1825 My New Daming

Chapter 96 Daming has a god of calculations, and Daying has a god of gambling

Chapter 96: Great Ming Has Magical Counting, Great Britain Has God of Gamblers (Call to follow up)
"Increase the bet?" The Earl of Liverpool frowned slightly. "George, let me be clear. Who are we going to bet with? What are we going to bet on?"

George Canning said word by word: "Prime Minister, we want to bet with Daming! Bet on world supremacy!"

"Now?" The Earl of Liverpool looked at George Canning, "Do you really think now is a good time? Our economy is in crisis, and our finances are also quite difficult!"

George Canning said: "Prime Minister, the problem now is not that we want to bet, but that Da Ming has already begun to tentatively bet. They first proposed the 'One Thousand Ships Plan' to challenge our maritime supremacy, and then instigated Da Jin Entered Afghanistan and attacked Peshawar! The hegemony of the British Empire in the West has been challenged, and now the whole world is watching our performance. If we show even a little weakness, Ming may win without a fight. The Ming Empire is not the Napoleonic Empire , The Ming Empire is stronger than the Napoleon Empire. Her production, technology and financial resources have always been the number one in the world, and she is absolutely qualified to lead the entire world! With the appearance of [-]-ton giant ships, telegraphs, and telephones, the world we live in, It is already possible to be dominated by a superpower!"

Although the British Empire claimed to be the hegemon of the world after the Napoleonic Wars, in fact she only dominated about half of the world. The coast of the upper Arctic Ocean has never been under the hegemony of the British Empire.

And because the Ming Empire has always been ahead on the road to industrialization, her national strength has always been stronger than Great Britain.In the past, the reason why they did not compete with the British Empire for hegemony in the world, in the eyes of British politicians, was because the centralized system pursued by the Ming Empire could not effectively govern the land on the other side of the ocean.

But this "inability to effectively govern" is based on the traffic and communication conditions before the advent of steamships, telephones, and telegraphs.In that era when voyages were basically dependent on the wind and communications were basically based on the roar, of course the rigid centralization could not compete with the chartered trading companies that gathered the best of the feudal and capitalist systems on the other side of the ocean.

However, the advantages of chartered trading companies over centralization have disappeared with the advent of steamships, telephones, and telegraphs. The Governor's Palace in London.And under the command of London, the East India Company is also gradually strengthening the centralization of power in India!

In recent years, more and more Indian lands have been directly managed by the East India Company, while the power and territory of the princes of the country have gradually shrunk. A large number of princes who lost their land have become "vase princes" who receive fixed annuities. Feudalization" is also changing to "centralization".

Therefore, the British Empire has actually shown the Ming Empire how to govern a colony far away from the mainland, with a vast territory and a large population, in a centralized manner.

George Canning said: "If we choose to be weak and withdraw, the Ming Empire can use her strong industrial strength to trample our brave and fearless Royal Navy underfoot, and at the same time, by supporting the Dajin Empire, we can fight a proxy war in India , Completely expel the East India Company from India. When we lose the superiority of the navy and the Indian colonies. Our empire will cease to exist, and the Ming Empire will step on the corpse of the British Empire to reach the top of the world!"

The Earl of Liverpool lowered his tone: "George, don't worry, such a situation will not happen. As long as I am alive, I will not allow those Easterners to climb on top of our British Empire!"

George Canning also gritted his teeth and said, "Me too. As long as I have breath, I will fight against the Eastern Empire of Ming Dynasty to the end!"

Hearing their statements, the ministers present frowned.

The determination of these two people is great!
But they are in poor health!
The Earl of Liverpool suffers from severe cardiovascular disease, and doctors have advised him to retire and recuperate.And George Canning was a sick man. Long-term drug use made his body very fragile, and he also suffered from severe rheumatism, so he was ill all day long.

George Canning, the Foreign Secretary and the majority leader of the lower house of parliament, who didn't feel that his time was running out, took another sip of the tincture and began to talk about his "gambling plan" energetically. He said: "Golden soldiers against Baisha Wa's sneak attack and Daming's "Thousand Ships Project" are just temptations before the Daming Empire's gamble. They are just trying their luck. If they feel that it is not good, they will probably retreat. Anyway, their life is not difficult, no It is necessary to gamble.

The success of Jin Bing's sneak attack on Peshawar shows that Daming's luck is good now, so it is very likely that he will increase his bet!And with the consistent cautious style of the Ming Empire in the past, she will raise the stakes bit by bit.If we place bets at her pace, then a big gamble for world hegemony will be broken down into many small gambles, and Daming's luck is better, with more bets. Little, will have the last laugh.

So we can't bet at their pace, and it's not in our interest to gamble.Because the chances of winning are not very high, the real best strategy now is to put on a big gamble and make Da Ming retreat timidly! "

This George Canning is obviously a master of gambling!
The analysis of the situation of this "world gamble" is very thorough.

Daming is lucky and bets a lot, so there is no need to play stud, as long as he plays small bets one after another, the final win is certain.

But Daying is lucky and has a small bet, so if he wants to follow Da Ming's rhythm and gamble, he will definitely lose everything in the end!But Stud might not be able to win. Daming's luck is obviously better than that of Daying!

Therefore, Daying's worst strategy is "small gamble", and the medium strategy is "big gamble"-a life-and-death decision!But the real best strategy is to "pretend to gamble" to scare Daming away, that is, "not to gamble".

After listening to George Canning's analysis, all the ministers present felt their eyes light up.

"George," asked Robinson, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, who thought he would spend the last penny in his pocket, "how should we scare Ming?"

George Canning said with a smile: "If we want to repel someone, then we should use the battlefield as the main stage and the negotiation table as the secondary stage. But if we want to scare anyone away, of course we should use negotiation as the main means and military Action is secondary.

So we have to start from two aspects, one is to take tough measures on the battlefields of Peshawar and Afghanistan, and put on a posture of fighting to the death.”

As he spoke, he glanced at the Duke of Wellington, who had accepted the post of Governor of India but had not yet taken office.

The Duke of Wellington said: "Major General Hugh Gough has personally gone to Mardan, where he commanded troops to counterattack Peshawar. At present, Sir Amherst has mobilized thousands of people for the counterattack, and thousands of Sikh troops will also arrive soon. Arrive in Mardan."

George Canning turned his attention to Secretary of the Admiralty Robert Peel.

Robert Peel said: "Earl Nelson has mobilized a fleet including a Sovereign-class ship, and will set off for a visit to Japan within a week."

George Canning nodded and said to Prime Minister Jenkinson: "Prime Minister, I suggest that King Louis XVII of France convene a Versailles Naval Peace Conference to invite Ming, Rakshasa, Dakin, Austria, Prussia, Spain, the United States, Mexico, Portugal, Brazil, Japan, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, and of course us all in attendance to discuss the Naval Arms Race!"

"Are so many countries invited?" asked the Prime Minister.

"Yes," George Canning said with a smile, "except that Da Jin may support Ming, all other countries, including Raksha, will stand with us on the issue of naval arms control. Because no one wants Da Ming to dominate The world, this will not only destroy the existing world structure, but also harm the interests of all powers. If Daming dares to provoke a naval arms race in spite of the opposition of most countries, then the whole world will be standing opposite her!"

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  ——— Big Luo Luo Thank you everyone

(End of this chapter)

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