1825 My New Daming

Chapter 142 Little Japan, if you have the conditions to be a dog!

Chapter 142 Little Japan, if you have the conditions to be a dog! (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)

"Hahaha, To Mahou (another name for the lord of Tsushima), you are asking for 'Japan's manpower and material resources, to end the favor of the military division'"? "

Zhuge Weidao couldn't help laughing out loud after hearing the remarks made by Zong Yixi, the lord of Tsushima.

Zong Yixi, the candidate for a house slave with three surnames, didn’t feel embarrassed. He smiled all over his face, looking like a traitor and running dog, and echoed with a smile: “Military division, that’s what the general meant! use!

Don't look at Japan's small country, poor people, and lack of products, which is far different from the Celestial Dynasty.However, Japan has a population of more than 3000 million. Because of the hardship of survival, the people work hard, study diligently, and are extremely frugal. After all, they can accumulate a little property.If the Celestial Dynasty can relax a little bit on the import of mineral resources and machines, I guarantee that those Japanese ordinary people can still accumulate ten times and a hundred times more wealth than they do today. At that time, Japan's manpower and material resources will not be comparable to what it is now. The manpower and material resources used are far from comparable to today!With the manpower and material resources of Japan alone at the disposal of the military division, are the military divisions afraid that they will not be able to realize their ambitions as soon as possible? "

"Hehe, this is to distribute the shares of Japan, a 'corporation company', to my military division!" Zhuge Wei Daoxin said, "It's so calculating, so calculating, I don't know if Emperor Mai had ever taken Japan from Hirohito. Are the big Japanese chaebols paying regular dividends to Mai Wansui? It’s a pity that no matter how you little Japanese do your calculations, you can’t escape the palm of the American father in the end! And the methods of the American father, Ben Zhuge’s father knows all about it! "

When Zhuge Weidao was thinking about the methods of the US imperialists to control Japan, the carriage he was riding in had already gone around in the Caoliang Japanese Pavilion and arrived in front of a Japanese-style mansion.Outside the heavy gate, several people dressed as warriors were already waiting at the gate.Seeing Zhuge Weidao's car arriving, he bowed like a bow from a distance.

The carriage came to a complete stop, a samurai driver jumped out of the carriage, opened the door, bowed and waited for Zhuge Weidao and the others to get off the carriage.The first one to get out of the carriage was Ah Li. Today she was wearing a tight-fitting jacket, a horse-faced skirt on her lower body, and a wide belt on her slender waist. After looking around at the back of the car, he pressed the handle of the knife and stood beside the carriage when he found nothing unusual.

Not to mention, she looked quite heroic in this way, and the Japanese samurai outside the gates of the mansions were all attracted by her, and looked up for a while.

At this time, Wang Wen, Zong Yixi, and Zhuge Weidao had already filed out. When Zong Yixi saw Zhuge Weidao standing outside the carriage, he smiled and raised his hand and pointed to the leader among the Japanese warriors who came out to greet him. One of them said to Zhuge Weidao: "Military division, this is the commander of the shogunate navy, the successor of the Mito domain, and the governor of Mito Zuowei."

The samurai known as "Mito Zuowei Mendu" stepped forward quickly, bowed again, and opened his mouth in fluent Chinese: "Military Master Zhuge, your subordinate Tokugawa Qizhao is very polite."

Zhuge Weidao was wearing the white military uniform of the Ming Dynasty Navy and a big cap, so he returned the military salute first, then cupped his hands and said with a smile, "So it's Your Excellency Mito, I've admired you for a long time."

Tokugawa Qizhao smiled all over his face, and greeted Zhuge Weidao for a while, coupled with the unique Japanese etiquette of bowing every word, it really meant the kind of "kowtow machine" used in oil fields.

After exchanging pleasantries, a group of people entered the house with smiles on their faces.

The street outside the house was brightly lit, but the inside of the house was a little dark and gloomy. Through the dim light, Zhuge Weidao saw that the yard was dotted with some flowers, trees, strange rocks and rockery, and the stinginess of a Japanese garden was everywhere. But without losing the delicate pattern.Zhuge walked a few steps for the way, and followed Zong Yixi to a wooden corridor. There are Japanese rooms with sliding doors on the side of the corridor. It is not known whether there are people hiding in it or piles of goods.

Suddenly, there was a turning point, and there was a bright light in front of him.In the spacious hall, the candlesticks were shining brightly, and the Japanese-style dining table was arranged in a back shape. Two young geisha with a little makeup on were holding sanxian strings. Seeing the arrival of Zhuge Weidao and others, they immediately bowed deeply to the ground to salute.

There are four cold dishes on the table, all of which are quite distinctive "cuisines". They are all served on very delicate plates, and the portions are very small. Yes, there are smoked fish, boiled chicken, Sixi grilled bran, fried shrimp
At this moment, Tokugawa Qizhao pointed to one of the small tables and said, "Please!"

Amidst the sound of playing and singing by the two geisha, the banquet held tonight in the clan's mansion in the Caoliang Japanese Pavilion has come to the time for the guests and hosts to enjoy themselves.

I have to say that the banquet arranged by Zong Yixi was really good. More than a dozen dishes were "Japanese food" with Jiangnan flavor, and Zhuge Weidao could taste a little bit of his hometown!Even the fine wine that accompanies the meal is Shaoxing Nurhong. If the Japanese cuisine these days has this flavor, it means that Chinese culture has a great influence on Japan today.

Although the portions of each dish were not large, Zhuge Weidao was already full of food and drink when the crab rice dumpling was served, and he started talking to Tokugawa Qizhao about the serious matter of "receiving dogs".

The purpose of his coming back to Japan was to discuss the conditions of "receiving dogs" for Daming and Japan - napalm bombs and so on, which should be used when negotiations fail. This villain.

"Mito Zuowei Gatekeeper," Zhuge Weidao put down his chopsticks, took a handkerchief from Ah Li who was waiting beside him, wiped his mouth, and then formally called Tokugawa Qi Zhao's official position (granted by the court), " I fully understand Japan's desire for development. But Japan's development must take into account its comparative advantages. Japan should not unrealistically pursue a large and comprehensive industrial system. Because Japan is a resource after all. An island country that is scarce and capital is also quite scarce. You should give priority to the development of labor-intensive light industries instead of capital, resource, and technology-intensive heavy industries. Such as shipbuilding, steel, military industry, etc., are all a waste of Japan's limited funds. And there won't be any results. If you really want Daming's help, then please close these hopeless factories!

You should cherish those precious funds exchanged for the bodies of young girls in your country, and you should not waste them recklessly! "

Heavy industry is a bit unpopular in later generations. But it is actually the foundation of industrialization. Without heavy industry, it is quite difficult to develop particularly well by relying on light industry alone.

As for skipping heavy industry and going directly to high technology, that's just three words, it's a good idea!

But in the current era, billowing smoke and roaring machines are symbols of "high technology"!The "Monarchy" class that Zhuge Weidao despises, on the current earth, is the product of the highest technology. Only Ming and Great Britain can independently design and build such a battleship.

Therefore, Japan is now tightening its belt, and even using extreme means of selling its own girls to raise capital to develop heavy industry.
From the standpoint of Zhuge Weidao, it is not impossible for Japan to develop some textile toys. Moreover, their labor is very cheap, and the quality of workers is indeed relatively high. The advantages of engaging in labor-intensive industries are great!

But if they want to get the opportunity to develop labor-intensive industries, they must give up heavy industry!
Being a dog, I don’t want to be able to build guns, cannons, and warships. If the master of Ming Dynasty needs them to charge into battle, these will be prepared for them, and they don’t need to build them themselves.

"Secondly, you don't need to develop a navy." Zhuge Weidao continued to propose conditions, "With the protection of Ming Dynasty, Japan's homeland will not be threatened by enemies from the sea at all. You don't need a navy. And the navy is also very wasteful. You have these Instead of money, it is better to improve the country’s infrastructure.”

 Strongly recommend Dong Xue's masterpiece "Changjin Lake Starts from the Cooking Class"

  Changjin Lake, Shuimen Bridge, Sniper, King Kong River, Qi Wenle never thought that he would start his time travel in these movie worlds.
(End of this chapter)

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