Chapter 51 051. I will only demonstrate once (thanks to Uzi for the reward)
How long can one wait for love?

The answer is 51 years, nine months and four days.

--"Love in the Time of Cholera"

Plant decay and slightly pungent ink smell are always reminiscent of hormones released from nowhere, which is unavoidable.

Liu Ruyan woke up from a bright yellow warm light, her lower back was sore and swollen, as if someone had poured two bottles of lemonade in a row, and just happened to be bumped by a passing buffalo when she left the bar.

She got up, propped her hands on the sofa, and pressed out two bowl-shaped valleys (the sofa showed its softness to its heart's content, and also told her the reason for her back pain), a misplaced hair rolled down between her fingers between.

She pinched her hair and threw it in the trash can next to the coffee table. The lonely hair fell between a few crumpled toilet paper and blackened banana peels.

Such a bad sleeping environment caused such a bad dream last night.

The fluffy hair was rejecting the scalp, as if it wanted to fly out of the earth, Liu Ruyan sat slumped, the sheet slipped from her bare shoulders.

She squinted her eyes, only to find that at the other end of the bright yellow light source in the room, a man was already standing there practicing empty stomach.

Liu Ruyan blushed a little, and quickly dragged the black tube top together with her body from the pillow into the quilt.

The quilt bulged like a hill, and it was like Doctor Who's strange machine. After a while of shaking that seemed to be falling apart, the person and the tube top had already merged into one.

Liu Ruyan stepped on the floor with bare feet, and the silk suspender nightdress poured down, covering half of Bai Shengsheng's calf. The nightdress was attached to the body, and the lower abdomen was slightly protruding, round, revealing the slender navel shape.

Still very insecure.

The sheets and quilts she slept on last night were like corpses twisted into strange shapes. She stood there frowning like a crappy first-time criminal, thinking about how to deal with the scene.

In the end, the girl picked up the two corners of the quilt with the technique of picking up flowers, and jumped up with a "hey", like flying a kite, flying the quilt high into the sky, almost making a bridge with the years of dust on the ceiling Meet-style intimate contact.

The quilt was like the snow in the northern country, fluttering back to the sofa, but it was folded in a different position.But the girl felt that she had fulfilled her duty, she rubbed her eyes and walked to the living room to look at Chen Ya, who was already very concerned.

With his back to the whole room, Chen Ya stood in front of the balcony window, wearing only a singlet and underwear.

The parallel rays of light between the two curtains cut out a silhouette of his body.

Over his biceps and triceps, you can see the antenna of Jiangcheng CBD, and over his angular shoulder blades, you can see a huge billboard of a certain brand of alcohol.

His figure formed a non-standard inverted triangle, and the skin on the massive muscles was tight, shining like bronze.

Liu Ruyan watched for 10 minutes without knowing it.

Chen Ya turned his head, passed by her calmly, and went back to his room. When he came out again, he had already put on a pair of loose pants.

He walked to Liu Ruyan's side, only then did she realize that he was a head taller than her, and she felt quite oppressive.

"In the future, you will have to clean up this kind of thing yourself. I will only teach you once. Remember it."

Chen Ya grabbed Liu Ruyan's quilt, and shook the quilt in the air a few times like flipping flowers with his hands. In an instant, the quilt had turned into a flat square, and was gently thrown on her bed. Sleep on the pillow.

Liu Ruyan's eyes widened, and he said, "Wait, wait... I didn't see clearly at all!"

Chen Ya shrugged and said, "Remember? I said that I only teach once."

After finishing speaking, he walked to the bathroom, followed by Liu Ruyanpidianpidian, his small hands clenched into fists, pulling his sweatshirt, repeating like a child's toy:
"I didn't see clearly, I didn't see clearly!"

In the end, Chen Ya became impatient and said, "I'll show you tomorrow, wash first."

Pointing to the various utensils on the washstand, he said:
"This toothbrush is yours, this is your toothpaste, this is your face towel, and this is your bath towel. Use this cup to catch water and spit foam into it."

Liu Ruyan fiddled with the toothbrush, marveling that it was smaller and lighter than the toothbrush at home, and then she asked, "Where is the switch?"

Chen Ya looked at her a little speechlessly: "This is not electric, there is no switch, use your hands."

"By hand?" Liu Ruyan tilted her head.

Chen Ya sighed: "I'll show you one more time, but I'll only do it once, watch it."

He squeezed the toothpaste on the toothbrush evenly, and she smelled the sweet mint smell in the air.

Liu Ruyan imitated his example and squeezed out the toothpaste after imitating him, and suddenly thought, would putting the toothbrush in his mouth later count as indirect kissing?
Chen Ya put the toothbrush in his mouth, and she also put the toothbrush in her mouth to stir.

Brushing her teeth face to face, Liu Ruyan thought it was very funny, the corners of her mouth raised involuntarily, but fortunately, she was brushing her teeth, so she couldn't tell that she was smiling happily.

While fun, the wrists tire quickly.

"Brush for 5 minutes, or your teeth will turn the color of poop, understand?"

During the intimidation, Liu Ruyan persisted, but lost his appetite.Chen Ya said that when she was having breakfast, she couldn't cheer up until the breakfast was brought to the table by Chen Ya.

The steaming hot noodles were placed in front of Liu Ruyan.

The red one is soup (tomato soup), the green one is vegetables, the white one is noodles, and a fried, browned egg is pressed on top.

The noodles are in the soup bowl, as neat as a bride's hair before she gets married.

If Liu Ruyan had a little culinary knowledge, she would know that only a chef with strong chopsticks skills can make such neat noodles.

It's a pity that she didn't have any, so she picked up the noodles and ate them.

"This kind of thing needs you to do it in the morning, and I will only demonstrate it once," Chen Ya said while she was eating noodles, "but you were still sleeping in the morning, so you missed the opportunity to demonstrate."

A noodle ran out of Liu Ruyan's mouth.

"I didn't see it! I didn't see it!"

"So that's where imagination comes into play."


Liu Ruyan's eyes, like oily noodle soup in a soup bowl, shone brightly.

"Okay," Chen Ya finally reluctantly compromised, "Get up early tomorrow, and I'll show you."

After Liu Ruyan finished eating the noodles, Chen Ya walked into the kitchen with the bowl, and Chen Ya put on rubber gloves.

"I should do it from now on, you only demonstrate once, right?" Liu Ruyan raised her face and asked.

Chen Ya was stunned for a while, then said, "Yes."

They all learned to answer.

"I kind of want to go to the bathroom."

Liu Ruyan has been holding back since she woke up in the morning.

"Then go quickly."

When Liu Ruyan finished flushing the toilet and ran into the kitchen, Chen Ya just put the last bowl in the cupboard.

Liu Ruyan's eyes widened: "I didn't see it, I didn't see it!"

"Is that the only thing you can say? I'll show you at noon." Chen Ya took off his gloves, "Go, get dressed, and take you to buy vegetables."

When passing by Liu Ruyan, Chen Ya scratched her nose with his hand.

She was covering her nose, her face was blushing, because she had never seen such an action in her life, so she was in a state of surprise and uncertainty.

She followed in small steps, and grabbed the clothes on Chen Ya's back: "Are you very dissatisfied with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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