Chapter 47 047. Welcome to play

Mishima Ken and Ishiguro Yuichi are both Nobel Prize winners in literature.

Mishima Ken is a local writer, and Ishiguro Yuichi is a Japanese-born living in the UK, writing in English.

The two collectively spoke out, showing that the entire Japanese literary world was shaken.

Gao Xiaobai shook his fan, almost speechless.

He really couldn't understand why these people actually supported the behavior of opening vests to win Nobel Prizes in batches.

After a wry smile for a while, he said, "It seems that foreigners are very generous..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Jupiter again:
"Spielberg spoke up too!"

Gao Xiaobai stopped shaking his fan: "Spielberg? Why did he speak up for this matter? This, isn't this cross-border?"

When mentioning "famous directors" abroad, 80.00% of people will first think of Spielberg.

He is also a director who has won an Oscar, and his influence is no worse than that of a literary award winner, or even stronger.

"Spielberg said, 'The works of these four writers are frequent visitors to my bedside. I am quite sorry to cancel their Nobel Prize. I also regret that the credibility of the Nobel Prize has been damaged. Because using this absurd The reason for canceling the award has nothing to do with literature and art.'”

Jupiter flipped through the phone, and said: "Director Tarantino also spoke out. He said, 'The decision to win the Nobel Prize is very stupid! It is the author's freedom to have multiple pseudonyms, and it is his personal freedom not to show his face. Qualification interference. Does the Nobel Prize think that all writers have to change their way of life for their broken prize?'”

"Actor Tom Cross sent a message, 'It is the Nobel Prize that is going to be awarded to the writer, not the writer asking for the Nobel Prize! No one would think that if you create a new pseudonym, you will definitely win the prize! I really don't understand the cancellation Justification for the award.'”

After reading these comments, Jupiter's fingers were trembling: "The world's literary and art circles have been collectively shaken! Everyone is criticizing the Nobel Prize."

Originally, the barrage of the show was overwhelmed by a large number of angry "throwing embarrassment abroad", but now it is overwhelmed by voices of opposition.

"Are you still trying to embarrass yourself and throw it abroad?"

"Your foreign father doesn't feel ashamed, only you, a clown who uses barrage, is ashamed."

"Don't the foreign cultural circles support us collectively? How come there are people who are shamed and thrown abroad?"

"These sunspots are sailors, right?"

In the forum, there have long been a large number of people with good deeds, who have made batches of external network comment collections.

They not only translated the voices of foreign celebrities, but also translated the voices of ordinary people.

Completely different from the domestic environment, the voices on the Internet turned out to be one-sidedly criticizing the decision of the Nobel Prize.

At the same time, facing the mysterious writer wearing a vest, all kinds of rainbow farts flew together.

They regarded this "mysterious writer" as a maverick leader who rebelled against authority. Even those who have not read the books said that they would buy these books sooner or later.

There is also a post that captures a picture of the book sales list of the Amazon shopping platform on the extranet.

On the picture, the works of Tolstevsky, Hemingway Faulkner, García Borges, and Haruki Kawabata are all in the top row.

The operation of the Nobel Prize has instead boosted the popularity of these writers, greatly increased the sales of the books, and directly dominated the Amazon rankings.

After the voices of many cultural celebrities, Masco, a well-known entrepreneur who always likes to fan the flames everywhere, also made a message.

And it's been posted a lot.

"I think everyone should open champagne to celebrate. Because, Tolstevsky is one of the greatest writers in history, and there are only a few people who can compete with him, such as Hemingway Faulkner. Now it is very good, They are the same person, so there is no need to argue, the greatest writer in history has appeared."

"The judges of the Nobel Prize should take a good look at their heads. They should think about how to increase the gold content of the Nobel Prize so that they can save an award worthy of the greatest writer, instead of discussing 'Hey, He violated the rules and we will cancel his award!'”

"Is it too much to use four vests? I think I have shown mercy. Tolstevsky can be split into three vests, and all three vests can win the Nobel Prize; Hemingway Faulkner can be split into three , García Borges can be split into 3, Haruki Kawabata can be split into 3... Hey man, he could have won 2 prizes! Only got 2 prizes, how should the Nobel Prize be recognized This guy?"

The reading volume of his posts soon exceeded [-] million, and the number of likes and reposts has already exceeded [-], and it is rising steadily.

While everyone was still immersed in the shock, He Shiying, who had been paying close attention to the trending searches, yelled again:

"Look! The Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released a video!"

Qin Yunchu asked in a daze: "What does it have to do with Agenting?"

He Shiying said eagerly: "They always thought that García Borges was from Argentine? Have you forgotten?"

Only then did Qin Yunchu understand, and his heart became nervous again: This is not to Xingshi to question the crime, is it?

Gu Yuanzhen said, "Open it and have a look."

He Shiying clicked on the video.

At the same time, countless people clicked on the same video.

In the video, it is the leader of Argentine, Fernando, this white-haired old man with a kind face.

"Dear people of Huaguo, hello. The friendship between Huaguo and Argentine has gone through more than 50 years, which is very precious and important.

In the exchanges between the two countries, both I and the Argentine people have gained a lot. These gains are in many aspects, both economic and emotional.

Today, we heard that the national treasure literary works of South America were created by Chinese people. While I was shocked, I was also relieved.

You can't know Argentine without reading García Borges.As an authentic Argentine, I have also drawn a lot of nourishment from his works.Too much too much.

I believe that many Argentines, like me, draw from his writings the power of this land, this lineage.I believe that this power, even across the globe, can resonate with human beings and awaken some of the same emotions.

I am gratified that these works are like bridges, connecting us with each other, making us more convinced that the possibility of building a community of mutual understanding and tolerance among human beings exists.

In my heart, I still don't quite believe that García Borges is not Argentine.I heard that there is a saying of reincarnation in Huaguo. Perhaps, in the previous life, García Borges was actually an Argentine!

If García Borges sees this video, please remember that the people of Argentines always welcome you to play with us, you are treated like a brother and sister here.

Finally, congratulations to Huaguo for having such a great writer!May the friendship between our two countries last forever! "

 Thanks to Banxia Zimao and ptik for their big rewards, and thanks to Luohua Mingyue and Silkworm R for their rewards! !

  The ranking of the new book list has dropped drastically, please ask for votes, recommendations, comments, rewards, all kinds of requests, please help!cry

(End of this chapter)

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