Chapter 73 073. Am I right?
Zhao Bin's expression changed rapidly and unpredictably, as if his anus had prolapsed after he hadn't pulled the shit out and shook it hard, and finally stabilized on a stiff smile.

"Chen Ya, I was wrong before, let's expose this matter."

Chen Ya glanced at him shallowly and said, "What did I ask just now?"

Zhao Bin was taken aback, and subconsciously repeated: "What did you ask just now?"

"Let me ask you, do you have long ears?"

Zhao Bin stood there feeling a little dizzy.

He was in a daze for a while before realizing that he was being taught a lesson by one of his subordinates.

Immediately he became furious.

But then he remembered that what Qin Yunchu had said to him before, he quickly took it back before he vented his anger.

People in the rivers and lakes cannot afford to lose their temper.

"Hey, Chen Ya, I used to be a little, a little short-tempered, a little credulous."

Chen Ya crossed his legs, put his hands on the table and nodded, and asked, "Then what do you mean?"

Zhao Bin had a playful smile: "We don't know each other, but we still cooperate with each other at work. There is still a long way to go."

He spoke very well.

"If you don't hit, you don't know each other" means that you lost your eyes, didn't see the Buddha behind you clearly, and hit the wrong person.

"Cooperate with each other at work" refers to everyone giving in and stepping down. It's still hello, me, everyone.

"There is still a long way to go", there is a bit of beating in it.Although Chen Ya has a background, why not Zhao Bin?

Everyone is in Hongtu, and sooner or later there will be a chance to meet each other.

He felt that what he meant was well expressed.

"Okay." Chen Ya said, and then stood up.

Zhao Bin felt relieved, thinking that Chen Ya had finally stepped down the stairs, but he didn't expect him to say again immediately:
"I see, not only are your ears bad, but your brain is also bad, and your memory is also bad enough."

"You said that Wang Qian and I can only keep one, so you let me stay, which means that Wang Qian has to go?"

His words were not loud, but not small.

At least everyone in the office heard it.

Wang Qian was suddenly cueed, and she sat aside and didn't dare to vent her anger.

Zhao Bin swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

24 prayers are all thanks, and this last shiver is not bad.

Anyway, Chen Ya couldn't leave.

He said: "That's what I said too impulsively. Since it was a misunderstanding, I take it back, and you don't have to go."

Chen Ya left.

Zhao Bin was a little depressed, he didn't know what else to do with himself.

As a result, Chen Ya walked to the door and came back with a bag of takeaway in his hand.

He just went to get takeaway.

Returning to his seat, he unpacked the takeaway, put it on his table, picked up the chopsticks, and said leisurely, "Okay, you can continue."

With his style, it seems that the boss is listening to the report of his subordinates.

Old Tang hugged his stomach, digging his toes hard together.

Chen Ya!It's overdone!
He is really scared now, afraid that Zhao Bin will get angry and throw his eating bowl over.

Zhao Bin pinched his leg with his fingers and said, "I mean, I take back everything I said before, okay?"

"What else?" Chen Ya picked up the dishes in the bowl with his chopsticks.

"I'm really a little irritable."

"What else?" Chen Ya finished chewing slowly, nodded him with chopsticks, and said, "I haven't finished my meal yet, so you're done?"

Zhao Bin finally couldn't help it anymore: "Chen Ya, don't go too far!"

Chen Ya's phone vibrated twice, and he took it out.

It was Qin Yunchu.

From that morning to now, Qin Yunchu has sent him more than 30 messages.

It's all about explaining the situation and reassuring him by the way.

He couldn't read it all.

After reading the last sentence "I promise this will never happen again" she sent, he put his phone back in his pocket without compromising.

Looking back at Zhao Bin, he said, "You gave me a choice before, so I'll give you another choice too. You and Zhang Li, one of you should resign."

Finally, Zhao Bin couldn't hold back his temper anymore, he thumped hard on the table, and said loudly, "What the hell are you talking about in your sleep? Damn it! Can you say that? Fuck!"

Chen Ya looked at him jokingly: "Oh, you know I can't say it? Then why do you dare to say it?"

His complexion changed suddenly, and he said loudly: "Whoever goes and who stays, that's what manpower is qualified to say, it's not up to you Zhao Bin to decide!

"You, Zhao Bin, patted your head and decided whether an employee would stay or not, and let them choose for themselves. Is the company run by your family? How dare you!

"What if I don't resign? Give me small shoes? Workplace bullying? Or what do you want? Let me try your tricks?

"Since you dare to disobey the rules, then I won't pretend to be with you anymore, and I will tell you clearly now that you and Zhang Li must go together, otherwise you will try my methods and see who is tough, and whoever loses will get out ,Fine!"

"This..." Zhao Bin was speechless.

An employee sneaks out the door.

Afterwards, other knowledgeable employees also ran out one after another.

Only Zhang Ping and Old Tang sat there.

Not daring to move.


Qin Yunchu was sitting in the office, shaking his legs anxiously, looking at his phone for a while.

Until now, Chen Ya has not responded to the message.

Qin Yaoyang was sitting at the other end of her office, playing chess with Gu Yuanzhen.

"Crack" Gu Yuanzhen fell.

Qin Yaoyang laughed, "Hey, if you fire the cannon, I will send you into the army."

"Wait a minute, old man, I didn't see it just now!"

Qin Yaoyang took back the chess piece with a smile, Gu Yuanzhen stared at the chessboard for a long time, and finally came up with a move: "Vaulting horse, general!"

He glanced at Gu Yuanzhen with a smile, and said, "Then I will fly you and make you handsome."

"Ah!" Gu Yuanzhen felt ashamed to regret the chess, and rubbed her head, "It's still Master Qin who is so good that he can't play."

Qin Yaoyang raised his head, with a confident smile on his face.

He sat up straight, held the cup and said, "Young man, before you make a move, you should look more, think more, and if you think more, you will be right. If you think less, you may be right, but it is impossible to compare those who think more than you." More people play more correctly."

Gu Yuanzhen nodded modestly and listened quietly.

"If you think one step more than your opponent, you will be one body ahead. If you can take ten steps more, you will be one dimension ahead. They will all become your stepping stones."

Looking back at Qin Yunchu, he said, "Yunchu, come here."


Qin Yunchu came over, still holding the phone in his hand.

Qin Yaoyang took a sip of water and said slowly, "I've already guessed it, you don't need to hide it."

"Guess what?" Qin Yunchu's eyes flickered twice.

"You and that Chen Ya," Qin Yaoyang dragged his voice, and said slowly, "are you dating?"

"Click, click, click..."

The chess piece in Gu Yuanzhen's hand fell on the chessboard, making a series of sounds.

Qin Yunchu stood there like a frightened kitten at first, but then he was speechless: "Dad, what are you talking about?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Qin Yaoyang's mouth: "Did I hit the mark?"

When he went to Qin Yunchu's office in the morning and saw Chen Ya sitting on the sofa while Qin Yunchu was standing, he felt something was wrong.

Then, Qin Yunchu mentioned Chen Ya's name several times, as if to make him pay more attention.

"Actually, when I first saw you all trying to get close to him, I wondered if that Chen Ya could be the great writer who was exposed yesterday."

He paused, and then said: "However, it's unlikely that Wen Hao really went to work here. Instead, I found out that you, Yunchu, have been secretly chatting with him on your mobile phone. He is actually your underground lover. Right?"

(End of this chapter)

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