1825 My New Daming

Chapter 93 Daoguang, Daying has benefits for you!

Chapter 93 Daoguang, Daying has benefits for you! (Please follow up, Luo Luokuang, please follow up!)

"This Duke of Wellington is really... treacherous and cunning!"

Hearing that the Duke of Wellington proposed to wait for one hundred thousand British soldiers to gather before going on the road, the Earl of Liverpool could only sigh in his heart.

Of course, there are still [-] British soldiers (army).But that was on the books, not in the barracks.The actual amount, I don’t know how much discount it will be?If you really want to send troops, you have to find a way to recruit, enlist, and recruit young men, and you won't be able to gather enough heads within two or three months.

Even if the [-] British soldiers can be collected and sent to India, the number of the local army is really pitifully small.

In case something happens in continental Europe, for example, Nicholas I is determined to take Constantinople, what will happen to the British Empire?Thinking about it makes people worry!

But no matter how worried, the Earl of Liverpool can only agree to the conditions of the Duke of Wellington, otherwise the Duke of Wellington will not take the scapegoat of India. He can't bear it either!
And if India is gone, the British Empire will be over!
Thinking of this, the Earl of Liverpool nodded and said, "In three months, within three months, the [-] expeditionary force will be ready, and the ships to transport them to India will also be ready."

He seemed to be sure of what he said, but he really had no bottom in his heart.How did the military expenses for the [-] army expedition to India be paid?Since last year, there has been an economic crisis in Europe. A number of banks have collapsed, factories have been closed, and many unemployed workers are making trouble every day.Now they have to spend money to go to India to fight wars, and also to spend money to build warships to cope with Ming's "One Thousand Ships Project". This matter of raising money is really a headache!

Just the thought of a headache really hurts the Earl of Liverpool's temple
Pressing his temple, the count asked after deliberation, "Duke, do you have any good suggestions for the situation in India?"

The Duke of Wellington thought for a while, and said: "If possible, we should immediately try to recover the city of Peshawar. As long as we can recover the city of Peshawar, the situation in India will be turned into safety. So you should try it no matter what!"

Of course, the attempt to retake Peshawar would have to be undertaken by Sir Ahmed and Major General Hugh Gough. Win or lose would depend on their luck.

The Duke of Wellington thought about it and said: "At present, the golden soldiers can only transport troops to the city of Peshawar by airship, and the efficiency will not be too high. I estimate that only 300 to 3000 people can be added every day, and the first batch of airborne troops will be sent to Peshawar. The Golden Soldiers in Peshawar do not exceed [-] at most. If we can gather [-] troops within ten days, there is still hope to regain Peshawar. If we cannot regain Peshawar within ten days, then the Golden Soldiers in Peshawar will have It may reach two to three thousand people, and it will be very difficult to regain them by then.

If we cannot regain Peshawar, then we must hold the Khyber Pass.Otherwise, there will be no way for Major General Cotton's army to leave Afghanistan after the snow melts next spring! "

"Withdraw from Afghanistan?" The Earl of Liverpool frowned. "If Major General Cotton's army abandons Afghanistan, will Emperor Daoguang's army take the opportunity to march in and drive near Peshawar?"

The Duke of Wellington thought for a while, nodded and said: "If the city of Peshawar cannot be regained, then the logistics of Major General Cotton's expeditionary force will not be smooth. Tens of thousands of troops are stationed in the situation and The terrain is extremely complex, and it also faces the attack of powerful enemies and the betrayal of allies-I think Dost Muhammad Khan will inevitably betray. This situation is worse than that encountered by Emperor Napoleon in Raksha. Back then Napoleon was almost wiped out, and Major General Cotton can still win? So if Peshawar cannot be regained, then Major General Cotton's army should withdraw immediately after the snow on the roads melts next spring, don't hesitate!"

The Earl of Liverpool was silent for a while after listening to the Duke of Wellington, and then looked at George Canning again, "George, what do you think?"

"Prime Minister," said George Canning, "I remember that the Kingdom of Jin once asked for 2100 million Daming silver dollars as compensation."

"What?" The Earl of Liverpool was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "This won't work! George, this is not a question of how many pounds will be spent, but a matter of the face of the empire!"

The British Empire was able to maintain such a huge colony with such a small land, such a small population, and such a small army. Apart from the little industry in the country, it relied on the image of the British Empire and its invincible soldiers.

Great Britain is invincible, so how can it pay money to a backward country like Daikin that "closed the country"?
The Earl of Liverpool continued: "George, we can lose the war in Afghanistan, no matter how many East India Company mercenaries we lose. Anyway, most of them are Indians. But we must not pay compensation to Daikin, because this Means it is profitable to oppose the Empire!"

"Prime Minister, of course I understand this truth," George Canning said, "but we need time to adjust our deployment and organize a counterattack. And we should also try to confuse and divide the enemy!"

The Earl of Liverpool looked at George Canning, "George, do you mean to deceive Emperor Daoguang?"

"Yes," said George Canning, "Of course we will not really pay Daoguang, but we can use this name to start negotiations with him. If we cannot successfully regain the city of Peshawar, then we must stabilize Daoguang God, to ensure that Major General Cotton's troops can safely withdraw from Afghanistan."

The Earl of Liverpool glanced at the Duke of Wellington. The Duke didn't speak, but just nodded.

The Earl of Liverpool asked: "Then what name do we use to confuse Daoguang?"

"We can." George Canning thought and thought, and finally came up with an excuse: "Prime Minister, let's use the name of mercenaries. Anyway, we often hire foreign troops to help fight wars."

The Earl of Liverpool asked: "Then who are we going to hire the army of the Kingdom of Jin to fight?"

"Fight Turkey! We need the Dajin Kingdom to send troops to support the independent cause of the Greek people! I think the powerful airship troops of the Dajin Kingdom can help us defeat the murderous Turkish Empire. These airships can bomb Constantinople and force the Sultan to take Troops withdraw from Greece."

The Earl of Liverpool scratched his bald head, "That's the reason. Well, that's it!"

George Canning added: "We can also ask the Raksha people to mediate. Grand Duke Mikhail will definitely be very willing to act as an intermediary between us and Da Jin, and a Da Jin who is too close to Ming and too powerful will definitely It is not in the interests of the Rakshasa nation."

Hearing this suggestion, the eyes of the Earl of Liverpool and the Duke of Wellington brightened.

Dajin was originally a buffer country between Daming and Luocha, but now it is obviously falling to Daming!
Presumably Nicholas I must be very dissatisfied with this, so he will definitely use Turkey as an excuse to let Jin Guo send troops.If Daoguang disagrees, with the style of the Luocha people, he will definitely react, and maybe he will cause trouble on the Kazakh grassland and trouble Emperor Daoguang.

The Earl of Liverpool nodded heavily, and said: "Okay, George, I will ask His Majesty the King to arrange for you to meet with Grand Duke Mikhail tomorrow, and you go to discuss with him the issue of mediating the conflict in Afghanistan and hiring golden soldiers to attack Turkey."

"Yes, Prime Minister."

The Earl of Liverpool said to the Duke of Wellington, "Duke, I hope you can accept the appointment of Governor of India immediately. Of course, you don't have to go to the post until the expeditionary force is completed and set off for India. But I hope this news can be released so that Shock the Ming Empire in the east, let them not act rashly!"

"Yes, Prime Minister."

(End of this chapter)

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