1825 My New Daming

Chapter 144 Chongguan 1 anger is A Kong?

Chapter 144 Is it Akong? (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)
Edo Castle, between the imperial use.

"Baga! How dare Zhuge Weidao make such a request? Is he trying to treat my Tokugawa shogunate as a lackey of their Zhuge family? Even if he is a dog, he should give him more meat. Help them bite Yingyi, but how can they prevent us from developing heavy industry, military industry, and shipbuilding? How can they even control Japan's currency issuance? If there is no heavy industry, no currency issuance rights, and only rely on a little textile , toys, when will Japan rise above the sea and become a great power that can keep pace with Ming and Great Britain? Do they want my Tokugawa family to be pawns for generations?"

The one who is angry is of course unwilling to be a dog, oh, it is the great general Tokugawa Ieqi who is unwilling to be a hungry ghost dog who can't eat enough.

The shogunate navy followed Tokugawa Qizhao and had already returned to Edo on a communication ship of the shogunate navy with Zhuge Weidao's "21 Articles of Supporting Tomorrow".After returning to Edo, he didn't even return home, so he went straight to Edo Castle to ask the Lord Gongfang to summon him alone.

As soon as Tokugawa Jiaqi saw the "21 articles", he was angry at that time.

Because according to the "21 Articles", Japan wants to be a dog, but it can't develop and grow. It can only be a thin dog chained by iron chains from generation to generation, and it can't eat enough or starve to death.

Of course, if these "21 Articles" are really implemented, life will still be better for Japan's middle and lower-level samurai and low-level untouchables.

The samurai had the opportunity to go abroad to fight for meritorious service. Daming could block Japan's development prospects, but he couldn't block the salaries and rewards of these cannon fodder, otherwise what would he do if he went to the battlefield and was bored?
The light industries that Ming allowed Japan to develop are all labor-intensive. Although they cannot pay high wages, they can solve a large number of jobs.at the same time.After Japan opened up its agricultural product market, cheap agricultural products from Daming, Siam, Annam, and Burma flooded in, making it easier for the lower class people in Japan to eat and drink.

And once Ming Dynasty defeated Britain and became the hegemon of the world, Japan will still be able to obtain a higher "caste" because of their looks and culture-no matter what, the East Asian race and the Eastern Confucian circles of Korea, Annan, and Siam Luo and Japan, in the future, even if they can't get the status of "Da Ming's Five Eyes Alliance", they can still be called "Old Europe", oh, it should be old Asia.Although Japan is at the bottom of the Eastern Confucian circle, but outside the circle, it is also the eagle dog of the Celestial Dynasty!
But the Tokugawa family is still angry. He is the descendant of the god king Ieyasu, and the Tokugawa family is the "Guardian of the Gods" who have guarded Japan for generations. How can he easily become a dog for the Zhuge family next door?Moreover, the Zhuge family does not intend to feed the Tokugawa family and Japan.

If Tokugawa Ieki easily agreed to the "21 Articles of Tomorrow's Support and Support" that forfeited power and humiliated the country, then he would immediately be regarded as a national traitor by the people below. How can this general continue to be a general?
And Japan can still struggle a little bit now, maybe it can get a little more dog food if it struggles a little bit.

But struggling is risky!
Thinking of this, Tokugawa Jiaqi said to Tokugawa Qizhao: "Has Zhuge Weidao already known that the instigator behind the Kii waterway incident is Qi Liang, the heir of Satsuma Shimadzu?"

"I already know," Tokugawa Qizhao replied, "Charlie Elliot, the chief of staff of Yingyi's squadron, was captured. After interrogating Charlie Elliott, Zhuge Weidao already knew that Shimadzu Qiliang created this incident. incident."

Tokugawa Jiaqi asked worriedly: "Then Zhuge Weidao asked Shimadzu Qiliang to apologize by harakiri?"

Tokugawa Qi Zhao sighed: "That's a matter of course. In the end, I'm afraid it's not just Qi Liang who will be seppuku, but the entire Shimadzu family!"

Tokugawa Jiaqi also sighed: "I never thought that the Shimadzu family, a famous family in Kyushu, would be extinct because of a woman."

After saying this, Tokugawa Iezaki stood up and left the imperial room, leaving only Tokugawa Qizhao to think quietly in the huge room.

"From the very beginning, we shouldn't pin our hopes on the Tokugawa shogunate! It seems that we are the only ones who can lead Japan to prosper on the seas and deploy military forces in all directions!"

The one who spoke was Saigo Yoshihei Takamori who became the leader of the pirate group called Haitao Team after leaving Satsuma.He didn't know when he had come to Osaka, the most prosperous commercial city in Japan, and hid in a closed two-storey house near the port of Osaka.Looking out from the room he was in now, he could see the battleship Revenge moored feebly on the pier awaiting repairs.

And the one who listened to him was Shimadzu Qiliang, the naval staff officer of the shogunate.He didn't wear the shogunate navy uniform that was mixed with Japanese and foreign, but a clean black kimono with the Shimadzu family crest on it.Kneeling and sitting indoors, with a samurai sword beside him.

"Saigo-kun is right. The present Japan is like Mount Fuji that is about to erupt. There is too much dissatisfaction and resentment accumulated inside. There are dissatisfaction and resentment against the weak Tokugawa shogunate, and there is also resentment against the oppression of our country. Daming's resentment!"

"Yes! As long as someone dares to stand up and break the 100-year-old situation in which Japan is neither dead nor alive and has no hope in sight. As long as the war of respecting the king and fighting against the Ming comes together, then the whole of Japan will be full of enthusiasm, and Japan's friends and enemies. See our strength!"

"My lord, the Shimadzu family must not sit still. The shogunate has suppressed and feared the Shimadzu family for a long time. This time, it will definitely use the issue to completely eradicate the Shimadzu family!"

"My lord, Satsuma's family is not the only one that was suppressed by the shogunate. The Maori family in Changzhou is also deeply suspected by the shogunate. The nobles in the family have long been eager to see through the move to save the country!"

"My lord, let's do it! Rather than just sit and wait for death, it's better to fight to the death!"

"My lord, please lead us and raise the flag of rebellion!"

It seems that among the Haitao team's rogues are not only from the Satsuma domain, but also from the Changzhou domain and other powerful domains in the southwest.Most of these powerful vassals outside the Southwest evolved from the daimyos of the Western Army in the Battle of Sekigahara that established the Tokugawa world more than 200 years ago.Most of them are famous martial arts families with a long history, and they all had a glorious era in the turbulent Warring States Period.

Because the ancestors were once rich, the number of retainers was particularly large. Later, the territory became smaller and the income decreased, but the retainers were not all dismissed, so they had to tighten their belts and live a hard life together.

And 200 years of peace has caused a surge in the number of warriors in these externally powerful feudal clans, and the feudal clan cannot accommodate them at all, so a large number of ronin have emerged.All kinds of rogue groups in Japan are filled with these poor ghost warriors who came from various feudal clans outside the Southwest.

Qiliang Shimadzu's face was ashen, and he just nodded stiffly: "Masters, Japan has indeed reached the most dangerous moment. If we wait for the people with lofty ideals to fail to rise up, then Japan will be reduced to the status of North Korea and Annan. This is what we are waiting for!" Absolutely intolerable! But we can't fight against the shogunate in Kinai, after all, this is the key point of the shogunate's control of the world, and the Tokugawa family has stationed heavy troops here, so it's not something we can defeat."

After all, the current Tokugawa shogunate carried out the reform and founding of the country. Although its strength cannot be compared with the Meiji government in history, the authority of the shogunate cannot be challenged by a few rogue groups.

"My lord, what should we do?" Saigo Yoshihei Takamori asked loudly.

"Let's go to Kyushu!" Qiliang Shimadzu said, "Kyushu is the place where reformers gather! Moreover, the shogunate also transported a large amount of arms aided by Yingyi to Nagasaki for storage, and deployed the newly established airship team in Nagasaki. Nagasaki. We can sneak into Nagasaki, seize the airships and munitions there, and fight against the enemy in Nagasaki!"

(End of this chapter)

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