1825 My New Daming

Chapter 190 America, you have a day too!

Chapter 190 America, you have a day too! (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)

If Robinson doesn't understand Robert Peel's words to this point, then his "Downing Street Luo Zhongtang" has come to an end!

"I understand." Robinson suddenly realized, "We want to turn the United States into a battlefield! We not only want oil from Pennsylvania, but also turn the American homeland into one of the main battlefields where we compete with the Ming Empire for world supremacy!"

"That's right!" Earl Nelson, the First Sea Lord, smiled darkly, "If our British Empire wants to go to war with the Ming Empire, then the United States must be an ideal battlefield. What will happen? No matter how many people die? We will only feel sad, but never afraid. Even if we lose the war on American soil and lose the United States. We in the UK can probably afford this loss , because we have already lost America once!"

Robert Peel nodded: "Yes, we have already lost the United States, and we don't mind losing it again!"

Viscount Palmerston smiled and said: "Yes, Mr. Nathan Rothschild also said that the financial circle in London does not want to see the flames of war spread to the British Isles. If we cannot prevent the flames of war from spreading to the mainland, then there will be Quite a lot of money fled to France or the United States for safety. And this may cause the weakening of the British Empire!"

In fact, the development of British capitalism is largely due to the fact that Louis XIV invaded the Netherlands, and William III used water instead of soldiers to flood the Dutch lowlands. These two guys frightened the Dutch capitalists and Jewish financiers. Run and be an Englishman!

Later, there was a great revolution in France, and the emperor swept across the continent like chicken blood again, causing European capitalists and Jewish financiers to go to England again!Now Nathan Rothschild, a bigwig in London's financial circle, is a Jew who was born in Frankfurt's financial street. Later, he ran to the UK because of the Napoleonic War and brought many European clients' funds. As a result, he engaged in financial speculation in the UK. home.

These financial capitalists and industrial capitalists are flourishing in the UK. Of course, they don't want the mainland of Britain to be destroyed by Ming's fleet and airships. Moreover, they will not consider defecting to Ming because of their race and religion. .

So if the flames of war really burn near the UK, then the only place for these profiteers and capitalists to go is France, and then only the United States.It is impossible to go to the Raksha country, and the Raksha country does not say anything, and it is not very reasonable.In fact, France is not very ideal. Since the restoration of the Bourbon dynasty, there has been an undercurrent in the country. Who knows when it will start again?

Therefore, the United States on the other side of the ocean is really an ideal safe haven for capital, so...or the United States should be destroyed!
Earl Nelson said with a serious face: "Even if we only consider it from a military point of view, it is very beneficial to us to start a war on American land. It is also far away from Ming Dynasty, and it will be difficult to transport troops and supplies. And Mexico, as Ming Dynasty His allies are not only weak, but also disunity internally, so it would be nice not to help.

More importantly, the fleet of the Ming Navy is unlikely to enter the Caribbean Sea or the North Atlantic Ocean, so the command of the sea must be on our side.In addition, the Americans themselves are quite capable of fighting, much better than the Mexicans!Moreover, the population of the United States is not small. According to the latest statistics, the white population alone is close to 1800 million! "

The number of Europeans immigrating to the United States is to some extent linked to the cost of shipping.Of course, the cost of pursuing the American dream on a big sailboat is higher than that on a big ship.So the current population of the United States is several million more than the same period in history!Moreover, it has a certain industrial strength, agriculture and animal husbandry are quite developed, and its potential for war is not weak!

Viscount Palmerston followed Earl Nelson's words and said: "So we should find ways to lead the flames of war to the United States. Judging from the current situation, this is completely possible! The United States, Ming Dynasty, Mexico, and even Japan all have wars. will!
And once the United States becomes the frontline battlefield of the confrontation between our Western civilization and Eastern civilization, the Americans will not only contribute oil, tobacco, cotton, and wheat to the British Empire, but also sacrifice their lives to act as cannon fodder for our British Empire. The coalition forces against Ming, Japan and Mexico in their homeland must fight to the last man for the world hegemony of our British Empire! "

Viscount Palmerston looked at Prime Minister Robinson unbearably, and sighed softly: "Mr. Prime Minister, although the Americans will lose everything in this war, they will at least gain...a king or queen. At that time, the United States has not completely perished, then she will return to the warm family of the British Empire."

Prime Minister Robinson nodded and said: "Yes, the British people and His Majesty the King will definitely forgive the mistakes made by the American people because of their sacrifices. So their sacrifices are valuable!"

Look at this is true love!How would the American people be moved if they heard this?
"Puff, puff, puff."

Zhuge Weidao drove his beloved Chitu small broken car, and went home with a puff.He looked in a good mood today, smiling while driving.

Now it is December of the seventh year of Taiping, and it is approaching the Chinese New Year, and it is also the second anniversary of his soul transmigrating into this strange world.

In the past two years, he has gained a lot!
A house, a wife, a seat, a car, a son, a ticket. The six sons are admitted!

Moreover, the house and the wife got a lot!The son has another pair of twins who don't look alike, and also has a very beautiful little daughter who was born to him by Nalandili.Although she is still young now, it can already be seen that she is a big beauty.

As for tickets, of course there are plenty of them!

The stocks of Suez Company that Zhuge Youde left to Zhuge Weidao have been cashed out by Zhuge for a long time, and all of them have been remitted back to Daming.A few days ago, Zhuge Weidao had received a call from He Tianran and Manager He, saying that the money had arrived.Zhuge Weidao asked him to wait for Feilong Industry to go public before buying. No matter what the price, buy them all, you can't go wrong!

In addition, Daheikong also has a large dowry, and it is said that it will be there in two days——When Zhuge Daona Daheikong was his concubine, Japan was at war, and Daheikong was often short on money, so he couldn't afford it all at once. With a lot of money (he has to pay for the expenses of the Tokugawa family's troops), Japan has basically stabilized recently, and because the capital of the Ming Dynasty began to flow into Japan, the working capital of the Dahei family has become abundant.So Daheichang finally came to Beijing with the cash part of his daughter's dowry. Today Zhuge Weidao received a call from Natalie, saying that Daheichang was visiting and asked him to go home early after work.

So Zhuge Weidao left the aviation headquarters in his car as soon as it was one o'clock today, humming a little song and driving the car all the way, and arrived at his villa in Xishan in a while.At the entrance of the villa, a series of carriages were parked, all of which were black, with the family crest of the Dahei family on them.

Zhuge Weidao drove his car directly into the yard, then handed over the car to Yu Quan, his orderly and guard, and strode towards the lobby of the villa with a briefcase in his hand.After arriving at the door, I heard Yu De's voice: "Master One Hundred and Eight is back!"

As soon as Yu De's voice fell, a large group of people rushed to the entrance of the lobby to greet him.

Zhuge Weidao took a closer look, there were quite a few people, besides Yu De, Guo Xiaobao who hadn't seen him for a long time, his manager He Tianran, Queen Mother Zheng's brother Zheng Guoxian, and the mistress of the house Natalie and Daheichang are father and daughter Daheikong.There is also a one-eyed dragon with a height of more than 1.8 meters, which looks like a monster, and follows behind Zheng Guoxian.
(End of this chapter)

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