1825 My New Daming

Chapter 81 Empire Cemetery?never heard of that!

Chapter 81 Empire Cemetery?never heard of that! (For collection, for follow-up)

In late autumn, most parts of India are still as warm as summer, but in the Khyber Valley leading to the Afghan plateau, it is already chilled by cold winds.Although the autumn wind was bitter and winter was approaching, the heavy snow that could block the road had not yet fallen, so the march went smoothly.In the Khyber Valley west of Peshawar, a long light green dragon is rolling forward.Infantry, cavalry, heavy soldiers, Armstrong breech-loading guns and water-cooled machine guns pulled by Indian folding horses, and dark-skinned low-caste hard labor drove mules and horses to pull carts all the way west. Straight to the imperial grave Field Afghanistan!
Of course, the fact that Afghanistan is the cemetery of the empire is unknown to the officers and soldiers of the East India Company Army and the Sikh State Army who are now making great strides westward through the Khyber Valley.Had they known they would not have strode forward so merrily.And the commander of this army, Major General George Cotton, also didn't know. Even if someone told him the heavenly book handed down by King Zhuge Wuzhong, he would not believe it.

Because his military fortune is booming now, since this dispatch, everything has gone smoothly and he has not encountered any setbacks.

First of all, Ranjit Singh, the leader of Sikh State, expressed [-]% support for the British soldiers to pass through the territory of Sikh State and to recruit Sikh soldiers to assist in the battle.Without further ado, [-] Sikh elite soldiers were sent to help in the battle, and they also provided a large amount of food, livestock and untouchables to help transport the food.

Immediately afterwards, Shah Mahmud of Peshawar handed over the city and a small number of troops with great interest, and went to Delhi with only a few entourage and dozens of boxes of gold and silver treasures—to become an Indian native who received annuities Bang Maharaja.

As soon as Dost Mohammad Khan, who had been coveting Peshawar, heard that Shah Mahmud of Peshawar had gone to Delhi to lie down, he immediately sent his brother Ali Khan to visit Peshawar with gifts. .Moreover, he also reported an important military situation to Major General George Cotton-Emperor Daoguang had led an army into the Amu Darya camp on the south bank of the Amu Darya not long ago.

This Amu Darya camp is located in an oasis on the south bank of the middle reaches of the Amu Darya River. It was a large stronghold left behind by Qianlong during the Southern Expedition. When Emperor Qianlong learned that the Mughal Dynasty in India was about to end, he planned to Take advantage of the chaos and rush into India to grab one.As a result, the army of the Sadojay Dynasty, whose national strength is still relatively strong, blocked it. Before Qianlong broke through the Sarang Pass and invaded Kabul, he learned that the British East India Company had controlled most of India. The Kingdom of Jin came too late!

Knowing that he had lost a good opportunity, but he was unwilling to lose the opportunity of "printing and stealing money" forever. Qianlong, who was already living a poor life at that time, still gritted his teeth and invested in the construction of the Amu Darya Camp as a large base for invading India in the future. stronghold.

But until the death of Qianlong, he did not wait for the opportunity to invade India, so he could only pass this dream on to his descendants.
After learning that Emperor Guang himself had come to the Amu Darya camp, Major General George Cotton immediately gave the order to send troops—in any case, he must enter Kabul before Emperor Daoguang's army entered Afghanistan.It is autumn now, and seeing the severe winter approaching, Afghanistan is not a warm India. If we don't hurry up, when the heavy snow falls, the road to Afghanistan will be difficult.

So Ke Dun is now competing with Emperor Daoguang for time.As long as his army can enter Kabul, Kandahar, Ghazni, Herat, Kunduz and other cities built around the Hindu Kush before Daoguang's golden army, then Daoguang will have to wait until next spring After the snow melted, the army entered again.And by that time, George Cotton's army had already established a firm foothold in Afghanistan-in fact, it was not too difficult, just follow the practice of the Mughal dynasty to give some allowances to the tribes in the mountains of Afghanistan.

And as long as the tribes in the mountainous areas of Afghanistan are bought by the East India Company, even if Emperor Daoguang's army barely enters, it will only be defeated and returned.

As long as Emperor Daoguang suffered a disastrous defeat in Afghanistan, the prestige accumulated by Dajin in Central Asia over the years will disappear in a short period of time. will rebel
When George Cotton was planning how to instigate and use the rebellion of the nobles and tribal leaders in Samarkand, Bukhara, Khwarazm and other places to expand the sphere of influence of the British Empire, a rush of horseshoes suddenly came from the front came.He hurriedly looked up, and found a group of knights in white clothes and black turbans galloping towards him. The first rider was Ali Khan, younger brother of Dost Mohammad Khan.

This young Afghan nobleman in his early twenties once went to school in Delhi and is one of the few English-speaking people in Kabul. He should also fully understand the power of the British Empire, so his attitude towards George Cotton Very respectful.

I saw this Ali Khan reining in his horse in front of George Cotton, and then bowed on the horseback to salute, and said respectfully: "Your Excellency General, my brother Dost got the Kunduz yesterday morning. According to the governor's report, Emperor Daoguang's army is following the Kunduz River and may soon attack the city of Kunduz. So yesterday afternoon, he led his soldiers to leave Kabul and set up defense at the Salang Pass. I cannot welcome you and the coalition forces you lead to arrive in the city of Kabul."

"Oh," George Cotton frowned slightly, "This Daoguang came really fast! Can Kunduz hold it? There will be no problem at the Salang Pass, right?"

Ali Khan frowned, his face a little dignified: "Your Excellency, Emperor Daoguang's Eight Banners soldiers are outdated noble cavalry, but their strength is still very strong. In Central Asia, any tribe that dares to oppose Dajin will be punished. They smashed mercilessly, without exception! The Sadochai Dynasty was also defeated by the Eight Banners soldiers of Emperor Qianlong in Kunduz. However, it was not so easy to fight at the Salang Pass. It's low, and people on the plain have difficulty breathing after going up. So my brother will definitely be able to hold the Salang Pass before your army arrives."

"Okay!" George Cotton loosened his brows, "Ali Khan, don't worry, the British Empire's 20 troops (actually only [-]) are enough to defeat [-] Eight Banners soldiers!" Raising his voice, he ordered loudly: "Pass my order, the whole army speeds up and marches towards Kabul at a rapid march!"

As bursts of loud bugles sounded in the Khyber Valley, the marching team in the valley, which could not see the side at a glance, began to speed up and galloped towards the city of Kabul dozens of kilometers away.

Just as tens of thousands of British and Indian troops marched towards Kabul at a rapid pace, Zhuge Weidaozheng, Ling Zongjun, Wang Wen, Yu Yang, Ye Wu, Ma Xuchen, Li Kezhi and several other subordinates returned to their homeland, talking and laughing. Temporary residence in Xianmen Pass.

He didn't go to the Amu Darya camp with Daoguang, but stayed at Xianmenguan to train the airborne troops of the Dajin Navy. In fact, there was nothing to practice, just a landing movement, and it was fine not to break his legs.

Zhuge Weidao also practiced by himself, and this morning he jumped back into the parachute with Wang Wen - he is a "flying military division", it looks like, sooner or later he will be able to become the admiral of the naval aviation, and he can't parachute. no.

Judging by his excited face now, he knew that today's parachute jump went very smoothly.

Just after entering the courtyard, I saw a beautiful Taoist nun come out to greet her, blessed Zhuge Weidao, and then said happily: "The servant Nalandili congratulated the master."


Before Zhuge Weidao could react, his confidant Yu De had already brought a piece of paper to him, "Dong Weng, congratulations to you. The third aunt is happy."

The "third concubine" in his mouth is Nalandili. She started with Natalie, so she should be the second concubine, but Zhuge Weidao has already made a private life with Daheikong, so Dahei's ranking should be Before Nalandili.

"Really?" Zhuge Weidao looked at Nalandili with joy - he now believes in "more children, more blessings"!Anyway, I don’t have to worry about my children’s study, work, or buying a house. I don’t feel pressure to have a few children, otherwise how could there be “eight hundred Zhuge”?
"Yeah." Nalandili's smiling face was about to bloom. She is a fairy from the Nalan family, how could she not give birth to a baby?

"Dong Weng, you have double happiness today!" Yu De handed the paper to Zhuge Weidao while speaking.

Zhuge Weidao took the paper and looked at it, it turned out to be a copy of a telegram, and then he looked at the content, and he was really happy again - tens of thousands of British troops had already marched into the city of Kabul!

(End of this chapter)

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