1825 My New Daming

Chapter 84 Great Britain, big win, about to win Ma!

Chapter 84 Daying, big win, it's time to win! (For collection, for follow-up)
Calcutta, East India Company Governor's Palace.


Hearty laughter rang out in the office of Governor-General Baron Amherst. It was Mr. Nelson who was laughing heartily. He was still holding a telegram in his hand. While laughing, he said to the two people in the office: "The Baron , George, I originally thought that Emperor Daoguang came to India to grab money, but I didn’t expect that he was just a beggar. If you beg for food, you have to beg for food, and you still want to beg for food every year (Suici). Is this because you want to treat begging as a family business? ? How do you two think our British Empire should deal with this beggar emperor?"

Baron Amherst took a look at the man called "George" by Mr. Nelson—this is a handsome middle-aged white man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a high nose bridge, and a blue light on his face and chin. It is the mark left after the beard is shaved off.This man's name is George Elliott. He used to be the secretary of the British Admiralty, a member of the Naval Committee, and now he came down with a special mission to become the deputy chief of staff of the Indian Grand Fleet.

Seeing Baron Amherst's eyes, George Elliot smiled gentlemanly and said, "Count, baron, of course the empire cannot give even a penny to Emperor Dajin. There is no such thing as sending beggars in the empire's financial budget.

However, we don't need to reject Emperor Daoguang immediately.Because if we refuse, he may retreat from the Amu Darya.Although his army is poor, the Promise Valley is too far away from India, and the terrain is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is possible to get support from Ming and Luocha.So if Daoguang retreated to the Wuji Valley, the British Empire would have nothing to do with him. "

Amershid nodded and said: "That's right, although Daoguang is just a beggar emperor, his way of begging still offended the British Empire! He must pay the price for his actions! Dajin Kingdom must also pay the price! "

George Elliot said with a smile: "Baron, so we can't categorically reject their request. We should hang his appetite until next spring. At that time, our army will be able to march towards Kunduz through the Salang Pass. .As long as our heroic Anglo-Indian forces can deal a devastating blow to the Golden Army, we can force Daoguang to accept our proposed peace treaty that will truly help achieve stability and progress in Central Asia.

In addition, our victories in Central Asia will also help us gain a favorable position in naval arms negotiations.And the patriotic samurai groups in Japan will also be greatly encouraged! "

This is really a good situation!

Once the British Empire wins in Afghanistan, it will not win one game, but three games!One was in Afghanistan, one was in naval arms negotiations, and the other was in Japan, and it won straight away!

Baron Amherst listened to Elliot's suggestion, smiled and asked, "George, when do you plan to leave for Japan?"

George Elliot did not come to India for the "printing" of Emperor Daoguang. He was sent to India to encourage the "patriotic samurai" in Japan to make trouble.The way the British Empire encouraged Japan’s “patriotic samurai” was to dispatch warships from the Indian Grand Fleet to escort the merchant ships of the East India Company for a simulated wartime transportation to show the determination and ability of the British Empire to support Japan.
"I want to start in early December," said George Elliot, "so that when I arrive in Japan, it will be about the time when the Emperor Daoguang submits to our British Empire!" Through him, he said to Nelson, "Count, I hope At least one of the royal ranks can follow me to Japan! Only in this way can I show my Japanese friends the most powerful side of the British Empire."

"Okay!" Earl Nelson nodded, "I will send a Sovereign-class ship, an old-fashioned ironclad ship and a few fast cruisers to form a special mission formation, under your command, to escort a few East India Company merchant ships to Japan."

George Elliot said with a smile: "With these ironclad ships and cruisers, I believe our Japanese friends will definitely feel the determination of the British Empire to support them!"

At the same time, in the office of the Earl of Liverpool, the Prime Minister of the British Empire, at 10 Downing Street, the Prime Minister, Earl of Liverpool Jenkinson, was meeting with the Foreign Secretary George Canning, the Chancellor of the Exchequer Robinson, the Secretary of the Navy Mulgrave, the Director of Ordnance, the Duke of Wellington, and others. They were all huddled together, each with a briefing in his hand, looking at it carefully with his head down.

George Canning, who had just drank a cup of Yapian Tincture, seemed very excited. He was the first to read the briefing in his hand, and saw him smiling and asking the Duke of Wellington, who had defeated Emperor Napoleon on the battlefield: "Duke, what do you think of the situation in Afghanistan? Is everything under our control?"

The Duke of Wellington, who has a pointed nose and a long face, looks more energetic than Earl Nelson. He is only 57 years old this year, and he has a great body and a very quick mind.However, he is recently arguing with the prime minister, the Earl of Liverpool, to resign—because the prime minister wants to let the Indian maharajas spend money to form a Hindustan shipbuilding company to take orders from the Royal Navy of the British Empire. This Indian-made warship, the navy dares to want Well, the Duke of Wellington, the director of ordnance, dare not accept it!
The Duke of Wellington's older brother Charlie Wellesley was the governor of India. The Duke himself took his brother's back door and led soldiers in India for five years, participating in the Mysore War and the Maratha War .So he knows how those Indians do things too well!

However, the Earl of Liverpool, George Canning and Robinson, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, are all greedy for Indian money, so they are very interested in the proposal of the Hindustan Shipbuilding Company.
Now hearing the question from George Canning, the Duke of Wellington just frowned and said: "It seems that everything is under control. Emperor Daoguang and his most trusted minister He Shen are acting like fools! That I don’t know what kind of person Emperor Daoguang is, but I know He Shen. During the Napoleonic Wars, he stayed in Europe as a minister. He doesn’t seem so stupid. He knows Europe and the details of our British Empire! "

"He's old," said George Canning. "He's over 70 years old. Besides, this war was originally instigated by Da Ming, and it's not in Da Jin's interest. Maybe he just wants to deal with it."

The Duke of Wellington shrugged, "This explanation also makes sense. Prime Minister, from the information I have so far, we are already invincible in Afghanistan."

Wellington is the "Military God"!

He said so, of course Prime Minister Jenkinson was relieved, and he said to George Canning: "George, let our ambassador in Petersburg, Baron Standton, try to ask Nicholas I to come forward to mediate between us and Daming. Deepening conflicts. Perhaps a peace conference involving naval armaments, trade rules, Eastern order, etc. can be held in Petersburg, London, or Paris, France. This will prevent the differences between us and Ming from continuing to intensify, and finally turning into a war between the East and the West. battle between the two!"

It turns out that the relationship between Great Britain and Ming has continued to deteriorate since the end of the Napoleonic Wars. The conflict between the two sides lies not only in the naval arms race, but also in the division of spheres of influence and trade rules. The east, north of the East Indies, and west of the west coast of America are all included in their sphere of influence.

This means that Ming must at least jointly control the Strait of Malacca with the United Kingdom, and gain dominance in Japan, the Hawaiian Islands, the Southern Luzon Islands, and most of the Pacific Ocean.

If all of Ming's requirements are met, then the Dutch East Indies and British Australia will actually be under Ming's blade.

And Japan, which has always been more pro-British and wants to maintain a balance between Ming and Ying, will also be completely dominated by Ming.

In addition, Ming will also completely control the Hawaiian Islands, an important transit point leading to the west coast of North America.

And all of the above are unacceptable in the eyes of the rulers of the British Empire!

But the consequences of a complete break with Ming were also very serious, so the Earl of Liverpool hoped to use the victory in Afghanistan and support for the Japanese "patriotic samurai" to put pressure on Ming, and then negotiate to obtain a treaty beneficial to Great Britain.

(End of this chapter)

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