1825 My New Daming

Chapter 5 You got it wrong, Natalie is going to be the queen!

Chapter 5 You are mistaken, Natalie is going to be queen! (Seek collection, ask for monthly pass, ask for recommendation, ask for follow-up reading)
Hermitage, Throne Hall.

In the throne hall, on the throne in front of the national emblem of the double-headed eagle of Tsarist Russia, sits a handsome man wearing a blue uniform of the Preobrazhensky Guards (the Tsar is the head of the regiment), A man very similar to Mikhail Pavrovich and Natalie Pavrovna.

The person who can sit in this top chair, without asking, is of course the confusing current Tsarist Nicholas I of Tsarist Russia.The reason why he is confusing is because this guy and his second brother Konstantin Pavrovich don't know what to think. After the death of their elder brother Tsar Alexander I, the two were there holding the Tsar's throne You pushed me to give way, and it wasn't because you just added a yellow robe just to be polite, but because you really didn't want to do it. The two brothers had a stalemate for 25 days to get the throne!
Such a thing is simply unheard of!In the history of Tsarist Russia, there have always been unscrupulous attempts to grab the throne, and it even happened that the wife staged a coup and took the husband's throne.Now there is actually a 25-day stalemate between the two grand dukes in order not to be the tsar. Is the tsar's throne no longer fragrant?
And Nicholas I and Grand Duke Konstantin Pavrovich's mutual push for the throne made a group of progressive officers in the Tsarist Russian Army who had their eyes widened in Western Europe because of the Napoleonic Wars feel that the opportunity to lead Tsarist Russia's progress has come—— Since the Romanovs don't want to do it anymore, why don't we come!

So on the same day when Nicholas I finally changed his mind and prepared to take over the mess of Tsarist Russia and try to be a good tsar, a group of progressive officers in the Tsarist Russian Guards mobilized [-] guards to kill the Palace Square (historically it was Privy Council Square next to the Admiralty Building) to revolt.But Nicholas I, who discovered that "someone wants to kill me", immediately became energetic, immediately dispatched troops to suppress it, and even went to the front line to command in person, fought against the rebels on the Winter Palace Square, and finally successfully suppressed the rebellion.

And Nicholas I, who suppressed the rebellion, could no longer push the Tsar's throne out, and if he pushed it further, he would have a republic!Although he didn't want to be a tsar, he still wanted to be a grand duke and continue to live a happy life.But once the republic is reconciled, hehe, the republic in France will kill so many people, let alone the Rakshasa who likes to kill people?

So Nicholas I had no choice but to accept the oath of allegiance from state officials and members of the Privy Council in the throne hall of the Winter Palace immediately after suppressing the rebellion, and sent people to inform the embassies of various countries in Petersburg that he was already a member of the Raksha Kingdom. the new Tsar.

And now, Nicholas I is sitting on the throne of the tsar, with a gloomy face, waiting for the state officials, nobles, senior generals and envoys from various countries in Petersburg; Worry about standing in line in the world-wide confrontation.

In the eyes of Nicholas I, there are three major powers in the world today, and the three are tied for the first place!

Two of them are Daying and Daming, just look at the [-]-ton ironclad warship they brought to the Raksha Kingdom to sell!
Ironclad ships of this level are a symbol of national power in the industrial age. Only Ming and Great Britain can build them in the world, while France, Prussia, Austria, and Rakshasa can only build ironclad ships of less than [-] tons.

Although the Raksha State, France, Prussia, and Austria can build ironclad ships of less than [-] tons, this does not mean that the industrial strength of the Raksha State can be compared with that of France, Prussia, or even the Austrian Empire. The standard is a bit worse.

However, the Raksha Empire relied on its power over Napoleon and Prancing Horse Paris, as well as its vast territory, large population (compared to other European countries), and its huge army, which could still support the dignity of the European overlord on land.But in the face of the two industrialized powerhouses Great Britain and Ming Dynasty, anyone with a bit of foresight could feel the decline of the Raksha Empire, which hadn't even abolished serfdom.

And the two "number ones in the world", Great Britain and Ming Dynasty, seem to have coincidentally placed the Rakshasa Empire in the third place in the world, and at the same time regarded Rakshasa as the target of wooing.

At first glance, this situation seems to be very beneficial to Rakshasa, but Nicholas I didn't want to stand between Ming and Great Britain. He only wanted to reap benefits, and he didn't want to take responsibility, and he couldn't afford it either.

Daming and Daying are so far apart, and their national strength is solid, and they are very shrewd in their calculations. Even if they confront each other, they can't immediately roll up their sleeves and fight. They will only use cannon fodder to consume each other.In their eyes, Rakshasa Kingdom is probably a huge cannon fodder!

So once Rakshasa stands in the team, it will immediately become cannon fodder and be beaten. The British will most likely provoke a conflict between Russia, Prussia, and Austria.Da Ming will use the Jin Empire, which has a complicated relationship with them, to find trouble.The goal of the Raksha Kingdom is actually to take down Constantine and rebuild Eastern Rome, so it doesn't want to stand between Ming and Britain.

But Great Britain and Great Ming are not stupid either. While tempting Nicholas I with good things (that is, the two [-]-ton ironclad ships), they both made demands on Grand Duchess Natalie Pavrovna.
When Nicholas I was having a headache about his sister, the attendants in the throne hall suddenly shouted: "Grand Duke Mikhail Pavrovich, Grand Duchess Natalie Pavrovna is here!"

Grand Duke Mikhail Pavrovich and Grand Duchess Natalie Pavrovna, the brother and sister, have now put on their costumes and appeared in the Tsar's throne hall.They had come to swear allegiance and blessings to the new Tsar.

"Mikhail Pavrovich, Natalie Pavrovna, come here, come closer." Nicholas I waved at his younger brother and sister, letting them come to him, and then I looked left and right.At this time there were many state officials, nobles and entourages of the Tsar standing in the throne room.Several of them were quite close to Nicholas I. When they saw the Tsar winking at them, they all took a few steps back with interest, so as to leave room for the Tsar and his younger siblings to whisper.

"Is Weidao injured? Is it important?" Zhuge Weidao was the first person asked by the Tsar. It seems that they have a good relationship.

"A bullet grazed his head," said Natalie Pavrovna, who knew some medical skills. "There was a five-centimeter gash, and the skull and brain were damaged."

"What?" The Tsar's brows frowned even deeper. "Is it life-threatening?"

Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich took over the tsar's question: "Doctor Sedunov has already checked, and his life will not be in danger. But... Weidao may have lost some memory due to brain damage."

"Lost memory?" The Tsar immediately looked at Natalie, "Natalie Pavrovna, does he remember you?"

"I remember, of course I remember." Natalie lowered her voice, her delicate face was full of worry, "But, but he seems to have forgotten his father! He put Marshal Zhuge Youde who was hanging in the General Staff Building The portrait became the portrait of Zhuge Liang."

"What? So serious?" The Tsar was taken aback. "Then is it possible for him to become a military adviser?"

"I don't know." Grand Duke Mikhail shook his head. "It's very difficult to become a military adviser. Even if the brain of Taoism is not injured, it may not be possible to do so. Now."

Having said that, he glanced at his sister Natalie.

Natalie said: "He can understand Rakshasa, he can speak Rakshasa, and he still remembers some things. I guess he may be playing tricks."

"A trick?" The Tsar didn't quite understand.

"Using tricks to deceive competitors in the family," Natalie said, "In each generation of Zhuge, only a few people can become military advisers, and the competition is quite fierce."

The Tsar frowned and thought for a while, then said to Natalie: "Natalie Pavrovna, the current international situation is becoming more and more complicated. The empire is facing pressure and traction from both the east and the west. There may be confrontations in the future. In China, both the Eastern and Western powers hope that Rakshasa can be their ally. Our empire also has its own ambitions. In this case, we need to have reliable friends in the power centers of the Eastern and Western powers. Do you know what I mean?"

Natalie thought for a while, but still didn't understand: "Then Nikolai Pavrovich, where am I going? England or Daming?"

The Tsar frowned, and when he was embarrassed by the question raised by his sister, the attendant shouted again: "British Ambassador Thomas Stendon has an audience with the Baron!"

The Tsar looked at his little sister, smiled wryly, and said in a low voice, "The Baron Stendon is a difficult guy. He went to Daming with his father who was the deputy ambassador when he was 12 years old. Completed the education equivalent to middle school. Later, he served as a diplomat in Daming and our country for a long time, and he knew the situation in Daming and our country like the back of his hand. Now you stand by my side, try to control your emotions, no matter what he says, you don't get angry .Of course, in today's meeting, I will promise him nothing."

At this time, Thomas Staunton was wearing a tall hat and a blue double-breasted tuxedo. The tuxedo turned over the neckline to reveal a white silk shirt and bow tie, and a pair of white leggings. The baron came in very gentlemanly, carrying a cane.When he arrived at the Tsar's throne, he took off his top hat and bowed.

The Tsar looked at the handsome middle-aged gentleman in front of him, nodded slightly and said: "I have the honor to welcome the ambassador to the Winter Palace as the Tsar."

Baron Thomas Staunton replied in Russian: "I heard the voice of the Raksha people cheering for you, and I rushed to express my blessings from Britain to you as soon as possible, and wish you good health."

"Thank you, and I wish you good health too." Nicholas I, who took office as the new emperor, had a serious expression, even a little indifferent, without the slightest excitement of becoming a great treasure for the first time.Of course, there was not much enthusiasm for the British ambassador.

Thomas Staunton nodded from the baron to Grand Duchess Natalie Pavrovna who was standing next to the czar in court attire, and then said to the czar: "Your Majesty, the Dukes of York and Albany look forward to reconciling Your sister, the beautiful Grand Duchess Natalie Petrovna, can be met in London or in Petersburg. I believe that the Duke and the Grand Duchess will fall in love with each other."

Nicholas I looked back at his sister, "Natalie, what do you think?"

Natalie said calmly: "Your Majesty, if I remember correctly, the British Crown Prince is already 62 years old this year, and His Majesty the Emperor Ming is much younger than him."

Thomas Staunton said with a smile: "His Royal Highness, the Emperor of Ming Dynasty is still a child! Moreover, the Ming Dynasty implements the system of electing the emperor, and they will choose heirs from the branches of the three royal families. And in the past 100 years, None of the emperor's sons were elected.

The Hannover dynasty lacks successors, and currently there are only two princesses, Princess Victoria and Prince August, and neither of them is the son or daughter of the crown prince.If you can bear an offspring for the British Crown Prince, whether male or female, you will be the heir to the throne of the British Empire and the British Parliament looks forward to you to give birth to a healthy heir to the Hanoverian Dynasty!

In addition, the Ming Empire was a conservative oriental country.Once you enter the Ming court, you will be guarded tightly and lose your freedom forever.And if you become the wife of the British crown prince, as long as you can give birth to an heir, you have [-]% freedom.No one will interfere with whoever you want to be with.And you can also get a generous annuity provided by the British royal family. "

Nicholas I was expressionless, and said noncommittally to Stanton: "Your Excellency, I will not discuss Natalie Pavrovna's marriage until the funeral of the late Tsar Alexander I is over.

In addition, I hope that the construction of the super ironclad Alexander I can be announced at the funeral of Alexander I. "

"Construction?" Thomas Staunton was taken aback, "Isn't it a purchase?"

"No, it's construction!" the tsar said, "Constructed in the country of Raksha, with technology provided by the friends of the country of Raksha!"

"Okay!" Thomas Staunton nodded and said, "As long as the Grand Duchess can become the future Queen of England, the British Empire is willing to transfer the relevant manufacturing technology of Sovereign-class iron-clad battleships to the Rakshasa Empire!"

(End of this chapter)

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