1825 My New Daming

Chapter 49 This Zhuge is a strategic military advisor!

Chapter 49 Ben Zhuge is a strategic strategist! (Seek collection, monthly pass, recommendation, follow-up)

The Admiralty of the Great Ming Dynasty is now located on Chang'an Avenue opposite the Xiyuan of the Imperial City. It is a very spacious compound with two Chinese-style roof buildings at the top of the courtyard.The buildings are not high, with only four or five floors (five floors in the main building and four floors in the podium). One building is used by the headquarters of the Ministry of the Navy, and the other is used by the Naval Staff Department under the Ministry of the Navy.

Zhuge Weidao is a military diplomat affiliated to the Naval Intelligence Bureau, and the Naval Intelligence Bureau is an institution affiliated to the Naval Staff Department. Its office is on the third floor of the left podium of the Naval Staff Building The entire first floor of the building is obviously a very important government office - this is a matter of course. Since the Ming Dynasty has pursued the national policy of peaceful development for more than 100 years, of course the Ministry of the Navy is "deficient in the five elements". There is no chance to make meritorious deeds, but Naval Intelligence has plenty of opportunities to make meritorious deeds.Therefore, the elite children of the Eight Great Aristocratic Families who are mixed in the navy have to work in the Naval Intelligence Bureau for a few years, and accumulate some merit points before going to the army. This will make it easier to be promoted.

And Zhuge Weidao, with the rank of major, got the position of military attache in the Luocha country embassy, ​​and also got a big project that his father started to arrange before his death. I really don’t know how many people envy and hate. But this job In the end, it became a joke!

Zhuge Weidao himself was accidentally shot in the Winter Palace Square, and was also hit on the head, making him look stupid.In order to bring the Grand Duchess back to Daming, Luo Sha and Daying were actually pushed on the road of marrying and co-lord.Zhuge Weidao, who was supposed to coax the Rakshasa Grand Duchess Natalie back to become a queen, didn't know if he really forgot his mission, or pretended to be crazy. In the end, he seemed to put the Grand Duchess to sleep and let the daughter The Grand Duke failed the examination of the Royal Physician!
Although the Empress Dowager Zheng, who "played with Zhuge Weidao since childhood", gave him a hand at the critical moment and covered it up for him.But the people in the Naval Intelligence Bureau are all discerning, and they all think that Zhuge Weidao must be going to defend the Arctic Ocean or simply retire and leave the navy.But today, a well-informed person leaked out that although Zhuge Weidao had done a lot of bastard things, the senior officials of the Ministry of the Navy still thought he had meritorious service and wanted to give him a promotion!

As soon as the news came out, the entire Naval Intelligence Bureau was in an uproar. Isn't this too messy?Although Zhuge's family is powerful enough, they can't do this!Moreover, the officers in the Naval Intelligence Bureau are either from aristocratic families or nobles. There may not be one who is more handsome than Zhuge, but there are many who have better backgrounds than him!Zhuge Weidao is just a descendant of the marquis's house of an aristocratic family. Now he is working in the Naval Intelligence Bureau, but there are many descendants of the descendants of the aristocratic family or the descendants of the collateral line of the aristocratic family.

None of them dared to imagine that they could get promoted and make a fortune after making a big mistake, so many of them were already ready to make a move and wanted to ask Li Tiezhu, Chief of Naval Intelligence, for an explanation.

But before these people started to act, something unexpected happened to them.At noon on the day when Zhuge Weidao and his assistant Guo Xiaobao returned to their office in the Naval Intelligence Bureau in a very low-key way, just after dinner, the Naval Intelligence Bureau came to have a distinguished guest!Not just one, but a group!
Among them, Lin Zexu, Shangshu of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, followed by Zheng Guoan, Minister of the Navy, Zhuge Weiyi, Minister of Armaments, Li Baoyi, Director of Army Intelligence, and a large group of people with their adjutant secretary rushed into the small auditorium of the Naval Intelligence Bureau.

And Zhuge Weidao, who has already got the rank of lieutenant colonel, took Guo Xiaobao, who was also promoted to the rank of captain, with him, and followed Li Tiezhu, the chief of naval intelligence, in front of everyone. Enter the chapel.At this time, those people who originally planned to ask Li Tiezhu for an explanation suddenly realized that something big had happened!

When the door of the auditorium was closed, with a sign saying Do Not Enter, and two guards standing outside the door, a group of psychic naval intelligence officers started whispering to each other.

"Hey, Zhuge One Hundred Two, what the hell did your One Hundred Eight do? Why is there such a big commotion?"

"I don't know much about this. I just heard some old men in my family say that they want to slap the British in the face. It seems to have something to do with the Kingdom of Jin. Did you see that white-faced scholar who followed Lin Shangshu just now? That's the ambassador to the Kingdom of Jin .”

"Jin Country? The affairs of Jin Country are also in the hands of the Navy?"

"Liu Laoba, don't you know that you have worked in the embassy of the Kingdom of Jin? The affairs of the Kingdom of Jin have nothing to do with the navy, but they have a lot to do with the Zhuge family."

"Yes, yes, my [-]th brother also brought back a fairy from the Kingdom of Jin, which is so beautiful!"

"Don't talk about fairies, talk about business. Is our Daming's national policy about to change?"

"This national policy has been stable for more than 100 years, should it be changed?"

"That's right, now the UK is getting more and more arrogant, calling us a yellow peril, comparing us to the Mongol Empire"

"I'm afraid the national policy is not so easy to change, right? But I'm afraid there will be more opportunities for people in my generation to make meritorious deeds!"

"That's great!"

The national policy of Ming Dynasty is indeed not that easy to change, even if Zhuge Weidao has persuaded some of Zhuge's military advisers in his military adviser examination, but a bunch of old Zhuge who "Zhuge is only cautious in his life" will not be caught by Zhuge Weidao's few words Understand.

They are just a little interested in Zhuge's plan to encourage Daoguang to print for Dao. This plan can not only cause trouble for the British, but also probe the bottom of the British. If the British Empire can't clean up Daoguang, then Ming will naturally seek greater sphere of influence.

If the British Empire shrinks back in the face of Ming's expansion intentions, then Ming will push forward and continue to erode the British Empire's sphere of influence. This national policy will change in the process of gradually encroaching and slowly encroaching.

In the small auditorium of the Bureau of Naval Intelligence, a meeting that may finally change the cautious national policy that Ming has implemented for more than 100 years is in progress.

".Gentlemen, comrades, the world today is undergoing a major change unseen in 3000 years. The starting point of this major change is the industrial revolution that started more than a hundred years ago. Since then Steam-driven machines began to gradually replace manpower and animal power, which is the power of the sails on the ocean. This industrial revolution has greatly increased the productivity of the world, and at the same time, it has also narrowed the distance between countries in the world unprecedentedly. The intercontinental travel that used to be counted in years can now be reached within a month or even [-] to [-] days by ship or train. For example, departing from the United Kingdom by steam ship, passing through the Mediterranean Sea, the Suez Canal, the Indian Ocean, and the Strait of Malacca to my country Usually within one and a half months! The time to cross the Pacific Ocean from the southeast coastal area of ​​our country to the New World can also be controlled within [-] days. And the time to go south from Luzon and Borneo to Australia only takes [-] days Or a few days. And since it has become very easy to build giant ships with a displacement of more than [-] tons, sailing across the ocean has become very safe, and the cost of sea transportation is also low enough.

This means that the military powers in the world can deploy their armies and navies to places that were originally out of reach with unprecedented speed and convenience. The difficulty of carrying out an expedition of thousands of miles is even less than that of sending troops thousands of miles back then!

Think about it, everyone, what would happen if the distance between us and the British Empire was not ten thousand nautical miles, but one thousand miles? "

Now Zhuge Weidao is a strategic strategist!
Although his small calculations are not as good as the original Zhuge Weidao, and his IQ and EQ seem to be much lower, but he has a strategy!What he said now made everyone in the meeting realize that there must be a big battle between Da Ming and Da Ying!

(End of this chapter)

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