1825 My New Daming

Chapter 61 The biggest outlet of the 19th century!

Chapter 61 The Biggest Outlet of the 19th Century! (Seek collection, monthly pass, recommendation, follow-up)

"A car that burns gasoline?"

Zhuge Weijiu suddenly thought of something, and looked at Zhuge Weidao with burning eyes, "Are you sure it's a gasoline car? Are you sure the time has come?"

"Yes!" Zhuge Weidao said, "I want to read the heavenly book. In my heavenly book, there is an internal combustion engine that can bring the era of gasoline cars!"

All the military advisers present showed expressions of surprise.

This is a very critical question!
In fact, the military advisers of the Zhuge family have long known that "cars" will be an important outlet!

Because among the [-] volumes of heavenly books left by our ancestors, there is only one "Car Heavenly Book".

But because this book has not been unsealed, no one has read it.

So the military advisers of Zhuge's family didn't know what this "car" was?
Now there are four "car" routes in the world, one is electric, the other is steam, the third is gas, and the fourth is gasoline and diesel.

Although "steam" and "gas" are literally different, such an important industrial development direction cannot be determined from just one word!
Besides, "gasoline" and "steam" are not the same "steam"?
Therefore, the Zhuge family can only diversify their investments and bet on multiple projects at the same time.

In addition, when the "car" will be successful is also an uncertain issue.If the money is burned endlessly, it will be a big loss.

For a big player like the Zhuge Family, if he could know in advance which route and when he would win, it would be a huge profit!

As long as it is confirmed, with the financial resources of the Zhuge family, a few Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Ford will be burned out of the money. These are all century-old foundations!
In history, there are many major automobile manufacturers that rose during the rise of the automobile industry at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Ford, General Motors, etc., all of which have continued their glory for a century!
Moreover, the automobile industry chain is in another timeline, until the 21st century, it is still the most important industry chain in the industry!For any country that is industrializing or wants to industrialize, the automobile industry is a must.

In addition, the added value of this automobile industry chain is relatively high, which can support the relatively high-income working class.

Historically, Henry Ford was able to pay high wages because G would cause trouble; secondly, because Ford's profits were really high!

When Zhuge Weidao took a tram, walked slowly through a bustling street in a modern industrialized Beijing city that looked a bit fantastic, got off at the Hutong entrance west of Goulan Hutong, and then walked back to his mansion in Goulan Hutong , the sky is already quite dark.

He stayed in the "Northern Institute of Technology Building" in Longzhongzhuang for most of the day today. Apart from attending the plenary meeting of the Zhuge Family Military Division, he also read the heavenly books in the "library" all afternoon, and then with his amazing memory, I hand-painted a sketch of a four-cylinder water-cooled piston engine and handed it to Zhuge Weiguang, the "Machine Army Master", asking him to find a way to complete the research and development of a gasoline internal combustion engine with a horsepower of 20 and a speed of more than 1600 within two years.

This engine is much more advanced than the 12-horsepower four-cylinder water-cooled engine equipped by the Wright Brothers for the Aviator [-] in history, almost reaching the level of the engine selected by the Ford Model T.

As long as this type of engine can be mass-produced, not only the car engine will be available, but the early biplanes will also be able to make do with it.

And Zhuge Weiguang, who is also the principal of BIT and the director of Beijing Heavy Industry Machinery Design Institute, took a look at the sketch Zhuge Weidao gave him, and immediately agreed.He also told Zhuge Weidao that although the Machinery Institute of Heavy Industry is mainly engaged in large-scale equipment, it has already developed an 8-horsepower gasoline engine for the navy's airships, and has also opened a small gasoline engine factory. Production, the annual output is thousands of units!
This is quite a surprise!

So Zhuge Weidao took Zhuge Weiguang to have a meal in the cafeteria of "Beijing Institute of Technology" together, and asked questions while eating, until he asked clearly about the background of Daming Machinery Industry, and then left Longzhong Village full of surprises—now The Ming Dynasty is indeed a leading industrialized country in many aspects!

The capital of the world war is full, but the motivation to start the war is not enough.

This situation is a bit like the United States, which has just developed in history. Its GDP and industry have already ranked first in the world, and its national income is also among the best. The country is rich in resources and fertile land. Even if some resources and external markets are needed, they can be controlled through the British Empire. under International Trade Acquisition.Life is so prosperous, who wants to fight?Moreover, the United States at that time was not a financial bully, and did not need the US military to maintain the credit of the US dollar.

But only such a country is qualified to become the real protagonist on the stage of world hegemony, right?

Otherwise, it would be the same as Germany and Japan in history. They did not have enough hard power, so they could only gamble in various ways. However, if you gamble for a long time, you will lose, and it is reasonable to lose in the end.

When the tram drove into Xizhimen, Zhuge Weidao got a seat by the window, so he, like a "country Zhuge" who had just entered the city, looked at this city that led industrialization with curious and surprised eyes. The capital of the new Ming Empire.

Although so far, Beijing is only a city with a population of more than 200 million, but its lively level is no less than that of the big Beijing with more than 1000 million people in later generations.Moreover, this modern industrialized Ming Empire's most benevolent city still has some temperament that Zhuge Weidao could hardly feel in another era.

That is nobility, self-confidence, calmness, firmness, and disdain. This China has never fallen to the bottom, nor does it know what a century of humiliation is, nor has it been reduced to a poor country with the lowest GDP per capita in the world and its people are almost abjectly poor.

It seems that from the very beginning, this country (referring to the new Ming Dynasty) has stood on the top of the world, and it is the celestial dynasty that all countries in the world must look up to!
This is not self-importance, but the basic national conditions after King Zhuge Wuzhong expelled the Tartars and restored the Ming Dynasty. At the beginning, it was one of the most powerful and rich countries in the world, with four top industrial chains including porcelain, silk, sugar, and tea.More than half of the silver obtained by the Europeans working hard as robbers in the New World ended up in Ming Dynasty.Moreover, the Ming Dynasty suffered a huge population loss after the war. It was a huge country with a population of only tens of millions.The resources that have fed more than one billion people in later generations are distributed to tens of millions of people, that is truly a vast land and abundant resources!
And after King Zhuge Wuzhong successfully implemented the land equalization system, the consumer market in the rural areas of the Ming Dynasty was also fully activated!
There is no shortage of external demand, domestic demand, capital (the inflow of silver is enough), and resources, plus the technology and talents provided by King Wu Zhong and the modern education system he established. Industrialization is almost a matter of course, and the process is also Not the British style, but the American style-the per capita of the United States has always been higher than that of Europe, even higher than that of rich Western Europe. Even before the opening of the United States of America, the thirteen states in North America were very rich. Otherwise, how could there be so many European countries? Poor people go to the United States year after year?The European people voted with their feet, which couldn't be more accurate.

In history, the United States, relying on the resources, land and "high per capita" of the chosen country, finally completed industrialization in just a few decades. From the existence of decent workshops and handicrafts, it developed into The world's number one industrial country!

What the United States can do, of course the new Ming Dynasty led by King Zhuge Wuzhong can also do it and of course do it better!

And King Zhuge Wuzhong and his descendants did achieve "better than the United States". Maybe what King Wuzhong wanted was a new Ming Dynasty that was "better than the Soviet Union", but his strength did not allow it, so King Wuzhong and his old man I can only be angry
Thinking of King Zhuge Wuzhong who was about to explode in anger on the ancestral map, the driver of the tram shouted: "Goulan Hutong is here!"

There are many theaters and cinemas in Goulan Hutong, it is a big station, half of the men and women on the tram come to play in Goulan Hutong, so they all get off the bus.

Zhuge Weidao got out of the car with the big guys, and walked on the Goulan Hutong Street, which became extremely bustling every night, and looked at the pedestrians on the street by the lights while walking.

The people who go shopping in Goulan Hutong at night are very young, most of them are in pairs, and the clothes are very interesting—they are all the evolved version of Hanfu, and the materials and workmanship are very particular. It is summer, so everyone Some people's clothes are made of silk fabrics.Most of the men's clothes are white, black, and blue, while the women's clothes are colorful and very bright.Some women's clothing is loose and flowing, and some are tailored to match a good figure. This figure is really good, and it looks familiar!
"Nataly Pavrovna?"

Zhuge Weidao was walking, and unexpectedly saw the back of Natalie on the street. , he shouted, and then saw the four women turn around.

Not four Natalies, but Natalie, Nalandili, Daheikong and Ali. Among them, Daheikong and Natalie are holding hands!
Seeing this scene, Zhuge Weidao's heart sank again: "Zhuge didn't even think about how to get A Kong, you Natalie won't be the first to get it, right?"

"Daozi! You are finally back!"

Natalie trotted to Zhuge Weidao holding Da Heikong's hand, and said to Zhuge Weidao, "Daozi, we bought movie tickets and are going to watch a movie. There are guests at home, and they are all your colleagues in the navy." , Housekeeper Yu, Guo Xiaobao, and Wang Wen are entertaining, so hurry back too!
In addition, I have some good news to tell you tonight, a big surprise! "

Big surprise?
Zhuge Weidao took a look at Da Heikong, thinking: "Could it be that Natalie is going to send Da Heikong to me as a concubine? This is a beautiful job, she is a good wife, but it can't be rushed, Da Heikong But if you want to be a concubine, your status is higher than that of a concubine, so you can be considered a half-wife? By the way, I can let her father get some dowry!"

(End of this chapter)

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