1825 My New Daming

Chapter 198 Louis, do you want to be Roman Emperor?

Chapter 198 Louis, do you want to be Roman Emperor? (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)

"My dear, Nikolai Pavrovich is a very stubborn person, and few people can persuade him"

General Menshikov had already left Zhuge Weidao's mansion, and the Zhuge military adviser who personally sent him out was walking on the lawn when he heard his wife's worried words.

It is indeed not easy to convince Tsar Nicholas I, but it is even more difficult to convince the hairy bear who is accustomed to licking the goddess of the West that he is really the third Rome that can sit on an equal footing with the West.

Zhuge Weidao stopped and looked back at Natalie: "Honey, can't you too? Or let Mikhail go talk to the Tsar together?"

Natalie shook her head, but there was a smile on her face: "Honey, I will definitely bring Mikhail to persuade the Tsar, but our words are still not enough weight. But I know someone will come forward and definitely Will convince the Tsar."

"Who is that person?" Zhuge Weidao asked.

"Louis the Brunette!" said Nathalie, "Duke of Marseilles, Louis the Brunette!"

"Duke of Marseilles?" Zhuge Weidao was a little confused, "The Tsar has a good relationship with him?"

"No, the Tsar doesn't know him." Natalie said, "but he is French, the younger brother of Louis XVII, and the French Admiral of the Navy. Although our Rakshasa was beaten up by Napoleon, France is in our hearts is still above England!"

That's right, compared with the French goddess of freedom, democracy, and fraternity, the English goddess is just a country landlady with a few bad money.In the court and aristocratic circles of Rakshasa, speaking French is high-end, majestic, and classy.Even some Ming diplomats who didn't know much about Rakshasa thought it was a Slavic country ruled by French nobles when they first returned to Rakshasa!
"Okay!" Zhuge Weidao nodded, looking at his wife, "Natalie, the Grand Master will definitely let the black-haired Louis go to Luocha. But you still have to explain Daming's position to Emperor Nicholas.

Ming Dynasty looks forward to a Western order co-hosted by Eastern Rome, Western Rome, and the Arab Empire!British influence must be ruled out, and the Continent should be governed by two Roman Augustus and two Roman Caesars.The Rakshasa Emperor and the King of France should of course become the Augustus of East and West Rome, while the King of Prussia and the Austrian Caesar should both become the Roman Caesars second only to Augustus!
As for Iraq, Syria, the coastal areas of the Arabian Peninsula, Egypt, Tripolitania, and Cyrenaica, they should all belong to the Arab Empire founded by Ali Pasha.

If Nikolai Pavlovich really wanted to be the Augustus of the Restoration of Eastern Rome, he should know that no Eastern Roman emperor would put Gauls, Germanic barbarians, and Kai What kind of civilization and progress are the Turts and Anglo-Saxons regarded as representatives! "

After all, the Rakshas are still Slavs. Although they say that they are the heirs of Rome, how can the real Romans kneel and lick the Germans, Anglo-Saxons and French like the Rakshas?

"In addition," Zhuge Weidao said again, "passing through the territory of the Kingdom of Jin, the railway from Daming to Rakshasa is the lifeline of Rakshasa, not our lifeline. Dingbao, Nikolai Pavrovich and his empire need our support, but now the railway is only half built and stopped!"

The two "rails" that pass through the territory of the Dajin Kingdom have only been repaired halfway and stopped there!As for the reason why the "track" project stopped, of course Nicholas I disagreed.The Central Asia occupied by the Great Jin Kingdom is the buffer zone between Rakshasa and Ming Dynasty from the perspective of Rakshasa!Daming now wants to build the railway, saying it is to support Luocha, but has Luocha asked Daming for help?

If not, why is Daming so enthusiastic about it?
In fact, the fact that Daming was willing to spend so much to build the Central Asia Railway was not mainly to support Mao Xiong. It is inland, away from the coast, and has few waterways leading to the outside.Land transportation was also very inconvenient in the past, and it can be said to be an almost closed economic circle.

And once Central Asia connects Ming Dynasty and Rakshasa by railway, sooner or later it will integrate into the Celestial Economic Circle ruled by Ming Dynasty instead of walking with Rakshasa.The reason is simple, the scale of the Celestial Dynasty's economic circle is twenty times larger than that of the Rakshasa Kingdom!
Once Central Asia was economically integrated into the Chinese economic circle, it was impossible for it to continue to play the role of a buffer zone between Rakshasa and Ming Dynasty.

In addition, the strong fighting power that the Kingdom of Jin also showed in the Battle of Peshawar also worried Nicholas I.
But compared with defeating Constantine and upgrading Rakshasa to Rome, the gains and losses in Central Asia are really insignificant.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Weidao said to his wife: "Please tell the Tsar that now is the best time for Luocha to become Rome. Whether this matter can be successful depends on the Tsar's determination and concentration!"

"Okay, I understand!" Natalie nodded, "I will definitely pass on what you said to Nikolai Pavrovich. If the black-haired Louis can arrive in Petersburg in time, then I will definitely send the warship to Brought back from the purchase contract."

"Louis, let me tell you, now there is a chance to become the emperor of the Western Roman Empire, do you want it?"

Versailles, in the Grand Triana Palace, Francia's father Zhuge Weijiu was asking his godson Louis XVII a question that was easy to answer with a smile.

"No, I don't want to." Louis XVII immediately gave a negative answer.

"Don't want to? You said you don't want to? How can you not want to? You have been ambitious since you were a child!"

"Yes, I have wanted to restore the Bourbon dynasty since I was a child." Louis XVII smiled honestly, "Now I have done it, I am King Louis XVII of France, and I am very satisfied."

"Satisfied? But that's the Roman emperor!" Zhuge Weijiu still refused to give up, and continued to persuade, "You really don't want to?"

"No, really," Louis XVII said sternly, "Yafu, I really don't want to be the emperor of the Western Roman Empire. Because according to statistics, only 69% of the 24.8 rulers of the Western Roman Empire died of natural causes, and the rest All the Western Roman emperors died unexpectedly!"

"But Nicholas I really wanted to be the emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire!"

Louis XVII said with a smile: "Because only 30% of the emperors in the Eastern Roman Empire died unexpectedly, this number is even far less than the abnormal death rate of the Raksha Tsar."

"Then, that's fine," Zhuge Weijiu said, "Then what do you want?"

"I want Algeria," Louis XVII said with a smile, "and want to become the master of the Mediterranean after the power of the British Empire fades. I also want to take back Quebec. But I really don't want to be the emperor of Rome. This seat is still for Ferdi of Austria. Let Nan Yi be the one."

You little fox!
Zhuge Weijiu took a closer look at Louis XVII, and felt that he was not at all like Louis XVI, he was too cunning!

Thinking of this, he asked again: "So what about heroes? How many do you want? What kind of configuration do you want? High configuration, or top configuration?"

Louis XVII looked back at his brother, black-haired Louis.

The Duke of Marseille smiled and said: "Yafu, France deserves the best, so we don't want a high-end version, and we don't want a top-end version. What we want is a custom-made version specially developed for the Mediterranean region! And our naval shipbuilders also need Participate in the development project to facilitate the localization and upgrading of this battleship in the future."

Zhuge Weijiu laughed: "You two, after all, you have endured hardships, and you really know how to live. France is really lucky to have you! Well, I will let the old ten arrange it for you, and the price is of course preferential But little Louis, you have to help me take a trip to the Raksha Kingdom!"

"Okay!" The Duke of Marseilles nodded, "Yafu, do you want to persuade Nicholas I to give up cooperating with the British to develop battleships, and choose Ming's hero class and hero class?"

Zhuge smiled for a long time, and glanced at Louis XVII: "Children only do multiple-choice questions, and those who become emperors or kings, of course they have to! Louis, don't you think so?"

Louis XVII smiled and said: "Of course, of course, the British warship design is also very desirable."

(End of this chapter)

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