1825 My New Daming

Chapter 39 Daoguang Printing, a big project!

Chapter 39 Daoguang printing, big project! (Seek collection, monthly pass, recommendation, follow-up)
Not to mention, Zheng Guozhong has great wisdom at this critical moment!
Who else is more capable than Lin Zexu of going to the battlefield to attack the British?And the direct opponent is the East India Company, which is a fate that spans time and space!

Lin Zexu originally wanted to embarrass Zhuge for being Dao, and for nothing else, he just made Zhuge Dao's surname Zhuge.On Daming's side, all military officers and scribes who think they are resourceful like to compete with Zhuge.

But for some reason, as soon as the project of arching light to print was proposed, Lin Zexu felt that this project was too fragrant and relieved, and he couldn't bear to make things difficult.I'm afraid that it will be cheaper for the British if they make things difficult for them.

Now that he has heard the final word from Prime Minister Zheng Da, he can naturally "test" Zhuge Weidao with confidence - this guy is a well-known "fox" in the "Wei" generation of the Zhuge family. Is it a trick to fool people?
Thinking of this, Lin Zexu twitched his beard and asked, "Brother Daozi, you are a talented person from the Zhuge family, and you are famous for being resourceful and thoughtful. You must have had a lot of thoughts about the dispute between Jin and Ying, right? Why don't you listen to me?" listen."

"I don't dare to be a talented person, but since Zhongtang wants to speak to the officials, then the officials should say it." On the issue of "printing", Zhuge Weidao didn't hide his skills, so he opened his mouth and said, "According to the ideas of the officials, Although we can't form an alliance with the Kingdom of Jin to enter the army, we can't stay out of it. Instead, we should actively participate. This participation can be divided into two aspects. One is to fan the flames and provide guns and instructors for Emperor Daoguang's army; the other is to actively promote diplomatic peace talks. Daoguang The purpose of the emperor is to make money, and our purpose is to explore the bottom of the British Empire.

Therefore, we should fan the flames while preparing to put out the fire at any time. After finding out the reality of the British Empire, we can let Emperor Daoguang come and accept it as soon as he sees it, or we can continue to fan the flames and let the war expand. In short, our army can stay out of the matter, but we The envoys and secret agents must participate in it, and strive to control the process and scale of the war, so as to maximize the consumption of Britain.

In addition, once Britain was defeated in the war with the Golden Empire, many people would be inspired, such as Ali Pasha in Egypt.So we can use this opportunity to further expand our influence in Egypt, Persia and other countries.Try to reach some cooperation that is beneficial to us. Only in this way can we maximize our benefits. "

Lin Zexu nodded again and again: "That's right, son, I didn't expect you to be so good at diplomacy in a navy. How about it, think about it, have you resigned from the navy and come to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? I will give you directly an ambassador!"

Of course, Zhuge Weidao would not let the navy quit to do diplomacy—leading the main fleet to fight for supremacy at sea, that was every man's dream!

"Zhongtang," Zhuge Weidao said with a smile, "the navy also has diplomacy."

"Naval diplomacy?" Lin Zexu was taken aback, "How do you do it?"

"We can discuss the sphere of influence and arms control with the British. If the British are held back in India, we can gain the upper hand in the negotiations!" Zhuge Wei said with a smile, "Zhongtang, why don't you visit in this name, How about going to Gong Daoguang to send troops?"

"Good!" Lin Zexu laughed. "What a kill two birds with one stone!"

The Empress Dowager Zheng, who had been keeping her mouth shut and not interfering in the government affairs, giggled and opened her mouth at this moment: "Okay, okay, if you can really confess that Emperor Guang went to India to trouble the British, it would be a great contribution! Fourth brother, can you Brother 38 has to walk with Xiao Daozi for a while, and he will also be honored."

Zheng Guozhong laughed: "Of course, I will ask Prime Minister Zhuge to make a total calculation later, so that the eight great families can share some credit."

After listening to the conversation between the brothers and sisters of the Zheng family, Zhuge Weidao was also a little dumbfounded. The eight great families should share the credit for a little bit of credit. How lacking in credit are these eight families?Cooperating with you is a lack of merit in the five elements!
What Zhuge Weidao thought was strange, but the brothers and sisters of the Zheng family and Lin Zexu took it for granted—the current Ming Dynasty is a truly peaceful and prosperous age, not to mention that there is no foreign war, and even the interior is safe and stable. It has been almost 100 years There have been no rebels.

In such a peaceful and prosperous age, even a small amount of credit is very valuable to the "masters" of the Eight Great Aristocratic Families.

So last night after Zheng Guozhong listened to his brother Zheng Guoxian report the matter in person, he called Lin Zexu, Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to his office early this morning to discuss how to divide up this "big credit"!
Of course, the "Daoguang Printing" project is not too big in the hands of Zhuge Weidao.He came up with an idea and lit a fire, which made Daoguang think.

But if this project really needs to be completed and scaled up, it cannot be accomplished by him alone as a major.This must be led by the left and the right, with the participation of the heads of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of the Army, and the Ministry of Industry. Of course, it is necessary to discuss with the representatives of the eight great families-each family has people who need credit so that they can be promoted quickly. Elite children.

Therefore, once this "printing project" is taken by the eight aristocratic families who are "deficient in the five elements" and used as a political achievement project, it will definitely be carried out in a big way.Anyway, when the British came to fight, Daoguang carried it, and the Golden Empire had been preparing for war for more than 100 years. The Wuji Valley was as solid as gold, and there was not even a good road outside the Wuji Valley.If the British really wanted to fight, they would have to vomit blood just by walking.

At that time, Daming will be able to come up with a big project of "Anti-British Aid Fund", and the children of the Eight Great Aristocratic Families will be able to make contributions again.This is sustainable trouble making, sustainable meritorious service, and it is not easy to get burned. I am happy to think about it!

"Brother Daozi," Zheng Guozhong said to Zhuge Weidao with a smile, "Although you have messed up the Fuluo (Rakshasa) situation this time, it is very good to be able to bring the Kingdom of Jin into India. The merits and demerits are enough to make up for it." Although the matter of Grand Duchess Natalie did not succeed, it is not your fault. Barbarians, that’s how it is. Grand Duchess Natalie’s grandma, Catherine the Great, is full of jerks. I see this It's good if things get dirty.

In addition, this Hongwu Emperor-level transaction has actually contributed to a large order of more than 1000 million silver dollars!This is a great achievement, no matter what, I have to raise you a level. "

This is also promoted!
Zhuge Daoxin said: "I, a time traveler, can be regarded as a 'rare thing in the book'. I not only stole the candidate queen, but also slept with the current queen mother, and messed up the family's plan that has been planned for more than ten years. You have been promoted, so there is someone in the palace who is good at being an official!"

Thinking of this, he smiled gratefully at Queen Mother Zheng, and then bowed his hands to Zheng Guozhong: "Thank you, Prime Minister, for your cultivation."

Zheng Guozhong laughed, waved his hands and said, "It's just a lieutenant colonel, and you deserve it."

After Zhuge Weidao heard what Zheng Guozhong said, his impression of the boss of the Zheng family improved a lot.But at this moment, the "big brother of an official" of the Zheng family said again: "Queen Mother, who should investigate the wife who insulted Grand Duchess Natalie?"

What do you mean?You still want to check Mrs. Ben?
Zhuge Weidao was a little speechless after hearing this, and his good impression of Zheng Guozhong was wiped away.

Empress Dowager Zheng was also a little bit dumbfounded, this Zheng Guozhong was a little bit thinking about where is where, the degree of this cunning and cunning is completely the same as that of Zhuge Laoer!
But she couldn't win Zheng Guozhong's face, so she could only sigh, and then turned her eyes to Zhuge Weidao: "Daozi, you are most familiar with Grand Duchess Natalie, and she was defiled because of your negligence. So I leave it to you to find out about the husband!"

This is really the right person!
No one in the whole world knows better than Zhuge Weidao where to catch that jerk who slept with Natalie!

"The minister respectfully accepts the imperial decree!" Zhuge Weidao didn't know how to avoid suspicion, and immediately accepted the imperial decree from the Queen Mother Zheng without saying a word.

Empress Dowager Zheng smiled and said, "Okay, that's the end of Natalie's business." She turned her "fox eyes" and looked at Zheng Guozhong, Lin Zexu, and Yu Hui, "This is not a good thing, and it's still a good thing." It is related to the decency of Ming Dynasty and Rakshasa. Therefore, let’s pretend that Grand Duchess Natalie lost her virginity as if it never happened!”

Zheng Guozhong, Lin Zexu, and Yu Hui responded together: "Yes!"

Empress Dowager Zheng nodded: "Fourth brother, Lin Zhongtang, Ambassador Yu, don't bother with Natalie's affairs, Aijia will deal with it. You can resign."


Zheng Guozhong, Lin Zexu, and Yu Hui all stood up, each bowed to Queen Mother Zheng, and then exited Yuxi Palace together.

Watching the three of them leave, Empress Dowager Zheng looked at Zhuge Wei with affection again and said, "Xiao Daozi, now I will write you an edict. Natalie is yours!"

Zhuge Weidao hastily saluted Queen Mother Zheng: "My minister, Zhuge Weidao, thanked the Queen Mother for her success!"

Empress Dowager Zheng's face darkened, and she said angrily, "Why do you still call me Empress Dowager?"

Zhuge hurriedly corrected his words and said, "Thank you, sister Yuhuan, brother."

"That's more or less the same," Empress Dowager Zheng smiled sweetly, and said to Hei Xuanfeng, the eunuch who was waiting by her side, "Bring the four treasures of the study and the seal of Ai's family!"

(End of this chapter)

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