Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 96 096. They have never experienced

Chapter 96 096. They have never experienced
"Come and find a seat." Zhu Bin, the boss of the company, said without raising his head.

Chen Ya dragged a chair at the bottom and sat down.

Originally, he was not eligible to attend the meeting, because he was working overtime at the company and he sent the meeting notice, so he was dragged here too.

Director Su who was sitting next to Chen Ya frowned and said:
"Didn't you stay here and work overtime? Why did you come?"

"I went to collect some materials just now."

Director Su said: "Anyway, you can't get in the way, go get everyone a glass of water."

Because it was an emergency meeting, the people who usually engage in service were still at home, and a group of people sat in the conference room with dry mouth.

"Director Zhang has reported the situation just now, and everyone should have figured it out," Zhu Bin said with the materials in his hand, "Director Tian, ​​you are the first on-site, please tell me your opinion."

Director Tian said cautiously: "This matter will not interfere with our shooting plan. Tomorrow's shooting schedule has already been set, and it is not easy to change."

Vice President Wang Weiming, who was sitting next to Zhu Bin, immediately frowned and said:

"If we still consider it from the perspective of the program itself, the position is low."

Zhu Bin looked at him: "Tell me your opinion."

Wang Weiming said: "My opinion is to change people."

Zhu Bin said, "Why?"

"This time, Jiang Xinhai broke the news about her scandal, which caused an explosion of public opinion and affected the reputation of the show and the company," Wang Weiming said, "According to the principles of public relations, we must deal with her in a low-key and cold manner, and don't let her appear on the show and cause topics to be discussed again. sex."

Zhu Bin said, "Isn't it good to be topical?"

Wang Weiming said: "In the short term, it will have a positive impact on the program's ratings, but in the long run it will be detrimental to the company's revenue."

Chen Ya put the water glass on his table, he took a sip, and continued:
"Jiang Xinhai broke the news about his scandal, no matter whether he responds or not, there will definitely be a large number of black fans."

"In this way, we need to spend a lot of public relations funds, so there are two situations. One is that we suppress it, so Jiang Xinhai will not be confused, but we have also spent money, and the effect may not be good."

"Secondly, we may not have suppressed it, and Jiang Xinhai is still confused, then we will face the situation of letting a fool continue to appear on the show. The first season of "Poetic Life" is topical, but what about the second and third seasons? ? Will word of mouth still be good?"

Zhu Bin nodded.

He rested his hand on his chin and asked, "If you want to change, do you have a choice?"

Wang Weiming said: "Actually, Li Xingliang from our men's team was selected for this show at the beginning, but in order to ensure the topic of the show, he was replaced. Now it is better to use him again. At that time, three men and three women can absorb more female audience."

Zhu Bin nodded again.

Wang Weiming went on to say: "Actually, the original intention of the program was to promote Qin Yunshang and Li Xingliang. Everyone should know that the purpose of "Poetic Life" is not to become popular, but to make our fans economically alive."

Zhu Bin nodded again.

He seemed to have made up his mind, and raised his head and asked, "Anyone else have any comments?"

No one in the meeting room dared to speak.

He took a sip of water and said, "Then..."

"I have an opinion."

Everyone looked at the person who suddenly spoke.

Chen Ya had just put down the thermos, and said to everyone calmly, "I have a problem."

"Who are you?" Zhu Bin asked.

Director Su quickly said, "His name is Chen Ya, and he is the manager of the creative department."

While talking, he grabbed Chen Ya's trouser legs with his hands, wanting him to sit down quickly and avoid causing trouble.

However, Chen Ya didn't realize his intentions, but went on to say:
"What Mr. Wang said just now was based on the premise that Jiang Xinhai would be confused after this incident, but this premise is wrong."

Wang Weiming never expected that he would be refuted by a middle-level employee, so he opened his mouth and asked, "How could I be wrong?"

Chen Ya smiled and said, "Wang always came from XXO Company in South Korea. He may be more familiar with the cultural atmosphere there, but he is not familiar with Huaguo's entertainment circle."

"Actually, I spent some time just now to collect all the bullet screens from the audience before the live broadcast was cut off, a total of 270, and analyzed them with keywords, and I have already typed them out."

He took out a stack of materials from his bag, distributed them to everyone, and said:

"You should be able to see that among a total of more than 1 bullet chats, 63% of the bullet chats expressed shock, 21% of the bullet chats expressed blessings, 10% of the bullet chats were meaningless, and only 6% The barrage is an expression of anger."

Wang Weiming looked at the information with wide-eyed eyes, as if he didn't believe the result at all.

Chen Ya slowed down and said, "Jiang Xinhai's fan group is between 25 and 45 years old. Fans at this stage are more rational and not prone to impulsive consumption. They are different from the fan groups of boy groups and girl groups."

"As a well-known singer more than 10 years ago, her loyal fans are completely different from the core fans of boy groups and girl groups. Even if she gets married, those loyal fans will never abandon her."

"Because they are fans of talent, music, her character, a kind of appreciation, not possessiveness."

Zhu Bin raised his head, took a deep breath, and said, "Then what do you think?"

Chen Ya said: "We should immediately set up a public relations team to guide public opinion, and use this incident as a positive rather than a negative publicity. At the same time, we should warm up tomorrow's live broadcast. In addition, the program will continue to shoot as usual."

Zhu Bin put his hand on his forehead and pondered for a long time.

After a long time, he waved his hand and said to Chen Ya, "Go out first and close the door."

"And all employees below level 8, go out with him. Wait outside."

Chen Ya turned and left.

Everyone stood outside the door in silence, you looked at me, I looked at you, no one spoke.

After a while, Director Su opened the door and cautiously said to the people outside: "Everyone, come in."

Chen Ya returned to the meeting room with everyone and sat down.

Zhu Bin said: "Substitution. Li Xingliang will take Jiang Xinhai's place."

"Director Tian, ​​I want you to revise the schedule overnight, redistribute the shots, and discuss the specific changes with Wang Weiming."

"Immediately set up a public relations team, with Wang Weiming as the team leader, and do our best to monitor and guide public opinion."

"Tian Liangliang, you are in charge of leading the legal department, discussing with Jiang Xinhai about the termination of the program contract and compensation for the company's losses."

"Marketing department, you issued an announcement to the effect that Jiang Xinhai will leave us temporarily, and Li Xingliang will take her place."

"You still have to connect with Li Xingliang's team and fan club to help him create enthusiasm and support. The bigger the momentum, the better."

"That's it, let's go!"

Chen Ya looked over and happened to see Wang Weiming, who was smiling contemptuously and completely triumphantly at him.


After Chen Ya returned to his office, he called Jiang Xinhai.

He is now emotionally stable, but feels a little depressed.

It wasn't that he was depressed because his opinion was rejected—to be honest, Chen Ya felt the result when they discussed behind closed doors.

His current depression is like a street gangster standing in front of Tyson, thinking about how to make a move, and he can subdue Tyson with two moves. His current mood is the same as that of Tyson at that time——

—How dare you?

Jiang Xinhai answered the phone: "Hello? What are you doing? Miss me again?"

Chen Ya said depressedly: "Xinhai, I have a very serious question to ask you now."

"What's the problem?" Jiang Xinhai asked.

"Have we faded out of the music scene for too long?" He asked depressedly, "It seems that people nowadays have never experienced the fear of being dominated by us?"

"Don't they know how strong you are?"

 Ask for a ticket Ask for a ticket Ask for a ticket Ask for a ticket Ask for a ticket Ask for a ticket

(End of this chapter)

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