Chapter 7 007. It's half over
When Liu Ruyan said that he and Chen Ya were in a teacher-student relationship, Gu Yuanzhen couldn't help but sneer.

He despises anyone who engages in teacher-student romance.

He had already made up his mind to expose Chen Ya's true colors to Liu Ruyan later.

He even had a rough draft on how to comfort the girl after her defense was broken.

At this moment, He Shiying bumped him twice with her elbow, breaking his imagination.

He Shiying said in a low voice: "The bracelet she is wearing is handmade by Master Jinsetang. It will sell for at least 30 yuan in the market, and it may not be available."

"So expensive?" Gu Yuanzhen was a little surprised.

"Not long ago, I participated in an art salon. This chain was brought out for display. Some people asked for a price of 30 yuan, but they didn't sell it."

Gu Yuanzhen was silent.

He understands what that means.

"Liu Ruyan...the Liu family..." Gu Yuanzhen frowned, "Isn't the foundation of the Liu family here?"

"People have feet, so they can't walk?"

Gu Yuanzhen took out her mobile phone and said, "I have a friend, Liu Chenmin, do you know him?"

He Shiying stared: "Liu Chenmin, that prodigy in the IT world? The one who made a billion dollars within one year of his debut?"

Gu Yuanzhen nodded: "Yes, I'll ask him to see if he knows this Liu Ruyan."

He immediately sent Liu Chenmin a message on WeChat:

【Do you know Ruyan Liu? 】

As soon as the message was sent, the other side replied in seconds:
【know!How do you know her?is she with you 】

【Where are you? 】

Gu Yuanzhen and He Shiying looked at each other.

Why is this dude so excited?
Gu Yuanzhen continued to type:
【I met her here. 】

The other party only answered a few simple words:

【Where are you?I'm coming to you. 】

Gu Yuanzhen: [What's your relationship with her? 】

Liu Chenmin: [I have liked her for 12 years. 】

After speaking, the other party did not reply to the message.

After the two saw it, they were silent for a while.

"...This is too coincidental." He Shiying exclaimed in a low voice.

"It's a bit of a coincidence."

He Shiying said: "Does this mean that she does have some relationship with the Liu family?"

Gu Yuanzhen sorted out her thoughts a little bit, and her eyes brightened.

"If she really has something to do with the Liu family, then it's very interesting," he said, "big news."

He Shiying was silent.


Big news.

A girl from the Liu family fell in love with an ordinary employee with a monthly salary of 5, and became the other's harem, a teacher-student relationship.

With the character of the old man in the Liu family, who knows what will happen to that little clerk?
Gu Yuanzhen's expression became very exciting.


"When was Chen Ya your teacher?" Qin Yunchu asked with a serious expression, "High school or remedial classes?"

Liu Ruyan didn't understand why she suddenly became so serious.

She shook her head wildly and said, "Neither of them."

"Then how can he be your teacher? What did he teach you?"

The reason why Qin Yunchu was serious was because she was very angry.

If it is really a teacher-student relationship, then Chen Ya's behavior is very bad.

She will definitely find a way to expel Chen Ya from the company.

He Shiying and Gu Yuanzhen also pricked up their ears, wanting to hear Liu Ruyan's answer.

Liu Ruyan still had that natural appearance, saying:
"He taught me to write."


Qin Yunchu never expected to hear this answer.

"Does writing still need to be taught?" Qin Yunchu asked.

In her world view, writers are all wild, and they can write with a brush, purely by talent.

Gu Yuanzhen said: "Are you writing online novels? He wouldn't be the kind to give training courses on writing online novels, would he?"

Liu Ruyan shifted her gaze to him and said, "No."

"It's fine if it's not, it's all deceitful." Gu Yuanzhen shrugged with a smile, "You don't look like someone who writes on the Internet. You are a domineering president and a wealthy son-in-law. It feels a bit vulgar."

Liu Ruyan seemed a little angry and said:
"The teacher said that all creations belong to everyone, and the purpose should be to appreciate both refined and popular people, and there should be no sense of superiority that looks down on others."

Gu Yuanzhen was dumbfounded.

In order to win Liu Ruyan's favor, he chose not to speak.

But in my heart I was dissatisfied.

"Usually, those who say that are writers on the Internet." He whispered to He Shiying.

He Shiying laughed "giggle" when she was teased.

Qin Yunchu hadn't read the web articles, so he couldn't understand what they were talking about.

She continued to ask: "Why did you learn to write from him?"

Liu Ruyan didn't answer this time, but pushed "Love in the Time of Cholera" in front of her.

Slender and slender fingers flipped open the cover, revealing the title page of the book to her.

I saw a passage written on it:

"Love is an instinct, but creation is not.

I am not good at love, you are not good at writing.

We practice individually.If one day you sell more books than this one, I will tell you with all my heart how much I love you.

——Chen Ya"

Qin Yunchu picked up the book and read it according to the words above.

Then, she raised her head suddenly: "He means that if the book you wrote sells more than this book, he will fall in love with you?"

Liu Ruyan nodded.

Qin Yunchu complained in his heart: This is too ridiculous!
She didn't like this condescending and arrogant attitude.

Qin Yunchu held "Love in the Time of Cholera" and asked, "He wrote this book?"

As soon as she said this, Gu Yuanzhen behind her laughed with a "poof".

Qin Yunchu turned his head, Gu Yuanzhen said: "Boss Qin, don't you study?"

"I saw very little, what's the matter?" Qin Yunchu asked modestly.

"Love in the Time of Cholera is a divine book. It was a smash hit back then."

Qin Yunchu said that he hadn't heard much about it.

Gu Yuanzhen nodded and said, "It's normal if you haven't heard of it. This book was written 15 years ago, and there is no foreign popularity in China. If it is overseas, it will be soft if you get a big prize."

Gu Yuanzhen introduced this book with all the treasures:
"The author of this book, whose pen name is 'Garcia Borges', has never been seen in person, but everyone guesses that he is not a foreigner, but a Chinese! Because the first edition of his book is in Chinese."

He Shiying frowned: "Obviously a Chinese, why did you choose a foreigner's name?"

Gu Yuanzhen said: "Who knows? Well-known writers always have some eccentricities. In short, all you need to know is that this book is very good, and that's enough."

Qin Yunchu was still in a daze: "Then Chen Ya didn't write this book?"

He Shiying rolled her eyes: "Didn't he just say that, the divine book! Awesome! How could it be written by your crappy employee with a monthly salary of 5?"

Qin Yunchu covered her mouth, she also felt that she was a little ashamed just now.

Gu Yuanzhen continued: "And I remember that this book has always been a bestseller. It has been translated into more than 50 languages ​​around the world and has been reprinted countless times. The sales volume should be tens of millions, right?"

Ruyan Liu said: "The total print run is 3200 million copies."

Gu Yuanzhen pointed her fingers casually: "Isn't it a polite rejection of your request for such a high request? However, it is also possible that Chen Ya is also an ignorant master. He probably thought this book was an unpopular work and didn't sell much."

Liu Ruyan said lightly: "I have already achieved half of my goal."

A gust of wind blows.

Everyone was silent.

 Sorry everyone, I fell asleep while writing today, the update is a bit late

(End of this chapter)

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