1825 My New Daming

Chapter 155 The surprise attack was successful, but...

Chapter 155 The surprise attack was successful, but (please subscribe, ask for a monthly pass)

The name of the 50-year airship field, of course, is taken from the famous song "50 Years in the World". Shimadzu Sailiang's idol Oda Nobunaga came to such a song "50 Years in the World" before launching the surprise attack on the barrel !
Shimadzu Qiliang is now facing the behemoth of Ming Dynasty, and he also needs a surprise attack of his own!
And the only weapon that can carry out the surprise attack mission is the airship!
After all, the difference in strength between the Japanese Shogunate Navy and the Ming Navy is too great, and it is impossible to use the fleet to make a complete surprise attack.

Even if the surprise attack is successful, there is a high probability that the flagship of the Beiyang Fleet, the Hanwu Emperor, will not be sunk by something like the "Four Heavenly Kings".And once the airship unit of the Daming Naval Air Force attacks, the shogunate navy will be wiped out.

So Qi Liang's only chance is the [-] small rigid airships supported by the British - they are said to be small, but they are also compared with Daming's Flying Dragon III large airship.If there is no Dragon III, a monster that can carry one or two tons of bombs and fly to the ocean, the rigid airship named Armstrong II given by the United Kingdom can also be regarded as a behemoth.

When Shimadzu Qiliang and Komatsu arrived together with Dao, the 50-year-old airship field was located in a valley outside Nagasaki City.In the afternoon sun, twenty Armstrong II airships were already preparing for takeoff.

Cyclops Xixiang is crossing his arms, standing in front of a row of airships, watching the martyrs pushing the carts, carefully sending bombs and cylinders full of hydrogen into the cabin of the airship or hanging the airship Bomb pylons on both sides of the compartment.

Since the Armstrong II airship is much smaller than the Wyvern III, it cannot hold sixteen large 100-kilogram bombs, so it can only choose to install two heavy bombs or eight lighter bombs.
Shimadzu Qiliang's choice was eight 50 kg armor-piercing bombs-in fact, they were modified with a 6-inch armor-piercing shell.The results of the Battle of Kii showed that if a 50kg armor-piercing projectile hit the deck of the Sovereign and Indomitable from top to bottom, it would be enough to cause heavy losses.

So Shimadzu Qiliang simply used 160 6-inch armor-piercing projectiles to gamble his life!

As long as one hits the Emperor Wu of Han, he wins the bet!


Saigo Yoshihei Takamori saw Shimadzu Qiliang coming in a hurry, and hurriedly knelt down to salute him.Shimadzu Qiliang nodded heavily at this burly man, who is rarely seen in Japan, and said, "Xixiang-kun, is the airship team ready?"

"Hay, the airship team is ready!"

Shimadzu Qiliang nodded again: "Yaoxi, then call all the crew, I want to lecture."


One-eyed dragon Xixiang responded, and immediately stood up and shouted: "Everyone. Assemble!"

The more than [-] people who were about to board the airship were already fully dressed at this time, with swords and ribs stuck in their waists, and they were waiting on the airship field to set off!
Hearing Xixiang's shout, they all came together and huddled together in front of Qiliang Shimadzu.Qi Liang looked at them, all of them were wearing samurai costumes embroidered with family crests, carrying two knives for cutting people, no one was carrying a parachute boat, and everyone died in the boat, no need to parachute.

Seeing that everyone is ready to become a god, Shimadzu Qiliang nodded with great satisfaction, and said: "Masters, the future of Japan depends on your performance today. I have received definite news that Ming Kou's Han The Wu Dadi is now in Jueying Island port! The warships anchored in the port generally have no power, and it takes a long time to boil the water in the boiler, so the one you are going to bomb is completely powerless The Hanwu Great Emperor, please make sure to blow it up in the port of Jueying Island!"

Everyone responded in unison: "Hay!"

Although most of them are novices to airships, they are all old pirates or old sailors. Of course, they know that the steam warships docked in the port are quite fragile.Even if the personnel on board are still quite vigilant, it is impossible to start the main power system of the battleship. At most, one or two small boilers and small steam engines continue to operate, providing some energy needed for lighting and heating.

If the battleship is attacked by surprise at this time, I am afraid that one attack will be accurate!

Qiliang Shimadzu said loudly: "The rise and fall of Japan, in this battle, I wish you all the best of luck. Japan, on board! Emperor, on board! Board the boat, let's go!"


Amid the cheers, these flying warriors all rushed to the airship they were in. At this time, the hydrogen cylinders and bombs were already installed.The flying warriors all got into the narrow cabin through the small door of the airship pod.The ground warriors began to untie the cables that tied these airships one by one. Every time the cables of an airship were untied, the airship jumped up like a wild horse that had run free.

Looking at the airships rising into the sky one after another, Shimadzu Qiliang and George Elliot who just heard the news took a deep breath and began to pray silently in their hearts.

For the next six to seven hours, they would pray here while waiting for the triumphant return of the airship troops—unlike the Flying Dragon Type III of the Ming army, these Armstrong airships did not have radio stations!

After their surprise attack was successful, there was no way to report "Tiger, Tiger, Tiger" to the rear.

So Shimadzu and Elliot, who have been waiting at the airship field for 50 years, can only wait and wait. Wait until the airship returns to know whether the surprise attack was successful?
But Saigo Yoshihei Takamori didn't have to wait until then, because as the co-pilot, he boarded the first airship to fly into the sky.

Now, the airship has risen to an altitude of 1300 meters, and then, under the direction of the compass, the first boat took the lead and flew north!

Nagasaki's 50-year airship field is located in the north of Nagasaki City, more than 200 kilometers away from Jueying Island.In the absence of wind, the airship filled with bombs, fuel and hydrogen cylinders would take about three hours to fly, that is, it would not arrive at Jueying Island until the evening of that day.

According to the plan, after arriving at Jueying Island, these flying warriors have one hour to complete the bombing, and then return before the sky is completely dark, but when they return to the sky above Kyushu Island, it must have been dark. By then , whether they can find the 50-year airship field and complete the landing at night is hard to say.

The flight of more than three hours is really a bit long, and the "co-pilot" Takamori Saigo Yoshihei actually doesn't know how to fly an airship, so he simply said to the airship pilot who is also from the Satsuma clan beside him: "Yamamoto, I Snooze for a while, and wake me up when we are above Juying Island. Let's kill the enemy together!"

"Hay!" The little man Shanben responded, but he was a little strange in his heart. How do you, a big man who can neither fly an airship nor drop bombs, plan to fight?Jumping down with a knife in hand to hack the battleship?

Just as he thought of this, the big man beside him, Xixiang, was already snoring. For the next three hours, the three people in the cabin of the airship had to endure Xixiang's snoring until they saw the unsuspecting man in the distance. Absolute Shadow Island!

"Successful! The surprise attack was successful!"

"Xixiang-kun, wake up quickly"

"Xixiang-kun, don't sleep, do you plan to fight while sleeping on the battlefield?"

It is definitely not acceptable to fight while sleeping, so Xixiang woke up immediately when he heard someone yelling in his ear. After waking up, he subconsciously drew his sword. Fortunately, Yamamoto next to him was quick-sighted and held him down, "Xixiang Your enemy is still far away, you don't need to draw your sword yet!"

Yes, the cabin of the airship is so narrow, what if the knife is pulled out and cuts someone?
Xixiang was already awake at this time, and he also knew that it was against the regulations to draw a knife in the cabin of the airship—there was no such regulation at first, until the flying samurai with the knife boarded the airship.

Xixiang quickly retracted the knife, then blinked one eye and looked at Juying Island in front of him. The air above and around Juying Island was very quiet, the surprise attack should have been successful!However, in the northern sky, there seems to be an airship of unknown origin, slowly flying from Juying Island to Jueying Island!

(End of this chapter)

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