Taming the Demon: A Guide to Raising a Great Sage

Chapter 71 071, Innate Divine Power

Chapter 71 071, Innate Divine Power

The two pirates who guard Shen Lang closely, one is Luo Er and the other is Niu Si, they are both standard mules and horses.

Among them, Luo Er's right arm is particularly thick.

The muscles in the upper arm are almost as big as Shen Lang's head, and it looks like a big tumor. It should be the kind that Mu Qingxue said, before he understood the secret manual, he couldn't wait to practice, and in the end he trained himself into a muscle deformity. Condition.

But Shen Lang will not underestimate Luo Er just because of this.

Listening to Luo Er's breathing rhythm, he is not much like Zhu Hu and Lao Zhao of the seventh rank of martial arts. It is suspected that he has already started to refine his viscera, and he may also be a martial artist of the seventh rank.

His deformed arm is even more brute force.

When he brought Shen Lang to the captain's room before, he gently pushed Shen Lang from behind, almost pushing him out.

That strength is as big as a bull.

So although Luo Er's body shape with deformed and thick arms on one side will inevitably affect his balance and his body skills are not good, but he is tough on the front, and his combat power should be quite fierce.

As for Niu Si, his breathing rhythm is not as long and deep as Luo Er's. It should be because he has not yet started "refining viscera" and is only at the eighth level of martial arts.

But his whole body was covered with lumps of muscle like iron bumps, his skin was faintly black and as rough as cowhide, he must have practiced some kind of horizontal kung fu.

The strength of his hand is also very strong, he had held a handful on Shen Lang's arm before, and with just a light grasp, the muscles in Shen Lang's arm were aching.

Being watched closely by these two mule-horse men, Shen Lang felt that if he didn't move his equipment, don't use the lore-killing swordsmanship, and didn't ask the little demon to assist him, he might have no chance of escaping at all——

He is only in the middle of the eighth rank, and his actual combat skills include the "tiger claw hand" who has just practiced for a few days and his actual combat ability is quite suspicious, except for the lore sword.

Hand-to-hand combat is probably not the opponent of these two old pirates who should be extremely experienced in fighting.

"Anyway, I'm on Shark King Island, and I've already locked the location of the pirate's lair, why don't I activate the 'locator' now and notify Mu Qingxue?
"However, it took me several days to come here with the ship, even if Mu Qingxue received the summons and went to sea immediately on the fastest warship, it would probably take a day or two to get to the outskirts of the Thousand Star Islands.

"And she doesn't necessarily know the complicated waterways of the Thousand Star Islands. Even if she can locate the Shark King Island through the 'locator', she may not be able to go deep into the Thousand Star Islands and find it...

"Far water can't save near thirsty. Even if everything goes well, when Mu Qingxue arrives, the day lily might be cold..."

Shen Lang pondered for a while, even though he felt that it would be difficult for Mu Qingxue to come here within two or three days, he still used the method she taught to tap the upper and lower teeth to activate the "positioning" that was integrated into his back molars. symbol".

No matter what, if Mu Qingxue could arrive one day sooner, he would also be able to get out of this pirate lair full of tigers and wolves one day earlier.

After activating the talisman, Shen Lang began to think about this undercover mission again:
"Speaking of which, getting together with Chen Yuniang seems to be very beneficial to my undercover work?"

On the shopkeeper Luo's boat, although he was appreciated by the big tiger head with his single-handed marksmanship, no matter how much he was appreciated by the big tiger head, he was just a newcomer who had just joined the gang.

With his status on the Fuyuan, it is definitely impossible for Shopkeeper Luo to bring him to attend the "Hero Conference" and discuss seats with the "heroes" of the pirates.

But following Chen Yuniang is different.

If he puts aside the aggrievedness of being robbed, bought, and even ridden by female pirates, and accepts his status as a "husband who suppresses the stronghold", when Chen Yuniang goes to participate in the "Heroes Conference", he seems to be able to follow with confidence and integrity up?

At that time, it seems that there will be a chance to get close to the "Shark King" Sha Wanli and other pirate leaders to find out more information?
If you're lucky, you might have a chance to get ironclad evidence of the Duke's collusion with the pirates!
Even if you can't get hard evidence, you can get to know more pirate leaders and figure out the relationship between the pirates. When Mu Qingxue arrives successfully, he can also guide Mu Qingxue to arrest important people more efficiently.

Thinking of this, Shen Lang began to think about how to deal with today's absurd marriage.

First of all, we must try to seize the initiative and not let Chen Yuniang dictate it.

But if you want to take the initiative, you have to find out the details of Chen Yuniang.

Shen Lang was curious at the moment:

"Two big brothers, Sister Yu is young, but she is very strong..."

Na Luo Er smiled:
"Nonsense, if she is not strong, even if she is the only daughter of Boss Chen, even with the support of us old brothers, it will be difficult for Lady Yu to hold the position of shopkeeper.

"She was able to become our shopkeeper and win the support of all brothers. Firstly, she relied on her loyalty, secondly, her strength, and thirdly, it was Boss Chen's legacy."

Shen Lang had a look of disbelief:
"In terms of strength, can elder sister Yu be as powerful as our shopkeeper Luo? Shopkeeper Luo has the ability to breath wind..."

Luo Er raised his index finger and shook it left and right:

"First of all, you can no longer say 'our shopkeeper Luo'.

"You are now Miss Yu's, and you have been bought out by Mrs. Yu with two hundred silver dollars. If you dare to eat inside and outside, and try to punish Mrs. Yu, I will do you too!
"Secondly, shopkeeper Luo's wind-breathing technique is as good as running a boat. His own kung fu is really common. To put it bluntly, I can kill three fat Luos with one punch. And our lady Yu, one One punch can kill three of me.

"Now you should know how powerful our Lady Yu is, right?"

Shen Lang said:
"So sister Yu doesn't have any special magic that is particularly useful in the sea like the 'breathing wind technique'? Is it just relying on force to become the boss? But I heard that this time you can receive a 'hero post' and come to the hero meeting The shopkeepers of the single gang all have one or two extraordinary skills..."

Niu Si hummed twice, glared at him, and said in a buzzing voice:
"Of course Miss Yu has extraordinary abilities, but she's not as fancy as those magical arts like 'Hu Feng', 'Rope Playing', and 'Dive into the Sea'. Besides, being the leader of a leader, isn't strength enough?
"When doing business, there is Lady Yu who takes the lead in the charge and kills the tough ones. The brothers can follow her to have a good time and save less damage. This is already very good!"

Shen Lang asked again: "What kind of state is Sister Yu?"

Niu Si didn't hide anything, just opened his mouth and said, "Qipin!"

"Only the seventh rank?" Shen Lang was stunned: "Only the seventh rank, you can kill three Luo Er with one punch? Isn't Luo Er also the seventh rank? I see that his arms are so thick, he must be stronger than the ordinary seventh rank... ..."

Luo Er laughed loudly, proudly said:

"Young Master Xin said it well, I, Luo Er, in the seventh rank, is indeed very powerful, but I can only fight head-on.

"But even if we fight head-on, I'm far from being a match for Mrs. Yu. You may not believe it, but the gap between the seventh rank and the seventh rank is sometimes bigger than the gap between the seventh rank and ordinary people.

"To tell you the truth, the extraordinary thing about Mrs. Yu is her 'innate supernatural power'. At the age of ten, she was able to play with a stone lock that weighed a hundred catties. Now, although she is only at the seventh rank of martial arts, she can easily pick up a stone lock that weighs hundreds of catties. The anchor is used as a meteor hammer. Dongtu's sixth-level internal force master and Western's fourth-level black iron knight have been smashed by her several times.

"If it weren't for Miss Yu being a pirate from birth, unable to worship famous teachers, unable to learn advanced knowledge, with her natural supernatural power, she would have been able to sit on an equal footing with Shark King and the others."

[Ask for a ticket~! 】

(End of this chapter)

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