1825 My New Daming

Chapter 151 Great Britain settles India first, or does Ming take care of Japan first?

Chapter 151 Great Britain settles India first, or does Ming take care of Japan first? (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)

10 Downing Street.

He Shen, Qi Shan, and Grand Duke Mikhail have all left, and now sitting in the conference room, apart from the members of the current British cabinet, are Prince William and the Duke of Wellington who are about to go to India.

Among them, Prince William will serve as the deputy king of India. The so-called deputy king is the king's deputy and a super governor who can represent the king in frontiers or colonies.And the deputy king of Prince William is not the same thing as the former governor of the East India Company. The latter's rule of India is actually a bit improper and unsound.

The British East India Company was a chartered trading company in its earliest days, mainly engaged in zero-dollar purchases, and by the way did a little smuggling, slave trading, D trafficking and normal international trade.Well, normal trade is still necessary, because the black money earned by the East India Company from zero-dollar purchases, smuggling, slave trade, and D trade is usually exchanged for silk, porcelain, tea, sugar, etc., and shipped back to Europe to earn another ticket. It is more profitable than directly transporting gold and silver back.

But the British don't know how to do this business?Gradually, the feudal power to build castles and rule the local people was obtained from the governor of the Mughal dynasty or some short-sighted Indian princes-they may have treated the East India Company as a feudal lord.So the East India Company began to transform from a company to a regime.

Later, the East India Company gradually grew bigger in the process of struggling with various Indian states and even the Mughal Dynasty-of course, the organizational efficiency of the company was much higher than that of the feudal monarchs, and the East India Company also had Foreign guns, foreign cannons, foreign generals, where are the Mughal dynasty and Tubang princes in India?By the 19s, except for the Sikh Empire in the northwest corner, which was not very obedient, the whole of India had been controlled by the East India Company.

However, this kind of control has no blessing of righteousness, although the British Parliament has passed a series of laws declaring that the sovereignty of the land acquired by the East India Company belongs to the British King.But these laws are not recognized by the local princes and nobles in India. In their view, the East India Company just stole or snatched power from the Mughal Dynasty. Their rule in India has no righteous name, yes illegal!
As if to prove that their rule was illegal, the East India Company still retained the emperors of the Mughal dynasty in India, but kept these emperors under house arrest in the palace of Delhi, and gave them a large amount of annuities every year. This inevitably gave Indians a sense of An illusion, as if the legitimacy of British rule in India came from the Mughal emperor.

In this case, although the Mughal emperor did not have any political and military power, the East India Company also struggled to rule because it lacked sufficient legitimacy.There is no way to let go of the search, and it is even more impossible to form an Indian army strong enough to fight against Ming Dynasty.

But now the confrontation between the British Empire and the Ming Empire has intensified, and Great Britain is at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the Ming Empire because of the insufficient white population.The only way to reverse the decline seems to be to make the British rule over India reasonable and legal, and to have a righteous name recognized by Indians.

Therefore, the East India Company must be abolished first. However, it is impossible for the British to return the power held by the East India Company to the Indian emperor of the Mughal Dynasty. Instead, they will set up an Indian deputy king to take over the power of the East India Company. .

And this vice king. Not only is the vice king sent by the British king, but also the vice king of the Mughal emperor!

"Your Highness," George Canning said to the incoming Prince William, "according to Viscount Amherst's suggestion, you should serve as the deputy king of the King of England and the Emperor of India at the same time. In this way, the sovereignty divided by the King of England and the Emperor of India , can be reunited in you and then we will arrange a usurpation for you according to the customary law of the East! You will legally usurp the throne of the Mughal emperor and become the recognized emperor of India. And after you succeed to the British throne In the end, all sovereignty of India will be unified in the hands of the Indian emperor of the Hanover dynasty!
In the future, the monarch of the British Empire will be able to firmly control India! "

"Usurpation. Can it really be legal?" Prince William was still a little worried.Although he also knew that there were three usurpation routes: abdication, adding the body in yellow robes, and persuading his nephew to be killed by the officials, but is this really legal?
"Your Highness," the incoming Chief Minister of the Indian Empire, the Duke of Wellington, patted his chest and promised, "We can first establish the Indian Imperial Parliament, and then formulate an Indian version of the "Act of Powers", stipulating that usurping the throne is legal."

"Yes, yes, as long as there is an Indian version of the "Bill of Powers", usurping the throne will be legal!" Prince William was completely relieved now.

Because he knew that the background of the "Bill of Powers" was a transnational usurpation!
The throne of King James II of England was usurped by his daughter, son-in-law, King William III of the Dutch Republic and Princess George Anne (Princess of England). Even the civilized and progressive Britain can usurp the throne legally, let alone India?

George Canning said with a smile: "Now we and Da Ming have a problem in front of us. What we are facing is how to merge India's divided sovereignty and hold it firmly! The problem for Da Ming is how to They are willing to transform Japan and turn Japan into a vicious dog in their hands. And no matter who solves their own problems first, they will definitely gain the upper hand in the next game."

In fact, Britain's problem is insufficient production—compared to Ming Dynasty, Britain's production is quite insufficient!Therefore, Britain must extend the industrial revolution to a certain extent in India, which has a large population.

But the problem of Ming Dynasty is the lack of cannon fodder - Daming's per capita is high, and the gap between rich and poor in the country is relatively small, the people live a relatively comfortable life, so naturally they don't want to fight.Moreover, Ming people who have paid taxes to a certain amount can elect political officials. And political officials have the power to overthrow the cabinet! Therefore, once the Ming Dynasty suffers too many casualties in foreign wars, the cabinet will be in danger of being overthrown.
And Japan, with a population of more than 3000 million, is a country that can provide Ming with millions of cannon fodder!
So as long as India's partial industrialization is completed or Japan is integrated by Ming, the final showdown between Ming and Great Britain will not be far away.

And whoever solves their own problems first will undoubtedly have the upper hand in the future game.

Prince William asked again: "Prime Minister, hasn't Japan succumbed to Ming's despotic power?"

George Canning said with a smile: "The Tokugawa shogunate is seeking a compromise, but there are still many brave warriors who are unwilling to give in. They have already unfurled the banner of honoring the king in Nagasaki and asking for help from our British Empire. This It is exactly the result we wanted from the beginning! Although the price paid is a bit higher, Japan is in chaos after all. If Ming Dynasty conducts armed intervention against Japan, they are likely to fall into the quagmire of war and cannot extricate themselves!"

Speaking of this, George Canning couldn't help but feel complacent.He has only been prime minister for a few days, but the policies he has implemented are all very successful!The war with Dajin has been satisfactorily resolved, the war to carve up Turkey has also been resolved very well, and the dispute with Ming Dynasty has almost reached a conclusion. I got news yesterday that even Japan, which was originally planning to give up, is now in chaos. !

Someone in Nagasaki has already raised the flag of righteousness, and people from all over Kyushu and the western part of Honshu Island have responded. Chaos is about to start. The Tokugawa shogunate may be overthrown, and Japan may also fall into troubled times. As long as this troubled world comes , It is difficult to clean up.

Although the Ming Dynasty will definitely ask the British Empire not to interfere in Japanese affairs in the future, isn't there no agreement yet to be reached?It just happened to seize the opportunity to step up assistance to the Japanese righteous people-the British Empire is too good at doing this kind of thing.

(End of this chapter)

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