1825 My New Daming

Chapter 172 Nagasaki BBQ Day!

Chapter 172 Nagasaki BBQ Day! (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)

On the eighth day of August, at 11:30 noon, at the Shimadzu Jinya in Nagasaki, a military discussion was in progress.

"My lord, the rebel army's defense in the direction of Yatsuyake is solid. The Yatsuyake Fort is equipped with 18 movable 11-inch howitzers, which are enough to blast all incoming enemies into pieces! If the enemy wants to land from the sea, the cannons on the Yatsuyak Fort Cover beachheads with heavy fire, too!"

"My lord, the rebel army's defense on the Xibichu Peninsula is also very solid. The firepower of the Zhenwei Island fortress is enough to guard the Zhenwei Seto Strait and prevent the official. Official army from landing!"

"My lord, the navy is still firmly controlling the command of the sea in Omura Bay, so there is no need to worry about the official army landing from the direction of Omura Bay."

"My lord, the defense along the coast of the West Sea is also very solid. The four fortresses of the West Sea, Oshima, Old Detsu, and Mount Saine are enough to guard the coast."

"My lord, there is no problem with the defense of the Nagasaki Peninsula at present. The warships of the Ming Navy only dare to operate outside the range of our 11-inch cannons."

"My lord, the grain storage in Nagasaki City is also very sufficient, enough to supply [-] rebels, their families, and the common people for three years!"

It seems okay.

Listening to the reports from the subordinates, Qiliang Shimadzu breathed a sigh of relief. Nagasaki has a difficult terrain and is a coastal defense fortress that the Tokugawa shogunate has painstakingly managed for many years.If it weren't for the defenders of the shogunate deliberately releasing water (in order to let Shimadzu take the blame), Qiliang Shimadzu's men would not be able to take Nagasaki at all.

Therefore, the rebel army led by Qiliang Shimadzu may be able to persist in Nagasaki until the international and domestic situation changes, but it is difficult to know the current international and domestic situation in Nagasaki City.Because the telephones and telegrams in Nagasaki City have been cut off long ago, these rebels now know that they are enemies, national thieves, and traitors!
When he was pondering more and more desperate, suddenly there was a "dangdangdang" bell from outside.

This is the air defense siren!
Over the past few days, Daming's airships have been flying to Nagasaki every day, but instead of dropping bombs, they drop "paper bombs", that is, leaflets.The leaflets all printed the news that the emperor and the shogunate issued an edict to attack the Nagasaki traitor, the traitor Shimadzu Qiliang and his party members. It also announced the list of the chief villains of the Nagasaki rebels and the conditions for coercion and reform.

Qiliang Shimadzu is of course the number one on the list of the most culprits, heinous, not only he, but also his wives, concubines and children!
In other words, Sailiang Shimadzu didn't have to think about surrendering at all.
As for coercion to reform, it is divided into meritorious service and non-contributory coercion. As long as the coercion who does not perform meritorious service sneaks out of the city and surrenders before the official army launches a general attack, he can be exempted from the death penalty. Just from death!If he can do meritorious deeds, such as beheading the head of the evil Shimadzu Qiliang and offering it, he will be a "big golden ticket", and he can also become a shogunate or a samurai in the north!
For those penniless rogues, this is simply reaching the sky in one step!

That's why Qiliang Shimadzu felt chills down his spine when he thought of those leaflets scattered from the sky!
"Command!" Shimadzu Qiliang loudly said, "The whole city is under martial law. Except for the security team and the air defense team in charge of air defense, everyone else, including civilians, family members and samurai who are not on duty, all return to their respective residences. , No going out!"


Immediately below, several guard officers and air defense officers responded loudly.

These people were all from Satsuma, and they were Qiliang Shimadzu's confidantes. After receiving the order, they got up and rushed out to carry out the task.

Shimadzu Qiliang looked at the people who were still in the battle room, nodded and said, "Let's go to the yard to have a look!"

As he said that, he stood up with his hands on the floor, took the Taidao from Xiao Xing's hand, and strode out.

When Shimadzu Qiliang walked out of the house to the courtyard of his family’s front house and looked up at the sky, Zhuge Weidao was sitting in the passenger seat of a Flying Dragon III airship, looking down at Nagasaki, which is full of wooden houses below. city.

"Military division!" Sitting in the pilot seat of the airship is Ma Xuchen of the First Airship Team. He has been promoted to lieutenant colonel now, and he will be promoted to colonel after the burning of Nagasaki this time, but he is not very excited. Instead, he hesitated, "There must be many women and children in the city, right?"

Of course. There must be a lot of Kotojo, Koyama Prefecture, Koitou, Kodaiyama, Komatsui, Kodohihara, Kosakagaki, and Kooka villages!
Although Nagasaki is the center of commerce and maritime trade, the surrounding Satsuma, Kumamoto, and Changzhou are all the birthplaces of JGism. Now, can there be any good people among the traitors and traitors gathered in Nagasaki?

Moreover, even if the fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers of those Japanese JGists did not serve as bandit soldiers in Nagasaki City, they may also serve as official soldiers outside Nagasaki City!

Thinking of this, Zhuge Weidao snorted: "There are thieves and thieves in Nagasaki city, and the Japanese shogunate army outside Nagasaki city are not good people. But it doesn't matter, let's go down to the sky and burn tens of thousands of them to death, and then drive them away." The morale-boosting shogunate army outside Nagasaki City went in and slaughtered tens of thousands of him, and finally expelled Satsuma and the Shimadzu family. The remaining little Japan will know the fate of fighting against the Chinese Empire! In the future, they will be desperate Follow us to be good people and liberate Indians and Indians oppressed by Westerners!

This is called being fearful of power but not virtuous. The Japanese have such a temperament. It is useless to just treat them well. You have to let them know how powerful they are, and you have to hang them up and beat them first!understand? "

"Understood, I understand." Ma Xuchen nodded again and again, seeing Zhuge Weidao's appearance of having a deep hatred for the Japanese, and the expression on his face became fierce, "Military division, we have already arrived in the sky above the center of Nagasaki!" He raised his hand Pointing down, "Military Master, do you see those big houses? That's the Nagasaki Grand Grain Depot!"

Zhuge Weidao nodded: "Okay! That's it!"

Starting from the Nagasaki Large Grain Depot was planned long ago—Nagasaki in this era was the largest port for the import of Chinese grain into Japan, and the imported grain would be stored in the Nagasaki Grand Grain Depot first, and then It is shipped to various places in Japan (mainly to various places in western Japan) by small boat.When the "Selling Thief Rebellion" occurred in Nagasaki, more than 100 million shi of Siamese and Annan rice were stored in this granary.

With these grains, Nagasaki's "thief seller" has no problem keeping up for three years!

So this granary must be burned!

Zhuge Weidao looked at the granary below which had "become" the size of a mahjong tile and asked, "How high is it?"

"2500 meters!"

"Wind speed and direction?"

"Level 2 to 3, the wind is southeast...we have to fly over the southeast of the grain depot to drop the bomb."

"Our speed?"

"50 kilometers per hour."

"Okay!" Zhuge Weidao nodded, "Xuchen, you are the captain, you are in command!"

"Yes, strategist!" Ma Xuchen said loudly: "Attention all crew members, the airship will maintain its speed and fly to a stop 10 kilometers southeast of the target, and then the airship will be pushed back to the sky above the target by the wind. Bombardiers pay attention to grasp the opportunity of bombing!"


"A lot of airships!"

At the same moment, Shimadzu Qiliang, who was standing in the Shimadzu Jin House, looked at the more than 100 airships floating in the sky, and already felt something was wrong. There is no need to dispatch so many airships to throw paper bombs, right?How much paper do you have to throw away?
"My lord," Xixiang also saw that something was wrong, "These airships spread out and spread out over Nagasaki in a double formation. Are they going to bomb?"


"So many airships, yet so big."

"My lord, there seems to be an airship above our heads, do you want to hide?"

The "Samurai Sellers" around Shimadzu are already a little panicked. They have lost their righteousness, and their aura is already low, so they don't have the arrogance of "Kudanzakami"—they are all national thieves. If you die, you cannot become a god!
"My lord, the airship, the airship seems to have stopped in mid-air!" Xixiang's voice was trembling.Because he knew that when the airship bombed, it would first stop near the target, then slowly move with the wind, and then drop the bomb when it floated directly above the target.

Shimadzu Qiliang turned his head and glared at the one-eyed dragon Xixiang, and said sharply: "What is there to be afraid of? There are more than 1000 bombs. Not many people can be killed!"

If it was a bomb, it wouldn't kill many people.
"Bomb, the bomb is down!"

Some people have already seen the airship floating above the large grain depot in Nagasaki not far away begin to "lay eggs". None of them directly hit the granary, only a "boom" smashed through the roof of a granary and fell in.

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly a huge orange-red fireball rose from a granary in Nagasaki's large grain depot, and shot straight into the sky, while roaring like thunder!
This explosion is too... scary, right?
Before the people who witnessed all this could react, more huge orange-red fireballs rose into the air on the streets near the Nagasaki grain depot, inside private houses and other wooden buildings.

The fire engulfed the entire Nagasaki grain depot almost in an instant!
And this is just the beginning of Nagasaki BBQ Day. As other airships in the sky opened their magazines one by one and dropped napalm bombs, hot and dazzling fires ignited all over Nagasaki in an instant!

The sky burns the city, and all evil turns to ashes!
(End of this chapter)

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