1825 My New Daming

Chapter 104 Japan is not a pawn, Japan should be the fuse!

Chapter 104 Japan is not a pawn, Japan should be the fuse! (Luo Luo begging to read more, please read more!)

Between Edo Castle, Central Austria, and the imperial seat.

The No. 40 general of the Tokugawa shogunate, Jiaqi, who has been in power for nearly 11 years, is over 50 years old this year, and looks completely exhausted and lethargic.In the early days of his coming to power, he once cheered up, appointed a group of talented officials to carry out reforms, and wanted to promote Japan's industrialization.

In order to achieve this "impossible" goal, he single-handedly supported the three families of Dahei, Sumitomo, and Goto among the "Four Tengus" (the Zheng family in Japan has always been a big chaebol), and gave them the privilege of "girls going abroad" ——Some people have actually been doing this, but it was all illegal and done in private.Therefore, the scale has been relatively limited, and the quality of service it can provide is not very high.After the three major chaebols got the franchise, the business really got bigger
However, the efforts of the chaebols supported by Tokugawa Jiaqi to promote Japan's industrialization could not satisfy the general.But Tokugawa Iezai couldn't think of a better way, so he had to make do with it in the end.

But there are still many Japanese devils who are unwilling to give up, including the heir of the Mito family, one of the three royal families, and Tokugawa Qi Zhao, who is now in charge of the navy, and the heir of the Satsuma Shimadzu family, who is now serving as a staff officer in the shogunate navy Pursued by Sailiang Shimadzu.

Now these two are lying in front of Tokugawa Jiaqi.Among them, Naval Admiral Tokugawa Qi Zhaozheng said some oblique and vague words: "My lord, according to the analysis of the exact information we have, the current international situation is on the verge of drastic changes. The peace that has been maintained since the Napoleonic Wars The situation is being broken.

The Ming Empire obviously wanted to break the current balance through war, thereby seizing the dominance of Malacca, the East Indies, Australia and other regions, and expanding Ming's sphere of influence in North America.Once Ming's attempt succeeds, Japan will be completely surrounded by Ming and there will be no future.Therefore, people of insight have already realized that Japan must do something to break the current suffocating situation, and use clever means to let the conflict between Ming and Great Britain break out in advance.”

Hearing this, Tokugawa Jiaqi, who had been a little drowsy, suddenly became energetic: "Nani? Let them go to war in advance with clever means? Qi Zhao, Qi Liang, what are you going to do?"

Tokugawa Qi Zhao looked back at Qi Liang Shimadzu.

Shimadzu Qiliang, the naval staff officer of the shogunate, immediately took over the question and said: "My lord, now Daying and Daming have already competed in Afghanistan. According to reliable information, Dakin supported by Daming has the upper hand for the time being.

On the one hand, Great Britain promoted the holding of the Versailles Naval Conference, intending to unite the European powers to put pressure on Ming Dynasty; Daming's reality.

At this time, our country, Japan, absolutely cannot become a pawn of the United Kingdom. Because once it becomes a pawn of the United Kingdom, with our geographical location and strength, we can only be a pawn crossing the river with no return.This has no future at all. I believe that with the strength of the Ming Navy, it will definitely deal a devastating blow to our navy, and then Japan's coastline will be completely blocked.And the only way out for us in Japan is to become a fuse! "

"Being the trigger?" Tokugawa Jiaqi frowned deeply, "Qi Liang, do you want to provoke a war between Ming and Great Britain?"

"Hay!" Shimadzu Qiliang nodded heavily, "Master Gongfang, the current situation is obvious, either we were pushed by the British to the battlefield against Ming, or we successfully ignited the war between Ming and Ying, and then We are waiting for the price between Ming and Ying, waiting for the opportunity. If we are pushed into the battlefield by the British, then with Japan's national strength, I am afraid that the chances of winning are not even [-]%. On the islands!"

Qi Gui of the Tokugawa family is a general, of course he would not be willing to lead Japan to war with Ming Dynasty.Even if the hatred of Ming in Japan is very high, he is unwilling to obey the public opinion (in fact, it means the meaning of middle and lower samurai), but now Japan is like a powder keg, there are too many middle and lower samurai who are in trouble because of the economic crisis and Ronin, they desperately need a war. If General Tokugawa cannot meet their requirements, then it is not ruled out that they will launch a war to end.

And the British sent a fleet to visit Japan at this time, and they had to give away arms for nothing. It was clear that they wanted to incite war!The already high anti-Ming sentiment is likely to be ignited or even detonated!

Once the warlike sentiments of the samurai are ignited, the world of the Tokugawa family will be in turmoil.

Therefore, among the various options in front of Tokugawa Ieki, igniting the flames of war between Ming Ying is indeed the best choice.

But the question is, is this possible?
"Qi Zhao, Qi Liang," General Tokugawa asked with a frown, "how are you going to ignite the flames of war between Ming and Great Britain?"

Shimadzu Qiliang said: "Master Gongfang, there are many unruly rogue groups in the country, some of which are funded by wealthy businessmen and powerful vassals, and are engaged in some businesses that can make huge profits. They are very powerful and They are also willing to serve the country!
But now, you don't need to know who they are, let alone what they are going to do, you just need to know that there are loyal people in the world.In this way, if things fail, it has nothing to do with you, Mr. Gong Fang. "

"Yaoxi!" Tokugawa Ieki listened to this kind of advice the most-you do bad things, I will benefit greatly if you succeed, and it has nothing to do with me if you fail.

"That's it," the Tokugawa family said with a smile. "The two of you are sincere for the country, and I am very pleased. If this matter can be successful, the two of you will inherit the position of feudal lord as soon as possible, and then come to be the old middle school of the shogunate!"

This is no small favor!
Although both Qi Zhao and Qi Liang are heirs, the heirs may not be able to succeed to the throne.The Shimadzu family has an immortal lord Shigego Shimadzu, and the reason why Qi Zhao can become the heir is because his brother Qi Xiu has a small problem of infertility. But it is not difficult to "cure" this problem, As long as Qi Xiuken gets green on his head, he will keep the medicine until his illness is cured.

Therefore, Qi Zhao and Qi Liang can only let go of their hanging hearts if they truly hold the position of feudal lord in their hands.

Tokugawa Qizhao and Shimadzu Qiliang both left the throne room contentedly, and then the father and daughter Dahei Changshi and Dahei Kong who had been waiting outside were brought in by Qi Zhao's surname.

Seeing Daikoku Chang and Daikoku Sora who had finished saluting to him, General Tokugawa showed a gentle smile on his old-fashioned face, and said to Daikoku Sora: "Sora, raise your head and let me see .”

"Hay!" Hearing this, Da Hei Kong raised his upper body slightly, and raised his cute baby face.

The Tokugawa family squinted their eyes and looked at this little beauty, thinking to themselves: "What kind of daughter-in-law? It is clearly a little beauty bred by the Dahei family, and then given the title of daughter-in-law so that she can cling to the powerful! But Zhuge Dao can get such a concubine, it is really enviable!"

"Okay, very good!" Tokugawa Jiaqi asked again with a smile, "Okay, are you sure that Zhuge Weidao will soon become a military advisor?"

"Hay!" Dahei Chang said, "The news is very reliable, and there will be no mistakes."

The source of this news is of course the military division of the Zhuge family!
"Yaoxi!" Tokugawa Jiaqi nodded, "It seems that the cunning Zhuge over there really wants to break with Britain and bring a pen and paper!"


The little surname next to him immediately moved a small table with the Four Treasures of the Study for the General, and the ink had already been polished. Jiaqi picked up the brush, took another look at Daheikong, and then wrote the three characters Songpingkong. "

After finishing writing, Tokugawa Jiaqi put down the writing brush, and showed the rice paper with written characters in both hands to Dahei father and daughter, "Akon, from now on you are a member of the Tokugawa family, and you can use Matsudaira Nao characters." After you become Zhuge Kong, don't forget that you are still from the Tokugawa family!"


 Strongly promote the infantry commander's new book "The Prosperity of Hua Tang"

  In the 17th year of Zhenguan, the prince Li Chengqian rebelled and was abolished, Wei Wang Li Tai was deposed, and Li Zhigang was named the prince.

  At this moment, the protagonist traveled through time and space to Chang'an, where should he go.

  Single heroine Jinyang Princess Li Mingda (Xiao Sizi).

  Generally, a story is thought of and a heroine is set up.

  This book was conceived by the author, the infantry commander, for Xiao Si.

(End of this chapter)

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