slam dunk center glory

Chapter 102 The Grouping Situation of the National Competition

Chapter 102 The Grouping Situation of the National Competition
After Sugiyama Shota accompanied Karasawa Kazuo to Akita County, the life of Uoju became monotonous again, which seemed very boring.

For others, this is true, but for Yuzhu, it is like a sweet treat.

Anyone who sees that he will be rewarded for his continuous efforts will probably be the same as Yuzhu.

Many people are not inherently lazy, but they gradually become slack after they have worked hard but have not seen the rewards for a long time.

While the Lingnan team was training hard, time began to pass slowly, and soon, more than half a month passed.

During this period, an interesting incident related to Hainan happened.

Originally, Hainan was trying to apply for the play-offs. With the background of the king Hainan, it stands to reason that the chances of winning the play-offs are great.

It's a pity that someone exposed that the Hainan team replaced the official players with substitute players at the closing ceremony of the county competition.

As the saying goes, destruction is far easier than creation. Many members of the county competition organizing committee think that the Hainan team does not respect them.

Of course, some colleges and universities are indispensable behind the scenes, and they are also making contributions in secret.

The rest of the colleges and universities are naturally dissatisfied with King Hainan's monopoly on the championship and the number of places in the national competition.

Fortunately, the national competition, Kanagawa County has two places for the national competition, after all, there is still hope.The winter competition is different, unless it is the host or the national competition champion or runner-up, there is only one place.

The world has been suffering in Hainan for a long time. After these schools see the opportunity, how can they let go of the idea of ​​making things worse.

In this case, the Hainan team's application for the play-offs has been stuck by the organizing committee, and there is no chance to pass it on.

It was too late by the time the high-level coach found out that something was wrong, and the places for the play-offs had already been determined.

As a result, the Hainan team just lost the chance to apply for the play-offs.

After more than ten years, the dignified king of Hainan enjoyed the "fun" of "fishing home" for the first time.

The significance of this incident to the Hainan team is definitely far-reaching. Not to mention the drop in the spirit of the Hainan players, it has also affected the foundation.

After learning that the Hainan team lost the qualification to participate in the play-offs, many teams celebrated spontaneously.

After the Hainan team lost the play-offs, it means that this national competition is about to start.

This national competition will be held in Kyoto.

Due to the distance, the Lingnan team did not take the school bus this time, and their means of transportation was the Shinkansen.

Under the leadership of Coach Tian Gang, everyone in Lingnan stepped into the Shinkansen collectively.

The people in the carriage couldn't help looking over, and then their attention was attracted by Yuzhu.

"Wow, it's so tall!"

"I'm afraid it's two meters!"

"I seem to have seen him somewhere!"

"Stupid, he's a 'monster' fish!"


It has to be said that the popularity of Yuzhu has initially spread in Kanagawa Prefecture.

"Coach, here is the grouping list for this year's national competition!"

Li Ting Chun Shang handed the latest issue of "Basketball Weekly" to Coach Tian Gang.

After hearing the group list for the national competition, everyone in Lingnan surrounded Coach Tian Gang, wanting to know the grouping situation in Lingnan as soon as possible.

"Don't be in a group with Shanwang, and Hakata Business University is affiliated."

The people in Lingnan prayed silently. They knew very well in their hearts that although Lingnan was strong, it was difficult to defeat them.

Needless to say, Sanno Industry has already won the national championship.

The subsidiary of Hakata Commercial University is also very strong, well, it has won the second place in a row!
Although the subsidiary of Hakata Commercial University is definitely not as good as Sanno Industry, it is stronger than Hainan and Aihe Academy.

At the same time, Hakata Business University affiliated is also the most difficult team.

These two teams can be said to be the 'traditional giants' of the national competition, with a glorious history.

Under such circumstances, everyone in Lingnan naturally does not want to be in the same group as these two teams.

Coach Tian Gang was also very nervous, but on the surface he opened "Basketball Weekly" calmly, and quickly found the page where the group list of the national competition was located.

With trepidation, Coach Tian Gang began to watch.

A total of 59 teams participated in the national competition this year, divided into four group duels.

Since the Hainan team only won the top eight in the country last year, the four seeded teams have not changed. They are Sanno Industry, Hakata Commercial University Affiliated, Aiwa College and Jinbo University Affiliated.

It’s okay to say the first three, as for Jinbo University Affiliated, it’s from Kyoto, similar to Hainan University Affiliated, it’s a high school under Jinbo University.

The top four teams in the last national competition will automatically become the seeded teams in this session.

Naturally, there are preferential treatment for becoming a seeded team, such as a direct bye in the first round, and it is even more impossible to meet before entering the semi-finals.

"Found it, we are in the third group!"

After seeing the grouping situation, Coach Tian Gang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As we all know, the last championship and runner-up must be the seeded teams in the first and second groups.

"The third group, the seed team of this group is Aichi Prefecture's Aihe Academy!"

After learning that it was Aihe Academy, everyone in Lingnan breathed a sigh of relief.

The strength of Aihe Academy is similar to that of Hainan, and it also has ace players and a large number of excellent role players.

In addition, like the Hainan team, this year's Aihe College has also recruited a strong freshman, that is, Zhuxing University, known as the "Star of Aichi" in the future.

By the way, judging from Mu Shen's familiarity with Aichi Prefecture, he seems to be from Aichi Prefecture as well.

"By the way, which group is Xiangyang in?"

Both are teams from Kanagawa County, and they have played several friendly matches, the relationship between the two teams has improved a lot.

"It's in the fourth group, and the seed player in that group is affiliated with Jinbo Dai!"

"Xiangyang is lucky. I heard that the subsidiary of Jinbao University is not as good as before. With the strength of the Xiangyang team, it has a good chance of winning the top four seats in the country."

At this time, everyone in Lingnan began to observe the battle situation of the third group.

Lingnan's first opponent was Iwakimizu High School from Hokkaido, which is a very low-profile team.

Although Yanqingshui High School has played in many national competitions, its best result is the top 32 in the national competition, either in the first round or in the second round.

However, Lingnan will not underestimate any opponent. After all, no one can be sure whether Yan Qingshui will be as blockbuster as this year's Lingnan or the original Zhongxiangbei.

"I didn't expect Fengyu to be in our group! If there is no accident, we will face Fengyu in the second round."

Yuzhu couldn't help shaking his head. No matter how you look at it, Fengyu is a strong team, especially the coach Kitano who has not been dismissed by Fengyu.

Lingnan may be a little stronger, but the gap is not very big. Fengyu also has the possibility of defeating Lingnan.

This is definitely a rival!

At this time, Chunshang Liting handed a notebook to Yuzhu.

"Yuzhu, here, this page is the record book of the national competition!"

 Let's put four chapters first, and ask for a monthly pass by the way, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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