1825 My New Daming

Chapter 14 Fat Daoguang of the Golden Empire

Chapter 14 Fat Daoguang of the Golden Empire
The capital of the Golden Empire is located in an intermountain basin surrounded by the Tianshan Mountains and the Gisar-Alai Mountains.This intermountain basin was originally called the Fergana Valley. After being conquered by the Jin Empire that moved westward, it was renamed the Promise Valley and became the fundamental place of the Jin Empire.Bagua City, the capital of the Golden Empire, is located on the banks of the Syr Darya River in the basin.

If you look down from the air, you can find that the city wall of the Bagua City looks like a giant Bagua map composed of the acquired Bagua and the Xiantian Bagua.

The outer city of Bagua City is called Houtian City, and eight groups of city walls were built according to the shape of Houtian Bagua.Each group consists of several sections of city walls arranged in different ways, all corresponding to one of the Eight Diagrams in Houtian.Each group of city walls is also a fortress that can be maintained independently. It is surrounded by sections of unconnected moats. The walls are short and thick. The side facing the outside of the city has an oblique angle of about [-] degrees. Has a strong anti-gun function.Between every two groups of walls is a city gate.It is said to be a city gate, but in fact there is no gate, and there are no gates or gates, just gaps everywhere.Sections of trenches were dug outside the gap—in order to facilitate the entry and exit of personnel, these trenches were not dug into a whole line, but dug into sections.It is very convenient to enter and exit at ordinary times. When fighting, it is much better to use carbine guns and sandbags to block it, and to mount cannons and machine guns than the city gate tower.

The inner city of Bagua City is called Xiantian City, and its layout and fortifications are similar to Houtian City.In Xiantian City, there is a bustling and bustling street in the entire Central Asia region, and it is also the most fairy-like street.Half of the passers-by on the street were dressed in Manchurian flag costumes, and the men among them all wore thick and long braids, while the other half were dressed as Taoist cultivators. Both men and women wore Taoist robes and tied their hair on their heads. With a bun, a long sword on his shoulder, and a dust whisk in his hand, he looks like a person in the immortal way.

If anyone directly traveled to this Bagua City and saw the "immortals" all over the street, they would think that they had entered some kind of world where they could cultivate immortals!
What's even more amazing is that most of the "immortals" and mortals on the street are mixed races of East Asian Mongols and Central Asian Hus. Eye-catching scenery.

Occasionally, a team of horses passed by on the street. The knights on horseback all had long braided sleeves and a triangular flag with the word "electricity" on their backs.The bell on the horseshoe rang, and the "immortals" and ordinary people all over the street would automatically give way to both sides.Everyone knows that this is the urgent dispatch of the Shibali Telegraph Bureau of the General Administration Department of the imperial court, and the news is sent between the Taiji Palace in Bagua City and the Shibalipu Telegraph Bureau outside the city.What they pass on is all military plans, no, it is a matter of heavenly secrets, whoever blocks their way and misses the heavenly secrets will die without guilt.

Why is this telegraph office located eighteen miles outside Bagua City?
This is of course because the poles and wires will damage the feng shui of Bagua City!

The Golden Empire believed in divination, divination, and geomantic omen. The facts were in front of them, so they couldn't help but not believe it.Wasn't the reason why the Ming Dynasty was able to recover from the desperate situation back then that there was Zhuge Zhongshan who could pinch and count?And the reason why the Golden Empire was able to open another situation in Central Asia, and it has continued to this day, is also calculated by Zhuge Daxian.

Here in the Golden Empire, almost everyone knows the allusion that Zhuge Daxian looked at the sky at night and counted it as the Golden Kingdom.It is said that when Zhuge Daxian led his troops to the west for the last time, he had already arrived in Yili. Suddenly he fell ill and felt that time was running out, so he asked his apprentice Nalan Mingzhu to push him out with a cart to watch the sky at night.After half a night of watching, and another half night of calculation, I finally came to the conclusion that "the Qing Dynasty is exhausted, but the gold is still alive".

That is to say, the Qi of the Qing Dynasty is exhausted, but that of Houjin is not yet exhausted.According to Zhuge Daxian's careful calculation, if the Qing Dynasty changed its name back to Jin, then Kangxi would be able to establish the Jin Kingdom in Central Asia, and then eight more emperors could be passed on.Even the reign title and the name of the emperor have been calculated. That is, Yongzheng, Qianlong, Jiaqing, Daoguang, Xianfeng, Tongzhi, Guangxu, Xuantong and so on.

Nalan Mingzhu, who knew the secret of heaven, expected that his mentor Zhuge Wuzhong would kill him, so he immediately ran to the Kangxi-Galdan coalition army stationed on the bank of the Chu River at that time, and told the secret of heaven. Kangxi.Kangxi made a decisive decision, changed the name of the country to Jin, and passed down the decree at the same time. According to the result calculated by Zhuge Daxian, he set the year and name for the next eight emperors of the Jin Kingdom. , must be renamed Yinzhen, changed Yuan Yongzheng!This is a secret calculated by the Great Immortal, if you don't change it accordingly, it will be against the sky.

With this change, Kangxi soon got the news that Zhuge Wuzhong Wang died in the army.

As soon as King Zhuge Wuzhong died, Daming no longer had the energy to conquer Central Asia.However, the two bereaved dogs, Kangxi and Galdan, did not dare to think about conquering Daming, but joined forces to march towards Central Asia.The troops of Kangxi and Galdan are all veterans who have fought against King Zhuge Wuzhong for many years, and under the strong pressure of their opponents, they have also been upgraded. They can line up and shoot, can charge the wall, and can also shoot Riding synergy, and at the same time the skills of bow horse riding and shooting have not been left behind.The combat effectiveness of these armies is not comparable to that of the Bukhara Khanate, Khiva Khanate, and Kazakh Khanate in Central Asia.Therefore, Kangxi and Galdan's joint sweep of Central Asia went very smoothly.The only accident was that when Galdan was hunting on the Kazakh grassland, he bumped into a group of Cossacks who didn't know where they came from, and was shot to death!
After Galdan's death, Kangxi took over his wives, concubines, children and tribes, and then settled down. He chose the treasure land of Wuji Valley as the capital, and began to respect Taoism and fortune-telling.

I don't know if it's because fortune-telling is more accurate. After the Golden Empire established its capital in Wuji Valley, it entered a fairly stable era.Although there were several anti-gold uprisings launched by the Tianfang believers in Central Asia during this period, they all failed miserably under the suppression of the Jin Empire army armed with guns.And Da Ming and Luo Sha, the two strong neighbors, also formed a tacit understanding because of mutual fear, and no one would touch the Golden Empire.Therefore, the life of the Golden Empire was relatively stable, and the country was passed on to Daoguang, the fifth king of the Golden Empire (counting from Kangxi) in a calm manner.

Daoguang is more than 40 years old this year. He was a little bit immortal when he was young, but he became fatter and fatter as he got older. He almost turned into a meat ball. He didn't look like a Taoist fairy It looks like a fat Maitreya.But this fat Maitreya always had a frowning look, and he rarely saw his smiling face, as if he was a Maitreya suffering from depression.

And the reason why this fat Daoguang was depressed was the word "poor".When the Golden Empire was passed to him, there was no money, the treasury was empty, and the tax revenue was insufficient, but the state's expenditure was increasing day by day due to the military reform after the Napoleonic Wars.At the end of the reign of Emperor Ama Jiaqing, the imperial court was short of millions of taels of silver every year. The government's account books are full of "scarlet letters"!

Seeing that his heart is cold. It's so bad, can the Golden Empire be passed down to Xuantong for another four generations?

So after he took over as the emperor, he began to do everything possible to increase income and reduce expenditure, trying to refill the treasury of the Golden Empire.

But it is easy to save money, it is nothing more than a word of "saving", but it is difficult to open source
In the dimly lit Wuji Hall, Emperor Daoguang was sitting alone behind the imperial case, asking divination. Of course, he was also a master fortune teller, and his calculations were quite accurate!At the moment, he is listless, propping up his big head, looking at the three copper coins on the table used to shake the hexagram, and saying to himself: "Why is it another sleepy hexagram? Is it true that my Dajin is really going to be trapped to death?" The barren lands of the Western Regions can’t be achieved? How should we solve this big gold dilemma?”

When Emperor Daoguang was racking his brains to figure it out, the voice of his most trusted Minister of Secrets, Mu Zhang'a, suddenly came from his ear: "Your Majesty, my servant Mu Zhang'a, please see me."

Daoguang raised his head to look at the dim entrance of Wuji Hall, and vaguely saw a figure standing there——now that the sky was dark, Daoguang was reluctant to light a lot of oil lamps, and there was no electricity in Bagua City.

"Is it Mu Zhang? Come here quickly." Daoguang couldn't see who was coming, but he still beckoned that person to come forward, not worried about an assassin at all.Because every morning when he wakes up, he will do a divination first to see if there is any bloody disaster. Today's divination shows that he is very safe.And his hexagram was obviously very accurate, the person who walked up to him was indeed Mu Zhang'a, who was a bit of a rogue.

Mu Zhang'a held a bright yellow box in his hand, which was used to hold memorials.

"Your Majesty, it's the electronic performance He Zhongtang sent from Petersburg." After Mu Zhang'a saluted, he handed the bright yellow box to Daoguang with both hands.

"Heshen's electronic performance?" Daoguang asked, "Has he negotiated a deal with the Luocha people to introduce the Suvorov rifle production line?"

It turns out that He Shen went to Petersburg to introduce the breech-loading rifles of the Raksha people—not the Mosin Nagant rifles, but the Suvorov rifles, because this type of rifles was produced before the Napoleonic Wars, and Suvorov After the marshal made a suggestion to Catherine II, he introduced Ming technology for design and production.Although the accuracy of this type of rifle is slightly poor, it is durable, does not require too much maintenance, and does not pick bullets. It is very suitable for the national conditions of the Golden Empire.And the production cost is relatively low!Therefore, Emperor Daoguang liked it very much. When the Army of the Golden Empire had to change gears and reload guns, he did not hesitate to choose the Suvorov rifle.

"If you go back to the emperor, He Zhongtang has already negotiated a contract with the new Tsar Nicholas I to introduce the Suvorov rifle production line. The total contract is 100 million taels of silver!"

Hearing that it would cost 100 million taels of silver, the fat Emperor Daoguang immediately felt pain in his face.

Mu Zhang'a knew that the emperor was stingy, even though the money had to be spent, he would still chatter for a long time.So he quickly changed the subject and said, "Also, He Zhongtang has a happy event to report."

"A happy event?" Daoguang asked, "What happy event?"

"Your Majesty, in Petersburg, he became friends with a genius from the Ming Zhuge family." Mu Zhang'a said with a smile.

"Oh," Daoguang was a little disappointed, "Didn't he also become close friends with Zhuge Youde back then, and didn't he know nothing in the end?"

"This one is different," Mu Zhang'a said, "this Zhuge was hit in the head by a stray bullet during the St.

"A foolish Zhuge?" Daoguang frowned, "What's the use of making friends?"

Mu Zhang'a laughed and said, "Your Majesty, He Zhongtang's telegram said that although this Zhuge is confused, his talent is still there. It is very likely that he will be listed in the Military Advisory Hall in the future!"

"Really?" Emperor Daoguang became energetic all at once, and said to himself, "If I can take the opportunity to get the secret of Zhuge's family, I, Dajin, may be able to break the predicament!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty," Mu Zhang'a said with a smile, "The opportunity is coming soon!"

"What chance?" Daoguang asked.

Mu Zhang'a said: "Your Majesty, He Zhongtang's telegram said that this foolish Zhuge is going to escort a female grand duke from the Raksha Kingdom to Daming, and he will pass by our Dajin Kingdom! Your Majesty, this opportunity is rare!"

(End of this chapter)

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