gave her the impression that she was closely related to Beijing University.

Cai Zhenyi smiled and said: "He is indeed from Peking University, but he is not a Peking University student. Last year, Peking University recruited librarians. There was no establishment, and he was a temporary worker. He applied for the job and was recruited. It's as simple as that."

Wu Qiutong shut up.

She originally wanted to help Chen Ya regain some impression points.

But it seems... it's not helping.

"Junior high school dropout? Temporary job?" Yi Yangbing sneered, and said, "That buddy pretends so much, I thought he was a returnee!"

"It's not a returnee, I guess he has never been abroad in his life." Cai Zhenyi said with a smile.

Gu Zongyan's complexion was already very bad.

Originally, his focus was only on Gu Yuqing's relationship issues, but Cai Zhenyi's step-by-step explanation made him more and more suspicious of Gu Yuqing's vision.

When girls reach their age, it is inevitable that they will miss spring. Gu Zongyan had expected it, but he did not expect that the person he was looking for would be so unbearable.

He felt very humiliated in front of his old friends.

Gu Chengxi didn't have this kind of thought, she looked around with watery eyes, she only felt that Gu Yuqing was getting cooler and cooler.

He went to start a business without even studying in junior high school, and even became a small boss, what a cool guy!

The smile on Xia Longju's face disappeared, and he frowned and asked:
"What you said is unreasonable. A person who dropped out of junior high school and has a poor family situation, where did he get the start-up capital to make him the boss of the company?"

Cai Zhenyi said: "For this one, I have to ask Yuqing, she knows best."

Gu Zongyan's face was livid, and he said: "Before, she ignored the company's objection and invested [-] million in a game company in her own name. It must be this person's company, right?"

All eyes were on Gu Yuqing.

Gu Yuqing sighed and said, "Yes."

Gu Zongyan narrowed his eyes: "So, because of your personal relationship with that person, you offered [-] million yuan to help him? Our Gu family, how can there be such a prodigal woman like you?"

These words were so emphatic that everyone present held their breath, and for a while, not even a single sound could be heard.

Xia Longju was slightly touching, and also frowned.

He didn't expect that it was Gu Yuqing who provided funds to that Chen Ya to help him start the company.

Xia Longju is an old Jianghu, and he knew it was wrong when he heard what Cai Zhenyi said just now.

I have no foundation or background and want to accumulate the first pot of gold to start a company in the capital. Apart from buying lottery tickets, most of the rest of the way is written in the criminal law.

The fact that the funds were provided by Gu Yuqing was better than what he had just imagined.

However, to Gu Zongyan's ears, it felt very wrong.

For a man with no identity, no background, and no education, Gu Yuqing invested money for no reason, and helped such a Phoenix man get up, what was he trying to do?
There is no love for no reason in the world. To put it bluntly, it must be because two people have an affair, and Gu Yuqing will do this.

It wasn't that Gu Zongyan deliberately thought of people as bad, he had experienced too much, and he could think of the cause and effect of this kind of thing even if he used his brain a little.

A child like Gu Chengxi doesn't understand, so doesn't he, an old fritter who has been in the mall for many years, also understand?

However, thinking this way played into Cai Zhenyi's arms.

Cai Zhenyi deliberately hides half of what he says, in order to guide them to think in this direction.

Gu Zongyan's chest rose and fell, he pointed at Gu Yuqing and said:

"I always thought you were a very rational person, but I didn't expect that once you got emotional, you would be so easily carried away. You let me down so much."

He stood up leaning on the arm of the chair, and asked sharply:

"Let me ask you, do you have an improper relationship with that person to provide him with funds to help such a kid with no background?"

Gu Yuqing seemed to be stabbed, the corners of her mouth twitched twice, and said: "Disappointed, disappointed, you are always disappointed, what do you know?"

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