1825 My New Daming

Chapter 165 Good Brother Pod, Mingying is a Relative

Chapter 165 Good Brother Pod, Ming Ying is a Relative (Please subscribe, ask for a monthly pass)
Although Zhuge Weidao knew that Nicholas I would approve his marriage to Natalie when he got the position of military adviser, after all, the Emperor of Ming Dynasty was just a puppet, and the military adviser of the Zhuge family was the real power figure who could control the politics of Ming Dynasty.Although there are as many as ten or twenty military advisers in the Zhuge family, the wealth and power each of them possess will eventually exceed those of the monarchs of small European countries.

Therefore, the marriage between Zhuge Weidao and Natalie can be said to be a well-matched family, talented and beautiful, dry firewood and fire, and cooked rice cooked with raw rice. There is no need for Nicholas I to stop it.Daming's de facto No. [-] store, who dares to look down on it?Therefore, after receiving the request from Zhuge Weidao and Natalie, they were ready to take advantage of the slope and agree to the marriage.However, he did not announce it right away, but sent a special envoy to Daming first.

The reason for this arrangement is, of course, to wait for the British side to announce the engagement of Princess Victoria and Duke Alexander first.After all, both Victoria and Alexander were still young, and they were not old enough to cook raw rice.So the good things of Zhuge Weidao and Natalie did not go away, but the good things of Alexander and Victoria are not certain. In case the British think that the Romanov dynasty married Ming and Great Britain at the same time, it is a two-footed boat and refuses to take Victoria married Alexander, and Nicholas I was at a loss.

Therefore, after Menshikov arrived in Beijing, he did not immediately announce the tsar's decision to recognize Zhuge Weidao and Natalie's marriage as legal, but waited for the official announcement from the British side.

A few days ago, Zhuge Weijiu and George Canning initialed the "Mingying Agreement", which ended the previous two rounds of "small bets" and declared that Ming and Great Britain would not break up for the time being.But after all, this agreement is a "resignation agreement", which has dealt a big blow to the prestige of the British Empire.

In order to restore their reputation, George Canning and his Tories let go of the marriage contract between Alexander and Victoria and made an official announcement.

Therefore, Menshikov received the final instructions from Tsar Nicholas I just last night!
And this announcement means that all the children born to Zhuge Weidao and Natalie can be included in the Rakshasa royal genealogy, and seniority will be ranked according to the order of succession (this genealogy will be replaced regularly, and those who have lost the right to inherit will be removed. while adding newcomers).Of course, Zhuge Weidao and Natalie can also decide to exclude one or several of their descendants from the Rakshasa royal family tree.

In addition, the "legal union" of Zhuge Weidao and Natalie also means that Duke Alexander became his nephew, and Victoria might become his nephew's daughter-in-law.

From now on, everyone will be relatives!
Thinking that he was going to be a Taoist with Zhuge, who was a relative of Alexander II and Queen Victoria, he smiled even more happily. While laughing, he walked to Zheng Yuhuan, glanced at "Sister Yuhuan", who had become more beautiful after giving birth, and stretched out his hand He took over his eldest son.This is a mixed race who looks like a doll, very cute.

Zhuge Weidao hugged his eldest son and announced to Menshikov: "Lieutenant General, according to the agreement between Natalie Pavrovna and me, our eldest son will be her heir and inherit her legacy in Rakshasa. All estates and corresponding titles."

Menshikov glanced at the child in Zhuge Weidao's arms: "Master, what's his name?"

"Yang De," said Zhuge Weidao, "the Rakshasa's name is Peter."

The method of naming the children of the Zhuge family is theoretically a lottery - the unified character generation is determined by the ancestors, and the remaining character has to be drawn by lottery to avoid repetition.

In addition, this lottery can be drawn before the child is born, as long as the wives and concubines are pregnant.If it's a girl, return the word drawn.Girls' names don't need to be named according to their ancestry. There is much more freedom and it's not easy to repeat. You just need to check the genealogy before naming.

Of course, the lottery can also be cheated.Zhuge Weidao's eldest son Yang De's character "virtue" was what he asked Zhuge Weijiu for.And his second son, who was born early, was not treated so well. Zhuge Weidao also drew one for him through Nalandili's stomach, and got the word "Bo".

The eldest son "De" and the second son "Bo". What a "good brother Bode"!

"Okay," Menshikov nodded and said, "I will inform His Majesty the Tsar of your and the Grand Duchess' decision."

Empress Dowager Zheng said with a smile at this time: "Daozi, now you go with Aijia to visit your second son and Natalie. You have two sons, so you can't favor one over the other!"

Zhuge Weidao hugged his eldest son, with a look of liking on his face, nodded repeatedly and said: "Okay, let's go and have a look together."

Empress Dowager Zheng nodded to Menshikov with a smile again, said "excuse me", then stood up, and accompanied by two black eunuchs, she walked towards a side door of the lobby.

Zhuge Weidao hugged his beloved son and said with a smile as he walked, "I won't treat one more favorably than another, the eldest and the second are my favorites."

In fact, Zhuge Weidao already favored one over the other. A pair of twins, the younger brother was born two months earlier, and the older brother was born two months later.Moreover, the elder brother who was born late was hugged by Zhuge Weidao, the father, not long after he was born, while the younger brother who was born earlier was two months old, and he hadn't seen what his father looked like yet!

What's more, he is still breastfeeding in the arms of a "Dayang mother" whom he has never seen before. The taste of this milk is not right!It's a little smelly and greasy, but the amount is quite enough!Well, the "bag" containing milk is more than one size bigger, and the rations in the future are guaranteed!
Zhuge Yangbo, who has been starved for a long time, is now a mother who has milk, not to mention his mouth, and just sucks.When his father, Zhuge Weidao, Queen Mother Zheng, and his brother Zhuge Yangde entered the room, he was lying on Natalie's chest, sucking milk, even his own father Mom didn't respond when she came.

Seeing Natalie who was generously breastfeeding Zhuge Yangbo, Zhuge smiled and handed Zhuge Yangde in his arms to Natalie who was half lying on the back of the bed, "Honey, give me too Feed the eldest, he's hungry too. Look, he's a little smaller than the second, so eat more."

Natalie's husband's words made her laugh, and said, "He just ate."

While talking, she stretched out her hand to take Zhuge Yangde, only to find that she only showed one milk bag, and the other was still hidden in her pajamas.So he said to Zhuge Weidao, "Honey, please help me."

"Okay!" Zhuge responded, went up and hugged Zhuge Yangbo who was breastfeeding, and said while hugging, "Second brother, let Brother Ni eat some too, seeing how small he is."

Zhuge Yangbo was eating happily, when he was suddenly taken away by someone, he was angry at that time, and burst into tears with "oooooooo".

As soon as he cried, the Empress Dowager Zheng beside him became a little unhappy, and her mouth pouted.But Zhuge Weidao didn't care, he just looked at his son who was "crying furiously". Dad was crying loudly - he couldn't speak, or he would have scolded him a long time ago.

"Give me little Bobo!" Natalie was very motherly, and while feeding her own son, she said to Zhuge Weidao, "Little Bobo is hungry, I'll feed him. I have enough milk!"

Seeing that the two brothers were drinking, Queen Mother Zheng's face finally calmed down, and then she found a chair and sat down, sighed and said: "Two children, Daozi and Natalie, you have to take care of them! Especially He is your second child, Aijia thinks he is very smart, and he will definitely be able to become a military advisor in the future. Daozi, what do you think? Can you let him be a military advisor?"

(End of this chapter)

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