1825 My New Daming

Chapter 161 If you want to crush, you must first convince others!

Chapter 161 If you want to crush, you must first convince others! (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)
When George Elliot boarded a [-]-ton galleon and sadly left Japan, a sad place, Zhuge Weidao and Guan Tianpei had already arrived in Tianjin Fucheng.

Tianjin Prefecture, of course, is also a modern industrial city full of "steam Huaxia style". It is the manufacturing center of Ming Dynasty's coal chemical industry, chemical equipment, mining equipment, railway equipment and aviation equipment.On both sides of the Haihe River and near Dagukou, there are stretches of "old industrial areas". Even though Daming's economy is a bit depressed, this old industrial center still presents a bustling and busy scene.

The train that Zhuge Weidao and Guan Tianpei took arrived at night, but the "Tianjin Industrial Zone" was still brightly lit, the machines were rumbling, and there was still a trace of industrial waste gas in the air.That Zhuge Wuzhong Wang obviously has no awareness of environmental protection.
After Zhuge Weidao and Guan Tianpei got off the train, they were immediately invited by two carriages sent by Zhili governor Zhuge Yangwu to an airship testing ground belonging to the Zhuge family on the edge of the Tianjin Industrial Zone—this airship testing ground belonged to the Zhuge family Feilong Industry, which is jointly controlled by several branches of the company, is the product of the famous Feilong series of airships.

After the Battle of Peshawar, there were already too many orders for Feilong Industry. Not only the Ming Army and Navy placed big orders, but also several Ming vassal states, as well as the neighboring Raksha State, all requested to purchase airships. .

The business has never been very good. The general manager (equivalent to the CEO) of Feilong Industry, Zhuge Weitian, after becoming famous in the battle of Feilong No. 20, is happy every day. Everyone is smiling from ear to ear. The happy people got fatter and became "Zhuge chubby". However, he still couldn't be happy seeing Zhuge Weidao. ", I held back all my energy and wanted to be the aerospace military advisor of the Zhuge family, but I didn't expect that he had prepared for [-] years, and at the end of the day, Zhuge would be the first to win the way.

So when Zhuge Weidao went to Tianjin to try out the airship earlier, he didn't even show his face.The last time Zhuge Wei came to Tianjin Dagukou to board the ship, he also avoided seeing the Eighteenth Army Division.

But this time Zhuge Weidao passed by Tianjin again, but Zhuge Weitian couldn't see him.This is because after the Battle of the Kii Waterway, the airships of Feilong Industries have been sold like crazy. In the past few days, military attaches from France, Austria, Prussia, Turkey, the United States, Brazil, Spain, Sweden, the Netherlands and other countries have brought orders to Feilong. The headquarters of the industry is running. According to the current production capacity of Feilong Industry, if those orders are all followed, it will not be finished in ten years!
So under Zhuge Yangwu's matchmaking, Zhuge Weimin served good wine and good food on the site of his own Feilong Industry for the sake of the rolling in silver dollars, in order to celebrate Zhuge Weidao and Guan Tianpei who returned to the imperial court. Take the wind and wash the dust.

In addition to Zhuge Yangwu and Zhuge Weitian, there is also Zhuge Yangming, the "Shanghai Navy Division" of the Yang family. It is said that he has some cooperation project with Feilong Industry in the past two days. He also came to Tianjin in person and was pulled together. For company.

And at the banquet where the dust was washed away, Guan Tianpei asked Zhuge Yangwu, the governor of Zhili (he was also a military adviser), about the war against Japan—even though Guan Tianpei was a lieutenant general, and he was also the admiral of the naval aviation. He has a high position and authority, and the Ministry of the Navy and the Ministry of War sent people down to ask him for advice.But when it comes to the final battle and decision-making, he can't say much. Daming's national policy has always been firmly controlled by the cabinet and the political council, and the soldiers don't have much say.

Because Zhuge Weidao can exert influence on the core group of the Zhuge family, the military division, so he has a little more say in this aspect than Guan Tianpei.But his qualifications are here, even if he is in the military division, he can't compare with a figure like Zhuge Weijiu, the great military division, and of course he can't compare with Zhuge Yangwu and Zhuge Yangming.And now that he is a front-line officer, he has even less influence on major policies. Since Queen Zhuge Wuzhong, this soldier has been the focus area of ​​the Eight Great Aristocratic Families—not a restricted area, but the officers of the core regiment of the Eight Great Aristocratic Families Be careful what you say and do!If it is too high-profile and is recognized as ambitious by everyone, then nothing good will happen!
So Zhuge Weidao can make suggestions now, but he has to be "obedient". If others don't listen to him, he has to obey the decisions of the military division and the cabinet. Moreover, he had better not make any radical suggestions!
Hearing Guan Tianpei's question, both Zhuge Yangming and Zhuge Weitian turned their attention to Zhuge Weijiu's son, Zhuge Yangwu. The recognized successor of the military division has a great say in the military division.

Moreover, his relationship with Zhuge Weidao has always been very good.
"This Japanese dog is definitely going to be taken!" Zhuge Yangwu said with a smile while twisting his beard, "and the current progress is also very good. But my Ming Dynasty is the Celestial Dynasty, and the Celestial Dynasty must use reasoning to convince people!"

While talking, he was looking at Zhuge Weidao out of the corner of his eyes.

Of course Zhuge Weidao knew what his eldest nephew meant?The incident of taking Natalie "for my own use" last time can't happen again. Moreover, taking Natalie doesn't involve military affairs and military power, it's just doing errands for the royal family. Queen Mother Zheng and the little emperor are satisfied afterwards, and others don't. Talked.

But beating Japan into a dog is a real military matter, and you can't do it randomly. You have to beat it in a reasonable and well-founded way, and it's best to make the beaten Japan applaud!
Zhuge Weidao asked with a smile: "Ziyi, the two prime ministers have agreed that we implement the policy of helping the king to fight against the barbarians?"

Zhuge Yangwu waved his hand: "It's not enough to help Wang Zhuanyi. You can only talk about it in Japan, but it won't work if you go out of Japan. Even the Saba faction in Japan will be unhappy to hear it!

If we want to take down the rebels in Nagasaki with an overwhelming advantage, we must get the widest support, and to get the widest support, we must be able to convince people!We not only need the support of the emperor, but also the support of the generals. After all, in Japan, the emperor and the generals have shared righteousness for a long time.

In addition, we have to obtain the understanding of the United Kingdom internationally. Only in this way will the rebels in Nagasaki become a small group isolated by everyone! "

How cautious!

Zhuge Weidao thought: "It is an advantage to crush the Japanese pirates in Nagasaki with the national power of the Ming Dynasty, but the Ming court still has to take advantage of the emperor and the shogunate, and even suffered in the Jiyi waterway. The british guys who beat up must be appeased, and they will not be allowed to continue to provide assistance to Nagasaki, this is really a sure win plus a triple insurance!"

Zhuge Yangming interjected at this time: "Uncle [-], have you decided what to say to General Tokugawa?"

Of course, his question is not to meddle in other people's business, but to help Zhuge Weidao get things done—he will go to Edo with Zhuge Weidao to be a lobbyist. With a large sum of silver dollars, those shogunate elders might think that Zhuge Weidao's words made sense!

"I've already made up my mind!" Zhuge Weidao said with a smile, "Of course, we should ask the teacher first to put the greatest pressure on the Tokugawa shogunate, and then we two will come forward and pretend to be good people."

Now Zhuge Weidao is also smart, knowing that Zhuge Yangming must have come to Tianjin with a mission.

"The greatest pressure?" Zhuge Yangming said, "What is the greatest pressure?"

"Of course it's the white boat visiting!" Zhuge Weidao said.

The so-called white boats are the warships of the Ming Navy, because they are all painted white, so they are called white boats.

"Oh," Zhuge Yangming asked, "how much is appropriate?"

Zhuge Weidao smiled and said: "Of course, the more the better!" He paused, "As long as General Tokugawa knows that I am invincible, he will naturally submit. We can say whatever we want at that time. Let's talk about those in Nagasaki. The Japanese pirates are all Baiyi lackeys, and they have quietly joined the Catholic Church!"

(End of this chapter)

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