1825 My New Daming

Chapter 110 Why are Hiroshima and Nagasaki again?

Chapter 110 Why are Hiroshima and Nagasaki again? (Luo Luo begging to read more, please read more!)
Longzhongzhuang, BIT Building, conference room.

Eighteen "Zhuge Liang" gathered together, and everyone wore lun scarves, crane cloaks, and feather fans in their hands. It was really more unpredictable than the other!

Zhuge Weidao is now the same as other Zhuge military advisers, dressed up as "Zhuge Liang", and he is still waving his feather fan in the winter, not to mention how proud he is-now he has really entered the decision-making level of the Ming Empire !
Regardless of his current military rank or lieutenant colonel, his position can be promoted to the captain of a cruiser.But the current system of the Ming Empire is like this. Even if a member of the core group of the Eight Great Aristocratic Families is a white man, he still belongs to the decision-making circle of the Ming Dynasty.And the Zhuge family's military adviser group undoubtedly had the most say among all the family's core groups - after all, these Zhuge military advisers were able to pinch and count, and they could lead other families to make a fortune together.

Zhuge Weidao did the calculations and knew that if this system continues to develop, the Eight Great Aristocratic Families will very likely evolve into an existence like the deep government, hiding behind the scenes and manipulating everything.
"Military advisers, this old man is 76 years old this year. On the first day of the Lunar New Year's Day the day after tomorrow, he will be 77 years old. In a blink of an eye, he is already old. It is time to step down from the aspect. And the old man also wants to take advantage of the fact that he can still walk, and wants to go again. Once in Europe, I will meet old friends for a while, and then represent Daming to discuss naval arms control with other countries. So after the Chinese New Year, the old man plans to resign as a minister, and then lead the arms negotiating mission to France."

The old man Zhuge Weijiu opened his mouth full of ferocity, and instantly interrupted Zhuge Weidao's thoughts.He looked up and found that the other military advisers were also a little surprised, and they all turned their attention to the old prime minister who had actually controlled the Ming Dynasty for more than 30 years as the right minister.

"Master, you are going to step down, who among us can take over as the right minister?"

The person who asked the question was Zhuge Weiyi, the servant of the Ministry of the Navy. Seeing his interested expression, he probably wanted to be a prime minister.

Zhuge Weijiu stroked his beard and said: "This old man and Zheng Yiguan (Zheng Guozhong) have talked about this matter, and the world is hard to stop talking. Now is the time when we need to be united, so our Zhuge family and Zheng family can't keep talking. To monopolize the position, you have to let others do it. My Zhuge family will take the lead in this matter, and Yu Shaoquan will be the next right prime minister. He is not too young, and he will be the next right minister in a few years. After retiring, you will be the old ten. In addition, Yu Shaoquan’s household department will be taken over by Zheng Shiguan (Zheng Guoan), the Minister of the Navy, and the Navy will give you the old ten.”

Zhuge Weidao also sighed a little after hearing the words of the great military adviser.Of course he knew what the old man meant by "the mouth of the world"?

The new Ming Dynasty has engaged in compulsory education for so many years, and established so many universities, of course, it has opened up the wisdom of the people.The people of the world, especially the people of insight among the people of the world, are of course dissatisfied with the long-term monopoly of politics by the Eight Great Aristocratic Families!In the past two years, the Ming Dynasty's economy has not been booming. In short, it seems that it is not appropriate for the left and right ministers of the Ming Dynasty to either be surnamed Zheng or Zhuge.

That's why Zhuge Weijiu and Zheng Guozhong discussed letting Yu Shaoquan, Yu De's uncle, known as "Old Man Yu" Yu Quan (Shaoquan is the word) take over, and at the same time remove Zheng Guoan, the secretary of the Zheng family's Navy Department. The household department became the minister, and Zhuge Weiyi took over the position of the minister of the navy.

Zhuge Wei paused for a long time, and seeing that no one objected, he said to Zhuge Weiyi: "Old Ten, last time we asked Emperor Guangdao to test the British people, and in the end we found a paper tiger who was strong on the outside but weak on the inside! If we go down, it is up to the British to ask Japan to test our bottom line. And Japan is an island country, and has no land border with our Ming Dynasty. If he wants to provoke, it must be at sea. We can’t be like the British. We are only tested by people. Paper tiger!"

"How is that possible?" Zhuge Weiyi smiled and said, "My Ming Navy has already served ten 'Hongwu Emperor' ranks! Why is the Japanese Navy our opponent?"

Zhuge Weijiu shook his head and said: "We not only want to win, but we also want to win beautifully. Winning is about to win big, and we need to win quickly! We must let all the countries participating in the Versailles Naval Peace Conference know that I am invincible tomorrow!
Old Ten, I heard that the Japanese Navy has four Four Heavenly King ships specially designed to deal with our iron-clad ships. Each Four Heavenly King ship is equipped with a 320mm caliber cannon. Our Hongwu Emperor class can't let them If you sink one, you won't even be able to seriously injure it!If the navy loses its face when it fights the Japanese navy, not only will the Japanese Congress become more aggressive, but Western countries and even Rakshasa will stand on the side of Great Britain and oppose us. "

Zhuge Weiyi almost laughed out loud when he heard the words of the great military adviser: "Grand military adviser, what you said is too layman, the Four Heavenly King ship is simply a garbage ship and useless. Wouldn't it be good to equip a ship with more than 4000 tons of 155mm guns? Even if it can't penetrate the armor of the ironclad ship, it can still bombard the targets on the deck. But those little Japanese just want to stare at our 320-[-]-ton Wangye ship, and they have built a [-]mm cannon, one for each ship, and Or two heavenly king ships are installed in the front, and two heavenly king ships are installed in the back. Could it be that when fighting, two ships face the enemy, and two ship butts face the enemy. Hahaha, are you kidding!"

The master couldn't help it while talking, and burst out laughing.

But having said that, these four "Tianwang Ships" named after the Four Heavenly Kings of Tokugawa are indeed rubbish.The strange design of the small boat carrying the cannon greatly reduces the density and accuracy of firepower, and the hit rate must be extremely low!

Also don't go to the "Wang Ye" class ironclad ship of the old generation of Ming Dynasty (named after the Wang Hao of the Ming Dynasty), it is too bullying the ship.Just three or four thousand ton cruisers are going to deal with them, that's pretty sure.

As for the Hongwu Emperor class, isn't it like shooting a four-day kingship?

Zhuge Weijiu turned his head to look at Zhuge Weiyong, chief of staff of the Navy, Zhuge Weiyong smiled and said, "Brother Ten is right, the Japanese navy is definitely not our opponent, and there is no need for the three major fleets to gather together. A Beiyang fleet can It's easy to deal with the Japanese navy."

The Ming Navy has three major fleets: the Beiyang, Nanyang, and Indigenous fleets.Among them, the Nanyang Fleet, which is responsible for sea control and defense in the direction of the Nanyang Islands, the South China Sea, and the Strait of Malacca, is the absolute main force. Seven of the ten active Hongwu Emperor-class ships are under the jurisdiction of the Nanyang Fleet.The strength of the Beiyang Fleet is inferior to that of the Nanyang Fleet, but it is stronger than the local fleet. It owns the remaining three Hongwu Emperor-class ships, and supports the sea control and defense of the Ryukyu Islands, around the Japanese Islands, and the North Pacific to the waters near New Manchuria.The local fleet is the fleet of the housekeeper, stuffed with a bunch of old ships, and only operates along the coast of the mainland of Daming.

"Brother [-], you are also a navy, so please tell me." After Zhuge Weijiu heard Wei Yong's opinion, he thought of Zhuge Weidao who was really good at pinching and counting, and wanted to hear his opinion.

Zhuge Weidao was not as optimistic as the two of them, he frowned and said: "Since the main force of the Japanese navy is not our opponent at all, then they should not easily leave the port to die. Light boats and armed merchant ships are engaged in sea-breaking raids! Brother 51, brother [-], tell me, if the Japanese Navy adopts this tactic, how should we break it?"

"This." Zhuge Weiyi is a shipbuilding expert. Hearing Zhuge Weidao's words, he immediately thought of a camouflaged assault ship, "Daozi, you are right! Although the Japanese built a rotten ship like the Four Heavenly Kings Ship to carry cannons, but Most of their admirals are studying in the UK, and the consultants of the navy are also hired from the UK with high salaries. They probably don’t really think that they can rely on the four-day kingship to fight our fleet. I think they probably built a lot of assault ships in secret. Merchant ship, wait until it is close to our merchant ship before suddenly setting up artillery and firing!"

"How should we deal with this?" Zhuge Weijiu asked.

Zhuge Wei also sank down with a black face: "The usual way to deal with raiders is to organize escorts, that is, to gather ships into formations, escorted by cruisers or destroyers. The firepower of cruisers and destroyers should be sufficient to deal with raiders. "

Zhuge Weidao said again: "Then what about the raiders laying mines on our route?"

"This." Zhuge Weiyong's face darkened even more, "I'm afraid the loss is inevitable!"

At this time, Zhuge Weijiu saw Zhuge Weidao's confident face, so he knew that he had a solution, so he shook his feather fan and asked, "One hundred and eight, if you have any clever tricks, tell me quickly!"

Zhuge Weidao said with a smile: "As long as the Tokugawa shogunate submits, won't all problems be solved?"

"But how could the Tokugawa shogunate succumb so quickly?" Zhuge Weijiu said, "If their navy doesn't go out, and the raider's destructive battle can achieve results, they may have the idea of ​​selling it for a price. Unless we Large-scale landing! But Japan can mobilize millions of troops, and I am afraid of landing."

"No need to land!" Zhuge Weidao shook his head, "Master, do you know the situation of Nagasaki City and Hiroshima City?"

(End of this chapter)

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