1825 My New Daming

Chapter 65 The sleepy dragon ascends to the sky, great luck!

Chapter 65 The Sleepy Dragon Ascends to the Heaven, Good Luck! (Seek collection, monthly pass, recommendation, follow-up)
Dajin Kingdom, Promise Valley, outside the Immortal Gate.

Emperor Daoguang's fat body is riding on a horse, wearing a yellow armor with nine dragon patterns embroidered with black thread on it, and a gun helmet on his head. He looks majestic, but Somewhat dated.

Thousands of outdated two yellow flag soldiers like him, all wearing ancestral cotton armor and antique gun helmets, lined up behind, just waiting quietly.There is also a group of officials wearing flower feathers, and their robes are neatly standing around Daoguang.

At first glance, the Kingdom of Jin, which has been laying flat in Central Asia for more than 100 years, is not only poor, but also looks quite outdated and superstitious. Just look at their so-called "Dajin Tianbing" costumes and you will know how outdated they are!

This is simply an ancient army that traveled through a time tunnel from more than 100 years ago!Although the breech-loading rifles they carried on their shoulders, the breech-mounted mountain cannons and water-cooled machine guns placed on both sides were no worse than the similar equipment used by the British Army.But the thinking of this kind of army is already outdated, too much outdated!
It was the 19s, both Daming and Continental were on the road to the second industrial revolution, and ironclad warships were already crossing the ocean.But in the Wuji Valley, there is still a school of "immortal cultivating civilization", people dressed as Taoist priests and aunts are everywhere, and they don't believe in science when they encounter something, they just know how to divination.totally uncivilized
Over the past few decades, British adventurers from India have entered the Wuji Valley from time to time, and the reports they wrote to the Governor's Office of the East India Company after their inspections all indicated that the country of Daikin was ignorant and backward, and it was vulnerable. Receive protection from the British Empire.

However, due to the joint guarantee of Dajin's national security by the two great powers, Ming and Luocha, the British Indian authorities have no guts, and Jin Guo does not seem to have much oil and water. After it is taken, it will only have strategic value, but There is no financial benefit.

Therefore, the British and Indian authorities and the British Colonial Affairs Department spent a long time thinking about it (the abacus is such an advanced technology, the British will of course copy it), and in the end they still refused to do this loss-making business.

And Britain's abandonment is not a good thing for Dajin Kingdom... This shows that the rotten land of Dajin Kingdom even despises the British robbers!
This is equivalent to a robber coming to someone's house, looking at the barren walls, looking at the dilapidated house, seeing that several people in the family are already naked, and they are about to become extremely vicious, and finally they can only sigh in sympathy, and then empty their hands And go...is this a good thing?

In the eyes of Emperor Daoguang, the "Fortune Teller Emperor" of the Dajin Kingdom, this is a difficult situation, and it is a poor life that will last four generations!

And to solve this trapped dragon situation, according to the book, it is the trapped dragon ascending to heaven, but the way Zhuge Weidao gave him to break the situation is that the trapped dragon begs for food. One ascends to heaven, the other begs for food, it doesn't work!

Thinking of this, Emperor Daoguang sighed, and asked He Shen, the number one phase master of Dajin beside him, and said: "He Shen, I have been looking through the photo books left by Nalan Mingzhu these days, and found that if I want to break the dragon situation, I have to use it." What do you think of the situation where the trapped dragon ascends to heaven?"

He Shenxin said: "The sleepy dragon is you, isn't it just to raise your pigtails? The sleepy dragon's ascension to the sky means that you will be trapped until your pigtails are trapped! You will not be sleepy if you raise your pigtails, and you will be sleepy in Xianfeng."

Of course He Shen didn't dare to say this, and he would have to raise his braids first!
When Zhenghe Zhongtang was trying to make up nonsense and wanted to "deceive the emperor", Yu Hui, the Ming ambassador who was very close to Daoguang and He Shen, suddenly shouted: "Come! Lin Zhongtang and the others are here!"


Emperor Daoguang quickly took out a binoculars and looked forward, there was nothing!Not to mention people and horses, there is not even the sand and dust raised by hundreds of thousands of horses running on the grassland!
"Where is it?" Daoguang asked, "Ambassador Yu, you can't mistake the date, right? When did Lin Zhongtang arrive in Yili?"

"The day before yesterday, the day before yesterday." Yu Hui replied with a smile.

"What?" Daoguang didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard this, "It's two thousand miles from Yili, and it takes two days to get there? Lin Zhongtang can't come here even if it's eight hundred miles away!"

This is the reliance of the Dajin Kingdom!

Ordinary troops go to the frontier for fifty miles a day, and for two thousand miles it takes at least forty days.And when the veterans of the enemy's division walked out of the Xianmen Pass tiredly, the Dajin soldiers had already been waiting in full force, waiting for work.

Therefore, the two thousand miles from Yili to Xianmenguan is not even a flat road, so don't even think about railways.So it is impossible for Lin Zexu to cover the two thousand miles in two days!
Thinking of this, Emperor Daoguang said to Heshen with a bit of complaint: "Heshen, why don't you ask more clearly?"

He Shen hurriedly explained: "Your Majesty, the slave had to report a month ago that the Daming Mission composed of more than a thousand people had entered the border checkpoint, and was escorted by the border guards to come to Xianmen. Yesterday at noon, I had to report that I was a hundred miles away, and if I hurry up, I will almost arrive today."

Daoguang looked back at Yu Hui and found that Yu Hui was holding up binoculars to look at the sky, but before Daoguang asked, Yu Hui explained with a smile: "That's a member of the Army Advisory Group, they set off one hour earlier May, probably tomorrow. Those who arrived today are people from Lin Zhongtang and the Navy. They came a month late, but they have arrived now!"

"Here?" Daoguang was taken aback, "Where is it?"

Yu Hui smiled and pointed to the sky: "The navy, it's not in the sea, it's in the sky!"

"in the sky?"

Emperor Daoguang and He Shen were taken aback for a moment, then they both raised their binoculars and looked in the direction of Yu Hui's finger, and they were both taken aback.

In the sky, there are ten huge oval-shaped objects floating impressively. Driven by the rotating propellers on both sides below the oval-shaped objects, they are slowly flying towards his head!

"This is an airship? I didn't expect Lin Zhongtang to fly here in an airship." This Daoguang was quite knowledgeable, and he could tell at a glance that those floating in the sky were all airships.

"Dragon! Dragon!"

He Shen suddenly yelled at this moment.

Daoguang casually said: "Where are the dragons? Just a few airships."

He Shen shouted: "Your Majesty, the big guy on the airship has a dragon painted on it. Your Majesty, this is a sign of a sleepy dragon ascending to heaven!"

Daoguang was excited, and quickly picked up the binoculars to take a closer look, and then saw a flying black dragon painted on the outer shell of the leading airship in the sky.

"The sleepy dragon ascends to heaven, this is the sleepy dragon ascends to heaven!" Daoguang, who had believed in fortune-telling all his life, was excited, and this time he finally believed that his poor life was about to change, and he actually felt like weeping with joy.

At the same time, in the cabin of the airship of "The Sleepy Dragon Ascension to Heaven", Zhuge Weidao stood beside Lin Zexu with a smile, raised his finger and pointed to the Eight Banners soldiers below and said, "Lin Zhongtang, don't be fooled by these old Eight Banners soldiers!" They were deceived by their earthy clothes, and these Eight Banners soldiers were all strong and strong, and none of them smoked opium."

Lin Zexu was stunned for a moment: "Big smoke? It doesn't sound like a good thing..." He paused, "Daozi, you made this troubled dragon ascend to heaven, will it really strengthen Emperor Daoguang's determination to go south?"

"Of course!" Zhuge Wei said with a smile, "Zhongtang, this is not only the dragon's ascension to heaven, but also Daoguang's success and a spur to Daoguang. Now that there is a fast-moving airship, his Wuji Valley is no longer safe. !"

 Publish a new book in which the ancients pass through the ancients——Ying Zheng travels through Song Gaozong
  At the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Jingkang Change was just around the corner. Yue Fei was still a young man, and Yingzheng gathered the power of the emperors of all dynasties to win Song Gaozong and Zhao Gou...

  All the emperors: "Brother Zheng, it depends on you to unify the Central Plains."

  Ying Zheng: In troubled times, heavy codes should be used!
(End of this chapter)

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