Chapter 71 071. What is the origin?
"Hello, hello! I'm Gu Yuanzhen from Pengcheng Company, just call me Xiao Gu." Gu Yuanzhen grabbed Chen Ya's hand with both hands, smiling all over her face, "I have long admired my name, I have long admired my name!"

He took Chen Ya's hand and shook it back and forth, as if he would be honored if he held it.

He Shiying pushed him away, grabbed Chen Ya's hand with a flushed face, and held it for a long time before thinking of words:
"Very honored!"

Xiao Qing played with the hair on her temples, and put it next to Chen Ya calmly.

Because the buttons on her chest flew to nowhere, the shirt became a deep V-neck, and her chest was pure white with a deep line.

Gu Yuanzhen stuffed a business card into Chen Ya's hand and whispered:
"Mr. Chen, if you feel tired of Hongtu, you can come to Pengcheng to have a look. I can confidently say that our working atmosphere is unmatched by any domestic company."

He Shiying glared at him: "He's poaching someone in person, right? Let's put it this way, we are top entertainment, and the group is full of pretty girls, isn't it better than yours?"

At this moment, Xiao Qing only regrets that she didn't start a company, so she couldn't join the ranks of attracting people.

"This..." Qin Yaoyang felt a little puzzled.

Qin Yaoyang is a thousand-year-old fox, he glanced at it and knew that this was not resignation, but persuasion.

What he couldn't understand was why Gu Yuanzhen and the others cared so much about this employee?

Is there no one in Pengcheng Company?Still need to go to him to pick up the leak?

Song Gang was more surprised than him.

He knew who Gu Yuanzhen and the others were coming from.

They all want to be the object of collective wooing. Zhao Bin doesn't understand what this means, but Song Gang does!
He looked at Chen Ya again, even more puzzled.

Could it be that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the company has been hiding a great god without showing any signs?
Then, he looked at Zhao Bin with unpleasant eyes, holding back and not asking him to explain right away.

Qin Yunchu didn't know what would happen in the new year's welcome.

She thought that Chen Ya wanted to resign because his identity was exposed.

She walked up to Chen Ya, folded her arms and said, "Aren't you doing well this morning? Why do you want to resign all of a sudden?"

She has a tall and graceful body, with a round figure, and her talking eyebrows are staring at Chen Ya seriously.

Her subtext is, isn't she angry for revealing her identity in the morning?Why do you suddenly want to resign now?
It's just that her attitude doesn't look like a vice president asking an employee, but rather like a delicate female student asking her long-awaited head teacher.

Both Song Gang and Zhao Bin were speechless for a while.

Qin Yunchu was usually vigorous and resolute, and he had never been so polite when talking to high-level employees, let alone low-level employees.

This was Qin Yunchu they had never seen before.

Chen Ya said lightly: "Let's talk about it later, I have to go back and prepare the resignation notice."

After finishing speaking, he walked away in front of the crowd headed by Qin Yaoyang.

Only then did Zhao Bin heave a sigh of relief.

If Chen Ya sued him again in front of Qin Yaoyang, he would really doubt that Chen Ya had any backing.

He retreated obediently and sensibly, which shows that he is also guilty of fear.

Thinking about it, if there is any backing, why have you worked for so long, and you are only a level 4 employee?
However, his luck that he just took off was shot down by Qin Yunchu like a paper airplane.

Qin Yunchu looked at Chen Ya's leaving back, feeling sour, remorseful, and angry.

She turned her head and glared at Zhao Bin: "After the guests see you off, go to my office and explain to me."

After finishing speaking, she said loudly again: "Tomorrow, I must see that Chen Ya is still in the company! Otherwise, you, Zhao Bin, will be fully responsible! At that time, I will care how many years you still have to carry the mortgage, and you can pack up your things and get out of here." Bar!"


Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the 23rd floor, Zhang Li overlooked the busy traffic of living beings downstairs.

She stared at the big "Hongtu Company" logo on the opposite floor, with an inexplicable emotion in her eyes.

She was facing the phone, chatting with her best friend:
"...You, you are really stupid, why did you agree in a muddle? If you want to change me, if my name is not added in the house book, I will never agree to get married. "

"...Sister, love is useless! The best age for a woman is the few years when she is young and beautiful. After that, she will be gone. Love and your appearance are not fresh!"

"...You said, you have paid for your youth, your child is born, your husband is making money every day, and you are aging every day. When he doesn't want you, he kicks you, what are you left with?"

"...Adding a name is also easy. If you agree, don't go back on your word. I'll tell you how to do it."

"You just find a job far away from his home, and then you let him change jobs to come to you, otherwise you rent a house next to the company, and you will never give him a fuck if he doesn't come, you see he can't hold back .”

"When he changes jobs, you can ask him to sell the old house and buy a new one..."

"...There is no need to add your name when the time comes! The newly bought house is the post-marital property. If you add your name or not, half of your sister will be given to you when you get divorced!"

"If he refuses to come to you, you can argue with him, asking for gifts on Valentine's Day, on Chinese Valentine's Day, on birthdays, on anniversaries. Ask him for gifts every month for 12 months a year, give him If he keeps putting pressure on, he will naturally not be content with the status quo."

"Don't let him play with his former friends. If he plays well in the circle, if you treat him coldly, he still has friends, and he doesn't care about his family."

"You let him throw away all those old friends, and you say that he has no friends every day, and you can't pick on faults? When he gets together with friends, you go to make trouble. After a long time, he will naturally have no friends. I can come to you for warmth."

"... It's better to have a mortgage! My husband is like this. I asked him to sell the house and buy a bigger one. The mortgage is more than 15 million in 200 years. He is very good now. He knows that he depends on my salary. If I say east, he dare not go west, the thief is obedient."

"Don't talk, don't talk, my leader is looking for me, and we can talk later."

"...That is, your sister is not very good? Recently, the company will have a large-scale job transfer, and I will probably be promoted again. I will meet with you later and teach you a few tricks."

After hanging up the phone, she walked quickly to Zhao Bin's office.

"Manager Zhao, are you looking for me?"

As soon as Zhang Li closed the door, she realized that the atmosphere was not right.

Zhao Bin's face turned pale, he clenched his fists tightly, and asked in a low voice, "What is Chen Ya's background?"

"What's the origin?" Zhang Li asked.

"Are you sure he has an ordinary background?"

"Normal," Zhang Li said, "what's wrong with you?"

Zhao Bin slammed his fists on the table and made a "boom", which startled Zhang Li.

"Normal? I'll fuck you!"

He picked up a pile of documents on the table and threw them all at Zhang Li. The snow-white documents were scattered in the air, and Zhang Li screamed in fright.

"Do you know what Qin Yunchu told me in front of her father today?"

Zhao Bin tried his best to keep his voice down, but he couldn't restrain his emotions. The voice came from his throat, like a mad dog.

"Dong Qin is here too?" Zhang Li was surprised.

Zhao Bin pointed at her with his finger in the air, and said through gritted teeth, "I tell you, don't pretend! Whether you are a human or a ghost, whether you framed me or are you really stupid, I can find out!"

Tears welled up in Zhang Li's eyes, and she said in a trembling voice, "Manager Zhao, what are you talking about? I have been a cow and a horse for so many years, how can I still be a human or a ghost? I am on the same boat as you! "

"Shut up!" Zhao Bin said viciously, "I tell you, if I die, don't think you can pick yourself up clean! I will let you be buried with me! I will let your whole family be buried with me!"

 Thank you Moe?Little five?5300 reward points~
  Thank you for the 2000 points rewarded by Wangzhi Light Bulb~
  Thank you for the 1500 points rewarded by Xiao Er for coming to Hujiu~
  Thank you Luohua Mingyue for your reward~
(End of this chapter)

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