1825 My New Daming

Chapter 24 8 Zhuge!

Chapter 24 Eight Hundred Zhuges! (Seek collection, ask for monthly pass, ask for recommendation, ask for follow-up)
Zhuge Weidao left Petersburg in January 1826 according to the Western calendar. The journey was first a train, then a horse-drawn sleigh, and then a horse-drawn carriage, and then rested for a few days in Bagua City. All the things were done, and finally set foot on the road to the east again.It was not until May of 1 that it approached the westernmost border of the Great Ming Dynasty, which was flat and invincible.

At this time, it is the season of warm spring, flowers blooming and fertilizing grass on the Yili Grassland. The warm spring breeze blows on the grassland moistened by the melting snow of Tianshan Mountains. The grass that has grown almost no longer than an adult's thigh rolls with the wind, looking like the sea The waves are rising and falling.Among the boundless green waves, small yurts are dotted here and there.Large groups of cattle and sheep flow in the green grass sea.This scenery can be used to make a poem.

"Sister Natalie, look quickly, there is a bastion over there. It should be the border bastion of Daming. We finally arrived at Daming!"

"Sister Nalan, do you really want to go to Daming?"

"Well, of course, Daming is the boss of the Beijing city. It is bigger than ten Bagua cities. There are many delicious and interesting things in the city!"

"Really? When the time comes, my sister will take you to play around in Beijing, okay?"


The cheerful conversation between the two good sisters once again successfully attracted Zhuge Weidao's attention. His eyes turned from the surrounding grassland scenery to the two wearing veiled hats, riding long-legged horses and walking in bridles. The backs of the two good sisters at the front of the line.That's Natalie and Nalandili, and they're getting better now!

Natalie lost her temper because Nalandili was coming and smashed things, and she almost turned into a female fur bear.But for some reason, after she got along with Nalandili for a few days, the two became inseparable sisters who talked about everything.Along the way, the two of them ate and slept together, as if they were doing well.So much so that Zhuge Weidao doubted Natalie's orientation a little bit and continued to develop like this, but don't let Zhuge Weidao not accept Fairy Nalan, Natalie is the first to act first!

Who will Fairy Nalan be at that time?Who is Natalie?What is Zhuge Weidao's status in this family?
Think about it and worry!

When Zhuge Weidao was in a hurry, a bugle sounded suddenly from the bastion in front of him.Zhuge Weidao hurriedly raised a binoculars to look, and saw a group of cavalry rushed out of the bastion at some point, all in gray woolen uniforms, riding rifles on their backs, and black steel helmets on their heads.The sun shone on the dark steel helmet, reflecting a chilling light.

Just looking at the appearance of this team of cavalry, the armament of the Ming Empire does not seem to be slack at the moment - after all, since King Wu Zhong, there has not been a big battle in the Yili area, and it is a small battle to suppress bandits and chaos.

"Stop advancing. Team up!"

The leader of the Eight Banners who led the escort suddenly shouted at the top of his voice, and then there was a burst of loud and urgent bugles.

Those who escorted Zhuge Weidao and Natalie through the Golden Empire were all the Eight Banners vests of the Golden Empire. When they heard the order, they immediately stopped their horses, and then ran to the back of the convoy like a gust of wind and formed a line. Tall and tall, with chest and belly protruding, he looks very proud.

Zhuge Weidao also stopped his big horse, and then looked back at these Eight Banners soldiers. These Eight Banners soldiers definitely don't smoke "cigarettes", and probably can't afford "cigarettes", so all of them are full of energy and have a solid physique.Their horsemanship looked good, and no one fell off their horses along the way.

As for their riding and archery, bows and arrows have been eliminated, all of them have been changed to revolvers, and they are also equipped with sabers for cutting people.Cotton armor and gun helmets seem to have become ceremonial clothing, as Zhuge Weidao has seen in Bagua City.But the Eight Banners soldiers who escorted him across the territory of the Golden Empire wore black or dark blue robes and mandarin jackets on a daily basis. There was no steel helmet on their heads, only a warm hat without a crown or a tassel.

Seeing their neat looks, Zhuge Weidao thought to himself: "Looking at their looks, they should be able to deal with the soldiers of the East India Company, right? I'm really looking forward to the scene where the 'Qing' asks Daying for money!"

"One hundred and eight masters! One hundred and eight masters, you have suffered!"

When Zhuge Weidao was assessing the combat power of the Eight Banners soldiers of the Golden Empire, someone behind him suddenly called "Master One Hundred and Eight", but he didn't know who it was?Just as he was thinking of this, Yu Hui, the Ming ambassador to Baguacheng who accompanied him, had already spoken: "Daozi, Daozi, someone is calling you. Your family members are here to pick you up!"

This Yu Hui was not supposed to follow, but when Zhuge Weidao left Bagua City, he suddenly received an urgent call from Lin Zexu, Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, asking him to return to China to report on his work, so he followed him.

And Zhuge Weidao couldn't touch Natalie and Fairy Nalan all the way, so he could only go with this "handsome Yu" and Guo Xiaobao.

"Call me?" Zhuge Weidao was taken aback, "I'm Master Hundred and Eight?"

Guo Xiaobao on the other side smiled and said: "Yes, Brother Daozi, you can do one hundred and eight!"

Zhuge Weidao was taken aback: "I, I have one hundred and seven brothers above me?"

Guo Xiaobao nodded, and said: "Yes, this is still a sequence of characters in the family, and the unborn children who died young and did not enter the Long Zhongpu are not counted. There are dozens of younger brothers under you! This is a big family. !"

Big family?
big stallion huh?

Zhuge said for Daoxin: "No wonder Natalie and Mikhail said that I have many brothers and the competition is fierce. I didn't expect that 'Zhuge Military Division' would be like this!"

Thinking of being a "military adviser", Zhuge Weidao quickly asked Yu Hui and Guo Xiaobao: "Changfu, Baozhi, how many military advisers are there in Zhuge's family?"

"Seventeen," Guo Xiaobao said, "Brother Daozi, if you choose one, you will be the Eighteenth Military Division."

"That's quite a lot," Zhuge Weidao said, "Among the more than 100 brothers, there are eighteen military divisions, more than ten percent."

"There are more than 100," Guo Xiaobao said, "Brother Daozi, don't forget that there are uncles of the first generation and younger generations of the Yang generation, the Wei generation, and the fourth generation. Your family has five generations under one roof!"

"Five generations live under the same roof?" Zhuge Weidao asked, "How many Zhuges are there?"

"There are more than [-] men who have been ordered," Guo Xiaobao said, "There are many talented men among them."

"Eight hundred Zhuge."

Zhuge Wei Daoxin said: "Zhuge Liang is too far behind Zhuge Wuzhong Wang. Zhuge Liang has [-] young Zhuges under his command. If you count together, Sima Yi will definitely kneel!"

When he was shocked by the "Eight Hundred Zhuge", those cavalry in gray clothes with steel helmets had already stopped dozens of steps in front of Natalie and Nalandili's horses, and also ruled out two horizontal lines, watching They are also very proud.

Along with these gray-clothed cavalry came several men in plain clothes, one of them seemed to be on good terms with Zhuge, and while riding a horse, he cried "Master One Hundred and Eight" and did not stop with the cavalry , but ran directly to Zhuge Weidao, reined in the horse, then got off the horse, and bowed respectfully to Zhuge Weidao: "Subordinate He Tianran pays homage to Lord One Hundred and Eight, one hundred and eight Ba Ye, is your injury better?"


He Tianran?
Zhuge Weidao looked at this man in his thirties who was saluting to him. He looked like a talented man, gentle and refined, but he didn't look like an officer, but a businessman.

"Brother Daozi," Guo Xiaobao knew that Zhuge Weidao must not have remembered who He Tianran was, so he hurried up and said, "This Brother He, nicknamed Muru, is your brother's college classmate and your manager."

"Manager?" Zhuge Weidao didn't understand, "Why?"

Guo Xiaobao said patiently: "The inheritance that your father gave to you is all managed by him."

"Inheritance." Zhuge Weidao immediately became interested when he heard this, and said to He Tianran with a smile on his horse's back, "Mu Ru, my injury is fine, but I was shocked and forgot some things. I will ask you for advice later."

"Don't dare to ask for advice. If you don't understand something, feel free to ask, and your subordinates will know everything." He Tianran paused, took two steps forward, and said in a low voice, "Master One Hundred Eight, Lord Eighty-eight is here." Yes, with the second master's warrant!"

Grandpa is too much, right?

It was Guo Xiaobao who knew Zhuge’s thoughts on Taoism, so he answered before he asked a question: “Brother Daozi, the 88th master of your family is your eldest brother, the 88th in the clan, and the second master is the current King Zhuge Wu. , and also the head of the Zhuge family."

Big brother is here!

Zhuge Weidao smiled and asked, "Which one is my elder brother?"

"Let me see, that fat man blowing his beard and staring is your elder brother."

"A fat man with a beard and a stare." After Zhuge Weidao heard this, he hurriedly searched among the crowd, and he found it. Sure enough, there was a fat man with a beard and a stare, surrounded by two or three men in casual clothes, riding on the A big maroon horse.

Zhuge Dao didn't dare to be negligent, he hurriedly rode forward, clasped his fists in front of his elder brother, and said with a smile: "Brother, why are you here?"

"Isn't it because of your good deeds?" Zhuge Weixue was really anxious and angry when he saw this younger brother who was going to be stupid!

The original Zhuge was Taoist, and that was one of the most treacherous Zhuges among the "eight hundred Zhuges". The Zhuge family recognized the "seed of a military adviser". do not know.

What makes Zhuge Wei the head teacher even more is that although this Zhuge Weidao is "stupid", he is not completely stupid.Although the British-Raksha marriage was promoted in Petersburg, the Grand Duchess Natalie was finally tricked back and the Hongwu Emperor-class armored ship was sold!In the Golden Empire, although they were tricked by others, they also pushed Emperor Daoguang to India. If this can be done, at least it can test the reality of the British Empire.

"Me? What did I do?"

When Zhuge Weidao said this, he felt guilty for a while—it was not because of anything else, but because of Natalie.If people knew that he had held Natalie's hand, it would be a big trouble.

If the Ming court can't deal with Natalie, can't they also deal with Zhuge Weidao?Even if he doesn't kill his head, his official career in this life is over, so why do he still do such big things in the future?

Seeing his brother's confused face, Zhuge Weixue had no choice but to sigh: "Where is the Grand Duchess? Take Brother Yu to pay a visit first. Let's talk about your business after we send the Grand Duchess to the train."

"Send the Grand Duchess to the train?" Zhuge Weidao heard that this was wrong, "Aren't I going to go with you?"

Zhuge Weixue glared at his younger brother: "The Grand Duchess enters the palace to choose a queen, what are you doing next? The black eunuch sent by Empress Dowager Zheng has arrived in Yining, and the special train is ready, your mission is completed!"

(End of this chapter)

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