1825 My New Daming

Chapter 115 Beware of Kamikaze, Oppose Colonization!

Chapter 115 Beware of Kamikaze, Oppose Colonization! (Available this Friday for the first order!)

In Japan, the tenth year of Wenzheng, the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

The Port of Oarai Town in the Mito Domain is heavily guarded today.On the pier and in the port town, there were all Mito soldiers carrying rifles standing guard.The doors and windows of the shops of the townspeople are all closed, and no one is allowed to take a step out of the house.

Ten British warships headed by the armored battleship "Revenge" and ten galleons towed by steamboats rolled up white waves and slowly sailed into the Oarai port on the Pacific Ocean.Since there are no natural bays or coastal islands to shelter from the wind, it is difficult to protect the ships in the harbor when the monsoon hits.However, because Oarai-cho Port has no bays or islands to use, its waterways are very wide.So that the [-] visiting British ships could enter the port in formation, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

At this time, the heir of the Mito domain and the Tokugawa Shogunate Admiral Tokugawa Naizaki was standing on the pier of Oarai-machi Port with the aviation staff officer of the Shogunate Admiralty Enforcement Office Enomoto Enbei, arms folded and looking up at the sky.Around the two of them, there was a group of Mito feudal vassals in charge of coastal defense, all of whom were also looking up at the sky, yelling while watching.

"Here, is this a hot air balloon? Why are there still two propellers spinning?"

"No, no, no, that's not a hot air balloon, it's an airship!"

"Fly, airship? Is it the Ming airship that attacked Peshawar?"

"How did the airship of the Ming Dynasty fly to Mito? Could it be that the invasion has already begun?"

"Then, what should we do now? What should we use to hit the airship in the sky? Use a rifle? A bow and arrow? Or... a sword?"

Hearing that someone around him said that he was going to chop down the airship with a tachi, Enomoto Enbei was amused with a "puchi".Tokugawa Qizhao's face was a bit ugly. After all, it was his subordinate who was talking nonsense. He turned around and saw that the person talking nonsense was his confidant in Mito, a young vassal named Anshima Daidao.

Tokugawa Qi Zhao said calmly, "Anshima, what are you talking about?"

Wearing a traditional samurai costume, with a samurai sword stuck in his waist, which can be used for slashing people, anti-ships, and air defense, Yasushima hurriedly stood at attention, then bowed again, and explained: "My lord, Of course, I know that the sword is difficult to use for air defense, but as a samurai, no matter when, no matter what weapon is used, or whether there is any weapon, you should fight to the death with the enemy who invaded Japan and the Mito Domain!"

Tokugawa Qi Zhao nodded: "Then, if the ten airships in the sky are really invading Ming airships, how should we carry out effective defense?"

"This." An Dao thought for a while with a knife, "Master Fengxing, I think that as long as I wait for the Mito samurai to pick up swords and guns, I will be careful to hide first, and then attack together when Ming Kou gets off the airship. Kill all the invading enemies! Please give your order, Mr. Fushitsu! We, the Mito samurai, all have the heart to serve our country and die!"

"Please obey your lord's order!" The other Mito feudal vassals also shouted together.

Although this An Island's method is not feasible at all-if Ming's airship paratroopers really come, of course they will catch the Mito clan by surprise. How can they give the Mito clan the opportunity to call up the clansmen and organize an ambush?But Tokugawa Qi Zhao was still very satisfied, at least Yasushima didn't say that he would immediately protect the feudal lord and Qi Zhao from escaping (in fact, this was correct), he looked back at Enomoto Enbei triumphantly.

Enomoto Enbei hurriedly complimented: "Master Fengxing, the loyalty of your Mito warriors is indeed well-deserved, and I admire you." Then he deliberately lowered his voice and said, "But their loyalty is useless today, because the sky The ten airships among them are not the airships of the Ming Dynasty, but the airships sold to me by the British Empire to the Japanese Empire!"

"Our Imperial Japanese airship?"

"Is the shogunate going to form an airship team?"

"This is great. We have an airship team in Japan, so we won't be afraid of Ming Kou's airships!"

Hearing that all the flying ships were Japan's own airships, all the Mito feudal vassals felt grateful, but they still had to maintain their face loyalty, or their navy executive would order them to scratch their stomachs
Tokugawa Qizhao looked at these Mito feudal vassals with expectant eyes and said: "According to the order of the lord, the airship soldiers of the Shogunate Naval Air Force will be secretly recruited from the shogunate direct senators and Mito vassals!
In addition, the establishment of the airship team by the shogunate is a secret, and you cannot tell others that the airship that arrived in Mito today belongs to Japan! "


All the Mito vassals were Qi Zhao's confidantes, so of course they knew what their master meant - Qi Zhao wanted them all to join the airship fleet of the shogunate navy.Qi Zhao is in charge of the navy, and the airship team belongs to the navy, and Qi Zhao, the boss of the navy, takes care of them. They don't say that they have a bright future, but there is always a future of one or two hundred stones of rice.With so much rice, you can open up to eat in the future!

At this time, the ten airships in the sky had already flown over the heads of Tokugawa Qizhao and others, and flew to a piece of snow-covered agricultural land north of Oarai Town, and began to slowly fall.

Tokugawa Narimaki, Enomoto Enbei, and the Mito vassals who followed them all set their sights on these advanced weapons from England, with hope shining in their eyes.

When the "advanced aircraft" made in Britain arrived at the port of Oarai-machi in the Mito Domain of Japan, Zhuge Weidao, the "aerospace strategist" of the Ming Dynasty, was following the great strategist Zhuge for a long time. , Naval Chief of Staff Zhuge Weiyong is eating glutinous rice balls in Zheng Jiacheng's mansion together!
Although the Zheng family's financial resources and influence are not as good as the Zhuge family's, but because Zhuge Wuzhong Wang once took refuge in Zheng Chenggong and established his own military camp with Zheng Chenggong's support, the Zhuge family has always praised the Zheng family. rise.Even in the era when King Zhuge Wuzhong monopolized power, the nominal prime minister of the Ming Empire, Prime Minister Zuo, was held by the three brothers Zheng Jing, Zheng Cong, and Zheng Ming in turn.And after King Wu Zhong, the military advisers of the Zhuge family have always followed the rules handed down by their ancestors, and have always maintained the position of the first in strength and the third in name in Ming Dynasty.

Of course, after the end of King Wuzhong's rule, the Ming Empire has been transformed into a modern country in the primary stage of industrialization, with equal land, early development of people's wisdom, and relatively sound systems. The era of feudal warlords is over.The so-called "strength" is not the private soldiers, nor the Ming army controlled by the eight great families (according to King Wuzhong's arrangement, there are many children of the eight great families and noble families who serve as officials in the army, but none of them are successful. The established army is under the complete control of a certain family), but the strong financial resources and the number of political officials at all levels of the Ming Dynasty's political councils under its control.

Therefore, for more than 100 years, the power struggle within the Ming Dynasty has been limited to the financial field and the political council, and no matter the victory or defeat, they have always maintained dignity.

In an attic in the back garden of Zheng Jiacheng's mansion, four Zhuge military advisers "dressed up by Zhuge Liang" were with three "officials" of the Zheng family, Yu De's uncle, and Yu Quan, a 75-year-old old man. Lin Zexu, minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Zheng Guoxian, who had just returned from the battlefield in Peshawar, all sat down separately, while tasting authentic old Beijing seafood glutinous rice balls—that is, small glutinous rice balls without sinking together with various seafood and vegetables. Cooking really has Beijing characteristics!
However, the people who have just finished the Chinese New Year seem to have no appetite, so after eating a few glutinous rice balls, they start chatting about major events in the world.

"What? Join the anti-Turkish alliance? Then we and the United Kingdom have become allies?" Hearing Zhuge Weijiu's proposal to join the anti-Turkish alliance, Zheng Guozhong was a little confused, "Aren't we going to oppose the British Empire?"

"My lord," Zhuge Weidao is now a military adviser, so he naturally has a place to speak, so he is not polite, and directly took Zheng Guozhong's question and said, "What we are against is not the British Empire, but colonialism!"

 Zhang pushes "Datang: Anxi's Last Messenger"

(End of this chapter)

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