The glory of Kyoto wings

Chapter 271 271. Please Enjoy Before You Help

Chapter 271 271. Please Enjoy Before You Help

As the first hospital in the Kinki area, the affiliated hospital of the Kyoto University Faculty of Medicine is still very busy today, and there is no decrease in patients because of the Chinese New Year.

The two episodes just now, after he drove here, have been completely forgotten.

In fact, in a place like a hospital, no matter how cheerful a person comes here, his mood will be suppressed by an invisible atmosphere, just like you are still nervous when you go to the police station even if you don’t seek special services from a technician.

It was also a whim, and when he learned that Xiaomu Qingming was still in the hospital, he felt that the situation was not good.

And as he entered the ward building and entered the intensive care unit according to the room number given, especially after seeing Xiaomu Qingming again, his originally good mood disappeared in an instant.

"Has Ikeda-san been in a coma for a week?"

Looking at the woman lying on the hospital bed, Minamoto Raimitsu felt heavy and didn't know what to say.

The smell of disinfectant filled the room, the ventilator made a steady beeping sound, in addition to the heartbeat monitor, the ventricular fibrillation machine that was not activated, and even a urinary catheter extended under the mattress.

As for Ikeda Chinatsu's state at this time, it can be said that the state of Hokkaido has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to half a month ago, and her skin is so haggard that her blood vessels are exposed.

A while ago, the person who was still beautiful at the wedding was like this now, which was unacceptable.

This also makes Yuan Laiguang's thoughts spread out. Those who cherish love will not get happiness, but those who play with love will flourish. This is probably the normal state now.

"After returning from Hokkaido, Qianxia was like a broken string. She fainted suddenly. When I took her to the hospital, she only woke up twice during the period. The doctor said that her current condition is already very fast."

Xiaomu Qingming sat on the chair, covered his face with his hands on his legs, his voice was a little hoarse, and seemed to be numb, but when he mentioned the key words about life and death, his voice trembled and he still didn't come out.

At the age of 22, when I just graduated from school and looked forward to the future, it turned out that because of the word love, a huge turning point appeared in my life.

This is actually not bad, but the key is to choose love but there is no good result, and you have to bear unbearable pressure. The more you miss this beauty, the more painful it will be. This is not a big blow to him.

Minamoto Yorimitsu stood there silently, seeing Ogi Seimei's powerless appearance, he also had mixed feelings in his heart.

Those who value love suffer.

This kind of logic is a good selling point if it is put in the storybook, but it really happened to the people around me, and my heart is extremely heavy.

Minamoto went over and patted him on the shoulder.

But Koki Seimei did not respond.

This kind of encouragement has exhausted him.

"Maybe there will be a turning point."

Minamoto Raimitsu looked down, his tone became serious, reminding him emphatically:

"You can't break down. Although I know it may seem useless to say such things, but before Ikeda-san really encounters an accident, you are his greatest reliance."

Ogi Seimei also clearly felt the truth in Minamoto's words, he didn't raise his head, he just hesitated for a moment and nodded his head heavily, as if trying to cheer himself up.

In fact, he is not in a good state now.

Not to mention his energy, but just judging from the dark circles under his eyes and the chapped skin on his fingers, he knew that he had suffered a lot recently.

Maybe it's part-time work to make money, or it may be to take care of the wife personally, or it may be because of nervousness and staying up late.

He knows Xiaomu Qingming very well, and he also knows that the other party doesn't like to owe favors very much. Although he gave 500 million medical expenses last time, the cost of reinstalling the intensive care unit, plus various dialysis examinations and medical expenses Said, in fact, is also stretched.

But if he gave too much, I'm afraid Xiaomu Qingming would not accept too much money at that time.

He planned not to talk about it this time, and went directly to the inpatient department to pay the bill when he left, and then asked the doctor. If there is no completely matching organ to replace, the rejection rate is actually acceptable.

The life span of one or two months is not completely equal to the life span of two or three years.

After all, an unsuitable organ would cause severe rejection after replacement, and it would be too painful for the patient. With Xiaomu Qingming's character, he might not be willing, but this is his choice.

Since he didn't stay in the ward for a long time, Ogi Seimei probably didn't want to have any contact with people, so after declining his invitation with a tired face, Minamoto Raimitsu left the ward directly.

I went to the inpatient department to get a bank card and recharged 1000 million yen directly into the other party's medical number, and then visited the other party's attending physician. After asking, I got a disappointing answer, not even an organ with a poor match. The answer is also very official.

But the other party saw that he seemed to have the financial confidence, so he suggested that he could contact a foreign hospital to try his luck, maybe he could buy a suitable organ replacement at a high price.

It's just that the other party didn't say anything about contact information, purchase channels, and how to connect. After all, it was just a reminder. It is impossible to say too clearly, but it can be regarded as a wake-up call to Yuan Laiguang.

After leaving the hospital, his heart was still heavy.

This time without hesitation, he mobilized his contacts again and wanted to ask for help after explaining the matter.

"Yuejiang-san? Yes, I am Minamoto Raimiko. I would like to ask you to help me with something. Last time I mentioned that a friend was seriously ill. I wonder if you have any news recently?"

"Good afternoon, Ando-san, I'm sorry to bother you."

"Minister Kuroda, hello, I'm Minamoto Yorimitsu from Kyoto Broadcasting, I haven't contacted for a long time."

"It's me, President Murakami, have you been here recently?"

"Hi, Ms. Takizawa, I'm Minamoto Raimitsu who bought your store last time. To be honest, it's a bit presumptuous to make this call, but if you have time, can we chat?"

Minamoto Raimitsu flipped through his address book and called both familiar and unfamiliar people. Without exception, these people are very energetic people, and they might be able to help you unexpectedly in this regard.

Of course, connections depend on friendship. Executive Yuejiang and Chairman Ando agreed immediately, and they patted their chests on the phone and said they would do their best to help him.

The head of the Kyoto Branch of Mitsubishi Bank, who hadn't met a few times, and Minister Kuroda of the Kyoto Prefectural Police also agreed, but they were obviously not so enthusiastic.

It doesn't take much trouble to say yes, but when you are asked later, you just say that you can't help, pretending to try your best but can't help, not only can you get a favor, but you don't have to pay anything yourself.

He is indeed more afraid of owed favors, but he has to share some things. Although friendship cannot be accurately measured, as the first person in the world to have a heart-to-heart relationship with him, Xiao Muqingming naturally has the qualifications.

After making these calls, Minamoto Raimitsu's face was still calm, because he didn't have much expectations.

His fingers slid back and forth on the smooth screen of the phone, and finally settled on a contact. After hesitating for a while, he still pressed the dial button.

The phone connection was a bit slow, the other party might be dealing with something, but after almost half a minute of ringing, a familiar voice came over.

"Yuanjun? Why did you call me?"

The voice like the gurgling of clear water seemed to be accompanied by the clashing sound of metal earrings. Shengzi Shengu's voice was a little puzzled, and he almost didn't call on his own initiative.

"I want to trouble you with something."

Minamoto Raimitsu didn't beat around the bush, on the contrary, he knew the character of Seiko Kamiya very well, and the conversation between the two didn't need to be concealed too much, which could save some time.

Then he spoke briefly, emphasizing that she was his best friend, and he needed to use her energy to help find suitable organs for surgery as much as possible.

The Kamiya family is one of the few well-known families in Kyoto. The network of relationships is like a cobweb. The real mobilization is far more terrifying than imagined. It can be said that she alone is worth the sum of all the people just now.

And the richer people are, the more they are afraid of death. Minato Raimitsu has heard that rich people of this level often store some similar things to continue their lives.

He also didn't intend to ask the other party to help in vain. He explained that he could ask the other party to raise conditions, as long as he could satisfy as much as possible within his ability.

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on it, don't worry."

After a brief silence, Seiko Shengu did not respond to the request he asked her to make, but just responded directly, as if promising to buy vegetables after get off work.

"Then please."

Minamoto Raimitsu thanked her, this time from the heart, and then wanted to ask her if she had any requests.

But he hasn't spoken yet.

It was stopped by the other party's voice.

"Let's not say thank you, did Mr. Yuan forget something?" asked Shengzi Shengu on the other end of the phone.

"Forgot what?"

"Come with me to Tokyo."

Minamoto Raimiko held the phone in a daze for a moment, his eyes revealed a look of surprise after careful consideration, and then he pondered for a while and asked, "Are you free these few days?"

It stands to reason that the other party's father just passed away, and the Shengu family has such a large property, even if she has been running it for many years, it should take a lot of time for various changes.

"In two or three days." Shengu Shengzi on the other side of the phone paused for a moment, and after two seconds, he asked a little more: "Will it take longer for you to go?"

"No, as long as you are not busy." The house was deserted and empty, only the white cat was with him at home, and he would just leave the white cat in a nearby pet shop temporarily, and he had nothing to do. .

"Since that's the case, let's say so for the time being."

Seiko Kamiya acted resolutely, without too many small talk, after finalizing Minamoto Yorimitsu to accompany her to Tokyo to relax, he directly asked him to send her the information of Ikeda Chinatsu for comparison and search.

After all the words were finished, it was already 10 minutes before the call was hung up.

Minamoto Raimitsu tapped his fingers on the steering wheel a few times, his eyes showed thoughtfulness, but it didn't take long for him to return to normal, and he started the fire and was about to leave.


The mobile phone that had just been placed in the co-pilot suddenly turned on again and the familiar ringtone rang.

Minamoto Raikou raised his eyebrows sideways.

I thought the other party had missed something, but picked up the phone to check, and the contact's note made Minamoto's pupils tighten suddenly.

The cell phone was still ringing in the car.

After a few seconds, he picked up his cell phone and answered the call.

"Executive, what are you doing, did I bother you?"

A soft voice came out of the microphone, and a lazy figure instantly appeared in his mind.

"Miss Mizusawa, what's the matter?"

Minato Raikou asked calmly.

"Why are you so indifferent? You sound irresponsible when you speak. Last time you put a gun on my head, you weren't so impatient."

Even if I didn't see the real person, I could tell from the voice that I was feeling sorry for him, and there was the sound of running water on the opposite side. I don't know if it was taking a bath or something else.

Minamoto Raimiko frowned, and his voice continued to remain flat: "I think I have made it very clear about what happened last time. I am not used to being threatened."

"So I'll try to keep you and prevent you from going to that vixen. Can you point such a terrible gun at my head and almost kill me?"

Mizusawa Xiaye's voice on the other end of the phone sounded smiling, like the tone of talking to him when we usually meet, but the original meaning of the words was not like that.

Minamoto fell silent upon hearing this.

Grandmaster never played cards according to the routine. She couldn't figure out what was going on in her mind, but she knew that the other party held a grudge, so she had been on guard these days.

But after the new year's day, Mizusawa Xia Ye didn't do anything, even if he asked Yong Shanying to step up his protection and observation, it didn't make any difference.

These days he was about to relax, but Mizusawa Xiaye suddenly called. Although his tone was normal, he didn't think so.

The phone fell silent for a while.

On the opposite side, Mizusawa Xiaye seemed to have anticipated this situation, chuckled lightly, heard the sound of paper flipping, and then spoke.

"Ikeda Chinatsu, terminal kidney failure, needs."

"Miss Mizusawa, what does this mean?"

Minamoto Raimiko suddenly frowned and interrupted the other party.

"Isn't this your friend's wife? The last time we were in Hokkaido, we were in the Church of Water together and witnessed their marriage?"

"So what do you mean by investigating these?"

"Of course I helped you. According to my understanding, your friend's wife seems to need matching organs for surgery. I have resources here just now. Didn't I contact you immediately after it was transported from abroad?"


The phone was hung up after 2 minutes, Yuan Laiguang drove to Shangjing District, and arrived at the destination half an hour later.

Follow the guide to a high-end pedicure shop.

Follow the maid in kimono through the antique corridor, enter the side room after the other party opened the white paper wooden door, and saw the half-lying Mizusawa Xiaye.

Following the steps of the serving maid, he retreated slowly.

There were only the two of them left in the room.

Minamoto Raikou stood there and looked at her.

But Mizusawa Xiaye's crimson lips only slightly lifted up, and she lifted her white feet from the wooden barrel, one delicate and small foot resting on top of the other white calf in aqua blue kimono.

There are still drops of water dripping between the toes, which are facing the direction where he is standing, and seem to exude a strange fragrance.

Mizusawa Xia Ye supported the side of her face with one hand, pressed the blue noble kimono under her body, raised her right hand holding the fan and pointed to her little feet.

"Before you do me a favour, enjoy yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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